يمكن استرداد الفواتير الشهرية لحساب على "إعلانات Google" باستخدام
المتطلبات الأساسية
- يجب تفعيل الفوترة الشهرية لحساب "إعلانات Google". اطّلِع على الأدلة حول عمليات إعداد ملف الدفع والميزانيات للتعرّف على كيفية إدارة الفوترة باستخدام Google Ads API.
- في حال ضبطه، يجب أن يحدّد
رقم تعريف العميل لحساب إداري يدير حساب "إعلانات Google" الذي تستردّ فواتيره. ويتم تصنيفه على أنّه الحساب الإداري للدفع في واجهة مستخدم "إعلانات Google".
استرداد الفواتير
لاسترداد الفواتير، عليك طلب استخدام InvoiceService.ListInvoices
مع ضبط جميع الحقول المطلوبة في ListInvoicesRequest
يُرجى الاطّلاع على المثال أدناه:
// Issues the request. ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.listInvoices( String.valueOf(customerId), ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), String.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getYear()), MonthOfYear.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getMonth().toString()));
ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.ListInvoices(customerId.ToString(), ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), // Year must be 2019 or later. lastMonthDateTime.Year.ToString("yyyy"), lastMonth);
// Issues the request. $response = $googleAdsClient->getInvoiceServiceClient()->listInvoices( ListInvoicesRequest::build( $customerId, ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId), // The year needs to be 2019 or later. date('Y', $lastMonth), MonthOfYear::value(strtoupper(date('F', $lastMonth))) ) );
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.get_service("InvoiceService").list_invoices( customer_id=customer_id, billing_setup=client.get_service("GoogleAdsService").billing_setup_path( customer_id, billing_setup_id ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later, per the docs: # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/billing/invoice?hl=en#retrieving_invoices issue_year=str(last_month.year), issue_month=last_month.strftime("%B").upper(), )
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.service.invoice.list_invoices( customer_id: customer_id, billing_setup: client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issue_year: last_month.year.to_s, # '%^B' option returns the uppercased full month name (e.g. 'JANUARY'). issue_month: last_month.strftime("%^B").to_sym, )
# Issue the request. my $response = $api_client->InvoiceService()->list({ customerId => $customer_id, billingSetup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::billing_setup( ($customer_id, $billing_setup_id) ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issueYear => strftime("%Y", @last_month), issueMonth => uc(strftime("%B", @last_month))});
الإجابة هي عنصر ListInvoicesResponse
يحتوي على قائمة Invoices
يحتوي كلّ منها على مجموعة كبيرة من الحقول، مثل:
- أرقام التعريف:
- الوقت:
- المبالغ:
- ملف PDF:
اطّلِع على تنزيل فاتورة بتنسيق PDF للحصول على التعليمات. - السجلّ:
ويحتوي أيضًا على حقول محدّدة أخرى عند الضرورة:
- التعديلات:
- التكاليف التنظيمية:
- رسوم التصدير:
الحصول على تفاصيل الميزانية
يوفّر Invoice
معلومات تفصيلية عن
ميزانيات الحسابات ذات الصلة كقائمة بعناصر
في حقل account_budget_summaries
- أرقام التعريف:
- الوقت:
. - المبالغ:
جارٍ الحصول على تفاصيل الحساب.
يوفّر Invoice
معلومات عن
الحسابات ذات الصلة كقائمة بعناصر
في حقل account_summaries
. ويتضمن تفاصيل عن تصحيحات الفوترة،
والتسويات، ورسوم التصدير، والتكاليف التنظيمية.
