تقدّم مقاييس التوقّعات مقاييس للحملات المقترَحة أو الحالية، بما في ذلك:
- مرات الظهور
- نسبة النقر إلى الظهور
- متوسط تكلفة النقرة
- النقرات
- التكلفة
جرِّب إعدادات حملات مختلفة لتحسين كلّ من هذه القياسات. قد يتم استخدام بيانات مثل نتيجة الجودة السابقة ونسبة النقر إلى الظهور في التوقّعات لمحاكاة الأداء المتوقّع، مثل معدل الإحالات الناجحة.
يتم استخدام مقاييس التوقّعات عادةً بعد المقاييس السابقة. تعمل المقاييس السابقة على تصغير قائمة كبيرة من الكلمات الرئيسية إلى حجم يسهل التعامل معه. توفّر مقاييس التوقّعات تقديرًا أكثر دقة لأداء الحملة في المستقبل. ابدأ بالمقاييس السابقة للكلمات الرئيسية. بعد أن تصبح القائمة قابلة للإدارة، استخدِم مقاييس التوقّعات لتحسين أداء حملتك.
إنشاء المقاييس
لإنشاء مقاييس التوقّعات، أكمِل الخطوات التالية:
- أنشئ حملة تريد توقّع نتائجها
. - اتصل بـ
هذا وأي مَعلمات أخرى، مثلforecast_period
إنشاء حملة لوضع توقّعات لها
في ما يلي بعض النصائح عند إنشاء حملتك للتوقّع:
- أنشئ المجموعات الإعلانية استنادًا إلى مواضيع مثل مدى صلة المواد الإبداعية أو فئة المنتجات أو تكلفة النقرة.
- أدرِج الكلمات الرئيسية السلبية الشائعة. على سبيل المثال، إذا لم تكن في مجال التوظيف، استبعِد الكلمة الرئيسية "وظائف".
- استخدِم حسابًا مرتبطًا بالحملة. لا تقدِّم توقّعات من حساب غير ذي صلة. تأخذ Google في الاعتبار عوامل مثل نتيجة الجودة ومحتوى مواد الدعاية عند وضع التوقّعات.
- إذا كانت إحدى الحملات غير مرتبطة ببقية حسابك، استخدِم حسابًا جديدًا خاليًا للتوقّعات.
- يمكنك تكرار التوقعات باستخدام آفاق مختلفة للحصول على صورة شاملة.
إنشاء مقاييس التوقّعات
يقدّم مثال التعليمات البرمجية التالي طلبًا إلى
. ثمّ يتم تكرار كل نتيجة وعرض كل مقياس من مقاييس التوقعات.
يمكن أن يعرض الردّ أيضًا أرقام تعريف
مؤقتة في المرجع، مثل
private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, Long customerId) { CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = createCampaignToForecast(googleAdsClient); GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest request = GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomerId(String.valueOf(customerId)) .setCampaign(campaignToForecast) .setForecastPeriod( DateRange.newBuilder() // Sets the forecast start date to tomorrow. .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyy-MM-dd")) // Sets the forecast end date to 30 days from today. .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(30).toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) .build(); try (KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient()) { GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsResponse response = keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient.generateKeywordForecastMetrics(request); KeywordForecastMetrics metrics = response.getCampaignForecastMetrics(); System.out.printf( "Estimated daily clicks: %s%n", metrics.hasClicks() ? metrics.getClicks() : null); System.out.printf( "Estimated daily impressions: %s%n", metrics.hasImpressions() ? metrics.getImpressions() : null); System.out.printf( "Estimated average CPC (micros): %s%n", metrics.hasAverageCpcMicros() ? metrics.getAverageCpcMicros() : null); } } /** * Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out various * configurations and keywords to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once * you've found the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google Ads * account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see: * * <p>https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 * * @param googleAdsClient * @return */ private CampaignToForecast createCampaignToForecast(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient) { CampaignToForecast.Builder campaignToForecastBuilder = CampaignToForecast.newBuilder() .setKeywordPlanNetwork(KeywordPlanNetwork.GOOGLE_SEARCH) .setBiddingStrategy( CampaignBiddingStrategy.newBuilder() .setManualCpcBiddingStrategy( ManualCpcBiddingStrategy.newBuilder().setMaxCpcBidMicros(1_000_000L))); // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets for the list of // geo target IDs. campaignToForecastBuilder.addGeoModifiers( CriterionBidModifier.newBuilder() // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA. .setGeoTargetConstant(ResourceNames.geoTargetConstant(2840))); // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages for // the list of language criteria IDs. Language constant 1000 is for English. campaignToForecastBuilder.addLanguageConstants(ResourceNames.languageConstant(1000)); // Create forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category, or // cost per click. ForecastAdGroup.Builder forecastAdGroupBuilder = ForecastAdGroup.newBuilder(); forecastAdGroupBuilder.addBiddableKeywords( BiddableKeyword.newBuilder() .setMaxCpcBidMicros(2_500_000) .setKeyword( KeywordInfo.newBuilder() .setText("mars cruise") .setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.BROAD))); forecastAdGroupBuilder.addBiddableKeywords( BiddableKeyword.newBuilder() .setMaxCpcBidMicros(1_500_000) .setKeyword( KeywordInfo.newBuilder() .setText("cheap cruise") .setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.PHRASE))); forecastAdGroupBuilder.addBiddableKeywords( BiddableKeyword.newBuilder() .setMaxCpcBidMicros(1_990_000) .setKeyword( KeywordInfo.newBuilder() .setText("jupiter cruise") .setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.BROAD))); forecastAdGroupBuilder.addNegativeKeywords( KeywordInfo.newBuilder().setText("moon walk").setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.BROAD)); campaignToForecastBuilder.addAdGroups(forecastAdGroupBuilder.build()); return campaignToForecastBuilder.build(); }
