Carica conversioni di chiamata

Puoi utilizzare l'API Google Ads per caricare le conversioni di chiamata offline in Google Ads per monitorare quando gli annunci generano chiamate e quando queste chiamate generano azioni redditizie dei clienti.

La mappatura all'interfaccia utente di Google Ads è la stessa dell'utilizzo dell'origine conversione Caricamenti, seguita dalla scelta di Conversioni da chiamate.

Creare una conversione di chiamata

Ecco alcuni aspetti da tenere presenti quando crei un CallConversion:

  • Devi compilare il campo consent dell'oggetto CallConversion.

  • L'attributo partial_failure del UploadCallConversionsRequest deve essere sempre impostato su true. Segui le linee guida per gli errori parziali quando gestisci contemporaneamente operazioni valide e non riuscite.

  • Se ricevi un messaggio di risposta TOO_RECENT_CONVERSION_ACTION o TOO_RECENT_CALL per una richiesta di caricamento delle conversioni, attendi rispettivamente 6 o 12 ore prima di riprovare con le righe non riuscite.

  • Sono necessarie fino a 3 ore prima che le statistiche sulle conversioni importate vengano visualizzate nel tuo account Google Ads.

  • Se carichi conversioni duplicate (ad es. un CallConversion con caller_id, conversion_date_time e conversion_action caricati in precedenza), viene restituito un errore CALL_CONVERSION_ALREADY_EXISTS.

    • Se una singola richiesta contiene più operazioni per la stessa conversione, viene restituito un errore DUPLICATE_CALL_CONVERSION_IN_REQUEST.

Caricare una conversione di chiamata

Per associare le conversioni di chiamata offline a un'azione di conversione, abbiamo bisogno delle seguenti informazioni: ID chiamante (numero di telefono), data e ora della conversione, nome della risorsa dell'azione di conversione e, facoltativamente, valore e valuta di conversione per il ConversionUploadService. Per maggiori dettagli sui diversi input, consulta l'articolo del Centro assistenza. L'esempio di codice descrive anche i formati per i diversi input.


Esistono diversi requisiti che devono essere soddisfatti durante il caricamento di un CallConversion.

Per evitare un errore ConversionUploadError.INVALID_CONVERSION_ACTION, l'attributo conversion_action deve fare riferimento a un ConversionAction in cui:

  • Il valore ConversionActionType è UPLOAD_CALLS.

  • Il status del ConversionAction è ENABLED. In caso contrario, l'operazione non andrà a buon fine e verrà visualizzato un errore NO_CONVERSION_ACTION_FOUND.

  • ConversionAction esiste nel cliente di conversione Google Ads dell'account Google Ads del clic.

Ti consigliamo inoltre di impostare ConversionAction.category sulla categoria che descrive meglio le tue conversioni.

Inoltre, devono essere soddisfatte le seguenti condizioni:

  • Al momento della chiamata, il monitoraggio delle conversioni era attivato nel cliente di conversione Google Ads dell'account Google Ads della chiamata.

  • Il customer_id del UploadCallConversionsRequest deve essere l'ID cliente del cliente di conversione Google Ads dell'account Google Ads della chiamata. In caso contrario, il caricamento delle conversioni comporterà un erroreConversionUploadError.INVALID_CUSTOMER_FOR_CALL.

  • conversion_value deve essere maggiore o uguale a zero.

  • Per conversion_date_time deve essere specificato un fuso orario e il formato deve essere come yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss+|-HH:mm, ad esempio: 2022-01-01 19:32:45-05:00 (ignorando l'ora legale). Il fuso orario può essere qualsiasi valore valido: non deve corrispondere al fuso orario dell'account. Tuttavia, se prevedi di confrontare i dati sulle conversioni caricati con quelli nell'interfaccia utente di Google Ads, ti consigliamo di utilizzare lo stesso fuso orario del tuo account Google Ads in modo che i conteggi delle conversioni corrispondano.

