對於 expression_rule_user_list
,還有其他區別需要注意。根據預設,Google Ads 會將規則項目群組中的所有規則項目AND
合併。也就是說,至少一個規則項目群組中的每個規則項目都必須相符,規則才能將訪客新增至清單。這稱為「析取標準型式」,或 OR_OF_ANDS
您也可以設定清單,只在每個規則項目群組中至少有一個規則項目符合條件時,才將訪客加入清單。這稱為「連接式標準形式」或 AND_OF_ORS
,可透過 rule_type
欄位使用 expression_rule_user_list
。如果嘗試為 date_specific_rule_user_list
接下來,您只需將上述規則項目群組合併為新的使用者清單即可。在這種情況下,我們會保留預設的 OR_OF_ANDS
FlexibleRuleUserListInfo flexibleRuleUserListInfo = FlexibleRuleUserListInfo.newBuilder() .setInclusiveRuleOperator(UserListFlexibleRuleOperator.AND) .addInclusiveOperands( FlexibleRuleOperandInfo.newBuilder() .setRule( // The default rule_type for a UserListRuleInfo object is OR of ANDs // (disjunctive normal form). That is, rule items will be ANDed together // within rule item groups and the groups themselves will be ORed together. UserListRuleInfo.newBuilder() .addRuleItemGroups(checkoutDateRuleGroup) .addRuleItemGroups(checkoutAndCartSizeRuleGroup)) // Optional: includes a lookback window for this rule, in days. .setLookbackWindowDays(7L)) .build();
FlexibleRuleUserListInfo flexibleRuleUserListInfo = new FlexibleRuleUserListInfo(); FlexibleRuleOperandInfo flexibleRuleOperandInfo = new FlexibleRuleOperandInfo() { Rule = new UserListRuleInfo() }; flexibleRuleOperandInfo.Rule.RuleItemGroups.Add(checkoutAndCartSizeRuleGroup); flexibleRuleOperandInfo.Rule.RuleItemGroups.Add(checkoutDateRuleGroup); flexibleRuleUserListInfo.InclusiveOperands.Add(flexibleRuleOperandInfo);
$flexibleRuleUserListInfo = new FlexibleRuleUserListInfo([ 'inclusive_rule_operator' => UserListFlexibleRuleOperator::PBAND, 'inclusive_operands' => [ new FlexibleRuleOperandInfo([ 'rule' => new UserListRuleInfo([ // The default rule_type for a UserListRuleInfo object is OR of ANDs // (disjunctive normal form). That is, rule items will be ANDed together // within rule item groups and the groups themselves will be ORed together. 'rule_item_groups' => [ $checkoutAndCartSizeRuleGroup, $checkoutDateRuleGroup ] ]), // Optionally add a lookback window for this rule, in days. 'lookback_window_days' => 7 ]) ], 'exclusive_operands' => [] ]);
# Create a FlexibleRuleUserListInfo object, or a flexible rule # representation of visitors with one or multiple actions. # FlexibleRuleUserListInfo wraps UserListRuleInfo in a # FlexibleRuleOperandInfo object that represents which user lists to # include or exclude. flexible_rule_user_list_info = ( rule_based_user_list_info.flexible_rule_user_list ) flexible_rule_user_list_info.inclusive_rule_operator = ( client.enums.UserListFlexibleRuleOperatorEnum.AND ) # The default rule_type for a UserListRuleInfo object is OR of # ANDs (disjunctive normal form). That is, rule items will be # ANDed together within rule item groups and the groups # themselves will be ORed together. rule_operand = client.get_type("FlexibleRuleOperandInfo") rule_operand.rule.rule_item_groups.extend( [ checkout_and_cart_size_rule_group, checkout_date_rule_group, ] ) rule_operand.lookback_window_days = 7 flexible_rule_user_list_info.inclusive_operands.append(rule_operand)
r.flexible_rule_user_list = client.resource.flexible_rule_user_list_info do |frul| frul.inclusive_rule_operator = :AND frul.inclusive_operands << client.resource.flexible_rule_operand_info do |froi| froi.rule = client.resource.user_list_rule_info do |info| info.rule_item_groups += [checkout_date_rule_group, checkout_and_cart_size_rule_group] end # Optionally include a lookback window for this rule, in days. froi.lookback_window_days = 7 end end
my $flexible_rule_user_list_info = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::FlexibleRuleUserListInfo->new({ inclusiveRuleOperator => AND, inclusiveOperands => [ Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::FlexibleRuleOperandInfo->new({ rule => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::UserListRuleInfo->new({ # The default rule_type for a UserListRuleInfo object is OR of # ANDs (disjunctive normal form). That is, rule items will be # ANDed together within rule item groups and the groups # themselves will be ORed together. ruleItemGroups => [ $checkout_date_rule_group, $checkout_and_cart_size_rule_group ]} ), # Optionally include a lookback window for this rule, in days. lookback_window_days => 7 }) ], exclusiveOperands => []});
您也可以將過去的使用者納入以規則為準的使用者清單,方法是將使用者清單的 prepopulation_status
這項操作只會加入過去 30 天內的舊使用者,具體取決於名單的會員資格期限和加入再行銷代碼的日期。要求處理完畢後,狀態會更新為 FINISHED
,如果要求失敗,則會更新為 FAILED