Domyślnie dynamiczne reklamy w wyszukiwarce są kierowane na całe witryny. ich części bez skupiania się na adresach URL konkretnych stron. Jeśli potrzebujesz lepszych kontrolę nad adresami URL, można użyć plików z adresami stron docelowych dynamicznych reklam w wyszukiwarce, aby określić, Adresy URL, których chcesz używać w dynamicznych reklamach w wyszukiwarce. Gdy podasz plik z adresami stron docelowych swojej witryny produktów i ich stron docelowych, pomaga Google Ads określić, kiedy wyświetlać i dokąd kierować użytkowników w witrynie.
Z tego przewodnika dowiesz się, jak tworzyć pliki z adresami stron docelowych dynamicznych reklam w wyszukiwarce na podstawie komponentów.
Tworzenie komponentów do każdej strony w witrynie
Najpierw utwórz Asset
dla każdego adresu URL w swojej witrynie.
List<String> urls =
// Creates one operation per URL.
List<AssetOperation> assetOperations = new ArrayList<>();
for (String url : urls) {
PageFeedAsset pageFeedAsset =
// Sets the URL of the page to include.
// Recommended: adds labels to the asset. These labels can be used later in ad group
// targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
Asset asset = Asset.newBuilder().setPageFeedAsset(pageFeedAsset).build();
// Creates the service client.
try (AssetServiceClient assetServiceClient =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAssetServiceClient()) {
// Adds the assets.
MutateAssetsResponse response =
assetServiceClient.mutateAssets(String.valueOf(customerId), assetOperations);
// Prints some information about the result.
List<String> resourceNames =
resourceNames.forEach(r -> System.out.printf("Created asset with resource name %s.%n", r));
return resourceNames;
/// <summary>
/// Creates Assets to be used in a DSA page feed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="dsaPageUrlLabel">The DSA page URL label.</param>
/// <returns>The list of asset resource names.</returns>
private static List<string> CreateAssets(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
string dsaPageUrlLabel)
AssetServiceClient assetService = client.GetService(Services.V17.AssetService);
string[] urls = new[]
// Creates one operation per URL.
List<AssetOperation> assetOperations = new List<AssetOperation>();
foreach (string url in urls)
PageFeedAsset pageFeedAsset = new PageFeedAsset()
// Sets the URL of the page to include.
PageUrl = url,
// Recommended: adds labels to the asset. These labels can be used later in
// ad group targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
Labels = { dsaPageUrlLabel }
new AssetOperation()
Create = new Asset()
PageFeedAsset = pageFeedAsset
// Adds the assets.
MutateAssetsResponse response =
assetService.MutateAssets(customerId.ToString(), assetOperations);
// Prints some information about the result.
List<string> resourceNames = response.Results.Select(
assetResult => assetResult.ResourceName).ToList();
foreach (string resourceName in resourceNames)
Console.Write($"Created asset with resource name {resourceName}.");
return resourceNames;
$urls = [
$operations = [];
// Creates one asset per URL.
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$pageFeedAsset = new PageFeedAsset([
'page_url' => $url,
// Recommended: adds labels to the asset. These labels can be used later in ad group
// targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
'labels' => [$dsaPageUrlLabel]
// Wraps the page feed asset in an asset.
$asset = new Asset(['page_feed_asset' => $pageFeedAsset]);
// Creates an asset operation and adds it to the list of operations.
$assetOperation = new AssetOperation();
$operations[] = $assetOperation;
// Issues a mutate request to add the assets and prints its information.
$assetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAssetServiceClient();
$response = $assetServiceClient->mutateAssets(MutateAssetsRequest::build(
$assetResourceNames = [];
printf("Added %d assets:%s", $response->getResults()->count(), PHP_EOL);
foreach ($response->getResults() as $addedAsset) {
/** @var Asset $addedAsset */
$assetResourceName = $addedAsset->getResourceName();
"Created an asset with resource name: '%s'.%s",
$assetResourceNames[] = $assetResourceName;
return $assetResourceNames;
def create_assets(client, customer_id, dsa_page_url_label):
"""Creates assets to be used in a DSA page feed.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_id: a client customer ID.
dsa_page_url_label: the label for the DSA page URLs.
a list of the created assets' resource names.
urls = [
operations = []
# Creates one asset per URL.
for url in urls:
# Creates an asset operation and adds it to the list of operations.
operation = client.get_type("AssetOperation")
asset = operation.create
page_feed_asset = asset.page_feed_asset
page_feed_asset.page_url = url
# Recommended: adds labels to the asset. These labels can be used later
# in ad group targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
# Issues a mutate request to add the assets and prints its information.
asset_service = client.get_service("AssetService")
response = asset_service.mutate_assets(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=operations
print(f"Added {len(response.results)} assets:")
resource_names = []
for result in response.results:
resource_name = result.resource_name
print(f"\tCreated an asset with resource name: '{resource_name}'")
return resource_names
def create_assets(client, dsa_page_url_label, customer_id)
urls = [
operations = do |url|
client.operation.create_resource.asset do |asset|
asset.page_feed_asset = client.resource.page_feed_asset do |pfa|
# Sets the URL of the page to include.
pfa.page_url = url
# Recommended: adds labels to the asset. These labels can be used later
# in ad group targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
pfa.labels << dsa_page_url_label
response = client.service.asset.mutate_assets(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: operations,
resource_names = []
response.results.each do |result|
resource_name = result.resource_name
puts "Created asset with resource name '#{resource_name}'"
resource_names << resource_name
my $urls = [
# Create one operation per URL.
my $asset_operations = [];
foreach my $url (@$urls) {
my $page_feed_asset =
# Set the URL of the page to include.
pageUrl => $url,
# Recommended: add labels to the asset. These labels can be used later in
# ad group targeting to restrict the set of pages that can serve.
labels => [$dsa_page_url_label]});
my $asset = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Asset->new({
pageFeedAsset => $page_feed_asset
push @$asset_operations,
create => $asset
# Add the assets.
my $response = $api_client->AssetService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => $asset_operations
# Print some information about the response.
my $resource_names = [];
foreach my $result (@{$response->{results}}) {
push @$resource_names, $result->{resourceName};
printf "Created asset with resource name '%s'.\n", $result->{resourceName};
return $resource_names;
Pakowanie zasobów z adresami stron docelowych z pliku z adresami stron docelowych do obiektu AssetSet
Następnie utwórz zbiór zasobów,
Ta grupa odzwierciedla wszystkie adresy URL, które
które należy uwzględnić w konkretnej kampanii. Wartość Asset
może być w kilku miejscach.
Najpierw utwórz nowy plik AssetSet
// Creates an AssetSet which will be used to link the dynamic page feed assets to a campaign.
AssetSet assetSet =
.setName("My dynamic page feed " + CodeSampleHelper.getPrintableDateTime())
// Creates an operation to add the AssetSet.
AssetSetOperation operation = AssetSetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(assetSet).build();
try (AssetSetServiceClient serviceClient =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAssetSetServiceClient()) {
// Sends the mutate request.
MutateAssetSetsResponse response =
String.valueOf(params.customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
// Prints some information about the response.
String resourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
System.out.printf("Created asset set with resource name %s.%n", resourceName);
return resourceName;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an AssetSet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <returns>The resource name of the asset set.</returns>
private string CreateAssetSet(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
AssetSetServiceClient assetSetService = client.GetService(
// Creates an AssetSet which will be used to link the dynamic page feed assets
// to a campaign.
AssetSet assetSet = new AssetSet()
Name = "My dynamic page feed " + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
Type = AssetSetType.PageFeed
// Creates an operation to add the AssetSet.
AssetSetOperation operation = new AssetSetOperation()
Create = assetSet
// Sends the mutate request.
