
--- v17/common/segments.proto   2024-06-05 23:17:09.000000000 +0000
+++ v17-1/common/segments.proto 2024-08-06 12:40:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,502 +1,510 @@
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

= "proto3";

package google.ads.googleads.v17.common;

import "google/ads/googleads/v17/common/criteria.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/ad_destination_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/ad_format_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/ad_network_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/budget_campaign_association_status.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/click_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/conversion_action_category.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/conversion_attribution_event_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/conversion_lag_bucket.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/conversion_or_adjustment_lag_bucket.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/conversion_value_rule_primary_dimension.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/converting_user_prior_engagement_type_and_ltv_bucket.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/day_of_week.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/device.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/external_conversion_source.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/hotel_date_selection_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/hotel_price_bucket.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/hotel_rate_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/month_of_year.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/placeholder_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/product_channel.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/product_channel_exclusivity.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/product_condition.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/recommendation_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/search_engine_results_page_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/search_term_match_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/sk_ad_network_ad_event_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/sk_ad_network_attribution_credit.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/sk_ad_network_coarse_conversion_value.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/sk_ad_network_source_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/sk_ad_network_user_type.proto";
import "google/ads/googleads/v17/enums/slot.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto";

 option csharp_namespace
= "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Common";
 option go_package
= "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v17/common;common";
 option java_multiple_files
= true;
 option java_outer_classname
= "SegmentsProto";
 option java_package
= "com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common";
 option objc_class_prefix
= "GAA";
 option php_namespace
= "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V17\\Common";
 option ruby_package
= "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common";

// Proto file describing segment only fields.

// Segment only fields.
Segments {
// Activity account ID.
   optional int64 activity_account_id
= 148;

// The city where the travel activity is available.
string activity_city = 185;

// The country where the travel activity is available.
string activity_country = 186;

// Activity rating.
   optional int64 activity_rating
= 149;

// The state where the travel activity is available.
string activity_state = 187;

// Advertiser supplied activity ID.
string external_activity_id = 150;

// Ad Destination type.
= 136;

+  // Ad Format type.
+  google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.AdFormatTypeEnum.AdFormatType ad_format_type =
+      191;
// Ad network type.
= 3;

// Resource name of the ad group.
string ad_group = 158;

// Resource name of the asset group.
string asset_group = 159;

// Domain (visible URL) of a participant in the Auction Insights report.
string auction_insight_domain = 145;

// Budget campaign association status.
BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus budget_campaign_association_status = 134;

// Resource name of the campaign.
string campaign = 157;

// Click type.
.ads.googleads.v17.enums.ClickTypeEnum.ClickType click_type = 26;

// Resource name of the conversion action.
string conversion_action = 113 [(google.api.resource_reference) = {
: "googleads.googleapis.com/ConversionAction"

// Conversion action category.
.ConversionActionCategory conversion_action_category = 53;

// Conversion action name.
string conversion_action_name = 114;

// This segments your conversion columns by the original conversion and
// conversion value versus the delta if conversions were adjusted. False row
// has the data as originally stated; While true row has the delta between
// data now and the data as originally stated. Summing the two together
// results post-adjustment data.
bool conversion_adjustment = 115;

// Conversion attribution event type.
.ConversionAttributionEventType conversion_attribution_event_type = 2;

// An enum value representing the number of days between the impression and
// the conversion.
= 50;

// An enum value representing the number of days between the impression and
// the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion.
.ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucket conversion_or_adjustment_lag_bucket = 51;

// Date to which metrics apply.
// yyyy-MM-dd format, for example, 2018-04-17.
string date = 79;

// Day of the week, for example, MONDAY.
.ads.googleads.v17.enums.DayOfWeekEnum.DayOfWeek day_of_week = 5;

// Device to which metrics apply.
.ads.googleads.v17.enums.DeviceEnum.Device device = 1;

