יצירה של קמפיין חכם והגדרה של קמפיין חכם

קמפיינים חכמים תלויים במשאב שנקרא SmartCampaignSetting, שמכיל אפשרויות תצורה נוספות שלא זמינות במשאב הראשי Campaign.

לא ניתן ליצור הגדרה של קמפיין חכם בלי לקשר אותה לקמפיין, וזו אחת הסיבות לכך שעדיף ליצור את שני העצמים באותה בקשת שינוי.

יצירת קמפיין

מאחר שהקמפיין החכם מנוהל באופן אוטומטי בעיקר על ידי טכנולוגיית הפרסום של Google, אין צורך להגדיר בו הרבה שדות.

הדרישות העיקריות לקמפיינים חכמים:

שימו לב שהגדרתנו את הערך של שם המשאב של הקמפיין הזה באמצעות שם משאב זמני. כך אובייקטים אחרים בבקשת השינוי יוכלו להפנות לקמפיין לפני שהוא יהיה קיים בקצה העורפי.

private MutateOperation createSmartCampaignOperation(long customerId) {
  MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
      .setName("Smart campaign " + CodeSampleHelper.getShortPrintableDateTime())
      // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
      .setResourceName(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
      .setCampaignBudget(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID));
  return builder.build();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Smart campaign.
/// A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can be referenced by other
/// objects being created in the same Mutate request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates a campaign.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreateSmartCampaignOperation(long customerId)
    return new MutateOperation
        CampaignOperation = new CampaignOperation
            Create = new Campaign
                Name = $"Smart campaign #{ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString()}",
                // Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
                // the mutate request that should have its status set.
                Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,
                // AdvertisingChannelType must be SMART.
                AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.Smart,
                // AdvertisingChannelSubType must be SMART_CAMPAIGN.
                AdvertisingChannelSubType = AdvertisingChannelSubType.SmartCampaign,
                // Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
                ResourceName =
                    ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
                // Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
                CampaignBudget =
                    ResourceNames.CampaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)
private static function createSmartCampaignOperation(int $customerId): MutateOperation
    // Creates the campaign object.
    $campaign = new Campaign([
        'name' => "Smart campaign #" . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        // Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in the mutate
        // request that should have its' status set.
        'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
        // The advertising channel type is required to be SMART.
        'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::SMART,
        // The advertising channel sub type is required to be SMART_CAMPAIGN.
        'advertising_channel_sub_type' => AdvertisingChannelSubType::SMART_CAMPAIGN,
        // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
        'resource_name' =>
            ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, self::SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
        // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
        'campaign_budget' =>
            ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget($customerId, self::BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

    // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the campaign.
    return new MutateOperation([
        'campaign_operation' => new CampaignOperation(['create' => $campaign])
def create_smart_campaign_operation(client, customer_id):
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Smart campaign.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
    be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a campaign.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign = mutate_operation.campaign_operation.create
    campaign.name = f"Smart campaign #{uuid4()}"
    # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
    # the mutate request that should have its' status set.
    campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED
    # Campaign.AdvertisingChannelType is required to be SMART.
    campaign.advertising_channel_type = (
    # Campaign.AdvertisingChannelSubType is required to be SMART_CAMPAIGN.
    campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type = (
    # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    campaign.resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(
        customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
    # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
    campaign.campaign_budget = campaign_service.campaign_budget_path(
        customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID

    return mutate_operation
# Creates a mutate_operation that creates a new Smart campaign.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
def create_smart_campaign_operation(
  mutate_operation = client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.campaign_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign do |c|
      c.name = "Smart campaign ##{(Time.new.to_f * 1000).to_i}"
      # Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
      # the mutate request that should have its' status set.
      c.status = :PAUSED
      # campaign.advertising_channel_type is required to be SMART.
      c.advertising_channel_type = :SMART
      # campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type is required to be SMART_CAMPAIGN.
      c.advertising_channel_sub_type = :SMART_CAMPAIGN
      # Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
      c.resource_name = client.path.campaign(customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
      c.campaign_budget = client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Smart campaign.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can be referenced
# by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
sub _create_smart_campaign_operation {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

      campaignOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
              name => "Smart campaign #" . uniqid(),
              # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only
              # entity in the mutate request that should have its status set.
              status => PAUSED,
              # AdvertisingChannelType must be SMART.
              advertisingChannelType => SMART,
              # AdvertisingChannelSubType must be SMART_CAMPAIGN.
              advertisingChannelSubType =>
              # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
              campaignBudget =>
                $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID

יצירה של הגדרה של קמפיין חכם

המשאב SmartCampaignSetting משמש רק להגדרת קמפיינים חכמים, ואי אפשר ליצור אותו אלא אם כבר קיים קמפיין חכם שאפשר להפנות אליו. לכן, ההגדרות של קמפיינים חכמים הן ייחודיות במיוחד. אפשר להתייחס אליהן כאל תוסף למשאב הראשי Campaign.

מכיוון שהגדרה של קמפיין חכם קשורה מאוד לקמפיין, אי אפשר ליצור אותה באמצעות פעולת create. במקום זאת, צריך ליצור אותה באמצעות פעולת update.

בניגוד למשאבים כמו אובייקטים מסוג AdGroup, שיש להם שדה campaign שמציין לאיזה קמפיין הם שייכים, בשמות המשאבים של הגדרות הקמפיינים החכמים צריך לעדכן ישירות את אותו המזהה של הקמפיין. אפשר להתייחס ליצירת הגדרה חדשה של קמפיין חכם כשימוש במשאב נפרד כדי לעדכן קמפיין קיים.

הדרישות העיקריות להגדרות של קמפיינים חכמים:

  • צריך להיות Campaign קיים שאפשר להפנות אליו.
  • הקשר ל-Campaign מוגדר ב-resource_name שלו, ולא בשדה campaign.
  • צריך להגדיר את business_profile_location או final_url ואת business_name.
  • צריך להוסיף update_mask לפעולה update, גם כשמשתמשים בה כדי ליצור הגדרה חדשה של קמפיין חכם.
  • לכל הקמפיינים החכמים צריך להיות דף נחיתה. אפשר להגדיר את דף הנחיתה באמצעות final_url או להביע הסכמה לשימוש בדף נחיתה אוטומטי, שיוצר דף נחיתה לקמפיין שלכם על סמך מידע מbusiness_profile_location.

private MutateOperation createSmartCampaignSettingOperation(
    long customerId, String businessProfileLocation, String businessName) {
  MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
  SmartCampaignSetting.Builder settingBuilder =
          // Sets a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to associate it with
          // the campaign created in the previous step.
              ResourceNames.smartCampaignSetting(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID));
  // Configures the SmartCampaignSetting using many of the same details used to
  // generate a budget suggestion.

  // It's required that either a business profile location resource name or a business name is
  // added to the SmartCampaignSetting.
  if (businessProfileLocation != null) {
  } else {
  return builder.build();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a MutateOperation to create a new SmartCampaignSetting. SmartCampaignSettings
/// are unique in that they only support UPDATE operations, which are used to update and
/// create them. Below we will use a temporary ID in the resource name to associate it with
/// the campaign created in the previous step.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="businessProfileLocation">The identifier of a Business Profile location.</param>
/// <param name="businessName">The name of a Business Profile business.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates a SmartCampaignSetting.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreateSmartCampaignSettingOperation(long customerId,
    string businessProfileLocation, string businessName)
    SmartCampaignSetting smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting
        // Set a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to associate it with
        // the campaign created in the previous step.
        ResourceName =
            ResourceNames.SmartCampaignSetting(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
        // Below we configure the SmartCampaignSetting using many of the same details used
        // to generate a budget suggestion.
        PhoneNumber = new SmartCampaignSetting.Types.PhoneNumber
            CountryCode = COUNTRY_CODE,
            PhoneNumber_ = PHONE_NUMBER
        FinalUrl = LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        AdvertisingLanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE

