Impostazioni di targeting

Utilizza l'impostazione di targeting nei gruppi di annunci o nelle campagne per specificare se limitare la visualizzazione degli annunci solo a segmenti di pubblico specifici o in contenuti specifici selezionati.

Configura l'impostazione di targeting

Puoi configurare i dettagli su come i vari tipi di criteri vengono utilizzati per il targeting impostando il campo TargetingSetting con un array di target_restrictions. Ogni TargetRestriction ti consente di controllare se un tipo di criteri utilizza o meno l'opzione bid_only.

Se imposti bid_only su true, l'impostazione di targeting verrà impostata su"Osservazione" e i criteri non verranno utilizzati per limitare il traffico, ma ti consentiranno di fare offerte diverse per utenti diversi nei tuoi elenchi. Impostando bid_only su false, l'impostazione del targeting viene impostata su "Targeting" e i criteri consentono di limitare il traffico del gruppo di annunci solo agli utenti nell'elenco scelto come target.

Best practice

Per impostazione predefinita, bid_only è impostato su false, il che significa che l'impostazione di targeting sarà impostata su "Targeting". Se aggiungi segmenti di pubblico a una campagna sulla rete di ricerca o Shopping, ti consigliamo di modificare l'impostazione di targeting da bid_only a true in modo da impostarla su "Osservazione".

Se stai configurando una campagna duplicata per i segmenti di pubblico per gli annunci della rete di ricerca, mantieni il targeting di bid_only impostato su false.


Non puoi aggiungere o aggiornare targeting_setting in un AdGroup se targeting_setting è impostato sulla campagna principale. Se targeting_setting è impostato su Campaign principale, devi prima rimuovere targeting_setting da Campaign principale. Analogamente, devi prima rimuovere il targeting_setting dal AdGroup per impostarlo sul Campaign.

Recupera l'impostazione di targeting

Per verificare che il targeting sia configurato come previsto, controlla il valore targeting_setting nei gruppi di annunci o nelle campagne richiedendo il campo ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions della risorsa ad_group in una query di ricerca.


Questo esempio aggiorna il targeting_setting in un gruppo di annunci in modo che bid_only sia true per le istanze TargetRestriction con un targeting_dimension di AUDIENCE, assicurando in modo efficace che gli annunci nel gruppo di annunci vengano mostrati solo agli utenti nel segmento di pubblico specificato.

Innanzitutto, recupera tutti i ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions dal gruppo di annunci con l'ID fornito.

String searchQuery =
    "SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions "
        + "FROM ad_group "
        + "WHERE = "
        + adGroupId;
string query = $@"
    SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
    FROM ad_group
    WHERE = {adGroupId}";
$query = "SELECT,, " .
    "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions " .
    "FROM ad_group " .
    "WHERE = $adGroupId";
query = f"""
    FROM ad_group
    WHERE = {ad_group_id}"""
query = <<~QUERY
  FROM ad_group
  WHERE = #{ad_group_id}
my $query =
  "SELECT,, " .
  "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group " .
  "WHERE = $ad_group_id";

Poi, esegui un ciclo per le limitazioni del target e ricostruisci gli oggetti TargetingSetting. Se il codice rileva un TargetRestriction con un valore targeting_dimension di AUDIENCE e un valore bid_only di false, aggiorna il campo bid_only dell'oggetto TargetRestriction in true (o "Osservazione") e lo aggiunge all'oggetto TargetingSetting.

In caso contrario, aggiungi l'oggetto TargetRestriction restituito dal server a TargetingSetting. È importante tenere presente che devi ricostruire e ritrasmettere l'intero oggetto TargetingSetting a Google Ads. Google presume che qualsiasi target_restrictions mancante in TargetingSetting debba essere rimosso.

