Specifica di un piano media

Google offre una serie di prodotti e segmenti di pubblico che puoi utilizzare per creare campagne, anche se potresti non sapere come formulare un piano. Per aiutarti, ReachPlanService fornisce metodi di scoperta che puoi utilizzare per generare una curva.

Targeting per pubblico

Il primo componente di un piano media è il targeting per pubblico, che può includere i seguenti criteri di destinazione:

Segmenti di pubblico
Riferimento AudienceTargeting.
Fasce d'età
Fai riferimento all'enum ReachPlanAgeRange.
Fai riferimento al criterio GenderInfo.
Fai riferimento al criterio DeviceInfo.
Utilizza il metodo ListPlannableLocations per trovare gli ID località supportati.
Utilizza il metodo ListPlannableLocations per trovare le emittenti applicabili, che possono variare in base al prodotto e alla regione.

Mix di prodotti

Oltre alle informazioni sul targeting, devi specificare una combinazione di prodotti per generare una curva.

Il metodo ListPlannableProducts in ReachPlanService mostra i formati più recenti disponibili per un determinato ID località, rappresentati dai campi plannable_product_code e plannable_product_name di ProductMetadata. Tieni presente che questi valori cambiano periodicamente, quindi è meglio fornire agli utenti risultati in tempo reale anziché risposte permanenti offline.

Di seguito è riportato un esempio di codice su come ottenere la combinazione di prodotti per alcuni criteri di destinazione:

private void showPlannableProducts(
    ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanServiceClient, String locationId) {
  ListPlannableProductsRequest request =

  ListPlannableProductsResponse response = reachPlanServiceClient.listPlannableProducts(request);

  System.out.printf("Plannable Products for location %s:%n", locationId);
  for (ProductMetadata product : response.getProductMetadataList()) {
    System.out.printf("%s:%n", product.getPlannableProductCode());
    System.out.println("Age Ranges:");
    for (ReachPlanAgeRange ageRange : product.getPlannableTargeting().getAgeRangesList()) {
      System.out.printf("\t- %s%n", ageRange);
    for (GenderInfo gender : product.getPlannableTargeting().getGendersList()) {
      System.out.printf("\t- %s%n", gender.getType());
    for (DeviceInfo device : product.getPlannableTargeting().getDevicesList()) {
      System.out.printf("\t- %s%n", device.getType());
public void ShowPlannableProducts(
    ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanService, string locationId)
    ListPlannableProductsRequest request = new ListPlannableProductsRequest
        PlannableLocationId = locationId
    ListPlannableProductsResponse response = reachPlanService.ListPlannableProducts(

    Console.WriteLine($"Plannable Products for location {locationId}:");
    foreach (ProductMetadata product in response.ProductMetadata)
        Console.WriteLine("Age Ranges:");
        foreach (ReachPlanAgeRange ageRange in product.PlannableTargeting.AgeRanges)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t- {ageRange}");

        foreach (GenderInfo gender in product.PlannableTargeting.Genders)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t- {gender.Type}");

        foreach (DeviceInfo device in product.PlannableTargeting.Devices)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t- {device.Type}");
private static function showPlannableProducts(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient)
    $response = $googleAdsClient->getReachPlanServiceClient()->listPlannableProducts(

    print 'Plannable Products for Location ID ' . self::LOCATION_ID . ':' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($response->getProductMetadata() as $product) {
        /** @var ProductMetadata $product */
        print $product->getPlannableProductCode() . ':' . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Age Ranges:' . PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($product->getPlannableTargeting()->getAgeRanges() as $ageRange) {
            /** @var ReachPlanAgeRange $ageRange */
            printf("\t- %s%s", ReachPlanAgeRange::name($ageRange), PHP_EOL);
        print 'Genders:' . PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($product->getPlannableTargeting()->getGenders() as $gender) {
            /** @var GenderInfo $gender */
            printf("\t- %s%s", GenderType::name($gender->getType()), PHP_EOL);
        print 'Devices:' . PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($product->getPlannableTargeting()->getDevices() as $device) {
            /** @var DeviceInfo $device */
            printf("\t- %s%s", Device::name($device->getType()), PHP_EOL);
def show_plannable_products(client, location_id):
    """Lists plannable products for a given location.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        location_id: The location ID to plan for.
    reach_plan_service = client.get_service("ReachPlanService")
    response = reach_plan_service.list_plannable_products(
    print(f"Plannable Products for Location ID {location_id}")

