Vidéo: Regardez la présentation sur les groupes de fiches de l'atelier 2019
Les groupes d'annonces d'hôtels vous permettent de diviser vos hôtels en plusieurs groupes d'annonces d'hôtels, selon plusieurs dimensions. Vous pouvez ainsi ajuster les enchères de chaque groupe en conséquence. Prenons l'arborescence ci-dessous. Au premier niveau, les hôtels ont été divisés en trois grandes catégories : hôtels 5 étoiles, hôtels 4 étoiles et autres catégories d'hôtels. Au deuxième niveau, les hôtels d'autres catégories ont été répartis en hôtels situés aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et dans d'autres régions.
Chaque nœud de l'arborescence est une subdivision ou une unité, comme défini par ListingGroupType
Une subdivision introduit un nouveau niveau dans l'arborescence, tandis que les unités sont les feuilles de l'arborescence. Chaque subdivision doit toujours être complètement partitionnée. Elle doit donc contenir un nœud représentant Autre. Dans l'exemple, les nœuds racine et Catégorie d'hôtel: (Autre) sont des sous-divisions. Cette structure arborescente avec des subdivisions et des unités vous permet de définir des enchères au niveau de l'unité. Elle garantit également que chaque fiche d'hôtel appartient à un seul et unique nœud d'unité dans l'arborescence.
Les nœuds sont des objets de la classe ListingGroupInfo
, qui contient le champ ListingGroupType
qui indique si les nœuds sont des unités ou des subdivisions. Définir ListingGroupInfo
sur listing_group
dans AdGroupCriterion
l'associe à AdGroup
Définir des enchères au CPC (%)
Vous ne pouvez définir percent_cpc_bid_micros
de AdGroupCriterion
que sur les nœuds d'unité. Si vous tentez de le faire sur des nœuds de subdivision, vous recevrez une erreur.
Dimensions de la fiche
Un ListingGroupInfo
comporte également un case_value
, qui est un ListingDimensionInfo
contenant l'un des différents types de dimension. Un ListingGroupInfo
représente les valeurs associées à vos hôtels, telles que l'ID, le pays ou la catégorie de l'hôtel. Vous trouverez une description complète des types ListingDimensionInfo
disponibles dans la documentation de référence.
Chaque enfant immédiat d'une subdivision doit avoir un case_value
du même sous-type ListingDimensionInfo
. Seul le nœud racine ne comporte pas de case_value
N'oubliez pas que chaque subdivision doit contenir un case_value
"vide" du type approprié, représentant "toutes les autres valeurs".
Pour en savoir plus, consultez l'extrait de code suivant, qui ajoute le premier niveau de l'arborescence des groupes de fiches.
private static String addLevel1Nodes( long customerId, long adGroupId, String rootResourceName, List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations, long percentCpcBidMicroAmount) { // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredDimensionInfo = ListingDimensionInfo.newBuilder() .setHotelClass(HotelClassInfo.newBuilder().setValue(5).build()) .build(); // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit = ListingGroupInfo.newBuilder() .setType(ListingGroupType.UNIT) .setParentAdGroupCriterion(rootResourceName) .setCaseValue(fiveStarredDimensionInfo) .build(); // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = createAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = generateCreateOperation(fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion); operations.add(operation); // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want. // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star // hotels instead. // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by not specifying // any attributes on those object. ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsDimensionInfo = ListingDimensionInfo.newBuilder() .setHotelClass(HotelClassInfo.newBuilder().build()) .build(); // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivision = createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType.SUBDIVISION, rootResourceName, otherHotelsDimensionInfo); // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = createAdGroupCriterion( customerId, adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivision, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); operation = generateCreateOperation(otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion); operations.add(operation); return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.getResourceName(); }
private string AddLevel1Nodes(long customerId, long adGroupId, string rootResourceName, List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations, long percentCpcBidMicroAmount) { // Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels. ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo { HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo { Value = 5 } }; // Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit = CreateListingGroupInfo(ListingGroupType.Unit, rootResourceName, fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo); // Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation { Create = fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion }); // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. nextTempId--; // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code // in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo(). // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create a UNIT // node of 4-star hotels. // Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* // specifying any attributes on those object. ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo { HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo() }; // Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will // be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo = CreateListingGroupInfo (ListingGroupType.Subdivision, rootResourceName, otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo); // Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation { Create = otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion }); // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. nextTempId--; return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.ResourceName; }
private static function addLevel1Nodes( int $customerId, int $adGroupId, string $rootResourceName, array &$operations, int $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ) { // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. $fiveStarredDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([ 'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo(['value' => 5]) ]); // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. $fiveStarredUnit = self::createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType::UNIT, $rootResourceName, $fiveStarredDimensionInfo ); // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. $fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion( $customerId, $adGroupId, $fiveStarredUnit, $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ); // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. self::$nextTempId--; $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion); $operations[] = $operation; // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want. // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star // hotels instead. // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* specifying // any attributes on those object. $othersHotelsDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([ 'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo() ]); // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. $otherHotelsSubDivision = self::createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType::SUBDIVISION, $rootResourceName, $othersHotelsDimensionInfo ); // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion( $customerId, $adGroupId, $otherHotelsSubDivision, $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ); $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion); $operations[] = $operation; self::$nextTempId--; return $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion->getResourceName(); }