for (TargetRestriction targetRestriction : targetRestrictions) {
  TargetingDimension targetingDimension = targetRestriction.getTargetingDimension();
  boolean bidOnly = targetRestriction.getBidOnly();
      "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to '%b'.%n",
      targetingDimension, bidOnly);
  // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting
  // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change.
  if (!targetingDimension.equals(TargetingDimension.AUDIENCE)) {
  } else if (!bidOnly) {
    shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true;
    // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the targeting
    // setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE target restriction to
    // "Observation". For more details about the targeting setting, visit
foreach (TargetRestriction targetRestriction in targetRestrictions)
    TargetingDimension targetingDimension =
    bool bidOnly = targetRestriction.BidOnly;

    Console.WriteLine("\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension " +
        $"'{targetingDimension}' and bid only set to '{bidOnly}'.");

    // Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the
    // targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should
    // not change.
    if (targetingDimension != TargetingDimension.Audience)
    else if (!bidOnly)
        shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true;

        // Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the
        // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE
        // target restriction to "Observation". For more details about the
        // targeting setting, visit
        targetingSetting.TargetRestrictions.Add(new TargetRestriction
            TargetingDimension = TargetingDimension.Audience,
            BidOnly = true
foreach (
    $adGroup->getTargetingSetting()->getTargetRestrictions() as $targetRestriction
) {
    // Prints the results.
    $targetingDimension = $targetRestriction->getTargetingDimension();
    $bidOnly = $targetRestriction->getBidOnly();
        "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to " .
        $bidOnly ? 'true' : 'false',

    // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting
    // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change.
    if ($targetingDimension !== TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE) {
        $targetRestrictions[] = $targetRestriction;
    } elseif (!$bidOnly) {
        $shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true;

        // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the
        // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE
        // target restriction to "Observation".
        // For more details about the targeting setting, visit
        $targetRestrictions[] = new TargetRestriction([
            'targeting_dimension' => TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE,
            'bid_only' => true
for target_restriction in target_restrictions:
    targeting_dimension = target_restriction.targeting_dimension
    bid_only = target_restriction.bid_only

        "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension "
        f"'{}' "
        f"and bid only set to '{bid_only}'."

    # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as
    # is if the targeting dimension has a value other than audience
    # because those should not change.
    if targeting_dimension != targeting_dimension_enum.AUDIENCE:
    elif not bid_only:
        should_update_targeting_setting = True

        # Add an audience target restriction with bid_only set to
        # true to the targeting setting object. This has the effect
        # of setting the audience target restriction to
        # "Observation". For more details about the targeting
        # setting, visit
        new_target_restriction = targeting_setting.target_restrictions.add()
        new_target_restriction.targeting_dimension = (
        new_target_restriction.bid_only = True
ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions.each do |r|
  # Prints the results.
  targeting_dimension = r.targeting_dimension
  bid_only = r.bid_only
  puts "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension " \
    "#{targeting_dimension} and bid only set to #{bid_only}."

  # Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the
  # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should
  # not change.
  if targeting_dimension != :AUDIENCE
    target_restrictions << r
  elsif !bid_only
    should_update_targeting_setting = true

    # Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the
    # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE
    # target restriction to "Observation".
    # For more details about the targeting setting, visit
    target_restrictions << client.resource.target_restriction do |tr|
      tr.targeting_dimension = :AUDIENCE
      tr.bid_only = true
foreach my $target_restriction (@target_restrictions) {
  my $targeting_dimension = $target_restriction->{targetingDimension};

    "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid " .
    "only set to '%s'.\n",
    $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";

  # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the
  # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those
  # should not change.
  if ($targeting_dimension ne AUDIENCE) {
    $target_restriction->{bidOnly} =
      $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "true" : "false";
    push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $target_restriction;
  } elsif (!$target_restriction->{bidOnly}) {
    $should_update_target_setting = 1;

    # Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the
    # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the
    # AUDIENCE target restriction to "Observation". For more details about
    # the targeting setting, visit
    my $new_restriction =
        targetingDimension => AUDIENCE,
        bidOnly            => "true"
    push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $new_restriction;

Infine, se il codice rileva una limitazione del target che richiede l'aggiornamento, aggiorna il gruppo di annunci con le nuove impostazioni di targeting.

