إنشاء معايير الحملة

في مقالة الحصول على اقتراحات، شرحنا كيفية استرداد مجموعة من عناصر KeywordThemeConstant باستخدام كلمة أو عبارة. في هذه الخطوة، نستخدم هذه الثوابت نفسها لمواضيع الكلمات الرئيسية ل إنشاء مجموعة من عناصر CampaignCriterion لتستهدفها "الحملة الذكية".

على غرار الطريقة التي استخدمنا بها مبلغ الميزانية المقترَح من سمة SmartCampaignSuggestService عند إنشاء ميزانية، ننصحك بإنشاء معايير الحملة استنادًا إلى ثوابت مواضيع الكلمات الرئيسية التي تم استرجاعها من سمة KeywordThemeConstantService في الحصول على اقتراحات.

في ما يلي المتطلبات الرئيسية لمعايير "الحملات الذكية":

في المثال التالي، تم تحويل ثوابت مواضيع الكلمات الرئيسية إلى عناصر KeywordThemeInfo من خلال ضبط اسم المورد على الحقل KeywordThemeInfo.keyword_theme_constant. نضبط الحقل campaign باستخدام اسم المورد المؤقّت الذي تم ضبطه في الحملة في الخطوة السابقة.

 * Creates {@link com.google.ads.googleads.v19.resources.CampaignCriterion} operations for add
 * each {@link KeywordThemeInfo}.
private Collection<? extends MutateOperation> createCampaignCriterionOperations(
    long customerId,
    List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  List<MutateOperation> keywordThemeOperations =
              keywordTheme -> {
                MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
                    .setCampaign(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
                return builder.build();

  List<MutateOperation> locationOperations =
              location -> {
                MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
                    .setCampaign(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
                return builder.build();

  return Stream.concat(keywordThemeOperations.stream(), locationOperations.stream())
/// <summary>
/// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="keywordThemeInfos">A list of KeywordThemeInfos.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.</param>
/// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.</returns>
private IEnumerable<MutateOperation> CreateCampaignCriterionOperations(long customerId,
    IEnumerable<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = keywordThemeInfos.Select(
        keywordThemeInfo => new MutateOperation
            CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation
                Create = new CampaignCriterion
                    // Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                    Campaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(
                        customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
                    // Set the keyword theme to each KeywordThemeInfo in turn.
                    KeywordTheme = keywordThemeInfo,

    // Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info.
            locationInfo => new MutateOperation()
                CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation()
                    Create = new CampaignCriterion()
                        // Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                        Campaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId,
                        // Set the location to the given location.
                        Location = locationInfo
    return mutateOperations;
private static function createCampaignCriterionOperations(
    int $customerId,
    array $keywordThemeInfos,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $smartCampaignSuggestionInfo
): array {
    $operations = [];
    foreach ($keywordThemeInfos as $info) {
        // Creates the campaign criterion object.
        $campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion([
            // Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
            'campaign' =>
                ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, self::SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
            // Sets the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
            'keyword_theme' => $info

        // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the campaign criterion and adds it to the
        // list of operations.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => $campaignCriterion

    // Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object to add
    // corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign.
    foreach ($smartCampaignSuggestionInfo->getLocationList()->getLocations() as $location) {
        // Creates the campaign criterion object.
        $campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion([
            // Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
            'campaign' =>
                ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, self::SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
            // Set the location to the given location.
            'location' => $location

        // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the campaign criterion and adds it to the
        // list of operations.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => $campaignCriterion

    return $operations;
def create_campaign_criterion_operations(
    client, customer_id, keyword_theme_infos, suggestion_info
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        keyword_theme_infos: a list of KeywordThemeInfos.
        suggestion_info: A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")

    operations = []
    for info in keyword_theme_infos:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_criterion = (
        # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Set the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
        campaign_criterion.keyword_theme = info
        # Add the mutate operation to the list of other operations.

    # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info
    # object to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign
    for location_info in suggestion_info.location_list.locations:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_criterion = (
        # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Set the location to the given location.
        campaign_criterion.location = location_info
        # Add the mutate operation to the list of other operations.

    return operations
# Creates a list of mutate_operations that create new campaign criteria.
def create_campaign_criterion_operations(
  operations = []

  keyword_theme_infos.each do |info|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_criterion_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
        # Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
          customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
        # Sets the keyword theme to the given keyword_theme_info.
        cc.keyword_theme = info

  # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object
  # to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign
  suggestion_info.location_list.locations.each do |location|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_criterion_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
        # Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
          customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
        # Sets the location to the given location.
        cc.location = location

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
sub _create_campaign_criterion_operations {
  my ($customer_id, $keyword_theme_infos, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $campaign_criterion_operations = [];

  foreach my $keyword_theme_info (@$keyword_theme_infos) {
    push @$campaign_criterion_operations,
        campaignCriterionOperation =>
            create =>
                # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                campaign =>
                  $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
                # Set the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
                keywordTheme => $keyword_theme_info

  # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object
  # to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign.
  foreach my $location_info (@{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}}) {
    push @$campaign_criterion_operations,
        campaignCriterionOperation =>
            create =>
                # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                campaign =>
                  $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
                # Set the location to the given location.
                location => $location_info

  return $campaign_criterion_operations;

معايير حملة المواضيع الرئيسية السلبية

لاستهداف معيار حملة موضوع كلمات رئيسية بشكل سلبي في "حملة ذكية"، يجب استخدام موضوع كلمات رئيسية بتنسيق حر من خلال ضبط الحقل free_form_keyword_theme في مثيل KeywordThemeInfo.

يختلف سلوك معايير الموضوع الرئيسي للكلمات الرئيسية السلبية عن معايير الموضوع الرئيسي للكلمات الرئيسية الإيجابية. في حين أنّه يتم تعديل معيار موضوع الكلمة الرئيسية الإيجابي لاستهداف معايير مشابهة أخرى تلقائيًا، يتم حصر معيار موضوع الكلمة الرئيسية السلبي في استهداف العبارة المحدّدة فقط بشكل سلبي. ويعادل هذا السلوك سلوك الكلمة الرئيسية التي تستخدِم مطابقة عبارة سلبية.