def add_level1_nodes( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, root_resource_name, operations, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ): """Creates child nodes on level 1, partitioned by the hotel class info. Args: client: The Google Ads API client. customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID. ad_group_id: The ad group ID to which the hotel listing group will be added. root_resource_name: The string resource name of the listing group's root node. operations: A list of AdGroupCriterionOperations. percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount: The CPC bid micro amount to be set on created ad group criteria. Returns: The string resource name of the "other hotel classes" node, which serves as the parent node for the next level of the listing tree. """ global next_temp_id # Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels. five_starred_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type( "ListingDimensionInfo" ) five_starred_listing_dimension_info.hotel_class.value = 5 # Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info( client, client.enums.ListingGroupTypeEnum.UNIT, root_resource_name, five_starred_listing_dimension_info, ) # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, five_starred_unit, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type( "AdGroupCriterionOperation" ) client.copy_from( five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation.create, five_starred_ad_group_criterion, ) operations.append(five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation) # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. next_temp_id -= 1 # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the hotel class value. # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create # a UNIT node of 4-star hotels. # Create hotel class info and dimension info without any specifying # attributes. This node will then represent hotel classes other than those # already covered by UNIT nodes at this level. other_hotels_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type( "ListingDimensionInfo" ) # Set "hotel_class" as the oneof field on the ListingDimensionInfo object # without specifying the optional hotel_class field. client.copy_from( other_hotels_listing_dimension_info.hotel_class, client.get_type("HotelClassInfo"), ) # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. other_hotels_subdivision_listing_group_info = create_listing_group_info( client, client.enums.ListingGroupTypeEnum.SUBDIVISION, root_resource_name, other_hotels_listing_dimension_info, ) # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, other_hotels_subdivision_listing_group_info, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type( "AdGroupCriterionOperation" ) client.copy_from( other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation.create, other_hotels_ad_group_criterion, ) operations.append(other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation) # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. next_temp_id -= 1 return other_hotels_ad_group_criterion.resource_name
def add_level1_nodes( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, root_resource_name, operations, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount) # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. five_starred_dimension_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d| d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info do |c| c.value = 5 end end # Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info( client, :UNIT, root_resource_name, five_starred_dimension_info, ) # Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, five_starred_unit, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) operations << generate_create_operation( client, five_starred_ad_group_criterion, ) # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() # to the value you want. # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT # node of 4-star hotels instead. # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes # by *not* specifying any attributes on those object. other_hotels_dimention_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d| d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info end # Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. other_hotels_subdivision = create_listing_group_info( client, :SUBDIVISION, root_resource_name, other_hotels_dimention_info, ) # Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, other_hotels_subdivision, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) operations << generate_create_operation( client, other_hotels_ad_group_criterion, ) other_hotels_ad_group_criterion.resource_name end
sub add_level_1_nodes { my ($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $root_resource_name, $operations, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount) = @_; # Create hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. my $five_starred_dimension_info = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ListingDimensionInfo->new({ hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new({ value => 5 })}); # Create listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. my $five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info(UNIT, $root_resource_name, $five_starred_dimension_info); # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. my $five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $five_starred_unit, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount); my $operation = generate_create_operation($five_starred_ad_group_criterion); push @$operations, $operation; # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo # to the value you want. For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code # will create a UNIT node of 4-star hotels instead. # Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* # specifying any attributes on those object. my $others_hotels_dimension_info = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ListingDimensionInfo->new({ hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new()} ); # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which # will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. my $other_hotels_subdivision = create_listing_group_info(SUBDIVISION, $root_resource_name, $others_hotels_dimension_info); # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. my $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $other_hotels_subdivision, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount); $operation = generate_create_operation($other_hotels_ad_group_criterion); push @$operations, $operation; return $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion->{resourceName}; }
Dimensions disponibles pour ListingDimensionInfo
Les types ListingDimensionInfo
suivants sont disponibles pour les annonces d'hôtel:
ID temporaires
Les critères de groupe d'annonces ne sont pas attribués d'ID tant que la requête de modification qui les crée n'est pas traitée par le serveur. Toutefois, un ListingGroupInfo
n'est pas valide tant qu'il n'est pas terminé. Par conséquent, chaque fois que vous créez une subdivision, vous devez également créer au moins l'un de ses enfants dans la même opération.
Pour pouvoir définir le parent_ad_group_criterion
de ListingGroupInfo
pour les nœuds enfants, vous pouvez utiliser des ID de critère temporaires. Il s'agit d'identifiants locaux (plutôt que globaux) qui ne s'appliquent qu'au contexte d'une seule requête de modification. N'importe quel entier négatif (par exemple, -1
) peut être utilisé comme identifiant temporaire.
Lorsque la requête est traitée, chaque AdGroupCriterion
se voit attribuer un ID global positif, comme d'habitude.