public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId) { CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = CreateCampaignToForecast(); KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanIdeaService = client.GetService(Services.V19.KeywordPlanIdeaService); GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest request = new GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest() { CustomerId = customerId.ToString(), Campaign = campaignToForecast, ForecastPeriod = new DateRange() { // Set the forecast start date to tomorrow. StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), // Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today. EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), } }; try { GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsResponse response = keywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics(request); KeywordForecastMetrics metrics = response.CampaignForecastMetrics; Console.WriteLine($"Estimated daily clicks: {metrics.Clicks}."); Console.WriteLine($"Estimated daily impressions: {metrics.Impressions}."); Console.WriteLine($"Estimated average cpc (micros): {metrics.AverageCpcMicros}."); } catch (GoogleAdsException e) { Console.WriteLine("Failure:"); Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}"); Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}"); throw; } } /// <summary> /// Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out /// various configuration and keywords to find the best optimization for your /// future campaigns. Once you've found the best campaign configuration, /// create a serving campaign in your Google Ads account with similar values /// and keywords. For more details, see: /// https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 /// </summary> private CampaignToForecast CreateCampaignToForecast() { CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = new CampaignToForecast() { KeywordPlanNetwork = KeywordPlanNetwork.GoogleSearch, BiddingStrategy = new CampaignToForecast.Types.CampaignBiddingStrategy() { ManualCpcBiddingStrategy = new ManualCpcBiddingStrategy() { MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_000_000 } } }; // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets // for the list of geo target IDs. campaignToForecast.GeoModifiers.Add(new CriterionBidModifier() { // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA. GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(2840) }); // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages // for the list of language criteria IDs. // Language constant 1000 is for English. campaignToForecast.LanguageConstants.Add(ResourceNames.LanguageConstant(1000)); // Create forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category, // or cost per click. ForecastAdGroup forecastAdGroup = new ForecastAdGroup(); forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword() { MaxCpcBidMicros = 2_500_000, Keyword = new KeywordInfo() { Text = "mars cruise", MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad } }); forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword() { MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_500_000, Keyword = new KeywordInfo() { Text = "cheap cruise", MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Phrase } }); forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword() { MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_990_000, Keyword = new KeywordInfo() { Text = "jupiter cruise", MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad } }); forecastAdGroup.NegativeKeywords.Add(new KeywordInfo() { Text = "moon walk", MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad }); campaignToForecast.AdGroups.Add(forecastAdGroup); return campaignToForecast; }
public static function runExample( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId ): void { $campaignToForecast = self::createCampaignToForecast(); $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient(); // Generates keyword forecast metrics based on the specified parameters. $response = $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient->generateKeywordForecastMetrics( new GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest([ 'customer_id' => $customerId, 'campaign' => $campaignToForecast, 'forecast_period' => new DateRange([ // Sets the forecast start date to tomorrow. 'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')), // Sets the forecast end date to 30 days from today. 'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+30 days')) ]) ]) ); $metrics = $response->getCampaignForecastMetrics(); printf( "Estimated daily clicks: %s%s", $metrics->hasClicks() ? sprintf("%.2f", $metrics->getClicks()) : "'none'", PHP_EOL ); printf( "Estimated daily impressions: %s%s", $metrics->hasImpressions() ? sprintf("%.2f", $metrics->getImpressions()) : "'none'", PHP_EOL ); printf( "Estimated average CPC (micros): %s%s", $metrics->hasAverageCpcMicros() ? sprintf("%d", $metrics->getAverageCpcMicros()) : "'none'", PHP_EOL ); } /** * Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out various * configurations and keywords to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once * you've found the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google Ads * account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see: * * https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 * * @return CampaignToForecast the created campaign to forecast */ private static function createCampaignToForecast(): CampaignToForecast { // Creates a campaign to forecast. $campaignToForecast = new CampaignToForecast([ 'keyword_plan_network' => KeywordPlanNetwork::GOOGLE_SEARCH, 'bidding_strategy' => new CampaignBiddingStrategy([ 'manual_cpc_bidding_strategy' => new ManualCpcBiddingStrategy([ 'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_000_000 ]) ]), // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets for the // list of geo target IDs. 'geo_modifiers' => [ new CriterionBidModifier([ // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA. 'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(2840) ]) ], // See // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages // for the list of language criteria IDs. Language constant 1000 is for English. 