فهم المبالغ
جميع المبالغ المقدَّمة في عناصر
يمكن تحديد مصدرها خلال مدد خدمتها ويتم تقييمها وفقًا لهذه القواعد:
AccountBudgetSummary |
قاعدة التقييم |
served_amount_micros |
billed_amount_micros |
overdelivery_amount_micros |
invalid_activity_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
AccountSummary |
قاعدة التقييم |
billing_correction_subtotal_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
billing_correction_tax_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
billing_correction_total_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
Invoice |
قاعدة التقييم |
adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
adjustments_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
adjustments_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
في ما يلي مثال على كيفية تكرار الفواتير التي تم استرجاعها:
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. for (Invoice invoice : response.getInvoicesList()) { System.out.printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" + " Type: %s\n" + " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" + " Due date: %s\n" + " Currency code: %s\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" + " PDF URL: '%s'\n" + " Account budgets: ", invoice.getResourceName(), invoice.getId(), invoice.getType(), invoice.getBillingSetup(), invoice.getPaymentsAccountId(), invoice.getPaymentsProfileId(), invoice.getIssueDate(), invoice.getDueDate(), invoice.getCurrencyCode(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getStartDate(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getReplacedInvoicesList(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getCorrectedInvoice(), invoice.getPdfUrl()); for (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary : invoice.getAccountBudgetSummariesList()) { System.out.printf( " - Account budget '%s':\n" + " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" + " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" + " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" + " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" + " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudget(), accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudgetName(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomer(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomerDescriptiveName(), accountBudgetSummary.getPurchaseOrderNumber(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getStartDate(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTotalAmountMicros())); } }
// information. foreach (Invoice invoice in response.Invoices) { Console.WriteLine( "- Found the invoice '{0}':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{1}'\n" + " Type: {2}\n" + " Billing setup ID: '{3}'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{4}'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{5}'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {6}\n" + " Due date: {7}\n" + " Currency code: {8}\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from {9} to {10}\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '{11}', tax '{12}', total '{13}'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '{14}', tax '{15}', total '{16}'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '{17}'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '{18}', tax '{19}', total '{20}'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '{21}'\n" + " PDF URL: '{22}'\n" + " Account budgets:\n", invoice.ResourceName, invoice.Id, invoice.Type.ToString(), invoice.BillingSetup, invoice.PaymentsAccountId, invoice.PaymentsProfileId, invoice.IssueDate, invoice.DueDate, invoice.CurrencyCode, invoice.ServiceDateRange.StartDate, invoice.ServiceDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros), invoice.ReplacedInvoices.Count > 0 ? string.Join("', '", invoice.ReplacedInvoices) : "none", FormatMicros(invoice.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TotalAmountMicros), string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.CorrectedInvoice) ? invoice.CorrectedInvoice : "none", invoice.PdfUrl); foreach (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary in invoice.AccountBudgetSummaries) { Console.WriteLine( "\t- Account budget '{0}':\n" + "\t Name (also known as Account Budget): '{1}'\n" + "\t Customer (also known as Account ID): '{2}'\n" + "\t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{3}'\n" + "\t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{4}'\n" + "\t Billing activity date range (inclusive): from {5} to {6}\n" + "\t Amounts: subtotal '{7}', tax '{8}', total '{9}'\n", accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudget, accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudgetName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.Customer, accountBudgetSummary.CustomerDescriptiveName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.PurchaseOrderNumber ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.StartDate, accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TotalAmountMicros)); } }
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. foreach ($response->getInvoices() as $invoice) { /** @var Invoice $invoice */ printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Type: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Billing setup ID: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s" . PHP_EOL . " Due date: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Currency code: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Replaced invoices: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Corrected invoice: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " PDF URL: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Account budgets:" . PHP_EOL, $invoice->getResourceName(), $invoice->getId(), InvoiceType::name($invoice->getType()), $invoice->getBillingSetup(), $invoice->getPaymentsAccountId(), $invoice->getPaymentsProfileId(), $invoice->getIssueDate(), $invoice->getDueDate(), $invoice->getCurrencyCode(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getStartDate(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getReplacedInvoices() ? implode( "', '", iterator_to_array($invoice->getReplacedInvoices()->getIterator()) ) : 'none', Helper::microToBase($invoice->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getCorrectedInvoice() ?: 'none', $invoice->getPdfUrl() ); foreach ($invoice->getAccountBudgetSummaries() as $accountBudgetSummary) { /** @var AccountBudgetSummary $accountBudgetSummary */ printf( " - Account budget '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL, $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudget(), $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudgetName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomer(), $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomerDescriptiveName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getPurchaseOrderNumber() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getStartDate(), $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTotalAmountMicros()) ); } }