// External conversion source.
.ExternalConversionSource external_conversion_source = 55;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents an airport.
string geo_target_airport = 116;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a canton.
string geo_target_canton = 117;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a city.
string geo_target_city = 118;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a country.
string geo_target_country = 119;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a county.
string geo_target_county = 120;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a district.
string geo_target_district = 121;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a metro.
string geo_target_metro = 122;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents the most
// specific location.
string geo_target_most_specific_location = 123;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a postal code.
string geo_target_postal_code = 124;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a province.
string geo_target_province = 125;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a region.
string geo_target_region = 126;

// Resource name of the geo target constant that represents a state.
string geo_target_state = 127;

// Hotel booking window in days.
   optional int64 hotel_booking_window_days
= 135;

// Hotel center ID.
   optional int64 hotel_center_id
= 80;

// Hotel check-in date. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
string hotel_check_in_date = 81;

// Hotel check-in day of week.
= 9;

// Hotel city.
string hotel_city = 82;

// Hotel class.
   optional int32 hotel_class
= 83;

// Hotel country.
string hotel_country = 84;

// Hotel date selection type.
.HotelDateSelectionType hotel_date_selection_type = 13;

// Hotel length of stay.
   optional int32 hotel_length_of_stay
= 85;

// Hotel rate rule ID.
string hotel_rate_rule_id = 86;

// Hotel rate type.
= 74;

// Hotel price bucket.
= 78;

// Hotel state.
string hotel_state = 87;

// Hour of day as a number between 0 and 23, inclusive.
   optional int32 hour
= 88;

// Only used with feed item metrics.
// Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the feed item itself
// or a different extension or ad unit.
bool interaction_on_this_extension = 89;

// Keyword criterion.
Keyword keyword = 61;

// Month as represented by the date of the first day of a month. Formatted as
// yyyy-MM-dd.
string month = 90;

// Month of the year, for example, January.
.ads.googleads.v17.enums.MonthOfYearEnum.MonthOfYear month_of_year = 18;

// Partner hotel ID.
string partner_hotel_id = 91;

// Placeholder type. This is only used with feed item metrics.
= 20;

// Aggregator ID of the product.
   optional int64 product_aggregator_id
= 132;

// Category (level 1) of the product.
string product_category_level1 = 161;

// Category (level 2) of the product.
string product_category_level2 = 162;

// Category (level 3) of the product.
string product_category_level3 = 163;

// Category (level 4) of the product.
string product_category_level4 = 164;

// Category (level 5) of the product.
string product_category_level5 = 165;

// Brand of the product.
string product_brand = 97;

// Channel of the product.
= 30;

// Channel exclusivity of the product.
.ProductChannelExclusivity product_channel_exclusivity = 31;

// Condition of the product.
= 32;

// Resource name of the geo target constant for the country of sale of the
// product.
string product_country = 98;

// Custom attribute 0 of the product.
string product_custom_attribute0 = 99;

// Custom attribute 1 of the product.
string product_custom_attribute1 = 100;

// Custom attribute 2 of the product.
string product_custom_attribute2 = 101;

// Custom attribute 3 of the product.
string product_custom_attribute3 = 102;

// Custom attribute 4 of the product.
string product_custom_attribute4 = 103;

// Feed label of the product.
string product_feed_label = 147;

// Item ID of the product.
string product_item_id = 104;

// Resource name of the language constant for the language of the product.
string product_language = 105;

// Merchant ID of the product.
   optional int64 product_merchant_id
= 133;

// Store ID of the product.
string product_store_id = 106;

// Title of the product.
string product_title = 107;

// Type (level 1) of the product.
string product_type_l1 = 108;

// Type (level 2) of the product.
string product_type_l2 = 109;

// Type (level 3) of the product.
string product_type_l3 = 110;

// Type (level 4) of the product.
string product_type_l4 = 111;

// Type (level 5) of the product.
string product_type_l5 = 112;

// Quarter as represented by the date of the first day of a quarter.
// Uses the calendar year for quarters, for example, the second quarter of
// 2018 starts on 2018-04-01. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
string quarter = 128;

