Cross-account Bidding Strategies

Cross-account bidding strategies are effectively Smart Bidding portfolio bidding strategies created in manager accounts. They can be used by campaigns in any client account beneath the manager that owns the strategy.

Create and manage

Creating a new cross-account bidding strategy is almost identical to creating a new portfolio bidding strategy, except you set the customer_id of the API call to that of a manager account. Use a manager account's ID to create a new BiddingStrategy resource, the same way you would create a new portfolio strategy in a client account.

private String createBiddingStrategy(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long managerCustomerId) {
  try (BiddingStrategyServiceClient biddingStrategyServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createBiddingStrategyServiceClient()) {
    // Creates a portfolio bidding strategy.
    BiddingStrategy portfolioBiddingStrategy =
            .setName("Maximize Clicks #" + getPrintableDateTime())
            // Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the bidding
            // strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    // Constructs an operation that will create a portfolio bidding strategy.
    BiddingStrategyOperation operation =
    // Sends the operation in a mutate request.
    MutateBiddingStrategiesResponse response =
            Long.toString(managerCustomerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));

    // Prints the resource name of the created cross-account bidding strategy.
    MutateBiddingStrategyResult mutateBiddingStrategyResult = response.getResults(0);
    String resourceName = mutateBiddingStrategyResult.getResourceName();
    System.out.printf("Created cross-account bidding strategy: '%s'.%n", resourceName);

    return resourceName;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new TargetSpend (Maximize Clicks) cross-account bidding strategy in the
/// specified manager account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="managerCustomerId">The manager customer ID.</param>
/// <returns>The resource name of the newly created bidding strategy.</returns>
private string CreateBiddingStrategy(GoogleAdsClient client, long managerCustomerId)
    BiddingStrategyServiceClient biddingStrategyServiceClient =

    // Create a portfolio bidding strategy.
    BiddingStrategy portfolioBiddingStrategy = new BiddingStrategy
        Name = $"Maximize clicks #{ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString()}",
        TargetSpend = new TargetSpend(),
        // Set the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the bidding
        // strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
        CurrencyCode = "USD"

    // Send a create operation that will create the portfolio bidding strategy.
    MutateBiddingStrategiesResponse mutateBiddingStrategiesResponse =
                new BiddingStrategyOperation
                    Create = portfolioBiddingStrategy

    // Print and return the resource name of the newly created cross-account bidding
    // strategy.
    string biddingStrategyResourceName =
    Console.WriteLine("Created cross-account bidding strategy " +

    return biddingStrategyResourceName;
private static function createBiddingStrategy(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $managerCustomerId
): string {
    // Creates a portfolio bidding strategy.
    $portfolioBiddingStrategy = new BiddingStrategy([
        'name' => 'Maximize Clicks #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        'target_spend' => new TargetSpend(),
        // Optional: Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy to match the currency of the
        // client account with which this bidding strategy is shared.
        // If not provided, the bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
        'currency_code' => 'USD'

    // Constructs an operation that will create a portfolio bidding strategy.
    $biddingStrategyOperation = new BiddingStrategyOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to create the bidding strategy.
    $biddingStrategyServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getBiddingStrategyServiceClient();
    $response = $biddingStrategyServiceClient->mutateBiddingStrategies(
        MutateBiddingStrategiesRequest::build($managerCustomerId, [$biddingStrategyOperation])
    /** @var BiddingStrategy $addedBiddingStrategy */
    $addedBiddingStrategy = $response->getResults()[0];

    // Prints out the resource name of the created bidding strategy.
        "Created cross-account bidding strategy with resource name: '%s'.%s",

    return $addedBiddingStrategy->getResourceName();
def create_bidding_strategy(client, manager_customer_id):
    """Creates a new cross-account bidding strategy in the manager account.

    The cross-account bidding strategy is of type TargetSpend (Maximize Clicks).

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        manager_customer_id: A manager customer ID.

