إدارة قوائم العملاء

ارجع إلى هذا الدليل للاطّلاع على تعديلات قائمة العملاء وعمليات الإزالة وإعداد التقارير.

تعديل قائمة باستخدام OnlineUserDataJobService

بعد إنشاء قوائم العملاء وإعداد الاستهداف، من الأفضل إعادة تحميل هذه القوائم بانتظام.

لتعديل قوائمك بأحدث البيانات، يكون من الأفضل عمومًا إضافة مستخدمين فرديين أو إزالتهم، بدلاً من إزالة جميع المستخدمين من القائمة وتحميلها من البداية.

إلحاق بقائمة

لإضافة عنوان إلى قائمة حالية، أنشئ OfflineUserDataJob بالطريقة نفسها التي أنشأت بها قائمة عملاء جديدة.


private void addUsersToCustomerMatchUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    boolean runJob,
    String userListResourceName,
    Long offlineUserDataJobId,
    ConsentStatus adPersonalizationConsent,
    ConsentStatus adUserDataConsent)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  try (OfflineUserDataJobServiceClient offlineUserDataJobServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createOfflineUserDataJobServiceClient()) {
    String offlineUserDataJobResourceName;
    if (offlineUserDataJobId == null) {
      // Creates a new offline user data job.
      OfflineUserDataJob.Builder offlineUserDataJobBuilder =
      // Adds consent information to the job if specified.
      if (adPersonalizationConsent != null || adUserDataConsent != null) {
        Consent.Builder consentBuilder = Consent.newBuilder();
        if (adPersonalizationConsent != null) {
        if (adUserDataConsent != null) {
        // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
        // https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.

      // Issues a request to create the offline user data job.
      CreateOfflineUserDataJobResponse createOfflineUserDataJobResponse =
              Long.toString(customerId), offlineUserDataJobBuilder.build());
      offlineUserDataJobResourceName = createOfflineUserDataJobResponse.getResourceName();
          "Created an offline user data job with resource name: %s.%n",
    } else {
      // Reuses the specified offline user data job.
      offlineUserDataJobResourceName =
          ResourceNames.offlineUserDataJob(customerId, offlineUserDataJobId);

    // Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job. This example
    // only adds a few operations, so it only sends one AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations request.
    // If your application is adding a large number of operations, split the operations into
    // batches and send multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations requests for the SAME job. See
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
    // and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
    // for more information on the per-request limits.
    List<OfflineUserDataJobOperation> userDataJobOperations = buildOfflineUserDataJobOperations();
    AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsResponse response =

    // Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    // NOTE: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here, you can refer to
    // the example HandlePartialFailure.java to learn more.
    if (response.hasPartialFailureError()) {
      GoogleAdsFailure googleAdsFailure =
          "Encountered %d partial failure errors while adding %d operations to the offline user "
              + "data job: '%s'. Only the successfully added operations will be executed when "
              + "the job runs.%n",
    } else {
          "Successfully added %d operations to the offline user data job.%n",

    if (!runJob) {
          "Not running offline user data job '%s', as requested.%n",

    // Issues an asynchronous request to run the offline user data job for executing
    // all added operations.

    // BEWARE! The above call returns an OperationFuture. The execution of that future depends on
    // the thread pool which is owned by offlineUserDataJobServiceClient. If you use this future,
    // you *must* keep the service client in scope too.
    // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/client-libs/java/lro for more detail.

    // Offline user data jobs may take 6 hours or more to complete, so instead of waiting for the
    // job to complete, retrieves and displays the job status once. If the job is completed
    // successfully, prints information about the user list. Otherwise, prints the query to use
    // to check the job again later.
    checkJobStatus(googleAdsClient, customerId, offlineUserDataJobResourceName);



private static string AddUsersToCustomerMatchUserList(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, string userListResourceName, bool runJob,
    long? offlineUserDataJobId, ConsentStatus? adPersonalizationConsent,
    ConsentStatus? adUserDataConsent)
    // Get the OfflineUserDataJobService.
    OfflineUserDataJobServiceClient service = client.GetService(

    string offlineUserDataJobResourceName;
    if (offlineUserDataJobId == null)
        // Creates a new offline user data job.
        OfflineUserDataJob offlineUserDataJob = new OfflineUserDataJob()
            Type = OfflineUserDataJobType.CustomerMatchUserList,
            CustomerMatchUserListMetadata = new CustomerMatchUserListMetadata()
                UserList = userListResourceName,

        if (adUserDataConsent != null || adPersonalizationConsent != null)
            // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading.
            // See https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
            // for details.
            offlineUserDataJob.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.Consent = new Consent();

            if (adPersonalizationConsent != null)
                offlineUserDataJob.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.Consent.AdPersonalization =

            if (adUserDataConsent != null)
                offlineUserDataJob.CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.Consent.AdUserData =

