
--- v14/common/segments.proto   2023-10-18 04:25:32.000000000 +0000
+++ v15/common/segments.proto   2023-10-18 04:25:33.000000000 +0000
@@ -244,26 +246,26 @@
   optional string partner_hotel_id = 91;

   // Placeholder type. This is only used with feed item metrics.
-  google.ads.googleads.v14.enums.PlaceholderTypeEnum.PlaceholderType
+  google.ads.googleads.v15.enums.PlaceholderTypeEnum.PlaceholderType
       placeholder_type = 20;

   // Aggregator ID of the product.
   optional int64 product_aggregator_id = 132;

-  // Bidding category (level 1) of the product.
-  optional string product_bidding_category_level1 = 92;
+  // Category (level 1) of the product.
+  optional string product_category_level1 = 161;

-  // Bidding category (level 2) of the product.
-  optional string product_bidding_category_level2 = 93;
+  // Category (level 2) of the product.
+  optional string product_category_level2 = 162;

-  // Bidding category (level 3) of the product.
-  optional string product_bidding_category_level3 = 94;
+  // Category (level 3) of the product.
+  optional string product_category_level3 = 163;

-  // Bidding category (level 4) of the product.
-  optional string product_bidding_category_level4 = 95;
+  // Category (level 4) of the product.
+  optional string product_category_level4 = 164;

-  // Bidding category (level 5) of the product.
-  optional string product_bidding_category_level5 = 96;
+  // Category (level 5) of the product.
+  optional string product_category_level5 = 165;

   // Brand of the product.
   optional string product_brand = 97;
@@ -399,9 +401,29 @@
   optional SkAdNetworkSourceApp sk_ad_network_source_app = 143;

   // iOS Store Kit Ad Network attribution credit
-  google.ads.googleads.v14.enums.SkAdNetworkAttributionCreditEnum
+  google.ads.googleads.v15.enums.SkAdNetworkAttributionCreditEnum
       .SkAdNetworkAttributionCredit sk_ad_network_attribution_credit = 144;

+  // iOS Store Kit Ad Network coarse conversion value.
+  google.ads.googleads.v15.enums.SkAdNetworkCoarseConversionValueEnum
+      .SkAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue sk_ad_network_coarse_conversion_value =
+      151;
+  // Website where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was
+  // shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example,
+  // non-iOS campaign, or was not present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
+  optional string sk_ad_network_source_domain = 152;
+  // The source type where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network
+  // install was shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for
+  // example, non-iOS campaign, or neither source domain nor source app were
+  // present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
+  google.ads.googleads.v15.enums.SkAdNetworkSourceTypeEnum.SkAdNetworkSourceType
+      sk_ad_network_source_type = 153;
+  // iOS Store Kit Ad Network postback sequence index.
+  optional int64 sk_ad_network_postback_sequence_index = 154;
   // Only used with CustomerAsset, CampaignAsset and AdGroupAsset metrics.
   // Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the asset itself
   // or a different asset or ad unit.