Google Ads 계정의 월별 인보이스는 InvoiceService
를 사용하여 가져올 수 있습니다.
기본 요건
- Google Ads 계정에 월별 인보이스가 사용 설정되어 있어야 합니다. Google Ads API를 사용하여 결제를 관리하는 방법을 알아보려면 계정 결제 설정 및 예산 가이드를 참고하세요.
- 설정된 경우
은 인보이스를 가져오는 Google Ads 계정을 관리하는 관리자 계정의 고객 ID를 지정해야 합니다. Google Ads UI에서는 이를 결제 관리자라고 표시합니다.
인보이스 가져오기
인보이스를 가져오려면 ListInvoicesRequest
의 모든 필수 입력란(customer_id
, billing_setup
, issue_year
, issue_month
)을 설정하는 InvoiceService.ListInvoices
메서드를 요청해야 합니다.
예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
// Issues the request. ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.listInvoices( String.valueOf(customerId), ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), String.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getYear()), MonthOfYear.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getMonth().toString()));
ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.ListInvoices(customerId.ToString(), ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), // Year must be 2019 or later. lastMonthDateTime.Year.ToString("yyyy"), lastMonth);
// Issues the request. $response = $googleAdsClient->getInvoiceServiceClient()->listInvoices( ListInvoicesRequest::build( $customerId, ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId), // The year needs to be 2019 or later. date('Y', $lastMonth), MonthOfYear::value(strtoupper(date('F', $lastMonth))) ) );
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.get_service("InvoiceService").list_invoices( customer_id=customer_id, billing_setup=client.get_service("GoogleAdsService").billing_setup_path( customer_id, billing_setup_id ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later, per the docs: # issue_year=str(last_month.year), issue_month=last_month.strftime("%B").upper(), )
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.service.invoice.list_invoices( customer_id: customer_id, billing_setup: client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issue_year: last_month.year.to_s, # '%^B' option returns the uppercased full month name (e.g. 'JANUARY'). issue_month: last_month.strftime("%^B").to_sym, )
# Issue the request. my $response = $api_client->InvoiceService()->list({ customerId => $customer_id, billingSetup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::billing_setup( ($customer_id, $billing_setup_id) ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issueYear => strftime("%Y", @last_month), issueMonth => uc(strftime("%B", @last_month))});
응답은 일치하는 Invoices
목록이 포함된 ListInvoicesResponse
객체이며, 각 Invoices
에는 다음과 같은 대규모 필드 집합이 포함됩니다.
- ID:
- 시간:
- 금액:
- PDF:
. 자세한 내용은 인보이스 PDF 다운로드를 참고하세요. - 기록:
또한 관련된 경우 다른 특정 필드도 포함됩니다.
- 조정:
- 규제 비용:
- 내보내기 요금:
예산 세부정보 가져오기
는 account_budget_summaries
필드의 AccountBudgetSummary
객체 목록으로 관련 계정 예산에 관한 세부정보를 제공합니다.
- ID:
- 시간:
- 금액:
계정 세부정보를 가져오는 중
는 account_summaries
필드의 AccountSummary
객체 목록으로 관련 계정에 관한 정보를 제공합니다. 여기에는 결제 수정, 조정, 내보내기 요금, 규제 비용에 관한 세부정보가 포함됩니다.
금액 이해하기
, AccountSummary
, Invoice
객체에 제공된 모든 금액은 서비스 기간 동안 발생한 금액이며 다음 규칙에 따라 평가됩니다.
AccountBudgetSummary |
평가 규칙 |
served_amount_micros |
billed_amount_micros |
overdelivery_amount_micros |
invalid_activity_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
AccountSummary |
평가 규칙 |
billing_correction_subtotal_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
billing_correction_tax_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
billing_correction_total_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
Invoice |
평가 규칙 |
adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
adjustments_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
adjustments_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
다음은 가져온 인보이스를 반복하는 방법의 예입니다.