'language_constants' => [ResourceNames::forLanguageConstant(1000)], ]); // Creates forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category, // or cost per click. $forecastAdGroup = new ForecastAdGroup([ 'biddable_keywords' => [ new BiddableKeyword([ 'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 2_500_000, 'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([ 'text' => 'mars cruise', 'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD ]) ]), new BiddableKeyword([ 'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_500_000, 'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([ 'text' => 'cheap cruise', 'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::PHRASE ]) ]), new BiddableKeyword([ 'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_990_000, 'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([ 'text' => 'jupiter cruise', 'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD ]) ]) ], 'negative_keywords' => [ new KeywordInfo([ 'text' => 'moon walk', 'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD ]) ] ]); $campaignToForecast->setAdGroups([$forecastAdGroup]); return $campaignToForecast; }
def main(client, customer_id): """The main method that creates all necessary entities for the example. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. """ campaign_to_forecast = create_campaign_to_forecast(client) generate_forecast_metrics(client, customer_id, campaign_to_forecast) def create_campaign_to_forecast(client): """Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out various configurations and keywords to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once you've found the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google Ads account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. Returns: An CampaignToForecast instance. """ googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService") # Create a campaign to forecast. campaign_to_forecast = client.get_type("CampaignToForecast") campaign_to_forecast.keyword_plan_network = ( client.enums.KeywordPlanNetworkEnum.GOOGLE_SEARCH ) # Set the bidding strategy. campaign_to_forecast.bidding_strategy.manual_cpc_bidding_strategy.max_cpc_bid_micros = ( 1000000 ) # For the list of geo target IDs, see: # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets criterion_bid_modifier = client.get_type("CriterionBidModifier") # Geo target constant 2840 is for USA. criterion_bid_modifier.geo_target_constant = ( googleads_service.geo_target_constant_path("2840") ) campaign_to_forecast.geo_modifiers.append(criterion_bid_modifier) # For the list of language criteria IDs, see: # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages # Language criteria 1000 is for English. campaign_to_forecast.language_constants.append( googleads_service.language_constant_path("1000") ) # Create forecast ad groups based on themes such as creative relevance, # product category, or cost per click. forecast_ad_group = client.get_type("ForecastAdGroup") # Create and configure three BiddableKeyword instances. biddable_keyword_1 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword") biddable_keyword_1.max_cpc_bid_micros = 2500000 biddable_keyword_1.keyword.text = "mars cruise" biddable_keyword_1.keyword.match_type = ( client.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.BROAD ) biddable_keyword_2 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword") biddable_keyword_2.max_cpc_bid_micros = 1500000 biddable_keyword_2.keyword.text = "cheap cruise" biddable_keyword_2.keyword.match_type = ( client.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.PHRASE ) biddable_keyword_3 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword") biddable_keyword_3.max_cpc_bid_micros = 1990000 biddable_keyword_3.keyword.text = "cheap cruise" biddable_keyword_3.keyword.match_type = ( client.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.EXACT ) # Add the biddable keywords to the forecast ad group. forecast_ad_group.biddable_keywords.extend( [biddable_keyword_1, biddable_keyword_2, biddable_keyword_3] ) # Create and configure a negative keyword, then add it to the forecast ad # group. negative_keyword = client.get_type("KeywordInfo") negative_keyword.text = "moon walk" negative_keyword.match_type = client.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.BROAD forecast_ad_group.negative_keywords.append(negative_keyword) campaign_to_forecast.ad_groups.append(forecast_ad_group) return campaign_to_forecast def generate_forecast_metrics(client, customer_id, campaign_to_forecast): """Generates forecast metrics and prints the results. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. campaign_to_forecast: a CampaignToForecast to generate metrics for. """ keyword_plan_idea_service = client.get_service("KeywordPlanIdeaService") request = client.get_type("GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest") request.customer_id = customer_id request.campaign = campaign_to_forecast # Set the forecast range. Repeat forecasts with different horizons to get a # holistic picture. # Set the forecast start date to tomorrow. tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1) request.forecast_period.start_date = tomorrow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today. thirty_days_from_now = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=30) request.forecast_period.end_date = thirty_days_from_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") response = keyword_plan_idea_service.generate_keyword_forecast_metrics( request=request ) metrics = response.campaign_forecast_metrics print(f"Estimated daily clicks: {metrics.clicks}") print(f"Estimated daily impressions: {metrics.impressions}") print(f"Estimated daily average CPC: {metrics.average_cpc_micros}")
This example is not yet available in Ruby; you can take a look at the other languages.