        // Issues a request to create the offline user data job.
        CreateOfflineUserDataJobResponse response1 = service.CreateOfflineUserDataJob(
            customerId.ToString(), offlineUserDataJob);
        offlineUserDataJobResourceName = response1.ResourceName;
        Console.WriteLine($"Created an offline user data job with resource name: " +
    } else {
        // Reuses the specified offline user data job.
        offlineUserDataJobResourceName =
            ResourceNames.OfflineUserDataJob(customerId, offlineUserDataJobId.Value);

    AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest request =
        new AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest()
            ResourceName = offlineUserDataJobResourceName,
            Operations = { BuildOfflineUserDataJobOperations() },
            EnablePartialFailure = true,
    // Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job. This example
    // only adds a few operations, so it only sends one AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations
    // request.
    // If your application is adding a large number of operations, split the operations into
    // batches and send multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations requests for the SAME job.
    // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
    // and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
    // for more information on the per-request limits.
    AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsResponse response2 =

    // Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    // Note: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here,
    // you can refer to the example HandlePartialFailure.cs to learn more.
    if (response2.PartialFailureError != null)
        // Extracts the partial failure from the response status.
        GoogleAdsFailure partialFailure = response2.PartialFailure;
        Console.WriteLine($"{partialFailure.Errors.Count} partial failure error(s) " +
    Console.WriteLine("The operations are added to the offline user data job.");

    if (!runJob)
        Console.WriteLine($"Not running offline user data job " +
            "'{offlineUserDataJobResourceName}', as requested.");
        return offlineUserDataJobResourceName;

    // Issues an asynchronous request to run the offline user data job for executing
    // all added operations.
    Operation<Empty, OfflineUserDataJobMetadata> operationResponse =

    Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous request to execute the added operations started.");

    // Since offline user data jobs may take 24 hours or more to complete, it may not be
    // practical to do operationResponse.PollUntilCompleted() to wait for the results.
    // Instead, we save the offlineUserDataJobResourceName and use GoogleAdsService.Search
    // to check for the job status periodically.
    // In case you wish to follow the PollUntilCompleted or PollOnce approach, make sure
    // you keep both operationResponse and service variables alive until the polling
    // completes.

    return offlineUserDataJobResourceName;


private static function addUsersToCustomerMatchUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    bool $runJob,
    ?string $userListResourceName,
    ?int $offlineUserDataJobId,
    ?int $adPersonalizationConsent,
    ?int $adUserDataConsent
) {
    $offlineUserDataJobServiceClient =

    if (is_null($offlineUserDataJobId)) {
        // Creates a new offline user data job.
        $offlineUserDataJob = new OfflineUserDataJob([
            'type' => OfflineUserDataJobType::CUSTOMER_MATCH_USER_LIST,
            'customer_match_user_list_metadata' => new CustomerMatchUserListMetadata([
                'user_list' => $userListResourceName
        // Adds consent information to the job if specified.
        if (!empty($adPersonalizationConsent) || !empty($adUserDataConsent)) {
            $consent = new Consent();
            if (!empty($adPersonalizationConsent)) {
            if (!empty($adUserDataConsent)) {
            // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
            // https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.

        // Issues a request to create the offline user data job.
        /** @var CreateOfflineUserDataJobResponse $createOfflineUserDataJobResponse */
        $createOfflineUserDataJobResponse =
                CreateOfflineUserDataJobRequest::build($customerId, $offlineUserDataJob)
        $offlineUserDataJobResourceName = $createOfflineUserDataJobResponse->getResourceName();
            "Created an offline user data job with resource name: '%s'.%s",
    } else {
        // Reuses the specified offline user data job.
        $offlineUserDataJobResourceName =
            ResourceNames::forOfflineUserDataJob($customerId, $offlineUserDataJobId);

    // Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job. This example
    // only adds a few operations, so it only sends one AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations request.
    // If your application is adding a large number of operations, split the operations into
    // batches and send multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations requests for the SAME job. See
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
    // and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
    // for more information on the per-request limits.
    /** @var AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsResponse $operationResponse */
    $response = $offlineUserDataJobServiceClient->addOfflineUserDataJobOperations(

    // Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    // Note: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here, you can refer to
    // the example HandlePartialFailure.php to learn more.
    if ($response->hasPartialFailureError()) {
        // Extracts the partial failure from the response status.
        $partialFailure = GoogleAdsFailures::fromAny(
            "%d partial failure error(s) occurred: %s.%s",
    } else {
        print 'The operations are added to the offline user data job.' . PHP_EOL;

    if ($runJob === false) {
            "Not running offline user data job '%s', as requested.%s",

    // Issues an asynchronous request to run the offline user data job for executing all added
    // operations. The result is OperationResponse. Visit the OperationResponse.php file for
    // more details.