for invoice in response.invoices: print( f""" - Found the invoice {invoice.resource_name} ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{invoice.id}' Type: {invoice.type_} Billing setup ID: '{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {invoice.issue_date} Due date: {invoice.due_date} Currency code: {invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from {invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to {invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)} Regulatory costs: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)} Replaced invoices: {invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") if invoice.replaced_invoices else "none"} Amounts: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.total_amount_micros)} Corrected invoice: {invoice.corrected_invoice or "none"} PDF URL: {invoice.pdf_url} Account budgets: """ ) for account_budget_summary in invoice.account_budget_summaries: print( f""" - Account budget '{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': Name (also known as Account Budget): '{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' Customer (also known as Account ID): '{account_budget_summary.customer}' Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' Billing activity date range (inclusive): from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} Amounts: subtotal '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' total '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' """ )
# Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. response.invoices.each do |invoice| puts <<~OUTPUT - Found the invoice '#{invoice.resource_name}' ID (also known as Invoice Number): '#{invoice.id}' Type: #{invoice.type} Billing Setup ID: '#{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '#{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '#{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): #{invoice.issue_date} Due date: #{invoice.due_date} Currency code: #{invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from #{invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to #{invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)}' Regulatory costs: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)}' Replaced invoices: '#{invoice.replaced_invoices ? invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") : 'none'}' Amounts: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.total_amount_micros)}' Corrected invoice: '#{invoice.corrected_invoices ? invoice.corrected_invoices : 'none'}' PDF URL: '#{invoice.pdf_url}' Account budgets: OUTPUT invoice.account_budget_summaries.each do |account_budget_summary| puts <<~OUTPUT \tAccount budget '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': \t Name (also known as Account Budget): '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' \t Customer (also known as Account ID): '#{account_budget_summary.customer}' \t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '#{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' \t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '#{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' \t Billing activity date range (inclusive): \t from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} \t to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} \t Amounts: \t subtotal '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' \t tax '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' \t total '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' OUTPUT end end
# Iterate over all invoices retrieved and print their information. foreach my $invoice (@$response) { printf "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" . " Type: %s\n" . " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" . " Due date: %s\n" . " Currency code: %s\n" . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" . " PDF URL: '%s'\n" . " Account budgets:\n", $invoice->{resourceName}, $invoice->{id}, $invoice->{type}, $invoice->{billingSetup}, $invoice->{paymentsAccountId}, $invoice->{paymentsProfileId}, $invoice->{issueDate}, $invoice->{dueDate}, $invoice->{currencyCode}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{startDate}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{endDate}, micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{replacedInvoices} ? join(',', @{$invoice->{replacedInvoices}}) : "none", micro_to_base($invoice->{subtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{taxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{totalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{correctedInvoice} ? $invoice->{correctedInvoice} : "none", $invoice->{pdfUrl}; foreach my $account_budget_summary (@{$invoice->{accountBudgetSummaries}}) { printf " - Account budget '%s':\n" . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", $account_budget_summary->{accountBudget}, $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} ? $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{customer}, $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} ? $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} ? $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{startDate}, $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{endDate}, $account_budget_summary->{subtotalAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{taxAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{totalAmountMicros}; } }
تنزيل فاتورة بتنسيق PDF
يمكن تنزيل أي فاتورة كملف بتنسيق PDF. بعد
استرداد Invoice
عليك إرسال طلب HTTP لعنوان URL المخزّن في حقل
. يجب مصادقة هذا الطلب باستخدام حساب Google نفسه المستخدَم لاسترداد الفاتورة، أي أنّه عليك تحديد رمز مميز للوصول إلى OAuth تم إنشاؤه باستخدام حساب Google في عنوان طلب Authorization: Bearer
curl --request GET \ --header "Authorization: Beareraccess token " \Invoice.pdf_url >filename.pdf
والنتيجة هي محتوى فاتورة بتنسيق PDF محفوظ في الملف filename.pdf.
رموز الخطأ الشائعة
السيناريو | رمز الخطأ |
عدم توفّر إعدادات الفوترة أو سنة الإصدار أو شهر الإصدار أو أنّها فارغة | RequestError.REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING
لا يمكن تحليل إعداد الفوترة أو سنة الإصدار أو شهر الإصدار المحدَّد. | FieldError.INVALID_VALUE
يخصّ الطلب الفواتير الصادرة قبل 1 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2019. | InvoiceError.YEAR_MONTH_TOO_OLD
الطلب مخصّص لعميل لا يتلقّى الفواتير. | InvoiceError.NOT_INVOICED_CUSTOMER
لا يملك المستخدم إذنًا لعرض فواتير إعداد الفوترة. | AuthorizationError.ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED