통화 전환 업로드

Google Ads API를 사용하여 오프라인 통화 전환을 Google Ads에 업로드하여 광고가 전화 통화로 이어지는 경우와 이러한 전화 통화가 가치 있는 고객 액션으로 이어지는 경우를 추적할 수 있습니다.

Google Ads UI에 매핑하는 것은 업로드 전환 소스를 사용한 후 호출에서 발생한 전환을 선택하는 것과 같습니다.

통화 전환 만들기

CallConversion를 만들 때 유의해야 할 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

  • CallConversion 객체의 consent 필드를 채워야 합니다.

  • UploadCallConversionsRequestpartial_failure 속성은 항상 true로 설정해야 합니다. 유효한 작업과 실패한 작업을 동시에 처리할 때는 부분 실패 가이드라인을 따르세요.

  • 업로드 전환 요청에 대한 TOO_RECENT_CONVERSION_ACTION 또는 TOO_RECENT_CALL 응답 메시지가 표시되면 각각 6시간 또는 12시간 후에 실패한 행을 다시 시도합니다.

  • 가져온 전환 통계가 Google Ads 계정에 표시되기까지 최대 3시간이 걸립니다.

  • 중복 전환 (예: 이전에 업로드된 caller_id, conversion_date_time, conversion_action가 포함된 CallConversion)을 업로드하면 CALL_CONVERSION_ALREADY_EXISTS 오류가 반환됩니다.

    • 단일 요청에 동일한 전환에 대한 여러 작업이 포함된 경우 DUPLICATE_CALL_CONVERSION_IN_REQUEST 오류가 반환됩니다.

통화 전환 업로드

오프라인 통화 전환을 전환 액션과 연결하려면 발신번호 (전화번호), 전환 날짜 및 시간, 전환 액션 리소스 이름, 선택적으로 전환 가치 및 통화가 ConversionUploadService에 필요합니다. 다양한 입력에 관한 자세한 내용은 고객센터 도움말을 참고하세요. 코드 예에서는 다양한 입력의 형식도 설명합니다.


CallConversion를 업로드할 때 충족해야 하는 몇 가지 요구사항이 있습니다.

ConversionUploadError.INVALID_CONVERSION_ACTION 오류를 방지하려면 conversion_action 속성이 다음과 같은 ConversionAction를 참조해야 합니다.

  • ConversionActionTypeUPLOAD_CALLS입니다.

  • ConversionActionstatusENABLED입니다. 그렇지 않으면 NO_CONVERSION_ACTION_FOUND 오류와 함께 작업이 실패합니다.

  • ConversionAction는 클릭의 Google Ads 계정의 Google Ads 전환 고객에 있습니다.

ConversionAction.category도 전환을 가장 잘 나타내는 카테고리로 설정하는 것이 좋습니다.

또한 다음 조건을 충족해야 합니다.

  • 통화 시 통화의 Google Ads 계정의 Google Ads 전환 고객에서 전환 추적이 사용 설정되어 있었습니다.

  • UploadCallConversionsRequestcustomer_id는 호출의 Google Ads 계정에 있는 Google Ads 전환 고객의 고객 ID여야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 전환 업로드 시 ConversionUploadError.INVALID_CUSTOMER_FOR_CALL 오류가 발생합니다.

  • conversion_value는 0보다 크거나 같아야 합니다.

  • conversion_date_time에는 지정된 시간대가 있어야 하며 형식은 yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss+|-HH:mm입니다(예: 2022-01-01 19:32:45-05:00(일광 절약 시간 무시)). 시간대는 유효한 값이면 무엇이든 될 수 있습니다. 계정의 시간대와 일치할 필요는 없습니다. 하지만 업로드한 전환 데이터를 Google Ads UI의 전환 데이터와 비교하려는 경우 전환 수가 일치하도록 Google Ads 계정과 동일한 시간대를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

코드 예


private void runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    String conversionActionId,
    String callerId,
    String callStartDateTime,
    double conversionValue,
    Long conversionCustomVariableId,
    String conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ConsentStatus adUserDataConsent) {
  // Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  CallConversion.Builder conversionBuilder =

  if (conversionCustomVariableId != null && conversionCustomVariableValue != null) {
                ResourceNames.conversionCustomVariable(customerId, conversionCustomVariableId))

  // Sets the consent information, if provided.
  if (adUserDataConsent != null) {
    // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
    // https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.

  CallConversion conversion = conversionBuilder.build();

  // Uploads the call conversion to the API.
  try (ConversionUploadServiceClient conversionUploadServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createConversionUploadServiceClient()) {
    // Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.

    // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
    // multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
    // instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
    // limits:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
    UploadCallConversionsResponse response =

    // Prints any partial failure errors returned.
    if (response.hasPartialFailureError()) {
      GoogleAdsFailure googleAdsFailure =
          .forEach(e -> System.out.println("Partial failure occurred: " + e.getMessage()));
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Partial failure occurred " + response.getPartialFailureError().getMessage());

    // Prints the result if valid.
    CallConversionResult result = response.getResults(0);
        "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%' for caller ID '%' to the conversion"
            + " action with resource name '%'.%n",
        result.getCallStartDateTime(), result.getCallerId(), result.getConversionAction());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    long conversionActionId, string callerId, string callStartTime,
    string conversionTime, double conversionValue,
    long? conversionCustomVariableId, string conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ConsentStatus? adUserDataConsent)
    // Get the ConversionUploadService.
    ConversionUploadServiceClient conversionUploadService =

    // Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
    CallConversion callConversion = new CallConversion()
        ConversionAction = ResourceNames.ConversionAction(customerId, conversionActionId),
        CallerId = callerId,
        CallStartDateTime = callStartTime,
        ConversionDateTime = conversionTime,
        ConversionValue = conversionValue,
        CurrencyCode = "USD",

    if (adUserDataConsent != null)
        // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
        // https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
        // for details.
        callConversion.Consent = new Consent()
            AdUserData = (ConsentStatus)adUserDataConsent

    if (conversionCustomVariableId != null &&
        callConversion.CustomVariables.Add(new CustomVariable()
            ConversionCustomVariable = ResourceNames.ConversionCustomVariable(
                customerId, conversionCustomVariableId.Value),
            Value = conversionCustomVariableValue

    UploadCallConversionsRequest request = new UploadCallConversionsRequest()
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        Conversions = { callConversion },
        PartialFailure = true

        // Issues a request to upload the call conversion. The partialFailure parameter
        // is set to true, and validateOnly parameter to false as required by this method
        // call.
        // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if
        // you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions
        // per request instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the
        // following for per-request limits:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
        UploadCallConversionsResponse response =

        // Since we set partialFailure = true, we can retrieve error messages (if any) from
        // the operation response.
        if (response.PartialFailureError != null)
            Console.WriteLine("Call conversion upload failed.");

            // Retrieves the errors from the partial failure and prints them.
            List<GoogleAdsError> errors =
            foreach (GoogleAdsError error in errors)
                Console.WriteLine($"Operation failed with error: {error}.");
            // Prints the result.
            CallConversionResult uploadedCallConversion = response.Results[0];
            Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded call conversion that occurred at " +
                $"'{uploadedCallConversion.CallStartDateTime}' for caller ID " +
                $"'{uploadedCallConversion.CallerId}' to the conversion action with " +
                $"resource name '{uploadedCallConversion.ConversionAction}'.");

    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $conversionActionId,
    string $callerId,
    string $callStartDateTime,
    string $conversionDateTime,
    float $conversionValue,
    ?string $conversionCustomVariableId,
    ?string $conversionCustomVariableValue,
    ?int $adUserDataConsent
) {
    // Creates a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
    $callConversion = new CallConversion([
        'conversion_action' =>
            ResourceNames::forConversionAction($customerId, $conversionActionId),
        'caller_id' => $callerId,
        'call_start_date_time' => $callStartDateTime,
        'conversion_date_time' => $conversionDateTime,
        'conversion_value' => $conversionValue,
        'currency_code' => 'USD'
    if (!is_null($conversionCustomVariableId) && !is_null($conversionCustomVariableValue)) {
        $callConversion->setCustomVariables([new CustomVariable([
            'conversion_custom_variable' => ResourceNames::forConversionCustomVariable(
            'value' => $conversionCustomVariableValue
    // Sets the consent information, if provided.
    if (!empty($adUserDataConsent)) {
        // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
        // https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.
        $callConversion->setConsent(new Consent(['ad_user_data' => $adUserDataConsent]));

    // Issues a request to upload the call conversion.
    $conversionUploadServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getConversionUploadServiceClient();
    // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
    // multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
    // instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
    // limits:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
    $response = $conversionUploadServiceClient->uploadCallConversions(
        // Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.
        UploadCallConversionsRequest::build($customerId, [$callConversion], true)

    // Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    // Note: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here, you can refer to
    // the example HandlePartialFailure.php to learn more.
    if ($response->hasPartialFailureError()) {
            "Partial failures occurred: '%s'.%s",
    } else {
        // Prints the result if exists.
        /** @var CallConversionResult $uploadedCallConversion */
        $uploadedCallConversion = $response->getResults()[0];
            "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%s' for caller ID '%s' to the "
            . "conversion action with resource name '%s'.%s",


def main(
    """Imports offline call conversion values for calls related to your ads.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: The client customer ID string.
        conversion_action_id: The ID of the conversion action to upload to.
        caller_id: The caller ID from which this call was placed. Caller ID is
            expected to be in E.164 format with preceding '+' sign,
            e.g. '+18005550100'.
        call_start_date_time: The date and time at which the call occurred. The
            format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm',
            e.g. '2021-01-01 12:32:45-08:00'.
        conversion_date_time: The the date and time of the conversion (should be
            after the click time). The format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm',
            e.g. '2021-01-01 12:32:45-08:00'.
        conversion_value: The conversion value in the desired currency.
        conversion_custom_variable_id: The ID of the conversion custom
            variable to associate with the upload.
        conversion_custom_variable_value: The str value of the conversion custom
            variable to associate with the upload.
        ad_user_data_consent: The consent status for ad user data for all
            members in the job.
    # Get the ConversionUploadService client.
    conversion_upload_service = client.get_service("ConversionUploadService")

    # Create a call conversion in USD currency.
    call_conversion = client.get_type("CallConversion")
    call_conversion.conversion_action = client.get_service(
    ).conversion_action_path(customer_id, conversion_action_id)
    call_conversion.caller_id = caller_id
    call_conversion.call_start_date_time = call_start_date_time
    call_conversion.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
    call_conversion.conversion_value = conversion_value
    call_conversion.currency_code = "USD"

    if conversion_custom_variable_id and conversion_custom_variable_value:
        conversion_custom_variable = client.get_type("CustomVariable")
        conversion_custom_variable.conversion_custom_variable = (
        conversion_custom_variable.value = conversion_custom_variable_value

    # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
    # uploading. For more details. see:
    # https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
    if ad_user_data_consent:
        call_conversion.consent.ad_user_data = client.enums.ConsentStatusEnum[

    # Issue a request to upload the call conversion.
    # Partial failure MUST be enabled for this request.
    request = client.get_type("UploadCallConversionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.conversions = [call_conversion]
    request.partial_failure = True
    # NOTE: This request only uploads a single conversion, but if you have
    # multiple conversions to upload, it's most efficient to upload them in a
    # single request. See the following for per-request limits for reference:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
    upload_call_conversions_response = (

    # Print any partial errors returned.
    if upload_call_conversions_response.partial_failure_error:
            "Partial error occurred: "

    # Print the result if valid.
    uploaded_call_conversion = upload_call_conversions_response.results[0]
    if uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time:
            "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at "
            f"'{uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time}' "
            f"for caller ID '{uploaded_call_conversion.caller_id}' "
            "to the conversion action with resource name "


def upload_call_conversion(
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  # Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  call_conversion = client.resource.call_conversion do |c|
    c.conversion_action = client.path.conversion_action(
      customer_id, conversion_action_id)
    c.caller_id = caller_id
    c.call_start_date_time = call_start_date_time
    c.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
    c.conversion_value = conversion_value
    c.currency_code = "USD"
    if conversion_custom_variable_id && conversion_custom_variable_value
      c.custom_variables << client.resource.custom_variable do |cv|
        cv.conversion_custom_variable = client.path.conversion_custom_variable(
          customer_id, conversion_custom_variable_id)
        cv.value = conversion_custom_variable_value

    unless ad_user_data_consent.nil?
      c.consent = client.resource.consent do |c|
        # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
        # uploading. For more details, see:
        # https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
        c.ad_user_data = ad_user_data_consent

  # Issues a request to upload the call conversion.
  response = client.service.conversion_upload.upload_call_conversions(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # NOTE: This request only uploads a single conversion, but if you have
    # multiple conversions to upload, it's most efficient to upload them in a
    # single request. See the following for per-request limits for reference:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
    conversions: [call_conversion],
    partial_failure: true

