광고 그룹 또는 캠페인의 타겟팅 설정을 사용하여 특정 잠재고객 세그먼트에만 광고를 게재할지 또는 선택한 특정 콘텐츠에만 광고를 게재할지 지정합니다.
타겟팅 설정
배열로 TargetingSetting
필드를 설정하여 다양한 기준 유형이 타겟팅에 사용되는 방식에 관한 세부정보를 설정할 수 있습니다.
각 TargetRestriction
를 사용하면 기준 유형에서 bid_only
옵션을 사용할지 여부를 제어할 수 있습니다.
를 true
로 설정하면 타겟팅 설정이 '관찰'로 설정되며 기준은 트래픽을 제한하는 데 사용되지 않지만 목록의 여러 사용자에 대해 다르게 입찰할 수 있습니다. bid_only
를 false
로 설정하면 타겟팅 설정이 '타겟팅'으로 설정되고 광고 그룹 트래픽이 타겟팅 목록의 사용자로만 제한되도록 기준이 사용 설정됩니다.
기본적으로 bid_only
는 false
로 설정되므로 타겟팅 설정이 '타겟팅'으로 설정됩니다. 검색 또는 쇼핑 캠페인에 잠재고객 세그먼트를 추가하는 경우 타겟팅 설정을 bid_only
에서 true
로 변경하여 '관찰'로 설정하는 것이 좋습니다.
검색 광고용 잠재고객 세그먼트의 중복 캠페인을 설정하는 경우 bid_only
의 타겟팅을 false
로 유지합니다.
상위 캠페인에 targeting_setting
가 설정된 경우 AdGroup
에서 targeting_setting
를 추가하거나 업데이트할 수 없습니다. targeting_setting
가 상위 Campaign
에 설정된 경우 먼저 상위 Campaign
에서 targeting_setting
를 삭제해야 합니다. 마찬가지로 Campaign
에 targeting_setting
를 설정하려면 먼저 AdGroup
에서 targeting_setting
를 삭제해야 합니다.
타겟팅 설정 가져오기
타겟팅이 의도한 대로 설정되었는지 확인하려면 검색어의 ad_group
리소스에서 ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
필드를 요청하여 광고 그룹 또는 캠페인의 targeting_setting
를 확인합니다.
이 예에서는 광고 그룹의 targeting_setting
를 업데이트하여 targeting_dimension
인 TargetRestriction
인스턴스의 경우 bid_only
이 true
이 되도록 합니다. 따라서 광고 그룹의 광고가 지정된 잠재고객 세그먼트의 사용자에게만 게재됩니다.
먼저 제공된 ID로 광고 그룹에서 모든 ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
를 검색합니다.
String searchQuery = "SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions " + "FROM ad_group " + "WHERE ad_group.id = " + adGroupId;
string query = $@" SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE ad_group.id = {adGroupId}";
$query = "SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, " . "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions " . "FROM ad_group " . "WHERE ad_group.id = $adGroupId";
query = f""" SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE ad_group.id = {ad_group_id}"""
query = <<~QUERY SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE ad_group.id = #{ad_group_id} QUERY
my $query = "SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, " . "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group " . "WHERE ad_group.id = $ad_group_id";
그런 다음 타겟 제한을 반복하고 TargetingSetting
객체를 재구성합니다. 코드에서 targeting_dimension
이고 bid_only
값이 false
인 TargetRestriction
를 발견하면 TargetRestriction
객체의 bid_only
필드를 true
(또는 '관측')로 업데이트하고 TargetingSetting
객체에 추가합니다.
그렇지 않으면 서버에서 반환된 TargetRestriction
객체를 TargetingSetting
에 추가합니다. 전체 TargetingSetting
객체를 재구성하고 Google Ads에 다시 전달해야 합니다. Google은 TargetingSetting
에 누락된 target_restrictions
는 삭제해야 한다고 가정합니다.