        The ID of the newly created bidding strategy.
    bidding_strategy_service = client.get_service("BiddingStrategyService")
    # Creates a portfolio bidding strategy.
    # Constructs an operation that will create a portfolio bidding strategy.
    bidding_strategy_operation = client.get_type("BiddingStrategyOperation")
    bidding_strategy = bidding_strategy_operation.create = f"Maximize Clicks #{uuid4()}"
    # Sets target_spend to an empty TargetSpend object without setting any
    # of its nested fields.
    bidding_strategy.target_spend = client.get_type("TargetSpend")
    # Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
    # bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    bidding_strategy.currency_code = "USD"

    # Sends the operation in a mutate request.
    response = bidding_strategy_service.mutate_bidding_strategies(
        customer_id=manager_customer_id, operations=[bidding_strategy_operation]

    # Prints the resource name of the created cross-account bidding strategy.
    resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
    print(f"Created cross-account bidding strategy: '{resource_name}'")

    return resource_name
def create_bidding_strategy(client, manager_customer_id)
  # Constructs an operation that will create a portfolio bidding strategy.
  operation = client.operation.create_resource.bidding_strategy do |b| = "Maximize Clicks ##{( * 1000).to_i}"
    b.target_spend = client.resource.target_spend
    # Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
    # bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    b.currency_code = "USD"

  # Sends the operation in a mutate request.
  response = client.service.bidding_strategy.mutate_bidding_strategies(
    customer_id: manager_customer_id,
    operations: [operation],

  resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
  puts "Created cross-account bidding strategy: `#{resource_name}`"

# Creates a new TargetSpend (Maximize Clicks) cross-account bidding strategy in
# the specified manager account.
sub _create_bidding_strategy {
  my ($api_client, $manager_customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a portfolio bidding strategy.
  my $portfolio_bidding_strategy =
      name        => "Maximize clicks #" . uniqid(),
      targetSpend => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::TargetSpend->new(),
      # Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
      # bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
      currencyCode => "USD"

  # Send a create operation that will create the portfolio bidding strategy.
  my $mutate_bidding_strategies_response =
      customerId => $manager_customer_id,
      operations => [
            create => $portfolio_bidding_strategy

  my $resource_name =

  printf "Created cross-account bidding strategy with resource name '%s'.\n",

  return $resource_name;

Set the currency code

Cross-account strategies in manager accounts support setting an optional currency_code, allowing them to share bidding strategies with client accounts in different currencies. The field is optional, and if not set will default to the manager account's currency. The currency_code field is only mutable on cross-account bidding strategies.

BiddingStrategy portfolioBiddingStrategy =
        .setName("Maximize Clicks #" + getPrintableDateTime())
        // Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the bidding
        // strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
BiddingStrategy portfolioBiddingStrategy = new BiddingStrategy
    Name = $"Maximize clicks #{ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString()}",
    TargetSpend = new TargetSpend(),
    // Set the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the bidding
    // strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    CurrencyCode = "USD"
$portfolioBiddingStrategy = new BiddingStrategy([
    'name' => 'Maximize Clicks #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
    'target_spend' => new TargetSpend(),
    // Optional: Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy to match the currency of the
    // client account with which this bidding strategy is shared.
    // If not provided, the bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    'currency_code' => 'USD'
# Constructs an operation that will create a portfolio bidding strategy.
bidding_strategy_operation = client.get_type("BiddingStrategyOperation")
bidding_strategy = bidding_strategy_operation.create = f"Maximize Clicks #{uuid4()}"
# Sets target_spend to an empty TargetSpend object without setting any
# of its nested fields.
bidding_strategy.target_spend = client.get_type("TargetSpend")
# Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
# bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
bidding_strategy.currency_code = "USD"
operation = client.operation.create_resource.bidding_strategy do |b| = "Maximize Clicks ##{( * 1000).to_i}"
  b.target_spend = client.resource.target_spend
  # Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
  # bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
  b.currency_code = "USD"
my $portfolio_bidding_strategy =
    name        => "Maximize clicks #" . uniqid(),
    targetSpend => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::TargetSpend->new(),
    # Sets the currency of the new bidding strategy. If not provided, the
    # bidding strategy uses the manager account's default currency.
    currencyCode => "USD"

Update strategies

Some fields of a bidding strategy can be updated, depending on its type. Manager accounts that own a bidding strategy (or their managers) can update the fields of a coss-account bidding strategy similarly to any other portfolio strategy.