// Recommendation type.
= 140;

// Type of the search engine results page.
.SearchEngineResultsPageType search_engine_results_page_type = 70;

// A search term subcategory. An empty string denotes the catch-all
// subcategory for search terms that didn't fit into another subcategory.
string search_subcategory = 155;

// A search term.
string search_term = 156;

// Match type of the keyword that triggered the ad, including variants.
= 22;

// Position of the ad.
.ads.googleads.v17.enums.SlotEnum.Slot slot = 23;

// Primary dimension of applied conversion value rules.
// NO_RULE_APPLIED shows the total recorded value of conversions that
// do not have a value rule applied.
// ORIGINAL shows the original value of conversions to which a value rule
// has been applied.
// GEO_LOCATION, DEVICE, AUDIENCE show the net adjustment after value
// rules were applied.
= 138;

// Resource name of the ad group criterion that represents webpage criterion.
string webpage = 129;

// Week as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of
// Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
string week = 130;

// Year, formatted as yyyy.
   optional int32 year
= 131;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network conversion value.
// Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example, non-iOS
// campaign.
   optional int64 sk_ad_network_fine_conversion_value
= 137;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network redistributed fine conversion value.
// Google uses modeling on observed conversion values(obtained
// from Apple) to calculate conversions from SKAN postbacks where
// NULLs are returned. This column represents the sum of the modeled
// conversion values and the observed conversion values. See
// https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14892597
// to lean more.
   optional int64 sk_ad_network_redistributed_fine_conversion_value
= 190;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network user type.
= 141;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network ad event type.
.SkAdNetworkAdEventType sk_ad_network_ad_event_type = 142;

// App where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was
// shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example,
// non-iOS campaign, or was not present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
SkAdNetworkSourceApp sk_ad_network_source_app = 143;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network attribution credit
.SkAdNetworkAttributionCredit sk_ad_network_attribution_credit = 144;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network coarse conversion value.
.SkAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue sk_ad_network_coarse_conversion_value =

// Website where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was
// shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example,
// non-iOS campaign, or was not present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
string sk_ad_network_source_domain = 152;

// The source type where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network
// install was shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for
// example, non-iOS campaign, or neither source domain nor source app were
// present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
= 153;

// iOS Store Kit Ad Network postback sequence index.
   optional int64 sk_ad_network_postback_sequence_index
= 154;

+  // The version of the SKAdNetwork API used.
+  optional string sk_ad_network_version = 192;
// Only used with CustomerAsset, CampaignAsset and AdGroupAsset metrics.
// Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the asset itself
// or a different asset or ad unit.
// Interactions (for example, clicks) are counted across all the parts of the
// served ad (for example, Ad itself and other components like Sitelinks) when
// they are served together. When interaction_on_this_asset is true, it means
// the interactions are on this specific asset and when
// interaction_on_this_asset is false, it means the interactions is not on
// this specific asset but on other parts of the served ad this asset is
// served with.
AssetInteractionTarget asset_interaction_target = 139;

// This is for segmenting conversions by whether the user is a new customer
// or a returning customer. This segmentation is typically used to measure
// the impact of customer acquisition goal.
= 160;

// A Keyword criterion segment.
Keyword {
// The AdGroupCriterion resource name.
string ad_group_criterion = 3;

// Keyword info.
KeywordInfo info = 2;

// A BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus segment.
BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus {
// The campaign resource name.
string campaign = 1;

// Budget campaign association status.
.BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus status = 2;

// An AssetInteractionTarget segment.
AssetInteractionTarget {
// The asset resource name.
string asset = 1;

// Only used with CustomerAsset, CampaignAsset and AdGroupAsset metrics.
// Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the asset itself or a
// different asset or ad unit.
bool interaction_on_this_asset = 2;

// A SkAdNetworkSourceApp segment.
SkAdNetworkSourceApp {
// App id where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was
// shown.
string sk_ad_network_source_app_id = 1;