    for product_metadata in response.product_metadata:
            f"{product_metadata.plannable_product_code} : "

        print("Age Ranges:")
        for age_range in product_metadata.plannable_targeting.age_ranges:
            print(f"\t- {age_range.name}")

        for gender in product_metadata.plannable_targeting.genders:
            print(f"\t- {gender.type_.name}")

        for device in product_metadata.plannable_targeting.devices:
            print(f"\t- {device.type_.name}")
def show_plannable_products(reach_plan_service)
  response = reach_plan_service.list_plannable_products(
    plannable_location_id: LOCATION_ID,

  puts "Plannable Products for Location ID #{LOCATION_ID}:"

  response.product_metadata.each do |product|
    puts "#{product.plannable_product_code}:"
    puts "Age Ranges:"
    product.plannable_targeting.age_ranges.each do |age_range|
      puts "\t- #{age_range}"
    puts "Genders:"
    product.plannable_targeting.genders.each do |gender|
      puts "\t- #{gender.type}"
    puts "Devices:"
    product.plannable_targeting.devices.each do |device|
      puts "\t- #{device.type}"
sub show_plannable_products {
  my ($reach_plan_service, $location_id) = @_;

  my $response = $reach_plan_service->list_plannable_products({
    plannableLocationId => $location_id

  printf "Plannable Products for location %d:\n", $location_id;
  foreach my $product (@{$response->{productMetadata}}) {
    printf "%s : '%s'\n", $product->{plannableProductCode},
    print "Age Ranges:\n";
    foreach my $age_range (@{$product->{plannableTargeting}{ageRanges}}) {
      printf "\t- %s\n", $age_range;
    print "Genders:\n";
    foreach my $gender (@{$product->{plannableTargeting}{genders}}) {
      printf "\t- %s\n", $gender->{type};
    print "Devices:\n";
    foreach my $device (@{$product->{plannableTargeting}{devices}}) {
      printf "\t- %s\n", $device->{type};

Per generare una curva, devi assegnare un budget a ogni prodotto:

private void forecastManualMix(
    ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanServiceClient,
    long customerId,
    String locationId,
    String currencyCode,
    long budgetMicros) {
  List<PlannedProduct> productMix = new ArrayList<>();

  // Set up a ratio to split the budget between two products.
  double trueviewAllocation = 0.15;
  double bumperAllocation = 1 - trueviewAllocation;

  // See listPlannableProducts on ReachPlanService to retrieve a list
  // of valid PlannableProductCode's for a given location:
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ReachPlanService
          .setBudgetMicros((long) (budgetMicros * bumperAllocation))
          .setBudgetMicros((long) (budgetMicros * bumperAllocation))

  GenerateReachForecastRequest request =
      buildReachRequest(customerId, productMix, locationId, currencyCode);

  getReachCurve(reachPlanServiceClient, request);
public void ForecastMix(ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanService, string customerId,
    string locationId, string currencyCode, long budgetMicros)
    List<PlannedProduct> productMix = new List<PlannedProduct>();

    // Set up a ratio to split the budget between two products.
    double trueviewAllocation = 0.15;
    double bumperAllocation = 1 - trueviewAllocation;

    // See listPlannableProducts on ReachPlanService to retrieve a list
    // of valid PlannableProductCode's for a given location:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ReachPlanService
    productMix.Add(new PlannedProduct
        PlannableProductCode = "TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM",
        BudgetMicros = Convert.ToInt64(budgetMicros * trueviewAllocation)
    productMix.Add(new PlannedProduct
        PlannableProductCode = "BUMPER",
        BudgetMicros = Convert.ToInt64(budgetMicros * bumperAllocation)

    GenerateReachForecastRequest request =
        BuildReachRequest(customerId, productMix, locationId, currencyCode);

    GetReachCurve(reachPlanService, request);
private static function forecastManualMix(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId)
    // Set up a ratio to split the budget between two products.
    $trueviewAllocation = floatval(0.15);
    $bumperAllocation = floatval(1 - $trueviewAllocation);

    // See listPlannableProducts on ReachPlanService to retrieve a list
    // of valid PlannableProductCode's for a given location:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ReachPlanService
    $productMix = [
        new PlannedProduct([
            'plannable_product_code' => 'TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM',
            'budget_micros' => self::BUDGET_MICROS * $trueviewAllocation
        new PlannedProduct([
            'plannable_product_code' => 'BUMPER',
            'budget_micros' => self::BUDGET_MICROS * $bumperAllocation

def forecast_manual_mix(
    client, customer_id, location_id, currency_code, budget
    """Pulls a forecast for product mix created manually.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: The customer ID for the reach forecast.
        product_mix: The product mix for the reach forecast.
        location_id: The location ID to plan for.
        currency_code: Three-character ISO 4217 currency code.
        budget: Budget to allocate to the plan.
    product_mix = []
    trueview_allocation = 0.15
    bumper_allocation = 1 - trueview_allocation
    product_splits = [
        ("TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM", trueview_allocation),
        ("BUMPER", bumper_allocation),
    for product, split in product_splits:
        planned_product = client.get_type("PlannedProduct")
        planned_product.plannable_product_code = product
        planned_product.budget_micros = math.trunc(budget * ONE_MILLION * split)

        client, customer_id, product_mix, location_id, currency_code
def forecast_manual_mix(client, reach_plan_service, customer_id)
  # Set up a ratio to split the budget between two products.
  trueview_allocation = 0.15
  bumper_allocation = 1 - trueview_allocation

  # See listPlannableProducts on ReachPlanService to retrieve a list
  # of valid PlannableProductCode's for a given location:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ReachPlanService
  product_mix = []

  product_mix << client.resource.planned_product do |p|
    p.plannable_product_code = 'TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM'
    p.budget_micros = BUDGET_MICROS * trueview_allocation

  product_mix << client.resource.planned_product do |p|
    p.plannable_product_code = 'BUMPER'
    p.budget_micros = BUDGET_MICROS * bumper_allocation

sub forecast_mix {
  my (
    $reach_plan_service, $customer_id, $location_id,
    $currency_code,      $budget_micros
  ) = @_;

  my $product_mix = [];

  # Set up a ratio to split the budget between two products.
  my $trueview_allocation = 0.15;
  my $bumper_allocation   = 1 - $trueview_allocation;

  # See list_plannable_products on ReachPlanService to retrieve a list of valid
  # plannable product codes for a given location:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ReachPlanService
  push @$product_mix,
      plannableProductCode => "TRUEVIEW_IN_STREAM",
      budgetMicros         => int($budget_micros * $trueview_allocation)});
  push @$product_mix,
      plannableProductCode => "BUMPER",
      budgetMicros         => int($budget_micros * $bumper_allocation)});

  my $reach_request =
    build_reach_request($customer_id, $product_mix, $location_id,

  pull_reach_curve($reach_plan_service, $reach_request);

È anche in questo momento che puoi impostare advanced_product_targeting per le selezioni di YouTube Select.

Campi di richiesta di previsione della copertura

Devi impostare i campi customer_id, campaign_duration e planned_products per ogni GenerateReachForecastRequest.

Puoi anche impostare i seguenti campi facoltativi:

Campo Descrizione
cookie_frequency_cap_setting Il numero massimo di volte in cui un annuncio può essere mostrato allo stesso utente in un intervallo di tempo specificato. Questo limite può essere definito come un limite per un giorno, una settimana o un mese.
currency_code Codice valuta ISO 4217 di tre caratteri.
customer_reach_group Il nome del cliente per cui è prevista la pianificazione. Si tratta di un valore definito dall'utente. Obbligatorio se targeting.audience_targeting è impostato.
min_effective_frequency Numero minimo di volte in cui una persona è stata esposta all'annuncio per le metriche di copertura registrate.
targeting Il targeting da applicare a tutti i prodotti selezionati nella combinazione di prodotti, inclusi località, fascia d'età, genere, dispositivi e rete.