    // Either a business profile location or a business name must be added to the
    // SmartCampaignSetting.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessProfileLocation))
        // Transform Google Business Location ID to a compatible format before
        // passing it onto the API.
        smartCampaignSetting.BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation;
        smartCampaignSetting.BusinessName = businessName;

    return new MutateOperation
        SmartCampaignSettingOperation = new SmartCampaignSettingOperation
            Update = smartCampaignSetting,
            // Set the update mask on the operation. This is required since the smart
            // campaign setting is created in an UPDATE operation. Here the update mask
            // will be a list of all the fields that were set on the SmartCampaignSetting.
            UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(smartCampaignSetting)
private static function createSmartCampaignSettingOperation(
    int $customerId,
    ?string $businessProfileLocationResourceName,
    ?string $businessName
): MutateOperation {
    // Creates the smart campaign setting object.
    $smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting([
        // Sets a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to associate it with
        // the campaign created in the previous step.
        'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forSmartCampaignSetting(
        // Below we configure the SmartCampaignSetting using many of the same details used to
        // generate a budget suggestion.
        'phone_number' => new PhoneNumber([
            'country_code' => self::COUNTRY_CODE,
            'phone_number' => self::PHONE_NUMBER
        'final_url' => self::LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        'advertising_language_code' => self::LANGUAGE_CODE,

    // It's required that either a business profile location resource name or a business name is
    // added to the SmartCampaignSetting.
    if ($businessProfileLocationResourceName) {
    } else {

    // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the smart campaign setting with an update.
    return new MutateOperation([
        'smart_campaign_setting_operation' => new SmartCampaignSettingOperation([
            'update' => $smartCampaignSetting,
            // Sets the update mask on the operation. This is required since the smart campaign
            // setting is created in an UPDATE operation. Here the update mask will be a list
            // of all the fields that were set on the SmartCampaignSetting.
            'update_mask' => FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($smartCampaignSetting)
def create_smart_campaign_setting_operation(
    client, customer_id, business_profile_location, business_name
    """Creates a MutateOperation to create a new SmartCampaignSetting.

    SmartCampaignSettings are unique in that they only support UPDATE
    operations, which are used to update and create them. Below we will
    use a temporary ID in the resource name to associate it with the
    campaign created in the previous step.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        business_profile_location: the resource name of a Business Profile
        business_name: the name of a Business Profile.

        a MutateOperation that creates a SmartCampaignSetting.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    smart_campaign_setting = (
    # Set a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to associate it
    # with the campaign created in the previous step.
    smart_campaign_setting.resource_name = client.get_service(
    ).smart_campaign_setting_path(customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)

    # Below we configure the SmartCampaignSetting using many of the same
    # details used to generate a budget suggestion.
    smart_campaign_setting.phone_number.country_code = _COUNTRY_CODE
    smart_campaign_setting.phone_number.phone_number = _PHONE_NUMBER
    smart_campaign_setting.final_url = _LANDING_PAGE_URL
    smart_campaign_setting.advertising_language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location:
        smart_campaign_setting.business_profile_location = (
        smart_campaign_setting.business_name = business_name

    # Set the update mask on the operation. This is required since the smart
    # campaign setting is created in an UPDATE operation. Here the update
    # mask will be a list of all the fields that were set on the
    # SmartCampaignSetting.
        protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, smart_campaign_setting._pb),

    return mutate_operation
# Creates a mutate_operation to create a new smart_campaign_setting.
# smart_campaign_settings are unique in that they only support UPDATE
# operations, which are used to update and create them. Below we will
# use a temporary ID in the resource name to associate it with the
# campaign created in the previous step.
def create_smart_campaign_setting_operation(
  mutate_operation = client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.smart_campaign_setting_operation =
        # Sets a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to
        # associate it with the campaign created in the previous step.
          customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
      ) do |scs|
      # Below we configure the smart_campaign_setting using many of the same
      # details used to generate a budget suggestion.
      scs.phone_number = client.resource.phone_number do |p|
        p.country_code = COUNTRY_CODE
        p.phone_number = PHONE_NUMBER
      scs.final_url = LANDING_PAGE_URL
      scs.advertising_language_code = LANGUAGE_CODE
      # It's required that either a business location ID or a business name is
      # added to the smart_campaign_setting.
      if business_profile_location
        scs.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
        scs.business_name = business_name