For example, to change the maximum bid limit for the TargetSpend strategy created in the previous example, set its cpc_bid_ceiling_micros field to a new value.

Remove unused strategies

To remove a cross-account bidding strategy, it must not be in use by any campaigns. Attempting to remove a strategy that is still in use will result in a CANNOT_REMOVE_ASSOCIATED_STRATEGY error. You must first remove the strategy from any associated campaigns.

Read attributes

The BiddingStrategy resource is used to create, update, and get properties of bidding strategies within a single account. As mentioned in the previous section, when that account is a manager, then mutating and reading from a BiddingStrategy resource manages cross-account bidding strategies.

Thus, when you are making API calls with a manager account, you can list and read its list of owned cross-account bidding strategies by querying the BiddingStrategy resource:

private void listManagerOwnedBiddingStrategies(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long managerCustomerId) throws GoogleAdsException {
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    String query =
        "SELECT, "
            + ", "
            + "bidding_strategy.type, "
            + "bidding_strategy.currency_code "
            + "FROM bidding_strategy";
    // Constructs the SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest.
    SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest request =

    // Creates and issues a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve all bidding
    // strategies.
    ServerStream<SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse> stream =

    // Iterates through and prints all of the results in the stream response.
        "Cross-account bid strategies in manager account %d: %n", managerCustomerId);
    for (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse response : stream) {
      for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.getResultsList()) {
        BiddingStrategy bs = googleAdsRow.getBiddingStrategy();
        System.out.printf("  ID: %d%n", bs.getId());
        System.out.printf("  Name: %s%n", bs.getName());
        System.out.printf("  Strategy type: %s%n", bs.getType());
        System.out.printf("  Currency: %s%n", bs.getCurrencyCode());
/// <summary>
/// Lists all cross-account bidding strategies in a specified manager account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="managerCustomerId">The manager customer ID.</param>
private void ListManagerOwnedBiddingStrategies(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long managerCustomerId)
    GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =

    // Create a GAQL query that will retrieve all cross-account bidding strategies.
    string query = @"
        FROM bidding_strategy";

    // Issue a streaming search request, then iterate through and print the results.
    googleAdsServiceClient.SearchStream(managerCustomerId.ToString(), query,
        delegate(SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
            Console.WriteLine("Cross-account bid strategies in manager account " +

            foreach (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow in resp.Results)
                BiddingStrategy biddingStrategy = googleAdsRow.BiddingStrategy;

                Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {biddingStrategy.Id}\n" +
                    $"\tName: {biddingStrategy.Name}\n" +
                    "\tStrategy type: " +
                    $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(BiddingStrategyType), biddingStrategy.Type)}\n" +
                    $"\tCurrency: {biddingStrategy.CurrencyCode}\n\n");
private static function listManagerOwnedBiddingStrategies(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $managerCustomerId
) {
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    // Creates a query that retrieves all bidding strategies.
    $query = 'SELECT,, '
        . 'bidding_strategy.type, bidding_strategy.currency_code '
        . 'FROM bidding_strategy';
    // Issues a search stream request.
    /** @var GoogleAdsServerStreamDecorator $stream */
    $stream = $googleAdsServiceClient->searchStream(
        SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest::build($managerCustomerId, $query)

    // Iterates over all rows in all messages and prints the requested field values for
    // the bidding strategy in each row.
        "Cross-account bid strategies in manager account ID %d:%s",
    foreach ($stream->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
            '  ID: %1$d%2$s  Name: "%3$s"%2$s  Strategy type: "%4$s"%2$s'
            . '  Currency: "%5$s"%2$s%2$s',
def list_manager_owned_bidding_strategies(client, manager_customer_id):
    """List all cross-account bidding strategies in the manager account.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        manager_customer_id: A manager customer ID.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    query = """
        FROM bidding_strategy"""