sub generate_forecast_metrics { my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_; my $campaign_to_forecast = create_campaign_to_forecast(); my $keyword_forecast_metrics_response = $api_client->KeywordPlanIdeaService()->generate_keyword_forecast_metrics({ customerId => $customer_id, campaign => $campaign_to_forecast, # Set the forecast range. Repeat forecasts with different horizons # to get a holistic picture. forecastPeriod => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::DateRange->new({ # Set the forecast start date to tomorrow. startDate => strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)), # Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today. endDate => strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30))}) }); my $metrics = $keyword_forecast_metrics_response->{campaignForecastMetrics}; printf "Estimated daily clicks: %s.\n", defined $metrics->{clicks} ? $metrics->{clicks} : "undef"; printf "Estimated daily impressions: %s.\n", defined $metrics->{impressions} ? $metrics->{impressions} : "undef"; printf "Estimated average cpc (micros): %s.\n\n", defined $metrics->{averageCpcMicros} ? $metrics->{averageCpcMicros} : "undef"; return 1; } # Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out # various configuration and keywords to find the best optimization for your # future campaigns. Once you've found the best campaign configuration, # create a serving campaign in your Google Ads account with similar values # and keywords. For more details, see: # https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 sub create_campaign_to_forecast { my ($api_client) = @_; # Create a campaign to forecast. my $campaign_to_forecast = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::CampaignToForecast ->new({keywordPlanNetwork => 'GOOGLE_SEARCH'}); # Set the bidding strategy. $campaign_to_forecast->{biddingStrategy}->{manualCpcBiddingStrategy} = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::ManualCpcBiddingStrategy ->new({maxCpcBidMicros => 1000000}); # See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets # for the list of geo target IDs. $campaign_to_forecast->{geoModifiers} = [ Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::CriterionBidModifier ->new({ # Geo target constant 2840 is for USA. geoTargetConstant => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::geo_target_constant( 2840)})]; # See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages # for the list of language criteria IDs. $campaign_to_forecast->{languageConstants} = [ # Language criteria 1000 is for English. Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::language_constant(1000)]; # Create forecast ad groups based on themes such as creative relevance, # product category, or cost per click. $campaign_to_forecast->{adGroups} = [ Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::ForecastAdGroup ->new({ biddableKeywords => [ Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::BiddableKeyword ->new({ maxCpcBidMicros => 2500000, keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({ text => "mars cruise", matchType => 'BROAD' })} ), Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::BiddableKeyword ->new({ maxCpcBidMicros => 1500000, keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({ text => "cheap cruise", matchType => 'PHRASE' })} ), Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::BiddableKeyword ->new({ maxCpcBidMicros => 1990000, keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({ text => "jupiter cruise", matchType => 'EXACT' })}) ], negativeKeywords => [ Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({ text => "moon walk", matchType => 'BROAD' })]})]; return $campaign_to_forecast; }
الربط بواجهة المستخدم
تتوفّر وظيفة مشابهة في "مخطّط الكلمات الرئيسية" ضمن واجهة مستخدِم "إعلانات Google".
واجهة مستخدم "أداة تخطيط الكلمات الرئيسية" | Google Ads API |
إدخال كلمات رئيسية | CampaignToForecast.negative_keywords
أو ForecastAdGroup.biddable_keywords
أو ForecastAdGroup.negative_keywords |
المواقع الجغرافية | CampaignToForecast.geo_targets |
اللغات | CampaignToForecast.language_constants |
شبكات البحث | CampaignToForecast.keyword_plan_network |
عرض سعر النقرة | |
نطاق التواريخ | forecastGenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest.forecast_period_period |