Esempio di codice


private void runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    String conversionActionId,
    String callerId,
    String callStartDateTime,
    double conversionValue,
    Long conversionCustomVariableId,
    String conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ConsentStatus adUserDataConsent) {
  // Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  CallConversion.Builder conversionBuilder =

  if (conversionCustomVariableId != null && conversionCustomVariableValue != null) {
                ResourceNames.conversionCustomVariable(customerId, conversionCustomVariableId))

  // Sets the consent information, if provided.
  if (adUserDataConsent != null) {
    // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
    // for details.

  CallConversion conversion =;

  // Uploads the call conversion to the API.
  try (ConversionUploadServiceClient conversionUploadServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createConversionUploadServiceClient()) {
    // Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.

    // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
    // multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
    // instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
    // limits:
    UploadCallConversionsResponse response =

    // Prints any partial failure errors returned.
    if (response.hasPartialFailureError()) {
      GoogleAdsFailure googleAdsFailure =
          .forEach(e -> System.out.println("Partial failure occurred: " + e.getMessage()));
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Partial failure occurred " + response.getPartialFailureError().getMessage());

    // Prints the result if valid.
    CallConversionResult result = response.getResults(0);
        "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%' for caller ID '%' to the conversion"
            + " action with resource name '%'.%n",
        result.getCallStartDateTime(), result.getCallerId(), result.getConversionAction());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    long conversionActionId, string callerId, string callStartTime,
    string conversionTime, double conversionValue,
    long? conversionCustomVariableId, string conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ConsentStatus? adUserDataConsent)
    // Get the ConversionUploadService.
    ConversionUploadServiceClient conversionUploadService =

    // Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
    CallConversion callConversion = new CallConversion()
        ConversionAction = ResourceNames.ConversionAction(customerId, conversionActionId),
        CallerId = callerId,
        CallStartDateTime = callStartTime,
        ConversionDateTime = conversionTime,
        ConversionValue = conversionValue,
        CurrencyCode = "USD",

    if (adUserDataConsent != null)
        // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
        // for details.
        callConversion.Consent = new Consent()
            AdUserData = (ConsentStatus)adUserDataConsent

    if (conversionCustomVariableId != null &&
        callConversion.CustomVariables.Add(new CustomVariable()
            ConversionCustomVariable = ResourceNames.ConversionCustomVariable(
                customerId, conversionCustomVariableId.Value),
            Value = conversionCustomVariableValue

    UploadCallConversionsRequest request = new UploadCallConversionsRequest()
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        Conversions = { callConversion },
        PartialFailure = true

        // Issues a request to upload the call conversion. The partialFailure parameter
        // is set to true, and validateOnly parameter to false as required by this method
        // call.
        // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if
        // you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions
        // per request instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the
        // following for per-request limits:
        UploadCallConversionsResponse response =

        // Since we set partialFailure = true, we can retrieve error messages (if any) from
        // the operation response.
        if (response.PartialFailureError != null)
            Console.WriteLine("Call conversion upload failed.");

            // Retrieves the errors from the partial failure and prints them.
            List<GoogleAdsError> errors =
            foreach (GoogleAdsError error in errors)
                Console.WriteLine($"Operation failed with error: {error}.");
            // Prints the result.
            CallConversionResult uploadedCallConversion = response.Results[0];
            Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded call conversion that occurred at " +
                $"'{uploadedCallConversion.CallStartDateTime}' for caller ID " +
                $"'{uploadedCallConversion.CallerId}' to the conversion action with " +
                $"resource name '{uploadedCallConversion.ConversionAction}'.");

