Membuat Pengecualian Data

Pengecualian data adalah alat canggih yang dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan Smart Bidding agar mengabaikan semua data dari tanggal saat ada masalah dengan tracking konversi akun. Untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya tentang cara kerja pengecualian data, lihat halaman bantuan pengecualian data.

Buat pengecualian data secara terprogram menggunakan BiddingDataExclusions. Anda tidak dapat menetapkan BiddingDataExclusions di akun pengelola, tetapi hanya di tingkat kampanye.


BiddingDataExclusions memiliki scope yang diperlukan dan dapat ditetapkan ke nilai berikut. Opsi konfigurasi khusus cakupan tambahan ditetapkan sesuai dengan cakupan yang digunakan.

  • CAMPAIGN - Pengecualian diterapkan ke kampanye tertentu. Tetapkan kolom campaigns ke daftar nama resource kampanye tempat pengecualian ini akan diterapkan.
    • Jumlah maksimum kampanye per BiddingDataExclusion adalah 2.000.
  • CHANNEL - Pengecualian diterapkan ke kampanye yang termasuk dalam jenis saluran tertentu. Tetapkan kolom advertising_channel_types ke daftar AdvertisingChannelTypes tempat pengecualian ini akan diterapkan.


Selain cakupannya, pengecualian data dapat dikonfigurasi dengan daftar opsional jenis perangkat yang akan dikenai pengecualian. Jika devices ditetapkan, hanya data konversi dari jenis perangkat yang ditentukan yang dikecualikan. Jika tidak ditentukan, data konversi dari semua jenis perangkat akan dikecualikan.

Tanggal dan waktu

Selain cakupan dan perangkat opsional, setiap pengecualian data harus memiliki tanggal dan waktu mulai serta akhir. Pengecualian data bersifat mundur dan harus digunakan untuk peristiwa yang memiliki start_date_time di masa lalu dan end_date_time baik di masa lalu maupun mendatang. Waktunya menggunakan zona waktu akun.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara membuat pengecualian data dengan cakupan CHANNEL. Bagian yang dikomentari menunjukkan cara menentukan kampanye jika Anda sebaiknya menetapkan cakupan CAMPAIGN.

BiddingDataExclusion DataExclusion =
        // A unique name is required for every data exclusion.
        .setName("Data exclusion #" + getPrintableDateTime())
        // The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
        // advertising channel types. In this example, the exclusion will only apply to
        // Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific
        // campaigns.
        // If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s) according to
        // the commented out line below.
        // .addCampaigns("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE")

BiddingDataExclusionOperation operation =

MutateBiddingDataExclusionsResponse response =
        customerId.toString(), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    "Added data exclusion with resource name: %s%n",
BiddingDataExclusion dataExclusion = new BiddingDataExclusion()
    // A unique name is required for every data exclusion.
    Name = "Data exclusion #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
    // The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
    // advertising channel types. In this example, the the exclusion will only apply to
    // Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific
    // campaigns.
    Scope = SeasonalityEventScope.Channel,
    AdvertisingChannelTypes = { AdvertisingChannelType.Search },
    // The date range should be less than 14 days.
    StartDateTime = startDateTime,
    EndDateTime = endDateTime,
BiddingDataExclusionOperation operation = new BiddingDataExclusionOperation()
    Create = dataExclusion

    MutateBiddingDataExclusionsResponse response =
            customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
    Console.WriteLine($"Added data exclusion with resource name: " +
catch (GoogleAdsException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");
// Creates a bidding data exclusion.
$dataExclusion = new BiddingDataExclusion([
    // A unique name is required for every data exclusion.
    'name' => 'Data exclusion #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
    // The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
    // advertising channel types. In this example, the exclusion will only apply to
    // Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific
    // campaigns.
    'scope' => SeasonalityEventScope::CHANNEL,
    'advertising_channel_types' => [AdvertisingChannelType::SEARCH],
    // If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s) according to
    // the commented out line below.
    // 'campaigns' => ['INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE'],
    'start_date_time' => $startDateTime,
    'end_date_time' => $endDateTime

// Creates a bidding data exclusion operation.
$biddingDataExclusionOperation = new BiddingDataExclusionOperation();

// Submits the bidding data exclusion operation to add the bidding data exclusion.
$biddingDataExclusionServiceClient =
$response = $biddingDataExclusionServiceClient->mutateBiddingDataExclusions(
    MutateBiddingDataExclusionsRequest::build($customerId, [$biddingDataExclusionOperation])

    "Added bidding data exclusion with resource name: '%s'.%s",
bidding_data_exclusion_service = client.get_service(
operation = client.get_type("BiddingDataExclusionOperation")
bidding_data_exclusion = operation.create
# A unique name is required for every data exclusion = f"Data exclusion #{uuid4()}"
# The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
# advertising channel types. In this example, the exclusion will only
# apply to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the
# scope to specific campaigns.
bidding_data_exclusion.scope = (
# If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
# according to the commented out line below.
# bidding_data_exclusion.campaigns.append(
# )

bidding_data_exclusion.start_date_time = start_date_time
bidding_data_exclusion.end_date_time = end_date_time

response = bidding_data_exclusion_service.mutate_bidding_data_exclusions(
    customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation]

resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name

print(f"Added data exclusion with resource name: '{resource_name}'")
client =

operation = client.operation.create_resource.bidding_data_exclusion do |bda|
  # A unique name is required for every data excluseion. = "Seasonality Adjustment #{( * 1000).to_i}"

  # The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
  # advertising channel types. In this example, the conversion_rate_modifier
  # will only apply to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead
  # limit the scope to specific campaigns.
  bda.scope = :CHANNEL
  bda.advertising_channel_types << :SEARCH

  # If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
  # according to the commented out line below.

  bda.start_date_time = start_date_time
  bda.end_date_time = end_date_time

response = client.service.bidding_data_exclusion.mutate_bidding_data_exclusions(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  operations: [operation],

puts "Added data exclusion with resource name #{response.results.first.resource_name}."
my $data_exclusion =
    # A unique name is required for every data exclusion.
    name => "Data exclusion #" . uniqid(),
    # The CHANNEL scope applies the data exclusion to all campaigns of specific
    # advertising channel types. In this example, the exclusion will only apply
    # to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to
    # specific campaigns.
    scope                   => CHANNEL,
    advertisingChannelTypes => [SEARCH],
    # If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
    # according to the commented out line below.
    # campaigns     => ["INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE"],
    startDateTime => $start_date_time,
    endDateTime   => $end_date_time

my $operation =
    create => $data_exclusion

my $response = $api_client->BiddingDataExclusionService()->mutate({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    operations => [$operation]});

printf "Added data exclusion with resource name: '%s'.\n",