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. for (Invoice invoice : response.getInvoicesList()) { System.out.printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" + " Type: %s\n" + " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" + " Due date: %s\n" + " Currency code: %s\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" + " PDF URL: '%s'\n" + " Account budgets: ", invoice.getResourceName(), invoice.getId(), invoice.getType(), invoice.getBillingSetup(), invoice.getPaymentsAccountId(), invoice.getPaymentsProfileId(), invoice.getIssueDate(), invoice.getDueDate(), invoice.getCurrencyCode(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getStartDate(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getReplacedInvoicesList(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getCorrectedInvoice(), invoice.getPdfUrl()); for (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary : invoice.getAccountBudgetSummariesList()) { System.out.printf( " - Account budget '%s':\n" + " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" + " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" + " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" + " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" + " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudget(), accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudgetName(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomer(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomerDescriptiveName(), accountBudgetSummary.getPurchaseOrderNumber(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getStartDate(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTotalAmountMicros())); } }
// information. foreach (Invoice invoice in response.Invoices) { Console.WriteLine( "- Found the invoice '{0}':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{1}'\n" + " Type: {2}\n" + " Billing setup ID: '{3}'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{4}'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{5}'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {6}\n" + " Due date: {7}\n" + " Currency code: {8}\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from {9} to {10}\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '{11}', tax '{12}', total '{13}'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '{14}', tax '{15}', total '{16}'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '{17}'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '{18}', tax '{19}', total '{20}'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '{21}'\n" + " PDF URL: '{22}'\n" + " Account budgets:\n", invoice.ResourceName, invoice.Id, invoice.Type.ToString(), invoice.BillingSetup, invoice.PaymentsAccountId, invoice.PaymentsProfileId, invoice.IssueDate, invoice.DueDate, invoice.CurrencyCode, invoice.ServiceDateRange.StartDate, invoice.ServiceDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros), invoice.ReplacedInvoices.Count > 0 ? string.Join("', '", invoice.ReplacedInvoices) : "none", FormatMicros(invoice.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TotalAmountMicros), string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.CorrectedInvoice) ? invoice.CorrectedInvoice : "none", invoice.PdfUrl); foreach (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary in invoice.AccountBudgetSummaries) { Console.WriteLine( "\t- Account budget '{0}':\n" + "\t Name (also known as Account Budget): '{1}'\n" + "\t Customer (also known as Account ID): '{2}'\n" + "\t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{3}'\n" + "\t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{4}'\n" + "\t Billing activity date range (inclusive): from {5} to {6}\n" + "\t Amounts: subtotal '{7}', tax '{8}', total '{9}'\n", accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudget, accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudgetName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.Customer, accountBudgetSummary.CustomerDescriptiveName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.PurchaseOrderNumber ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.StartDate, accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TotalAmountMicros)); } }
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. foreach ($response->getInvoices() as $invoice) { /** @var Invoice $invoice */ printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Type: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Billing setup ID: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s" . PHP_EOL . " Due date: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Currency code: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Replaced invoices: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Corrected invoice: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " PDF URL: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Account budgets:" . PHP_EOL, $invoice->getResourceName(), $invoice->getId(), InvoiceType::name($invoice->getType()), $invoice->getBillingSetup(), $invoice->getPaymentsAccountId(), $invoice->getPaymentsProfileId(), $invoice->getIssueDate(), $invoice->getDueDate(), $invoice->getCurrencyCode(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getStartDate(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getReplacedInvoices() ? implode( "', '", iterator_to_array($invoice->getReplacedInvoices()->getIterator()) ) : 'none', Helper::microToBase($invoice->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getCorrectedInvoice() ?: 'none', $invoice->getPdfUrl() ); foreach ($invoice->getAccountBudgetSummaries() as $accountBudgetSummary) { /** @var AccountBudgetSummary $accountBudgetSummary */ printf( " - Account budget '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL, $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudget(), $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudgetName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomer(), $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomerDescriptiveName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getPurchaseOrderNumber() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getStartDate(), $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTotalAmountMicros()) ); } }
