simgesini kullanarak Google Arama kampanyanızla alakalı yeni anahtar kelimeler arayabilir veya anahtar kelimelerle ilgili geçmiş metrikleri bulabilirsiniz.
Fikir üretme
ile bir kampanya için anahtar kelime fikirleri oluşturun.
Fikir oluşturmak için anahtar kelime ve URL tohumları sağlayabilirsiniz. Aramanızı daraltmak için konum, dil ve ağ ayarları gibi hedefleme parametrelerini ayarlayın. Anahtar kelimeleri kampanyanız için kullanıp kullanmayacağınızı belirlemenize yardımcı olmak amacıyla arama hacmi verileri gibi geçmiş istatistikler döndürülür. Google Ads kullanıcı arayüzüne aşina olan kullanıcılar için bu, Anahtar Kelime Planlayıcı'ya benzer.
Yeni anahtar kelimeler oluşturmak için tohum oluşturmanın birkaç yolu vardır:
Reklamını yaptığınız ürün veya hizmeti açıklayan kelimeler ya da kelime öbekleri için
simgesini kullanın. Bu, hedeflediğiniz genel bir işletme türü (ör. tesisatçılar) veya sunduğunuz bir ürün ya da hizmet (ör. kanalizasyon temizliği) olabilir.İşletmenizle alakalı bir web sayfasının veya tüm web sitesinin URL'si için
simgesini kullanın. URL başlangıç noktası yalnızca belirli bir URL'yi hedefler. İsabet yoksa arama, otomatik olarak aynı alan adındaki sayfalara kadar genişletilir.URL tohumları için köprülerin içeriği, anahtar kelime fikirleri oluşturmak amacıyla kullanılmaz.
Hem anahtar kelime tohumları hem de URL tohumları için
kullanmak, yalnızcaUrlSeed
'e kıyasla daha fazla anahtar kelime fikrinin sunulmasına neden olabilir.Sitenin tamamı için
değerini kullanı
gibi bir üst düzey alan adı verildiğinde site tohumu, herkese açık bilgilerden 250.000'e kadar anahtar kelime fikri oluşturur.
Hedeflemenizi daraltmak için:
- Dili
ile ayarlayın. GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.geo_target_constants
ile konumu ayarlayın.- Ağı
ile ayarlayın. - Yetişkinlere uygun anahtar kelimelerin dahil edilip edilmeyeceğini
ile ayarlayın. GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.keyword_annotation
ile anahtar kelimeleri hassaslaştırın.GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.historical_metrics_options
ile tarih aralığını ayarlayın.
Yanıtta bulunan sonuç kümesi sayfalandırmayı destekler.
Fikirlerin geçmiş metrikleri de döndürülür. Bu metrikler, tahminlerle birlikte kullanmak üzere bir listeyi filtrelemek için kullanılabilir. Örneğin, kampanyanızın erişimini en üst düzeye çıkarmak için yalnızca yüksek arama hacimlerini hedeflemek veya marka bilinirliğinizi artırmak için yalnızca daha yüksek rekabet puanlarını hedeflemek isteyebilirsiniz.