    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $conversionActionId,
    string $callerId,
    string $callStartDateTime,
    string $conversionDateTime,
    float $conversionValue,
    ?string $conversionCustomVariableId,
    ?string $conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ?int $adUserDataConsent
) {
    // Creates a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
    $callConversion = new CallConversion([
        'conversion_action' =>
            ResourceNames::forConversionAction($customerId, $conversionActionId),
        'caller_id' => $callerId,
        'call_start_date_time' => $callStartDateTime,
        'conversion_date_time' => $conversionDateTime,
        'conversion_value' => $conversionValue,
        'currency_code' => 'USD'
    if (!is_null($conversionCustomVariableId) && !is_null($conversionCustomVariableValue)) {
        $callConversion->setCustomVariables([new CustomVariable([
            'conversion_custom_variable' => ResourceNames::forConversionCustomVariable(
            'value' => $conversionCustomVariableValue
    // Sets the consent information, if provided.
    if (!empty($adUserDataConsent)) {
        // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
        // for details.
        $callConversion->setConsent(new Consent(['ad_user_data' => $adUserDataConsent]));

    // Issues a request to upload the call conversion.
    $conversionUploadServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getConversionUploadServiceClient();
    // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
    // multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
    // instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
    // limits:
    $response = $conversionUploadServiceClient->uploadCallConversions(
        // Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.
        UploadCallConversionsRequest::build($customerId, [$callConversion], true)

    // Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    // Note: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here, you can refer to
    // the example HandlePartialFailure.php to learn more.
    if ($response->hasPartialFailureError()) {
            "Partial failures occurred: '%s'.%s",
    } else {
        // Prints the result if exists.
        /** @var CallConversionResult $uploadedCallConversion */
        $uploadedCallConversion = $response->getResults()[0];
            "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%s' for caller ID '%s' to the "
            . "conversion action with resource name '%s'.%s",


def main(
    """Imports offline call conversion values for calls related to your ads.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: The client customer ID string.
        conversion_action_id: The ID of the conversion action to upload to.
        caller_id: The caller ID from which this call was placed. Caller ID is
            expected to be in E.164 format with preceding '+' sign,
            e.g. '+18005550100'.
        call_start_date_time: The date and time at which the call occurred. The
            format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm',
            e.g. '2021-01-01 12:32:45-08:00'.
        conversion_date_time: The the date and time of the conversion (should be
            after the click time). The format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm',
            e.g. '2021-01-01 12:32:45-08:00'.
        conversion_value: The conversion value in the desired currency.
        conversion_custom_variable_id: The ID of the conversion custom
            variable to associate with the upload.
        conversion_custom_variable_value: The str value of the conversion custom
            variable to associate with the upload.
        ad_user_data_consent: The consent status for ad user data for all
            members in the job.
    # Get the ConversionUploadService client.
    conversion_upload_service = client.get_service("ConversionUploadService")

    # Create a call conversion in USD currency.
    call_conversion = client.get_type("CallConversion")
    call_conversion.conversion_action = client.get_service(
    ).conversion_action_path(customer_id, conversion_action_id)
    call_conversion.caller_id = caller_id
    call_conversion.call_start_date_time = call_start_date_time
    call_conversion.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
    call_conversion.conversion_value = conversion_value
    call_conversion.currency_code = "USD"

    if conversion_custom_variable_id and conversion_custom_variable_value:
        conversion_custom_variable = client.get_type("CustomVariable")
        conversion_custom_variable.conversion_custom_variable = (
        conversion_custom_variable.value = conversion_custom_variable_value

    # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
    # uploading. For more details. see:
    if ad_user_data_consent:
        call_conversion.consent.ad_user_data = client.enums.ConsentStatusEnum[

    # Issue a request to upload the call conversion.
    # Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.
    request = client.get_type("UploadCallConversionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.conversions = [call_conversion]
    request.partial_failure = True
    # NOTE: This request only uploads a single conversion, but if you have
    # multiple conversions to upload, it's most efficient to upload them in a
    # single request. See the following for per-request limits for reference:
    upload_call_conversions_response = (

    # Print any partial errors returned.
    if upload_call_conversions_response.partial_failure_error:
            "Partial error occurred: "