MutateAssetSetsResponse response =
customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
// Prints some information about the response.
string resourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
Console.WriteLine($"Created asset set with resource name {resourceName}.");
return resourceName;
// Creates an asset set which will be used to link the dynamic page feed assets to a
// campaign.
$assetSet = new AssetSet([
'name' => 'My dynamic page feed ' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
'type' => AssetSetType::PAGE_FEED
// Creates an asset set operation.
$assetSetOperation = new AssetSetOperation();
// Issues a mutate request to add the asset set and prints its information.
$assetSetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAssetSetServiceClient();
$response = $assetSetServiceClient->mutateAssetSets(MutateAssetSetsRequest::build(
$assetSetResourceName = $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
"Created an asset set with resource name: '%s'.%s",
return $assetSetResourceName;
def create_asset_set(client, customer_id):
"""Creates an asset set.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_id: a client customer ID.
the created asset set's resource name.
operation = client.get_type("AssetSetOperation")
# Creates an asset set which will be used to link the dynamic page feed
# assets to a campaign.
asset_set = operation.create = f"My dynamic page feed {get_printable_datetime()}"
asset_set.type_ = client.enums.AssetSetTypeEnum.PAGE_FEED
# Issues a mutate request to add the asset set and prints its information.
asset_set_service = client.get_service("AssetSetService")
response = asset_set_service.mutate_asset_sets(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation]
resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
print(f"Created an asset set with resource name: '{resource_name}'")
return resource_name
def create_asset_set(client, customer_id)
# Creates an AssetSet which will be used to link the dynamic page feed assets to a campaign.
# Creates an operation to add the AssetSet.
operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset_set do |asset_set| = "My dynamic page feed #{}"
asset_set.type = :PAGE_FEED
# Sends the mutate request.
response = client.service.asset_set.mutate_asset_sets(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: [operation],
# Prints some information about the response.
resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
puts "Created asset set with resource name '#{resource_name}'"
# Create an AssetSet which will be used to link the dynamic page feed assets to
# a campaign.
my $asset_set = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AssetSet->new({
name => "My dynamic page feed #" . uniqid(),
type => PAGE_FEED
# Create an operation to add the AssetSet.
my $operation =
create => $asset_set
# Send the mutate request.
my $response = $api_client->AssetSetService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => [$operation]});
# Print some information about the response.
my $resource_name = $response->{results}[0]{resourceName};
printf "Created asset set with resource name '%s'.\n", $resource_name;
return $resource_name;
Następnie utwórz połączenie między komponentami powyżej i AssetSet
List<AssetSetAssetOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (String assetResourceName : assetResourceNames) {
AssetSetAsset assetSetAsset =
// Creates an operation to add the link.
AssetSetAssetOperation operation =
try (AssetSetAssetServiceClient client =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAssetSetAssetServiceClient()) {
// Sends the mutate request.
MutateAssetSetAssetsResponse response =
client.mutateAssetSetAssets(String.valueOf(params.customerId), operations);
// Prints some information about the response.
String resourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
System.out.printf("Created AssetSetAsset link with resource name %s.%n", resourceName);
/// <summary>
/// Adds an Asset to an AssetSet by creating an AssetSetAsset link.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="assetResourceNames">The asset resource names.</param>
/// <param name="assetSetResourceName">Resource name of the asset set.</param>
private void AddAssetsToAssetSet(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
List<string> assetResourceNames, string assetSetResourceName)
AssetSetAssetServiceClient assetSetAssetService = client.GetService(
List<AssetSetAssetOperation> operations = new List<AssetSetAssetOperation>();
foreach (string assetResourceName in assetResourceNames)
AssetSetAsset assetSetAsset = new AssetSetAsset()
Asset = assetResourceName,
AssetSet = assetSetResourceName
// Creates an operation to add the link.
AssetSetAssetOperation operation = new AssetSetAssetOperation()
Create = assetSetAsset
// Sends the mutate request.