    # Creates and issues a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve
    # all bidding strategies.
    stream = googleads_service.search_stream(
        customer_id=manager_customer_id, query=query

    # Iterates through and prints all of the results in the stream response.
        "Cross-account bid strategies in manager account: "
    for response in stream:
        for row in response.results:
            bs = row.bidding_strategy
                f"\tID: {}\n"
                f"\tName: {}\n"
                f"\tStrategy type: {bs.type_}\n"
                f"\tCurrency: {bs.currency_code}\n\n"
def list_manager_owned_bidding_strategies(client, manager_customer_id)
  query = <<~QUERY
    FROM bidding_strategy

  responses = client.service.google_ads.search_stream(
    customer_id: manager_customer_id,
    query: query,

  puts "Cross-account bid strategies in manager account #{manager_customer_id}:"
  responses.each do |response|
    response.results.each do |row|
      b = row.bidding_strategy
      puts "ID: #{}"
      puts "Name: #{}"
      puts "Strategy type: #{b.type}"
      puts "Currency: #{b.currency_code}"
# Lists all cross-account bidding strategies in a specified manager account.
sub _list_manager_owned_bidding_strategies {
  my ($api_client, $manager_customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a GAQL query that will retrieve all cross-account bidding
  # strategies.
  my $query = "SELECT
               FROM bidding_strategy";

  # Issue a streaming search request, then iterate through and print the
  # results.
  my $search_stream_handler =
      service => $api_client->GoogleAdsService(),
      request =>
          customerId => $manager_customer_id,
          query      => $query

    "Cross-account bid strategies in manager account $manager_customer_id:\n";
    sub {
      my $google_ads_row   = shift;
      my $bidding_strategy = $google_ads_row->{biddingStrategy};
      printf "\tID: $bidding_strategy->{id}\n" .
        "\tName: $bidding_strategy->{name}\n" .
        "\tStrategy type: $bidding_strategy->{type}\n" .
        "\tCurrency: $bidding_strategy->{currencyCode}\n\n";

View accessible bidding strategies

When working with client accounts that use cross-account bidding strategies, the AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource is used to provide a read-only view of all bidding strategies accessible to the current customer. This includes both portfolio strategies owned by the customer and cross-account bidding strategies shared with the customer.

Get all accessible bidding strategies

To retrieve all bidding strategies accessible by the current customer, query the accessible_bidding_strategy resource directly. The results will by default include both portfolio strategies in the current account and cross-account bidding strategies shared by a manager.

private void listCustomerAccessibleBiddingStrategies(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long clientCustomerId) throws GoogleAdsException {
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    String query =
        "SELECT, "
            + ", "
            + "accessible_bidding_strategy.type, "
            + "accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id, "
            + "accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_descriptive_name "
            + "FROM accessible_bidding_strategy "
        // Uncomment the following WHERE clause to filter results to *only* cross-account bidding
        // strategies shared with the current customer by a manager (and not also include the
        // current customer's portfolio bidding strategies).
        // + "WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != " + clientCustomerId;

    // Constructs the SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest.
    SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest request =

    // Creates and issues a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve all accessible
    // bidding strategies.
    ServerStream<SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse> stream =

    // Iterates through and prints all of the results in the stream response.
    System.out.printf("All bid strategies accessible by account %d: %n", clientCustomerId);
    for (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse response : stream) {
      for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.getResultsList()) {
        AccessibleBiddingStrategy bs = googleAdsRow.getAccessibleBiddingStrategy();
        System.out.printf("  ID: %d%n", bs.getId());
        System.out.printf("  Name: %s%n", bs.getName());
        System.out.printf("  Strategy type: %s%n", bs.getType());
        System.out.printf("  Owner customer ID: %d%n", bs.getOwnerCustomerId());
        System.out.printf("  Owner description: %s%n", bs.getOwnerDescriptiveName());
/// <summary>
/// Lists all bidding strategies available to specified client customer account. This
/// includes both portfolio bidding strategies owned by the client customer account and
/// cross-account bidding strategies shared by any of its managers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads client customer ID for which the call is
/// made.</param>
private void ListCustomerAccessibleBiddingStrategies(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId)
    GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =

    // Create a GAQL query that will retrieve all accessible bidding strategies.
    string query = @"
        FROM accessible_bidding_strategy";

    // Uncomment the following WHERE clause addition to the query to filter results to
    // *only* cross-account bidding strategies shared with the current customer by a manager
    // (and not also include the current customer's portfolio bidding strategies).
    // query += $" WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != {customerId}";

    // Issue a streaming search request, then iterate through and print the results.
    googleAdsServiceClient.SearchStream(customerId.ToString(), query,
        delegate(SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
            Console.WriteLine($"All bid strategies accessible by account {customerId}:");

            foreach (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow in resp.Results)
                AccessibleBiddingStrategy biddingStrategy =

                Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {biddingStrategy.Id}\n" +
                    $"\tName: {biddingStrategy.Name}\n" +
                    $"\tStrategy type: {biddingStrategy.Type.ToString()}\n" +
                    $"\tOwner customer ID: {biddingStrategy.OwnerCustomerId}\n" +
                    $"\tOwner description: {biddingStrategy.OwnerDescriptiveName}\n\n");
private static function listCustomerAccessibleBiddingStrategies(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $clientCustomerId
) {
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    // Creates a query that retrieves all bidding strategies.
    $query = 'SELECT, '
          . ', '
          . 'accessible_bidding_strategy.type, '
          . 'accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id, '
          . 'accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_descriptive_name '
          . 'FROM accessible_bidding_strategy '
        // Uncomment the following WHERE clause to filter results to *only* cross-account
        // bidding strategies shared with the current customer by a manager (and not also
        // include the current customer's portfolio bidding strategies).
        // . 'WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != ' . $clientCustomerId
    // Issues a search stream request.
    /** @var GoogleAdsServerStreamDecorator $stream */
    $stream = $googleAdsServiceClient->searchStream(
        SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest::build($clientCustomerId, $query)

    // Iterates over all rows in all messages and prints the requested field values for
    // each accessible bidding strategy.
        "All bid strategies accessible by the customer ID %d:%s",
    foreach ($stream->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
            '  ID: %1$d%2$s  Name: "%3$s"%2$s  Strategy type: "%4$s"%2$s'
            . '  Owner customer ID: %5$d%2$s  Owner customer description: "%6$s"%2$s%2$s',
def list_customer_accessible_bidding_strategies(client, customer_id):
    """Lists all bidding strategies available to the client account.

    This includes both portfolio bidding strategies owned by account and
    cross-account bidding strategies shared by any of its managers.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: A client customer ID.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    query = """
        FROM accessible_bidding_strategy"""
    # Uncomment the following WHERE clause to filter results to *only*
    # cross-account bidding strategies shared with the current customer by a
    # manager (and not also include the current customer's portfolio
    # bidding strategies).
    # query += f"WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != {customer_id}"

    # Creates and issues a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve
    # all bidding strategies.
    stream = googleads_service.search_stream(
        customer_id=customer_id, query=query

    # Iterates through and prints all of the results in the stream response.
    print(f"All bid strategies accessible by account '{customer_id}'\n")
    for response in stream:
        for row in response.results:
            bs = row.accessible_bidding_strategy
                f"\tID: {}\n"
                f"\tName: {}\n"
                f"\tStrategy type: {bs.type_}\n"
                f"\tOwner customer ID: {bs.owner_customer_id}\n"
                f"\tOwner description: {bs.owner_descriptive_name}\n\n"
def list_customer_accessible_bidding_strategies(client, customer_id)
  query = <<~QUERY
    FROM accessible_bidding_strategy
  # Add the following WHERE clause to filter results to *only*
  # cross-account bidding strategies shared with the current customer by a
  # manager (and not also include the current customer's portfolio bidding
  # strategies).
  # query += <<~QUERY
  #  WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != #{customer_id}