    // Offline user data jobs may take 6 hours or more to complete, so instead of waiting
    // for the job to complete, retrieves and displays the job status once. If the job is
    // completed successfully, prints information about the user list. Otherwise, prints the
    // query to use to check the job again later.
    self::checkJobStatus($googleAdsClient, $customerId, $offlineUserDataJobResourceName);


def add_users_to_customer_match_user_list(
    """Uses Customer Match to create and add users to a new user list.

        client: The Google Ads client.
        customer_id: The ID for the customer that owns the user list.
        user_list_resource_name: The resource name of the user list to which to
            add users.
        run_job: If true, runs the OfflineUserDataJob after adding operations.
            Otherwise, only adds operations to the job.
        offline_user_data_job_id: ID of an existing OfflineUserDataJob in the
            PENDING state. If None, a new job is created.
        ad_user_data_consent: The consent status for ad user data for all
            members in the job.
        ad_personalization_consent: The personalization consent status for ad
            user data for all members in the job.
    # Creates the OfflineUserDataJobService client.
    offline_user_data_job_service_client = client.get_service(

    if offline_user_data_job_id:
        # Reuses the specified offline user data job.
        offline_user_data_job_resource_name = (
                customer_id, offline_user_data_job_id
        # Creates a new offline user data job.
        offline_user_data_job = client.get_type("OfflineUserDataJob")
        offline_user_data_job.type_ = (
        offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.user_list = (

        # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
        # uploading. For more details, see:
        # https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
        if ad_user_data_consent:
            offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.consent.ad_user_data = client.enums.ConsentStatusEnum[
        if ad_personalization_consent:
            offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.consent.ad_personalization = client.enums.ConsentStatusEnum[

        # Issues a request to create an offline user data job.
        create_offline_user_data_job_response = (
                customer_id=customer_id, job=offline_user_data_job
        offline_user_data_job_resource_name = (
            "Created an offline user data job with resource name: "

    # Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job.

    # Best Practice: This example only adds a few operations, so it only sends
    # one AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations request. If your application is adding
    # a large number of operations, split the operations into batches and send
    # multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations requests for the SAME job. See
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
    # and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
    # for more information on the per-request limits.
    request = client.get_type("AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest")
    request.resource_name = offline_user_data_job_resource_name
    request.operations = build_offline_user_data_job_operations(client)
    request.enable_partial_failure = True

    # Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job.
    response = offline_user_data_job_service_client.add_offline_user_data_job_operations(

    # Prints the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
    # Note: the details of each partial failure error are not printed here.
    # Refer to the error_handling/handle_partial_failure.py example to learn
    # more.
    # Extracts the partial failure from the response status.
    partial_failure = getattr(response, "partial_failure_error", None)
    if getattr(partial_failure, "code", None) != 0:
        error_details = getattr(partial_failure, "details", [])
        for error_detail in error_details:
            failure_message = client.get_type("GoogleAdsFailure")
            # Retrieve the class definition of the GoogleAdsFailure instance
            # in order to use the "deserialize" class method to parse the
            # error_detail string into a protobuf message object.
            failure_object = type(failure_message).deserialize(

            for error in failure_object.errors:
                    "A partial failure at index "
                    f"{error.location.field_path_elements[0].index} occurred.\n"
                    f"Error message: {error.message}\n"
                    f"Error code: {error.error_code}"

    print("The operations are added to the offline user data job.")

    if not run_job:
            "Not running offline user data job "
            f"'{offline_user_data_job_resource_name}', as requested."