MutateAssetSetAssetsResponse response =
assetSetAssetService.MutateAssetSetAssets(customerId.ToString(), operations);
// Prints some information about the response.
string resourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
Console.WriteLine($"Created AssetSetAsset link with resource name {resourceName}.");
$operations = [];
foreach ($assetResourceNames as $assetResourceName) {
// Creates an asset set asset.
$assetSetAsset = new AssetSetAsset([
'asset' => $assetResourceName,
'asset_set' => $assetSetResourceName
// Creates an asset set asset operation and adds it to the list of operations.
$assetSetAssetOperation = new AssetSetAssetOperation();
$operations[] = $assetSetAssetOperation;
// Issues a mutate request to add the asset set assets and prints its information.
$assetSetAssetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAssetSetAssetServiceClient();
$response = $assetSetAssetServiceClient->mutateAssetSetAssets(
MutateAssetSetAssetsRequest::build($customerId, $operations)
printf("Added %d asset set assets:%s", $response->getResults()->count(), PHP_EOL);
foreach ($response->getResults() as $addedAssetSetAsset) {
/** @var AssetSetAsset $addedAssetSetAsset */
"Created an asset set asset link with resource name: '%s'.%s",
def add_assets_to_asset_set(
client, customer_id, asset_resource_names, asset_set_resource_name
"""Adds assets to an asset set by creating an asset set asset link.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_id: a client customer ID.
asset_resource_names: a list of asset resource names.
asset_set_resource_name: a resource name for an asset set.
operations = []
for resource_name in asset_resource_names:
# Creates an asset set asset operation and adds it to the list of
# operations.
operation = client.get_type("AssetSetAssetOperation")
asset_set_asset = operation.create
asset_set_asset.asset = resource_name
asset_set_asset.asset_set = asset_set_resource_name
# Issues a mutate request to add the asset set assets and prints its
# information.
asset_set_asset_service = client.get_service("AssetSetAssetService")
response = asset_set_asset_service.mutate_asset_set_assets(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=operations
print(f"Added {len(response.results)} asset set assets:")
for result in response.results:
"\tCreated an asset set asset link with resource name "
def add_assets_to_asset_set(client, asset_resource_names, asset_set_resource_name, customer_id)
operations = do |asset_resource_name|
client.operation.create_resource.asset_set_asset do |asa|
asa.asset = asset_resource_name
asa.asset_set = asset_set_resource_name
response = client.service.asset_set_asset.mutate_asset_set_assets(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: operations,
resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
puts "Created asset set asset with resource name '#{resource_name}'"
my $operations = [];
foreach my $asset_resource_name (@$asset_resource_names) {
my $asset_set_asset =
asset => $asset_resource_name,
assetSet => $asset_set_resource_name
# Create an operation to add the link.
my $operation =
create => $asset_set_asset
push @$operations, $operation;
# Send the mutate request.
my $response = $api_client->AssetSetAssetService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => $operations
# Print some information about the response.
my $resource_name = $response->{results}[0]{resourceName};
printf "Created AssetSetAsset link with resource name '%s'.\n",
Powiąż zasób AssetSet z kampanią
Gdy AssetSet
zgromadzi zasoby, powiąż
z kampanią.
// Creates a CampaignAssetSet representing the link between an AssetSet and a Campaign.
CampaignAssetSet campaignAssetSet =
.setCampaign(ResourceNames.campaign(params.customerId, params.campaignId))
// Creates an operation to add the CampaignAssetSet.
CampaignAssetSetOperation operation =
// Creates the service client.
try (CampaignAssetSetServiceClient client =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createCampaignAssetSetServiceClient()) {
// Issues the mutate request.