private void runExample( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long languageId, List<Long> locationIds, List<String> keywords, @Nullable String pageUrl) { try (KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient()) { GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.Builder requestBuilder = GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomerId(Long.toString(customerId)) // Sets the language resource using the provided language ID. .setLanguage(ResourceNames.languageConstant(languageId)) // Sets the network. To restrict to only Google Search, change the parameter below to // KeywordPlanNetwork.GOOGLE_SEARCH. .setKeywordPlanNetwork(KeywordPlanNetwork.GOOGLE_SEARCH_AND_PARTNERS); // Adds the resource name of each location ID to the request. for (Long locationId : locationIds) { requestBuilder.addGeoTargetConstants(ResourceNames.geoTargetConstant(locationId)); } // Makes sure that keywords and/or page URL were specified. The request must have exactly one // of urlSeed, keywordSeed, or keywordAndUrlSeed set. if (keywords.isEmpty() && pageUrl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of keywords or page URL is required, but neither was specified."); } if (keywords.isEmpty()) { // Only page URL was specified, so use a UrlSeed. requestBuilder.getUrlSeedBuilder().setUrl(pageUrl); } else if (pageUrl == null) { // Only keywords were specified, so use a KeywordSeed. requestBuilder.getKeywordSeedBuilder().addAllKeywords(keywords); } else { // Both page URL and keywords were specified, so use a KeywordAndUrlSeed. requestBuilder.getKeywordAndUrlSeedBuilder().setUrl(pageUrl).addAllKeywords(keywords); } // Sends the keyword ideas request. GenerateKeywordIdeasPagedResponse response = keywordPlanServiceClient.generateKeywordIdeas(; // Prints each result in the response. for (GenerateKeywordIdeaResult result : response.iterateAll()) { System.out.printf( "Keyword idea text '%s' has %d average monthly searches and '%s' competition.%n", result.getText(), result.getKeywordIdeaMetrics().getAvgMonthlySearches(), result.getKeywordIdeaMetrics().getCompetition()); } } }
public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long[] locationIds, long languageId, string[] keywordTexts, string pageUrl) { KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanIdeaService = client.GetService(Services.V19.KeywordPlanIdeaService); // Make sure that keywords and/or page URL were specified. The request must have // exactly one of urlSeed, keywordSeed, or keywordAndUrlSeed set. if (keywordTexts.Length == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUrl)) { throw new ArgumentException("At least one of keywords or page URL is required, " + "but neither was specified."); } // Specify the optional arguments of the request as a keywordSeed, UrlSeed, // or KeywordAndUrlSeed. GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest request = new GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest() { CustomerId = customerId.ToString(), }; if (keywordTexts.Length == 0) { // Only page URL was specified, so use a UrlSeed. request.UrlSeed = new UrlSeed() { Url = pageUrl }; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUrl)) { // Only keywords were specified, so use a KeywordSeed. request.KeywordSeed = new KeywordSeed(); request.KeywordSeed.Keywords.AddRange(keywordTexts); } else { // Both page URL and keywords were specified, so use a KeywordAndUrlSeed. request.KeywordAndUrlSeed = new KeywordAndUrlSeed(); request.KeywordAndUrlSeed.Url = pageUrl; request.KeywordAndUrlSeed.Keywords.AddRange(keywordTexts); } // Create a list of geo target constants based on the resource name of specified // location IDs. foreach (long locationId in locationIds) { request.GeoTargetConstants.Add(ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(locationId)); } request.Language = ResourceNames.LanguageConstant(languageId); // Set the network. To restrict to only Google Search, change the parameter below to // KeywordPlanNetwork.GoogleSearch. request.KeywordPlanNetwork = KeywordPlanNetwork.GoogleSearchAndPartners; try { // Generate keyword ideas based on the specified parameters. var response = keywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordIdeas(request); // Iterate over the results and print its detail. foreach (GenerateKeywordIdeaResult result in response) { KeywordPlanHistoricalMetrics metrics = result.KeywordIdeaMetrics; Console.WriteLine($"Keyword idea text '{result.Text}' has " + $"{metrics.AvgMonthlySearches} average monthly searches and competition " + $"is {metrics.Competition}."); } } catch (GoogleAdsException e) { Console.WriteLine("Failure:"); Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}"); Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}"); throw; } }