  responses = client.service.google_ads.search_stream(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    query: query,

  puts "All bid strategies accessible by account #{customer_id}:"
  responses.each do |response|
    response.results.each do |row|
      b = row.accessible_bidding_strategy
      puts "ID: #{}"
      puts "Name: #{}"
      puts "Strategy type: #{b.type}"
      puts "Owner customer ID: #{b.owner_customer_id}"
      puts "Owner description: #{b.owner_descriptive_name}"
# Lists all bidding strategies available to specified client customer account.
# This includes both portfolio bidding strategies owned by the client customer
# account and cross-account bidding strategies shared by any of its managers.
sub _list_customer_accessible_bidding_strategies {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a GAQL query that will retrieve all accessible bidding strategies.
  my $query = "SELECT
               FROM accessible_bidding_strategy";

  # Uncomment the following WHERE clause addition to the query to filter results
  # to *only* cross-account bidding strategies shared with the current customer
  # by a manager (and not also include the current customer's portfolio bidding
  # strategies).
  # $query .=
  #   " WHERE accessible_bidding_strategy.owner_customer_id != $customer_id";

  # Issue a streaming search request, then iterate through and print the
  # results.
  my $search_stream_handler =
      service => $api_client->GoogleAdsService(),
      request =>
          customerId => $customer_id,
          query      => $query

  printf "All bid strategies accessible by account $customer_id:\n";
    sub {
      my $google_ads_row   = shift;
      my $bidding_strategy = $google_ads_row->{accessibleBiddingStrategy};
      printf "\tID: $bidding_strategy->{id}\n" .
        "\tName: $bidding_strategy->{name}\n" .
        "\tStrategy type: $bidding_strategy->{type}\n" .
        "\tOwner customer ID: $bidding_strategy->{ownerCustomerId}\n" .
        "\tOwner description: $bidding_strategy->{ownerDescriptiveName}\n\n";

Get information about specific campaigns

You can also fetch fields of bidding_strategy and accessible_bidding_strategy when you query for campaigns. By using campaign in your query's FROM clause, the matching campaigns will implicitly join any associated bidding_strategy and accessible_bidding_strategy resources.

For example, the following query will fetch all active campaigns and fields of their associated bidding_strategy and accessible_bidding_strategy resources.

FROM campaign
WHERE campaign.status != REMOVED

Attach to campaigns

Similar to standard portfolio bidding strategies, you attach a cross-account bidding strategy to a campaign by setting its bidding_strategy to the resource name of a cross-account bidding strategy. Only managers that own a cross-account bidding strategy (or managers of those managers) can attach them to campaigns. So API calls that attach cross-account bidding strategies to a campaign must use a login-customer-id of a manager that has the appropriate access to the bidding strategy.

private void attachCrossAccountBiddingStrategyToCampaign(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long clientCustomerId,
    long campaignId,
    String biddingStrategyResourceName)
    throws GoogleAdsException {

  try (CampaignServiceClient campaignServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createCampaignServiceClient()) {
    Campaign campaign =
            .setResourceName(ResourceNames.campaign(clientCustomerId, campaignId))
    CampaignOperation operation =
    // Sends the operation in a mutate request.
    MutateCampaignsResponse response =
            Long.toString(clientCustomerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));

    MutateCampaignResult mutateCampaignResult = response.getResults(0);
    // Prints the resource name of the updated campaign.
        "Updated campaign with resource name: '%s'.%n", mutateCampaignResult.getResourceName());
/// <summary>
/// Attaches a specified cross-account bidding strategy to a campaign owned by a specified
/// client customer account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads client customer ID for which the call is
/// made.</param>
/// <param name="campaignId">The ID of the campaign owned by the customer ID to which the
/// cross-account bidding strategy will be attached.</param>
/// <param name="biddingStrategyResourceName">A cross-account bidding strategy resource
/// name.</param>
private void AttachCrossAccountBiddingStrategyToCampaign(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, long campaignId, string biddingStrategyResourceName)
    CampaignServiceClient campaignServiceClient =