    # Print the result if valid.
    uploaded_call_conversion = upload_call_conversions_response.results[0]
    if uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time:
            "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at "
            f"'{uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time}' "
            f"for caller ID '{uploaded_call_conversion.caller_id}' "
            "to the conversion action with resource name "


def upload_call_conversion(
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client =

  # Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  call_conversion = client.resource.call_conversion do |c|
    c.conversion_action = client.path.conversion_action(
      customer_id, conversion_action_id)
    c.caller_id = caller_id
    c.call_start_date_time = call_start_date_time
    c.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
    c.conversion_value = conversion_value
    c.currency_code = "USD"
    if conversion_custom_variable_id && conversion_custom_variable_value
      c.custom_variables << client.resource.custom_variable do |cv|
        cv.conversion_custom_variable = client.path.conversion_custom_variable(
          customer_id, conversion_custom_variable_id)
        cv.value = conversion_custom_variable_value

    unless ad_user_data_consent.nil?
      c.consent = client.resource.consent do |c|
        # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
        # uploading. For more details, see:
        c.ad_user_data = ad_user_data_consent

  # Issues a request to upload the call conversion.
  response = client.service.conversion_upload.upload_call_conversions(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # NOTE: This request only uploads a single conversion, but if you have
    # multiple conversions to upload, it's most efficient to upload them in a
    # single request. See the following for per-request limits for reference:
    conversions: [call_conversion],
    partial_failure: true

  # Prints errors if any partial failure error is returned.
  if response.partial_failure_error
    failures = client.decode_partial_failure_error(response.partial_failure_error)
    failures.each do |failure|
      failure.errors.each do |error|
        human_readable_error_path = error
          .map { |location_info|
            if location_info.index
          }.join(" > ")

        errmsg =  "error occured while adding operations " \
          "#{human_readable_error_path}" \
          " with value: #{error.trigger.string_value}" \
          " because #{error.message.downcase}"
        puts errmsg
    # Print the result if valid.
    uploaded_call_conversion = response.results.first
    puts "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at " \
      "#{uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time} " \
      "for caller ID " \
      "#{uploaded_call_conversion.caller_id} " \
      "to the conversion action with resource name " \


sub upload_call_conversion {
  my (
    $api_client,                       $customer_id,
    $conversion_action_id,             $caller_id,
    $call_start_date_time,             $conversion_date_time,
    $conversion_value,                 $conversion_custom_variable_id,
    $conversion_custom_variable_value, $ad_user_data_consent
  ) = @_;

  # Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  my $call_conversion =
      conversionAction =>
        $customer_id, $conversion_action_id
      callerId           => $caller_id,
      callStartDateTime  => $call_start_date_time,
      conversionDateTime => $conversion_date_time,
      conversionValue    => $conversion_value,
      currencyCode       => "USD"

  if ($conversion_custom_variable_id && $conversion_custom_variable_value) {
    $call_conversion->{customVariables} = [
          conversionCustomVariable =>
            $customer_id, $conversion_custom_variable_id
          value => $conversion_custom_variable_value

  # Set the consent information, if provided.
  if ($ad_user_data_consent) {
    # Specify whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading.
    # See for details.
    $call_conversion->{consent} =
        adUserData => $ad_user_data_consent

  # Issue a request to upload the call conversion.
  # NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.
  # However, if you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to
  # upload multiple conversions per request instead of sending a separate
  # request per conversion. See the following for per-request limits:
  my $upload_call_conversions_response =
      customerId     => $customer_id,
      conversions    => [$call_conversion],
      partialFailure => "true"

  # Print any partial errors returned.
  if ($upload_call_conversions_response->{partialFailureError}) {
    printf "Partial error encountered: '%s'.\n",

  # Print the result if valid.
  my $uploaded_call_conversion =
  if (%$uploaded_call_conversion) {
    printf "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%s' " .
      "for caller ID '%s' to the conversion action with resource name '%s'.\n",

  return 1;