  # Prints errors if any partial failure error is returned.
  if response.partial_failure_error
    failures = client.decode_partial_failure_error(response.partial_failure_error)
    failures.each do |failure|
      failure.errors.each do |error|
        human_readable_error_path = error
          .map { |location_info|
            if location_info.index
          }.join(" > ")

        errmsg =  "error occured while adding operations " \
          "#{human_readable_error_path}" \
          " with value: #{error.trigger.string_value}" \
          " because #{error.message.downcase}"
        puts errmsg
    # Print the result if valid.
    uploaded_call_conversion = response.results.first
    puts "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at " \
      "#{uploaded_call_conversion.call_start_date_time} " \
      "for caller ID " \
      "#{uploaded_call_conversion.caller_id} " \
      "to the conversion action with resource name " \


sub upload_call_conversion {
  my (
    $api_client,                       $customer_id,
    $conversion_action_id,             $caller_id,
    $call_start_date_time,             $conversion_date_time,
    $conversion_value,                 $conversion_custom_variable_id,
    $conversion_custom_variable_value, $ad_user_data_consent
  ) = @_;

  # Create a call conversion by specifying currency as USD.
  my $call_conversion =
      conversionAction =>
        $customer_id, $conversion_action_id
      callerId           => $caller_id,
      callStartDateTime  => $call_start_date_time,
      conversionDateTime => $conversion_date_time,
      conversionValue    => $conversion_value,
      currencyCode       => "USD"

  if ($conversion_custom_variable_id && $conversion_custom_variable_value) {
    $call_conversion->{customVariables} = [
          conversionCustomVariable =>
            $customer_id, $conversion_custom_variable_id
          value => $conversion_custom_variable_value

  # Set the consent information, if provided.
  if ($ad_user_data_consent) {
    # Specify whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading.
    # See https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.
    $call_conversion->{consent} =
        adUserData => $ad_user_data_consent

  # Issue a request to upload the call conversion.
  # NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.
  # However, if you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to
  # upload multiple conversions per request instead of sending a separate
  # request per conversion. See the following for per-request limits:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#conversion_upload_service
  my $upload_call_conversions_response =
      customerId     => $customer_id,
      conversions    => [$call_conversion],
      partialFailure => "true"

  # Print any partial errors returned.
  if ($upload_call_conversions_response->{partialFailureError}) {
    printf "Partial error encountered: '%s'.\n",

  # Print the result if valid.
  my $uploaded_call_conversion =
  if (%$uploaded_call_conversion) {
    printf "Uploaded call conversion that occurred at '%s' " .
      "for caller ID '%s' to the conversion action with resource name '%s'.\n",

  return 1;


# This code example uploads a call conversion.
# Variables:
#     See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/rest/auth#request_headers
#     for details.
#   CONVERSION_ACTION_RESOURCE_NAME: Resource name of the conversion action
#     associated with this conversion.
#   CALLER_ID: The caller id from which this call was placed. Caller id is
#     expected to be in E.164 format with preceding '+' sign, for example,
#     "+18005550100".
#   CALL_START_DATE_TIME: The date time at which the call occurred. The format
#      is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm", for example,
#      "2019-01-01 12:32:45-08:00".
#   CONVERSION_DATE_TIME: The date time at which the conversion occurred. The
#     format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm", for example,
#     "2019-01-01 12:32:45-08:00".
#   CONVERSION_VALUE: The value of the conversion for the advertiser.
#   CURRENCY_CODE: The currency code of the conversion value. This is the
#     ISO 4217 3-character currency code. For example: USD, EUR.
#   CONVERSION_CUSTOM_VARIABLE: The name of the conversion custom variable.
#   CONVERSION_CUSTOM_VARIABLE_VALUE: The value of the conversion custom
#     variable.
curl -f --request POST \
"https://googleads.googleapis.com/v${API_VERSION}/customers/${CUSTOMER_ID}:uploadCallConversions" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "developer-token: ${DEVELOPER_TOKEN}" \
--header "login-customer-id: ${MANAGER_CUSTOMER_ID}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
--data @- <<EOF
  "conversions": [
      "conversionAction": "${CONVERSION_ACTION_RESOURCE_NAME}",
      "callerId": "${CALLER_ID}",
      "callStartDateTime": "${CALL_START_DATE_TIME}",
      "conversionDateTime": "${CONVERSION_DATE_TIME}",
      "conversionValue": ${CONVERSION_VALUE},
      "currencyCode": "${CURRENCY_CODE}",
      "customVariables": [
          "conversionCustomVariable": "${CONVERSION_CUSTOM_VARIABLE}",
      "consent": {
        "adUserData": "GRANTED"