public static function runExample( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, array $locationIds, int $languageId, array $keywords, ?string $pageUrl ) { $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient(); // Make sure that keywords and/or page URL were specified. The request must have exactly one // of urlSeed, keywordSeed, or keywordAndUrlSeed set. if (empty($keywords) && is_null($pageUrl)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'At least one of keywords or page URL is required, but neither was specified.' ); } // Specify the optional arguments of the request as a keywordSeed, urlSeed, // or keywordAndUrlSeed. $requestOptionalArgs = []; if (empty($keywords)) { // Only page URL was specified, so use a UrlSeed. $requestOptionalArgs['url_seed'] = new UrlSeed(['url' => $pageUrl]); } elseif (is_null($pageUrl)) { // Only keywords were specified, so use a KeywordSeed. $requestOptionalArgs['keyword_seed'] = new KeywordSeed(['keywords' => $keywords]); } else { // Both page URL and keywords were specified, so use a KeywordAndUrlSeed. $requestOptionalArgs['keyword_and_url_seed'] = new KeywordAndUrlSeed(['url' => $pageUrl, 'keywords' => $keywords]); } // Create a list of geo target constants based on the resource name of specified location // IDs. $geoTargetConstants = array_map(function ($locationId) { return ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant($locationId); }, $locationIds); // Generate keyword ideas based on the specified parameters. $response = $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient->generateKeywordIdeas( new GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest([ // Set the language resource using the provided language ID. 'language' => ResourceNames::forLanguageConstant($languageId), 'customer_id' => $customerId, // Add the resource name of each location ID to the request. 'geo_target_constants' => $geoTargetConstants, // Set the network. To restrict to only Google Search, change the parameter below to // KeywordPlanNetwork::GOOGLE_SEARCH. 'keyword_plan_network' => KeywordPlanNetwork::GOOGLE_SEARCH_AND_PARTNERS ] + $requestOptionalArgs) ); // Iterate over the results and print its detail. foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $result) { /** @var GenerateKeywordIdeaResult $result */ // Note that the competition printed below is enum value. // For example, a value of 2 will be returned when the competition is 'LOW'. // A mapping of enum names to values can be found at KeywordPlanCompetitionLevel.php. printf( "Keyword idea text '%s' has %d average monthly searches and competition as %d.%s", $result->getText(), is_null($result->getKeywordIdeaMetrics()) ? 0 : $result->getKeywordIdeaMetrics()->getAvgMonthlySearches(), is_null($result->getKeywordIdeaMetrics()) ? 0 : $result->getKeywordIdeaMetrics()->getCompetition(), PHP_EOL ); } }
def main( client, customer_id, location_ids, language_id, keyword_texts, page_url ): keyword_plan_idea_service = client.get_service("KeywordPlanIdeaService") keyword_competition_level_enum = ( client.enums.KeywordPlanCompetitionLevelEnum ) keyword_plan_network = ( client.enums.KeywordPlanNetworkEnum.GOOGLE_SEARCH_AND_PARTNERS ) location_rns = map_locations_ids_to_resource_names(client, location_ids) language_rn = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService").language_constant_path( language_id ) # Either keywords or a page_url are required to generate keyword ideas # so this raises an error if neither are provided. if not (keyword_texts or page_url): raise ValueError( "At least one of keywords or page URL is required, " "but neither was specified." ) # Only one of the fields "url_seed", "keyword_seed", or # "keyword_and_url_seed" can be set on the request, depending on whether # keywords, a page_url or both were passed to this function. request = client.get_type("GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest") request.customer_id = customer_id request.language = language_rn request.geo_target_constants = location_rns request.include_adult_keywords = False request.keyword_plan_network = keyword_plan_network # To generate keyword ideas with only a page_url and no keywords we need # to initialize a UrlSeed object with the page_url as the "url" field. if not keyword_texts and page_url: request.url_seed.url = page_url # To generate keyword ideas with only a list of keywords and no page_url # we need to initialize a KeywordSeed object and set the "keywords" field # to be a list of StringValue objects. if keyword_texts and not page_url: request.keyword_seed.keywords.extend(keyword_texts) # To generate keyword ideas using both a list of keywords and a page_url we # need to initialize a KeywordAndUrlSeed object, setting both the "url" and # "keywords" fields. if keyword_texts and page_url: request.keyword_and_url_seed.url = page_url request.keyword_and_url_seed.keywords.extend(keyword_texts) keyword_ideas = keyword_plan_idea_service.generate_keyword_ideas( request=request ) for idea in keyword_ideas: competition_value = print( f'Keyword idea text "{idea.text}" has ' f'"{idea.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches}" ' f'average monthly searches and "{competition_value}" ' "competition.\n" )