    Campaign campaign = new Campaign
        ResourceName = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, campaignId),
        BiddingStrategy = biddingStrategyResourceName

    // Mutate the campaign and print the resource name of the updated campaign.
    MutateCampaignsResponse mutateCampaignsResponse =
        campaignServiceClient.MutateCampaigns(customerId.ToString(), new[]
            new CampaignOperation
                Update = campaign,
                UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(campaign)

    Console.WriteLine("Updated campaign with resource name " +
private static function attachCrossAccountBiddingStrategyToCampaign(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $clientCustomerId,
    int $campaignId,
    string $biddingStrategyResourceName
) {
    // Creates a campaign using the specified campaign ID and the bidding strategy ID.
    // Note that a cross-account bidding strategy's resource name should use the
    // client's customer ID when attaching it to a campaign, not that of the manager that owns
    // the strategy.
    $campaign = new Campaign([
        'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaign($clientCustomerId, $campaignId),
        'bidding_strategy' => $biddingStrategyResourceName

    // Constructs an operation that will update the campaign with the specified resource name,
    // using the FieldMasks utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads
    // API which attributes of the campaign you want to change.
    $campaignOperation = new CampaignOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to update the campaign.
    $campaignServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCampaignServiceClient();
    $response = $campaignServiceClient->mutateCampaigns(
        MutateCampaignsRequest::build($clientCustomerId, [$campaignOperation])

    // Prints information about the updated campaign.
        "Updated campaign with resource name: '%s'.%s",
def attach_cross_account_bidding_strategy_to_campaign(
    client, customer_id, campaign_id, bidding_strategy_resource_name
    """Attaches the cross-account bidding strategy to the given campaign.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: A client customer ID.
        campaign_id: The ID of an existing campaign in the client customer's
        bidding_strategy_resource_name: The ID of a bidding strategy
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    bidding_strategy_service = client.get_service("BiddingStrategyService")
    campaign_operation = client.get_type("CampaignOperation")
    campaign = campaign_operation.update
    campaign.resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(
        customer_id, campaign_id
    campaign.bidding_strategy = bidding_strategy_resource_name
    campaign_operation.update_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(
        None, campaign._pb

    # Sends the operation in a mutate request.
    response = campaign_service.mutate_campaigns(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[campaign_operation]

    # Prints the resource name of the updated campaign.
        "Updated campaign with resource name: "
def attach_cross_account_bidding_strategy_to_campaign(
  operation = client.operation.update_resource.campaign(
    client.path.campaign(customer_id, campaign_id)) do |c|
    c.bidding_strategy = bidding_strategy_resource_name

  # Sends the operation in a mutate request.
  response = client.service.campaign.mutate_campaigns(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],

  puts "Updated campaign with resource name: " \
# Attaches a specified cross-account bidding strategy to a campaign owned by a
# specified client customer account.
sub _attach_cross_account_bidding_strategy_to_campaign {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $campaign_id, $bidding_strategy_resource_name)
    = @_;

  my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
      resourceName =>
        $customer_id, $campaign_id
      biddingStrategy => $bidding_strategy_resource_name

  my $campaign_operation =
      update     => $campaign,
      updateMask => all_set_fields_of($campaign)});

  my $campaigns_response = $api_client->CampaignService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$campaign_operation]});

  printf "Updated campaign with resource name '%s'.\n",

Remove bidding strategy

To disassociate a cross-account bidding strategy from a campaign, update the campaign to use a different bidding strategy. Either set its bidding_strategy field to use a different portfolio strategy or use a standard bidding strategy instead.

If a client account is unlinked from its manager, any cross-account bidding strategies shared by that manager will no longer be accessible. Any of the client's campaigns set to use such a bidding strategy will stop serving and must be updated to use a different bidding strategy.