MutateCampaignAssetSetsResponse response =
String.valueOf(params.customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
String resourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
System.out.printf("Created a CampaignAssetSet with resource name %s.%n", resourceName);
/// <summary>
/// Links an AssetSet to a Campaign by creating a CampaignAssetSet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="campaignId">ID of the campaign to which the asset is linked.</param>
/// <param name="assetSetResourceName">Resource name of the asset set.</param>
private void LinkAssetSetToCampaign(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
long campaignId, string assetSetResourceName)
CampaignAssetSetServiceClient campaignAssetSetService = client.GetService(
// Creates a CampaignAssetSet representing the link between an AssetSet and a Campaign.
CampaignAssetSet campaignAssetSet = new CampaignAssetSet()
Campaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, campaignId),
AssetSet = assetSetResourceName,
// Creates an operation to add the CampaignAssetSet.
CampaignAssetSetOperation operation = new CampaignAssetSetOperation()
Create = campaignAssetSet
// Issues the mutate request.
MutateCampaignAssetSetsResponse response =
customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
string resourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
Console.WriteLine($"Created a CampaignAssetSet with resource name {resourceName}.");
// Creates a campaign asset set representing the link between an asset set and a campaign.
$campaignAssetSet = new CampaignAssetSet([
'asset_set' => $assetSetResourceName,
'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, $campaignId)
// Creates a campaign asset set operation.
$campaignAssetSetOperation = new CampaignAssetSetOperation();
// Issues a mutate request to add the campaign asset set and prints its information.
$campaignAssetSetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCampaignAssetSetServiceClient();
$response = $campaignAssetSetServiceClient->mutateCampaignAssetSets(
MutateCampaignAssetSetsRequest::build($customerId, [$campaignAssetSetOperation])
"Created a campaign asset set with resource name: '%s'.%s",
def link_asset_set_to_campaign(
client, customer_id, campaign_id, asset_set_resource_name
"""Links the asset set to the campaign by creating a campaign asset set.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_id: a client customer ID.
campaign_id: the ID for a Campaign.
asset_set_resource_name: a resource name for an asset set.
googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
# Creates a campaign asset set representing the link between an asset set
# and a campaign.
operation = client.get_type("CampaignAssetSetOperation")
campaign_asset_set = operation.create
campaign_asset_set.asset_set = asset_set_resource_name
campaign_asset_set.campaign = googleads_service.campaign_path(
customer_id, campaign_id
campaign_asset_set_service = client.get_service("CampaignAssetSetService")
response = campaign_asset_set_service.mutate_campaign_asset_sets(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation]
resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
print(f"Created a campaign asset set with resource name: '{resource_name}'")
def link_asset_set_to_campaign(client, asset_set_resource_name, customer_id, campaign_id)
# Creates a CampaignAssetSet representing the link between an AssetSet and a Campaign.
# Creates an operation to add the CampaignAssetSet.
operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign_asset_set do |cas|
cas.campaign = client.path.campaign(customer_id, campaign_id)
cas.asset_set = asset_set_resource_name
# Issues the mutate request.
response = client.service.campaign_asset_set.mutate_campaign_asset_sets(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: [operation],
resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
puts "Created a campaign asset set with resource name '#{resource_name}'"
# Create a CampaignAssetSet representing the link between an AssetSet and a Campaign.
my $campaign_asset_set =
campaign => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Utils::ResourceNames::campaign(
$customer_id, $campaign_id
assetSet => $asset_set_resource_name
# Create an operation to add the CampaignAssetSet.
my $operation =
create => $campaign_asset_set
# Issue the mutate request.
my $response = $api_client->CampaignAssetSetService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => [$operation]});
# Print some information about the response.
my $resource_name = $response->{results}[0]{resourceName};
printf "Created a CampaignAssetSet with resource name '%s'.\n",
Zalecane: kierowanie na adresy URL z pliku z adresami stron docelowych za pomocą etykiet własnych
Opcjonalnie możesz używać etykiet własnych do kierowania reklam na adresy URL z pliku z adresami stron docelowych i ustalania dla nich stawek.
Można to zrobić, tworząc kryterium na podstawie argumentu
, który filtruje przy użyciu warunku
ma wartość operand
ustawioną jako