private void updateTargetingSetting(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    long adGroupId,
    TargetingSetting targetingSetting) {
  // Creates the ad group service client.
  try (AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupServiceClient()) {
    // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting.
    AdGroup adGroup =
            .setResourceName(ResourceNames.adGroup(customerId, adGroupId))
    // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility to
    // derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the
    // ad group you want to change.
    AdGroupOperation operation =
    // Sends the operation in a mutate request.
    MutateAdGroupsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    // Prints the resource name of the updated object.
        "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE "
            + "target restriction to 'Observation'.%n",
private void UpdateTargetingSetting(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long
    adGroupId, TargetingSetting targetingSetting)
    // Get the AdGroupService client.
    AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient =

    // Create an ad group object with the updated targeting setting.
    AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup
        ResourceName = ResourceNames.AdGroup(customerId, adGroupId),
        TargetingSetting = targetingSetting

    // Construct an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility
    // to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the
    // ad group you want to change.
    AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation
        Update = adGroup,
        UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(adGroup)

    // Send the operation in a mutate request.
    MutateAdGroupsResponse response =
        adGroupServiceClient.MutateAdGroups(customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
    // Print the resource name of the updated object.
    Console.WriteLine("Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " +
        $"'{response.Results.First().ResourceName}'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction " +
        "to 'Observation'.");
private static function updateTargetingSetting(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $adGroupId,
    TargetingSetting $targetingSetting
) {
    // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting.
    $adGroup = new AdGroup([
        'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAdGroup($customerId, $adGroupId),
        'targeting_setting' => $targetingSetting

    // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified resource name,
    // using the FieldMasks utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads
    // API which attributes of the ad group you want to change.
    $adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to update the ad group.
    $adGroupServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupServiceClient();
    $response = $adGroupServiceClient->mutateAdGroups(
        MutateAdGroupsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupOperation])

    // Prints the resource name of the updated ad group.
        "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE " .
        "target restriction to 'Observation'.%s",
def update_targeting_setting(
    client, customer_id, ad_group_id, targeting_setting
    """Updates the given TargetingSetting of an ad group.

        client: The Google Ads client.
        customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID.
        ad_group_id: The ad group ID for which to update the audience targeting
        targeting_setting: The updated targeting setting.
    # Get the AdGroupService client.
    ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService")

    # Construct an operation that will update the ad group.
    ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation")

    # Populate the ad group object with the updated targeting setting.
    ad_group = ad_group_operation.update
    ad_group.resource_name = ad_group_service.ad_group_path(
        customer_id, ad_group_id
    # Use the field_mask utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the
    # Google Ads API which attributes of the ad group you want to change.
        protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, ad_group._pb),

    # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the
    # updated object.
    mutate_ad_groups_response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation]
        "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name "
        f"'{mutate_ad_groups_response.results[0].resource_name}'; set the "
        "audience target restriction to 'Observation'."
def update_targeting_setting(
  # Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified
  # resource name.
  ad_group_resource_name = client.path.ad_group(customer_id, ad_group_id)
  operation = client.operation.update_resource.ad_group(ad_group_resource_name) do |ag|
    ag.targeting_setting = targeting_setting

  # Issues a mutate request to update the ad group.
  response = client.service.ad_group.mutate_ad_groups(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],

  # Prints the resource name of the updated ad group.
  puts "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " \
    "#{response.results.first.resource_name}; set the AUDIENCE target " \
    "restriction to 'Observation'."
sub update_targeting_setting {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id, $targeting_setting) = @_;

  # Construct an ad group object with the updated targeting setting.
  my $ad_group = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroup->new({
      resourceName =>
        $customer_id, $ad_group_id
      targetingSetting => $targeting_setting

  # Create an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks
  # utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which
  # attributes of the ad group you want to change.
  my $ad_group_operation =
      update     => $ad_group,
      updateMask => all_set_fields_of($ad_group)});

  # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the
  # updated resource.
  my $ad_groups_response = $api_client->AdGroupService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$ad_group_operation]});

  printf "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resourceName " .
    "'%s'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction to 'Observation'.\n",

La procedura per impostare il campo bid_only per le campagne è quasi identica.