def generate_keyword_ideas(customer_id, location_ids, language_id, keywords, page_url) # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters client = # Make sure that keywords and/or page URL were specified. The request must # have exactly one of urlSeed, keywordSeed, or keywordAndUrlSeed set. if keywords.reject {|k| k.nil?}.empty? && page_url.nil? raise "At least one of keywords or page URL is required." end kp_idea_service = client.service.keyword_plan_idea options_hash = if keywords.empty? seed = client.resource.url_seed do |seed| seed.url = page_url end {url_seed: seed} elsif page_url.nil? seed = client.resource.keyword_seed do |seed| keywords.each do |keyword| seed.keywords << keyword end end {keyword_seed: seed} else seed = client.resource.keyword_and_url_seed do |seed| seed.url = page_url keywords.each do |keyword| seed.keywords << keyword end end {keyword_and_url_seed: seed} end geo_target_constants = do |location_id| client.path.geo_target_constant(location_id) end include_adult_keywords = true response = kp_idea_service.generate_keyword_ideas( customer_id: customer_id, language: client.path.language_constant(language_id), geo_target_constants: geo_target_constants, include_adult_keywords: include_adult_keywords, # To restrict to only Google Search, change the parameter below to # :GOOGLE_SEARCH keyword_plan_network: :GOOGLE_SEARCH_AND_PARTNERS, **options_hash ) response.each do |result| monthly_searches = if result.keyword_idea_metrics.nil? 0 else result.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches end competition = if result.keyword_idea_metrics.nil? :UNSPECIFIED else result.keyword_idea_metrics.competition end puts "Keyword idea text #{result.text} has #{monthly_searches} average " + "monthly searches and competition as #{competition}." end end
sub generate_keyword_ideas { my ( $api_client, $customer_id, $location_ids, $language_id, $keyword_texts, $page_url ) = @_; # Make sure that keywords and/or page URL were specified. The request must have # exactly one of urlSeed, keywordSeed, or keywordAndUrlSeed set. if (not scalar @$keyword_texts and not $page_url) { die "At least one of keywords or page URL is required, " . "but neither was specified."; } # Specify the optional arguments of the request as a keywordSeed, urlSeed, # or keywordAndUrlSeed. my $request_option_args = {}; if (!scalar @$keyword_texts) { # Only page URL was specified, so use a UrlSeed. $request_option_args->{urlSeed} = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::UrlSeed-> new({ url => $page_url }); } elsif (not $page_url) { # Only keywords were specified, so use a KeywordSeed. $request_option_args->{keywordSeed} = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::KeywordSeed ->new({ keywords => $keyword_texts }); } else { # Both page URL and keywords were specified, so use a KeywordAndUrlSeed. $request_option_args->{keywordAndUrlSeed} = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::KeywordPlanIdeaService::KeywordAndUrlSeed ->new({ url => $page_url, keywords => $keyword_texts }); } # Create a list of geo target constants based on the resource name of specified # location IDs. my $geo_target_constants = [ map ( Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::geo_target_constant( $_), @$location_ids)]; # Generate keyword ideas based on the specified parameters. my $keyword_ideas_response = $api_client->KeywordPlanIdeaService()->generate_keyword_ideas({ customerId => $customer_id, # Set the language resource using the provided language ID. language => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::language_constant( $language_id), # Add the resource name of each location ID to the request. geoTargetConstants => $geo_target_constants, # Set the network. To restrict to only Google Search, change the parameter below # to GOOGLE_SEARCH. keywordPlanNetwork => GOOGLE_SEARCH_AND_PARTNERS, %$request_option_args }); # Iterate over the results and print its detail. foreach my $result (@{$keyword_ideas_response->{results}}) { printf "Keyword idea text '%s' has %d average monthly searches " . "and '%s' competition.\n", $result->{text}, $result->{keywordIdeaMetrics}{avgMonthlySearches} ? $result->{keywordIdeaMetrics}{avgMonthlySearches} : 0, $result->{keywordIdeaMetrics}{competition} ? $result->{keywordIdeaMetrics}{competition} : "undef"; } return 1; }
Kullanıcı arayüzüyle eşleme
kullanıcı arayüzündeki Anahtar Kelime Planlayıcı'da benzer işlevlere sahiptir.
Anahtar Kelime Planlayıcı kullanıcı arayüzü | Google Ads API |
Anahtar kelimeler ve URL'ler girme | |
Konumlar | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.geo_target_constants |
Yetişkinlere Yönelik Anahtar Kelimeler | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.include_adult_keywords |
Dil | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.language |
Arama Ağları | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.keyword_plan_network |
Anahtar Kelimeleri Hassaslaştırın | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.keyword_annotation |
Tarih Aralığı | GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest.historical_metrics_options |
Sonuçlar: Anahtar kelime | GenerateKeywordIdeaResult.text |
Sonuçlar: Metrikler | GenerateKeywordIdeaResult.keyword_idea_metrics |