    # Issues a request to run the offline user data job for executing all
    # added operations.

    # Retrieves and displays the job status.
    check_job_status(client, customer_id, offline_user_data_job_resource_name)


def add_users_to_customer_match_user_list(client, customer_id, run_job, user_list, job_id, ad_user_data_consent, ad_personalization_consent)
  offline_user_data_service = client.service.offline_user_data_job

  job_name = if job_id.nil?
    # Creates the offline user data job.
    offline_user_data_job = client.resource.offline_user_data_job do |job|
      job.type = :CUSTOMER_MATCH_USER_LIST
      job.customer_match_user_list_metadata =
        client.resource.customer_match_user_list_metadata do |m|
          m.user_list = user_list

          if !ad_user_data_consent.nil? || !ad_personalization_consent.nil?
            m.consent = client.resource.consent do |c|
              # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
              # uploading. For more details, see:
              # https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy
              unless ad_user_data_consent.nil?
                c.ad_user_data = ad_user_data_consent
              unless ad_personalization_consent.nil?
                c.ad_personalization = ad_personalization_consent

    # Issues a request to create the offline user data job.
    response = offline_user_data_service.create_offline_user_data_job(
      customer_id: customer_id,
      job: offline_user_data_job,
    offline_user_data_job_resource_name = response.resource_name
    puts "Created an offline user data job with resource name: " \

    client.path.offline_user_data_job(customer_id, job_id)

  # Issues a request to add the operations to the offline user data job. This
  # example only adds a few operations, so it only sends one
  # AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations request.  If your application is adding a
  # large number of operations, split the operations into batches and send
  # multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations requests for the SAME job. See
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
  # and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
  # for more information on the per-request limits.
  response = offline_user_data_service.add_offline_user_data_job_operations(
    resource_name: offline_user_data_job_resource_name,
    enable_partial_failure: true,
    operations: build_offline_user_data_job_operations(client),

  # Prints errors if any partial failure error is returned.
  if response.partial_failure_error
    failures = client.decode_partial_failure_error(response.partial_failure_error)
    failures.each do |failure|
      failure.errors.each do |error|
        human_readable_error_path = error
          .map { |location_info|
            if location_info.index
          }.join(" > ")

        errmsg =  "error occured while adding operations " \
          "#{human_readable_error_path}" \
          " with value: #{error.trigger.string_value}" \
          " because #{error.message.downcase}"
        puts errmsg
  puts "The operations are added to the offline user data job."

  unless run_job
    puts "Not running offline user data job #{job_name}, as requested."

  # Issues an asynchronous request to run the offline user data job
  # for executing all added operations.
  response = offline_user_data_service.run_offline_user_data_job(
    resource_name: offline_user_data_job_resource_name
  puts "Asynchronous request to execute the added operations started."
  puts "Waiting until operation completes."

  # Offline user data jobs may take 6 hours or more to complete, so instead of
  # waiting for the job to complete, retrieves and displays the job status
  # once. If the job is completed successfully, prints information about the
  # user list. Otherwise, prints the query to use to check the job again later.


sub add_users_to_customer_match_user_list {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $run_job, $user_list_resource_name,
    $offline_user_data_job_id, $ad_personalization_consent,
    = @_;

  my $offline_user_data_job_service = $api_client->OfflineUserDataJobService();

  my $offline_user_data_job_resource_name = undef;
  if (!defined $offline_user_data_job_id) {
    # Create a new offline user data job.
    my $offline_user_data_job =
        type                          => CUSTOMER_MATCH_USER_LIST,
        customerMatchUserListMetadata =>
            userList => $user_list_resource_name

    # Add consent information to the job if specified.
    if ($ad_personalization_consent or $ad_user_data_consent) {
      my $consent = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::Consent->new({});
      if ($ad_personalization_consent) {
        $consent->{adPersonalization} = $ad_personalization_consent;
      if ($ad_user_data_consent) {
        $consent->{adUserData} = $ad_user_data_consent;
      # Specify whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading.
      # See https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy for details.
      $offline_user_data_job->{customerMatchUserListMetadata}{consent} =

    # Issue a request to create the offline user data job.
    my $create_offline_user_data_job_response =
        customerId => $customer_id,
        job        => $offline_user_data_job
    $offline_user_data_job_resource_name =
      "Created an offline user data job with resource name: '%s'.\n",
  } else {
    # Reuse the specified offline user data job.
    $offline_user_data_job_resource_name =
      $customer_id, $offline_user_data_job_id);

  # Issue a request to add the operations to the offline user data job.
  # This example only adds a few operations, so it only sends one AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations
  # request. If your application is adding a large number of operations, split
  # the operations into batches and send multiple AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations
  # requests for the SAME job. See
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/remarketing/audience-types/customer-match#customer_match_considerations
  # and https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/best-practices/quotas#user_data
  # for more information on the per-request limits.
  my $user_data_job_operations = build_offline_user_data_job_operations();
  my $response                 = $offline_user_data_job_service->add_operations(
      resourceName         => $offline_user_data_job_resource_name,
      enablePartialFailure => "true",
      operations           => $user_data_job_operations