for (TargetRestriction targetRestriction : targetRestrictions) { TargetingDimension targetingDimension = targetRestriction.getTargetingDimension(); boolean bidOnly = targetRestriction.getBidOnly(); System.out.printf( "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to '%b'.%n", targetingDimension, bidOnly); // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change. if (!targetingDimension.equals(TargetingDimension.AUDIENCE)) { targetingSettingBuilder.addTargetRestrictions(targetRestriction); } else if (!bidOnly) { shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the targeting // setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE target restriction to // "Observation". For more details about the targeting setting, visit // https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. targetingSettingBuilder.addTargetRestrictions( TargetRestriction.newBuilder() .setTargetingDimensionValue(TargetingDimension.AUDIENCE_VALUE) .setBidOnly(true)); } }
foreach (TargetRestriction targetRestriction in targetRestrictions) { TargetingDimension targetingDimension = targetRestriction.TargetingDimension; bool bidOnly = targetRestriction.BidOnly; Console.WriteLine("\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension " + $"'{targetingDimension}' and bid only set to '{bidOnly}'."); // Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the // targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should // not change. if (targetingDimension != TargetingDimension.Audience) { targetingSetting.TargetRestrictions.Add(targetRestriction); } else if (!bidOnly) { shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE // target restriction to "Observation". For more details about the // targeting setting, visit // https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. targetingSetting.TargetRestrictions.Add(new TargetRestriction { TargetingDimension = TargetingDimension.Audience, BidOnly = true }); } }
foreach ( $adGroup->getTargetingSetting()->getTargetRestrictions() as $targetRestriction ) { // Prints the results. $targetingDimension = $targetRestriction->getTargetingDimension(); $bidOnly = $targetRestriction->getBidOnly(); printf( "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to " . "'%s'.%s", TargetingDimension::name($targetingDimension), $bidOnly ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL ); // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change. if ($targetingDimension !== TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE) { $targetRestrictions[] = $targetRestriction; } elseif (!$bidOnly) { $shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE // target restriction to "Observation". // For more details about the targeting setting, visit // https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. $targetRestrictions[] = new TargetRestriction([ 'targeting_dimension' => TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE, 'bid_only' => true ]); } }
for target_restriction in target_restrictions: targeting_dimension = target_restriction.targeting_dimension bid_only = target_restriction.bid_only print( "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension " f"'{targeting_dimension.name}' " f"and bid only set to '{bid_only}'." ) # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as # is if the targeting dimension has a value other than audience # because those should not change. if targeting_dimension != targeting_dimension_enum.AUDIENCE: targeting_setting.target_restrictions.append(target_restriction) elif not bid_only: should_update_targeting_setting = True # Add an audience target restriction with bid_only set to # true to the targeting setting object. This has the effect # of setting the audience target restriction to # "Observation". For more details about the targeting # setting, visit # https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. new_target_restriction = targeting_setting.target_restrictions.add() new_target_restriction.targeting_dimension = ( targeting_dimension_enum.AUDIENCE ) new_target_restriction.bid_only = True
ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions.each do |r| # Prints the results. targeting_dimension = r.targeting_dimension bid_only = r.bid_only puts "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension " \ "#{targeting_dimension} and bid only set to #{bid_only}." # Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should # not change. if targeting_dimension != :AUDIENCE target_restrictions << r elsif !bid_only should_update_targeting_setting = true # Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE # target restriction to "Observation". # For more details about the targeting setting, visit # https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. target_restrictions << client.resource.target_restriction do |tr| tr.targeting_dimension = :AUDIENCE tr.bid_only = true end end end
foreach my $target_restriction (@target_restrictions) { my $targeting_dimension = $target_restriction->{targetingDimension}; printf "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid " . "only set to '%s'.\n", $targeting_dimension, $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those # should not change. if ($targeting_dimension ne AUDIENCE) { $target_restriction->{bidOnly} = $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "true" : "false"; push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $target_restriction; } elsif (!$target_restriction->{bidOnly}) { $should_update_target_setting = 1; # Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the # AUDIENCE target restriction to "Observation". For more details about # the targeting setting, visit # https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594. my $new_restriction = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::TargetRestriction->new({ targetingDimension => AUDIENCE, bidOnly => "true" }); push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $new_restriction; } }
마지막으로 코드에서 업데이트가 필요한 타겟 제한이 발생하면 새 타겟팅 설정으로 광고 그룹을 업데이트합니다.
private void updateTargetingSetting( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long adGroupId, TargetingSetting targetingSetting) { // Creates the ad group service client. try (AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupServiceClient()) { // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting. AdGroup adGroup = AdGroup.newBuilder() .setResourceName(ResourceNames.adGroup(customerId, adGroupId)) .setTargetingSetting(targetingSetting) .build(); // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility to // derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the // ad group you want to change. AdGroupOperation operation = AdGroupOperation.newBuilder() .setUpdate(adGroup) .setUpdateMask(FieldMasks.allSetFieldsOf(adGroup)) .build(); // Sends the operation in a mutate request. MutateAdGroupsResponse response = adGroupServiceClient.mutateAdGroups( Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation)); // Prints the resource name of the updated object. System.out.printf( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE " + "target restriction to 'Observation'.%n", response.getResults(0).getResourceName()); } }
private void UpdateTargetingSetting(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long adGroupId, TargetingSetting targetingSetting) { // Get the AdGroupService client. AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient = client.GetService(Services.V19.AdGroupService); // Create an ad group object with the updated targeting setting. AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup { ResourceName = ResourceNames.AdGroup(customerId, adGroupId), TargetingSetting = targetingSetting }; // Construct an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility // to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the // ad group you want to change. AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation { Update = adGroup, UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(adGroup) }; // Send the operation in a mutate request. MutateAdGroupsResponse response = adGroupServiceClient.MutateAdGroups(customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation }); // Print the resource name of the updated object. Console.WriteLine("Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " + $"'{response.Results.First().ResourceName}'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction " + "to 'Observation'."); }
private static function updateTargetingSetting( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, int $adGroupId, TargetingSetting $targetingSetting ) { // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting. $adGroup = new AdGroup([ 'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAdGroup($customerId, $adGroupId), 'targeting_setting' => $targetingSetting ]); // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified resource name, // using the FieldMasks utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads // API which attributes of the ad group you want to change. $adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation(); $adGroupOperation->setUpdate($adGroup); $adGroupOperation->setUpdateMask(FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($adGroup)); // Issues a mutate request to update the ad group. $adGroupServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupServiceClient(); $response = $adGroupServiceClient->mutateAdGroups( MutateAdGroupsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupOperation]) ); // Prints the resource name of the updated ad group. printf( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE " . "target restriction to 'Observation'.%s", $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName(), PHP_EOL ); }
def update_targeting_setting( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, targeting_setting ): """Updates the given TargetingSetting of an ad group. Args: client: The Google Ads client. customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID. ad_group_id: The ad group ID for which to update the audience targeting restriction. targeting_setting: The updated targeting setting. """ # Get the AdGroupService client. ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService") # Construct an operation that will update the ad group. ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation") # Populate the ad group object with the updated targeting setting. ad_group = ad_group_operation.update ad_group.resource_name = ad_group_service.ad_group_path( customer_id, ad_group_id ) ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions.extend( targeting_setting.target_restrictions ) # Use the field_mask utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the # Google Ads API which attributes of the ad group you want to change. client.copy_from( ad_group_operation.update_mask, protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, ad_group._pb), ) # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the # updated object. mutate_ad_groups_response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation] ) print( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " f"'{mutate_ad_groups_response.results[0].resource_name}'; set the " "audience target restriction to 'Observation'." )
def update_targeting_setting( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, targeting_setting) # Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified # resource name. ad_group_resource_name = client.path.ad_group(customer_id, ad_group_id) operation = client.operation.update_resource.ad_group(ad_group_resource_name) do |ag| ag.targeting_setting = targeting_setting end # Issues a mutate request to update the ad group. response = client.service.ad_group.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id: customer_id, operations: [operation], ) # Prints the resource name of the updated ad group. puts "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " \ "#{response.results.first.resource_name}; set the AUDIENCE target " \ "restriction to 'Observation'." end
sub update_targeting_setting { my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id, $targeting_setting) = @_; # Construct an ad group object with the updated targeting setting. my $ad_group = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroup->new({ resourceName => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::ad_group( $customer_id, $ad_group_id ), targetingSetting => $targeting_setting }); # Create an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks # utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which # attributes of the ad group you want to change. my $ad_group_operation = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AdGroupService::AdGroupOperation-> new({ update => $ad_group, updateMask => all_set_fields_of($ad_group)}); # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the # updated resource. my $ad_groups_response = $api_client->AdGroupService()->mutate({ customerId => $customer_id, operations => [$ad_group_operation]}); printf "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resourceName " . "'%s'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction to 'Observation'.\n", $ad_groups_response->{results}[0]{resourceName}; }
캠페인의 bid_only
필드를 설정하는 절차는 거의 동일합니다.