for invoice in response.invoices: print( f""" - Found the invoice {invoice.resource_name} ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{}' Type: {invoice.type_} Billing setup ID: '{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {invoice.issue_date} Due date: {invoice.due_date} Currency code: {invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from {invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to {invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)} Regulatory costs: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)} Replaced invoices: {invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") if invoice.replaced_invoices else "none"} Amounts: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.total_amount_micros)} Corrected invoice: {invoice.corrected_invoice or "none"} PDF URL: {invoice.pdf_url} Account budgets: """ ) for account_budget_summary in invoice.account_budget_summaries: print( f""" - Account budget '{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': Name (also known as Account Budget): '{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' Customer (also known as Account ID): '{account_budget_summary.customer}' Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' Billing activity date range (inclusive): from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} Amounts: subtotal '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' total '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' """ )
# Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. response.invoices.each do |invoice| puts <<~OUTPUT - Found the invoice '#{invoice.resource_name}' ID (also known as Invoice Number): '#{}' Type: #{invoice.type} Billing Setup ID: '#{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '#{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '#{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): #{invoice.issue_date} Due date: #{invoice.due_date} Currency code: #{invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from #{invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to #{invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)}' Regulatory costs: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)}' Replaced invoices: '#{invoice.replaced_invoices ? invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") : 'none'}' Amounts: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.total_amount_micros)}' Corrected invoice: '#{invoice.corrected_invoices ? invoice.corrected_invoices : 'none'}' PDF URL: '#{invoice.pdf_url}' Account budgets: OUTPUT invoice.account_budget_summaries.each do |account_budget_summary| puts <<~OUTPUT \tAccount budget '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': \t Name (also known as Account Budget): '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' \t Customer (also known as Account ID): '#{account_budget_summary.customer}' \t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '#{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' \t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '#{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' \t Billing activity date range (inclusive): \t from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} \t to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} \t Amounts: \t subtotal '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' \t tax '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' \t total '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' OUTPUT end end
# Iterate over all invoices retrieved and print their information. foreach my $invoice (@$response) { printf "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" . " Type: %s\n" . " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" . " Due date: %s\n" . " Currency code: %s\n" . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" . " PDF URL: '%s'\n" . " Account budgets:\n", $invoice->{resourceName}, $invoice->{id}, $invoice->{type}, $invoice->{billingSetup}, $invoice->{paymentsAccountId}, $invoice->{paymentsProfileId}, $invoice->{issueDate}, $invoice->{dueDate}, $invoice->{currencyCode}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{startDate}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{endDate}, micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{replacedInvoices} ? join(',', @{$invoice->{replacedInvoices}}) : "none", micro_to_base($invoice->{subtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{taxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{totalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{correctedInvoice} ? $invoice->{correctedInvoice} : "none", $invoice->{pdfUrl}; foreach my $account_budget_summary (@{$invoice->{accountBudgetSummaries}}) { printf " - Account budget '%s':\n" . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", $account_budget_summary->{accountBudget}, $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} ? $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{customer}, $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} ? $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} ? $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{startDate}, $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{endDate}, $account_budget_summary->{subtotalAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{taxAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{totalAmountMicros}; } }
인보이스 PDF 다운로드
모든 인보이스는 PDF 파일로 다운로드할 수 있습니다. Invoice
를 검색한 후에는 pdf_url
필드에 저장된 URL에 대한 HTTP 요청을 전송해야 합니다. 이 요청은 인보이스를 가져오는 데 사용된 것과 동일한 Google 계정을 사용하여 인증해야 합니다. 즉, Authorization: Bearer
요청 헤더에 Google 계정을 사용하여 생성된 OAuth 액세스 토큰을 지정해야 합니다.
curl --request GET \ --header "Authorization: Beareraccess token " \Invoice.pdf_url >filename.pdf
결과는 filename.pdf 파일에 저장된 인보이스 PDF 콘텐츠입니다.
일반적인 오류 코드
시나리오 | 오류 코드 |
결제 설정, 발행 연도 또는 발행 월이 누락되었거나 비어 있습니다. | RequestError.REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING
지정된 결제 설정, 발행 연도 또는 발행 월을 파싱할 수 없습니다. | FieldError.INVALID_VALUE
2019년 1월 1일 전에 발행된 인보이스를 요청합니다. | InvoiceError.YEAR_MONTH_TOO_OLD
인보이스를 받지 못한 고객을 위한 요청입니다. | InvoiceError.NOT_INVOICED_CUSTOMER
사용자에게 결제 설정의 인보이스를 볼 수 있는 권한이 없습니다. | AuthorizationError.ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED