Per gli annunci di hotel, è possibile assegnare una strategia di offerta per una singola campagna.
Per informazioni dettagliate sulla scelta delle strategie di offerta per gli annunci per hotel, consulta la Panoramica delle offerte per gli annunci per hotel. Dopo aver acquisito familiarità con le strategie di offerta, puoi utilizzare l'API Google Ads per assegnare e aggiornare le strategie di offerta per le campagne per hotel.
Assegnare una strategia di offerta
Per assegnare una strategia durante la creazione di una nuova campagna per hotel:
Scegli un
. Per gli annunci di hotel puoi utilizzare le seguenti strategie:commission
(per conversione o per soggiorno)percent_cpc
Determina la coppia nome-valore del campo da utilizzare per la strategia scelta.
Imposta la strategia durante la creazione della nuova campagna. Ad esempio, in Java, chiama il metodo setter per il campo
(la convenzione per il nome del metodo èsetcampaign_bidding_strategy
) da un builder di un'istanzaCampaign
.Per una strategia
, quando crei la nuova campagna ricordati di aggiungere un'istruzione aggiuntiva che imposticommission
Questo esempio mostra come impostare una strategia di offerta percent_cpc
quando crei una nuova campagna:
// Creates the campaign. Campaign campaign = Campaign.newBuilder() .setName("Interplanetary Cruise #" + getPrintableDateTime()) // Configures settings related to hotel campaigns including advertising channel type // and hotel setting info. .setAdvertisingChannelType(AdvertisingChannelType.HOTEL) .setHotelSetting(hotelSettingInfo) // Recommendation: Sets the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added // targeting and the ads are ready to serve .setStatus(CampaignStatus.PAUSED) // Sets the bidding strategy to Percent CPC. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC can be used // for hotel campaigns. .setPercentCpc( PercentCpc.newBuilder().setCpcBidCeilingMicros(cpcBidCeilingMicroAmount).build()) // Sets the budget. .setCampaignBudget(budgetResourceName) // Adds the networkSettings configured above. .setNetworkSettings(networkSettings) .build();
// Create a campaign. Campaign campaign = new Campaign() { Name = "Interplanetary Cruise Campaign #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(), // Configure settings related to hotel campaigns including advertising channel type // and hotel setting info. AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.Hotel, HotelSetting = new HotelSettingInfo() { HotelCenterId = hotelCenterAccountId }, // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added // targeting and the ads are ready to serve. Status = CampaignStatus.Paused, // Sets the bidding strategy to PercentCpc. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC can // be used for hotel campaigns. PercentCpc = new PercentCpc() { CpcBidCeilingMicros = cpcBidCeilingMicroAmount }, // Set the budget. CampaignBudget = budgetResourceName, // Configure the campaign network options. Only Google Search is allowed for // hotel campaigns. NetworkSettings = new NetworkSettings() { TargetGoogleSearch = true } };
// Creates a campaign. $campaign = new Campaign([ 'name' => 'Interplanetary Cruise Campaign #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(), // Configures settings related to hotel campaigns including advertising channel type // and hotel setting info. 'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::HOTEL, 'hotel_setting' => new HotelSettingInfo(['hotel_center_id' => $hotelCenterAccountId]), // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added // targeting and the ads are ready to serve. 'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED, // Sets the bidding strategy to PercentCpc. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC can be used // for hotel campaigns. 'percent_cpc' => new PercentCpc([ 'cpc_bid_ceiling_micros' => $cpcBidCeilingMicroAmount ]), // Sets the budget. 'campaign_budget' => $budgetResourceName, // Configures the campaign network options. Only Google Search is allowed for // hotel campaigns. 'network_settings' => new NetworkSettings([ 'target_google_search' => true, ]), ]);
# Create campaign. campaign_operation = client.get_type("CampaignOperation") campaign = campaign_operation.create = f"Interplanetary Cruise Campaign {uuid.uuid4()}" # Configures settings related to hotel campaigns including advertising # channel type and hotel setting info. campaign.advertising_channel_type = ( client.enums.AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.HOTEL ) campaign.hotel_setting.hotel_center_id = hotel_center_account_id # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent the # ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added targeting # and the ads are ready to serve. campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED # Set the bidding strategy to PercentCpc. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC # can be used for hotel campaigns. campaign.percent_cpc.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros = cpc_bid_ceiling_micro_amount # Sets the budget. campaign.campaign_budget = budget_resource_name # Set the campaign network options. Only Google Search is allowed for hotel # campaigns. campaign.network_settings.target_google_search = True
# Create a campaign. campaign_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign do |c| = generate_random_name_field("Interplanetary Cruise Campaign") # Configure settings related to hotel campaigns. c.advertising_channel_type = :HOTEL c.hotel_setting = client.resource.hotel_setting_info do |hsi| hsi.hotel_center_id = hotel_center_account_id end # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent the # ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added targeting and # the ads are ready to serve. c.status = :PAUSED # Set the bidding strategy to PercentCpc. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC can # be used for hotel campaigns. c.percent_cpc = client.resource.percent_cpc do |pcpc| pcpc.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros = cpc_bid_ceiling_micro_amount end # Set the budget. c.campaign_budget = budget_resource # Configures the campaign network options. Only Google Search is allowed for # hotel campaigns. c.network_settings = client.resource.network_settings do |ns| ns.target_google_search = true end end
# Create a hotel campaign. my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({ name => "Interplanetary Cruise Campaign #" . uniqid(), # Configure settings related to hotel campaigns including advertising # channel type and hotel setting info. advertisingChannelType => HOTEL, hotelSetting => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::HotelSettingInfo->new({ hotelCenterId => $hotel_center_account_id } ), # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent # the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added # targeting and the ads are ready to serve. status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::CampaignStatusEnum::PAUSED, # Set the bidding strategy to PercentCpc. Only Manual CPC and Percent CPC # can be used for hotel campaigns. percentCpc => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::PercentCpc->new( {cpcBidCeilingMicros => $cpc_bid_ceiling_micro_amount} ), # Set the budget. campaignBudget => $budget_resource_name, # Configure the campaign network options. Only Google Search is allowed for # hotel campaigns. networkSettings => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::NetworkSettings->new({ targetGoogleSearch => "true" })});
Aggiornare una strategia di offerta
Per aggiornare la strategia di offerta di una campagna, in un
imposta i campi del Campaign
come descritto in Assegnare una strategia di offerta.