  # Print the status message if any partial failure error is returned.
  # Note: The details of each partial failure error are not printed here, you can
  # refer to the example handle_partial_failure.pl to learn more.
  if ($response->{partialFailureError}) {
    # Extract the partial failure from the response status.
    my $partial_failure = $response->{partialFailureError}{details}[0];
    printf "Encountered %d partial failure errors while adding %d operations " .
      "to the offline user data job: '%s'. Only the successfully added " .
      "operations will be executed when the job runs.\n",
      scalar @{$partial_failure->{errors}}, scalar @$user_data_job_operations,
  } else {
    printf "Successfully added %d operations to the offline user data job.\n",
      scalar @$user_data_job_operations;

  if (!defined $run_job) {
"Not running offline user data job $offline_user_data_job_resource_name, as requested.\n";

  # Issue an asynchronous request to run the offline user data job for executing
  # all added operations.
  my $operation_response = $offline_user_data_job_service->run({
    resourceName => $offline_user_data_job_resource_name

  # Offline user data jobs may take 6 hours or more to complete, so instead of waiting
  # for the job to complete, this example retrieves and displays the job status once.
  # If the job is completed successfully, it prints information about the user list.
  # Otherwise, it prints, the query to use to check the job status again later.
  check_job_status($api_client, $customer_id,

إزالة مستخدمين فرديين باستخدام المعرّفات

لإزالة مستخدمين فرديين:

  • اضبط السمة remove على عنصر OfflineUserDataJobOperation يساوي كائن UserData.

  • أضِف عنصر UserIdentifier واحدًا أو أكثر إلى الحقل user_identifiers[] متكرّر. يمكن استخدام معرّف مستخدم واحد لإزالة مستخدم من قائمة معيّنة، حتى إذا تم إرسال أكثر من معرّف واحد يتطابق مع المستخدم.

إزالة جميع البيانات من القائمة دفعة واحدة

لإزالة جميع المستخدمين من قائمة، عليك ضبط remove_all على true في OfflineUserDataJobOperation، ثم إصدار طلب RunOfflineUserDataJob باسم المورد المرتبط بعملية remove_all.

يُرجى العِلم أنّه عند تضمين عملية remove_all، يجب أن تكون هذه العملية هي أول عملية في المهمة. إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك، سيؤدي تنفيذ المهمة إلى عرض خطأ INVALID_OPERATION_ORDER. لاستبدال أعضاء قائمة المستخدمين بأعضاء جدد بالكامل، يمكنك ترتيب العمليات في AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest بهذا التسلسل:

  1. اضبط السمة remove_all على true في OfflineUserDataJobOperation.

  2. لكل عضو جديد، يمكنك إضافة عملية create، مع ضبط UserData في OfflineUserDataJobOperation.

يتم تنفيذ عمليات remove_all كل ساعة، ويمكن تشغيلها لمدة تصل إلى 24 ساعة.

اقتراحات إعادة تحميل قائمة العملاء

يمكنك استرداد اقتراحات من النوع REFRESH_CUSTOMER_MATCH_LIST لتحديد قوائم العملاء التي لم يتم تعديلها منذ فترة. ويكون ذلك مفيدًا على وجه الخصوص إذا كنت معلِنًا تابعًا لجهة خارجية تتيح للمستخدمين إدارة قوائم العملاء.

لمزيد من المعلومات عن العمل باستخدام الاقتراحات، يُرجى الانتقال إلى دليل نتيجة التحسين والاقتراحات.

إزالة قائمة

استخدِم الطريقة UserListService.mutate_user_lists لإرسال عملية remove باستخدام اسم المورد لقائمة المستخدمين التي تريد إزالتها.

تعديل قائمة باستخدام UserDataService

الحد الأقصى المسموح به لعدد العمليات في UserDataService هو 10 عمليات، وإجمالي 100 عملية user_identifiers لكل طلب، وبالتالي تكون أكثر ملاءمةً للتحديثات الصغيرة. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان كل عنصر من عناصر UserData يحتوي على عنصر UserIdentifier واحد للسمة hashed_email وآخر للسمة UserIdentifier للعنوان hashed_phone_number، يمكن أن يتضمّن طلبك 50 عنصرًا UserData كحدّ أقصى.