# Creates a MutateOperation to create a new SmartCampaignSetting.
# SmartCampaignSettings are unique in that they only support UPDATE operations,
# which are used to update and create them. Below we will use a temporary ID in
# the resource name to associate it with the campaign created in the previous step.
sub _create_smart_campaign_setting_operation {
  my ($customer_id, $business_profile_location, $business_name) = @_;

  my $smart_campaign_setting =
      # Set a temporary ID in the campaign setting's resource name to associate it
      # with the campaign created in the previous step.
      resourceName =>
        $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
      # Below we configure the SmartCampaignSetting using many of the same
      # details used to generate a budget suggestion.
      phoneNumber => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::PhoneNumber->new({
          countryCode => COUNTRY_CODE,
          phoneNumber => PHONE_NUMBER
      finalUrl                => LANDING_PAGE_URL,
      advertisingLanguageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE

  # It's required that either a business profile location or a business name is
  # added to the SmartCampaignSetting.
  if (defined $business_profile_location) {
    $smart_campaign_setting->{businessProfileLocation} =
  } else {
    $smart_campaign_setting->{businessName} = $business_name;

      smartCampaignSettingOperation =>
          update => $smart_campaign_setting,
          # Set the update mask on the operation. This is required since the
          # smart campaign setting is created in an UPDATE operation. Here the
          # update mask will be a list of all the fields that were set on the
          # SmartCampaignSetting.
          updateMask => all_set_fields_of($smart_campaign_setting)})});

דפי נחיתה

חובה שיהיה לקמפיין החכם דף נחיתה שאליו יועברו הצופים. אתם יכולים לספק את השדה final_url כדי להשתמש באתר קיים, או להביע הסכמה לשימוש בדפי נחיתה אוטומטיים כדי שייווצר עבורכם דף נחיתה. בדף הנחיתה החדש מוצג מידע מפרופיל העסק שלכם.

כדי ליצור דף נחיתה לקמפיין, צריך לספק מזהה business_profile_location ולהגדיר את השדה ad_optimized_business_profile_setting למכונה ריקה של AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting. דוגמה לאופן שבו עושים זאת:

SmartCampaignSetting smartCampaignSetting =
        // Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty
        // instance of AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
SmartCampaignSetting smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting()
    BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation,
    /// Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty
    /// instance of AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
    AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting =
        new SmartCampaignSetting.Types.AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting()
$smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting([
    'business_profile_location' => business_profile_location,
    // Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty instance
    // of AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
    'ad_optimized_business_profile_setting' => new AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting(),
smart_campaign_setting = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSetting")
smart_campaign_setting.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
# Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty instance of
# AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
smart_campaign_setting = client.resource.smart_campaign_setting do |s|
  s.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
  # Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty instance of
  # AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
  s.ad_optimized_business_profile_setting = client.resource.ad_optimized_business_profile_setting
my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
    businessProfileLocation => $business_profile_location,
    # Sets the ad optimized business profile setting to an empty instance of
    # AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.
    adOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting =>

בנוסף, השדה include_lead_form מאפשר לכם לציין אם דף הנחיתה שנוצר יכלול נכס להשארת פרטים, שיאפשר ללקוחות פוטנציאליים ליצור איתכם קשר ישירות על ידי מילוי טופס. דוגמה לאופן הפעלה:

SmartCampaignSetting smartCampaignSetting =
        // Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form field to true.
SmartCampaignSetting smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting()
    BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation,
    /// Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form
    /// field to true.
    AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting =
        new SmartCampaignSetting.Types.AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting
                IncludeLeadForm = true
$smartCampaignSetting = new SmartCampaignSetting([
    'business_profile_location' => business_profile_location,
    // Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form field
    // to true.
    'ad_optimized_business_profile_setting' => new AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting([
        'include_lead_form' => true
smart_campaign_setting = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSetting")
smart_campaign_setting.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
# Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form field to
# true.
smart_campaign_setting.ad_optimized_business_profile_setting.include_lead_form = True
smart_campaign_setting = client.resource.smart_campaign_setting do |s|
  s.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
  # Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form field to
  # true.
  s.ad_optimized_business_profile_setting = client.resource.ad_optimized_business_profile_setting do |a|
    a.include_lead_form = true
my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
    businessProfileLocation => $business_profile_location,
    # Sets the AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting.include_lead_form field to
    # true.
    adOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting =>
        includeLeadForm => "true"