تحتوي UserDataService على الطريقة UploadUserData التي تقبل UploadUserDataRequest. وبالإضافة إلى customer_id، تقبل السمة UploadUserDataRequest قائمة بالعمليات لإنشاء جهات اتصال، بالإضافة إلى حقل مطلوب باسم customer_match_user_list_metadata، وتتم تعبئته باسم المورد الخاص بقائمة تجديد النشاط التسويقي المستهدفة.

ابدأ بإنشاء مثيل UploadUserDataRequest لتعبئة السمة customer_id وcustomer_match_user_list_metadata فيه:


// Creates a request to add user data operations to the user list based on email addresses.
String userListResourceName = ResourceNames.userList(customerId, userListId);
UploadUserDataRequest.Builder uploadUserDataRequest =

لتحميل معلومات الاتصال بالمستخدم، عليك ضبط CrmBasedUserListInfo.upload_key_type على CONTACT_INFO.

أولاً، أضِف العمليات إلى عنصر UploadUserDataRequest. تحتوي كل عملية على حقل create تم ملؤه بكائنات UserData التي تحتوي على مثيل واحد أو أكثر من UserIdentifier. وتحتوي كل UserIdentifier على جزء واحد من المعلومات التي تحدّد الهوية أو يمكن أن تكون نوعًا من الأنواع المختلفة والمختلفة، كما هو موضّح أدناه.

لتحميل عناوين البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بالعملاء، عليك إنشاء عنصر UserDataOperation جديد وملء حقل الإنشاء الخاص به بكائن UserData. يقبل كائن UserData قائمة user_identifiers. عليك تعبئة الحقل hashed_email بعناوين البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بالعميل.


ImmutableList<String> EMAILS =
  ImmutableList.of("client1@example.com", "client2@example.com", " Client3@example.com ");

// Hash normalized email addresses based on SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
List<UserDataOperation> userDataOperations = new ArrayList<>(EMAILS.size());
for (String email : EMAILS) {
 UserDataOperation userDataOperation =

عملية تحميل المستخدم address_info مماثلة لتحميل عناوين البريد الإلكتروني للمستخدمين. مع ذلك، بدلاً من إدخال hashed_email، يمكنك ملء الحقل address_info بكائن OfflineUserAddressInfo الذي يحتوي على first_name وlast_name وcountry_code وpostal_code للمستخدم. على غرار عناوين البريد الإلكتروني، يُعتبر first_name وlast_name معلومات تحدّد الهوية الشخصية ويجب تجزئتها قبل التحميل.


String firstName = "Alex";
String lastName = "Quinn";
String countryCode = "US";
String postalCode = "94045";

UserIdentifier userIdentifierWithAddress =
               // First and last name must be normalized and hashed.
               // Country code and zip code are sent in plaintext.

UserDataOperation userDataOperation =

بعد إضافة عمليات إلى مثيل UploadUserDataRequest، يمكنك استدعاء الطريقة uploadUserData على UserDataServiceClient لإرسال الطلب إلى خادم Google Ads API. يمكنك معرفة ما إذا كان الطلب ناجحًا من خلال معرفة عدد العمليات ووقت التحميل في كائن الاستجابة. ضع في اعتبارك أن القائمة قد تستغرق عدة ساعات حتى تتم تعبئة القائمة بالأعضاء.


// Creates the user data service client.
try (UserDataServiceClient userDataServiceClient =
   googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createUserDataServiceClient()) {
 // Add operations to the user list based on the user data type.
 UploadUserDataResponse response =

 // Displays the results.
 // Reminder: it may take several hours for the list to be populated with members.
     "Received %d operations at %s",

تبديل مستوى استهداف القائمة

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تبديل المستوى الذي تستهدفه قائمتك، على سبيل المثال من الاستهداف على مستوى المجموعة الإعلانية إلى الحملة، يُرجى الرجوع إلى دليل تبديل مستويات الاستهداف.

مراجعة أداء القائمة

لجمع بيانات الأداء لشرائح الجمهور، عليك إصدار طلب بحث في المرجع ad_group_audience_view أو المورد campaign_audience_view. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك الاطّلاع على conversions أو cost_per_conversion لتحديد ما إذا كان استهداف شريحة الجمهور يؤدي فعليًا إلى تحقيق المزيد من الإحالات الناجحة، ثم تعديل معدِّلات عروض الأسعار على هذا الأساس.

FROM ad_group_audience_view

ننصح بالانتظار لمدة أسبوعين على الأقل قبل تحسين عروض الأسعار بناءً على عدد الزيارات في الحساب.