Za pomocą interfejsu Google Ads API możesz ustawiać i aktualizować stawki reklam hoteli.
Nie ustawiaj pól bidding_strategy
ani bidding_strategy_type
. Pole bidding_strategy_type
służy tylko do odczytywania bieżącego ustawienia kampanii. Jest ono tylko do odczytu.
W przypadku strategii Prowizje (płatność za konwersję lub za pobyt):
- Stawki ustawiasz początkowo na poziomie kampanii w ramach przypisywania strategii ustalania stawek.
- Wartości stawek możesz zmienić, aktualizując stały procent wartości konwersji ustawiony na poziomie kampanii podczas przypisywania strategii. Szczegółowe informacje znajdziesz w artykule Aktualizowanie strategii ustalania stawek.
W przypadku strategii CPC% lub CPC ustawiany samodzielnie:
- Na poziomie grupy reklam możesz ustawiać i zmieniać wartości stawek. Szczegółowe informacje znajdziesz w artykule Ustawianie wartości stawek CPC% lub ręcznych stawek CPC.
Ustawianie stawek CPC% lub stawek CPC ręcznie
W przypadku strategii samodzielnego określania stawek CPC i CPC% należy ustawić konkretne wartości stawek na:
- Poziom grupy reklam
- Poziom grupy informacji o produktach w węzłach jednostki w drzewie grupy informacji o produktach
Musisz jednak ustawić tę wartość na poziomie grupy reklam, ale nie będzie ona używana przez reklamy hoteli. Reklamy hoteli będą używać wartości na poziomie grupy informacji, która zastąpi nieodpowiednią wartość na poziomie grupy reklam.
W ramach konfigurowania strategii ustalania stawek możesz też kontrolować limity stawek na poziomie kampanii. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w artykule Przypisywanie i aktualizowanie strategii ustalania stawek.
Ustawianie stawki grupy reklam
Poniżej podany kod pokazuje, jak ustawić stawkę na poziomie grupy reklam podczas tworzenia nowej grupy reklam hoteli.
private String addHotelAdGroup( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String campaignResourceName) { // Creates an ad group. AdGroup adGroup = AdGroup.newBuilder() .setName("Earth to Mars Cruises #" + getPrintableDateTime()) .setCampaign(campaignResourceName) // Sets the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. This cannot be set to other types. .setType(AdGroupType.HOTEL_ADS) .setCpcBidMicros(1_000_000L) .setStatus(AdGroupStatus.ENABLED) .build(); // Creates an ad group operation. AdGroupOperation operation = AdGroupOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(adGroup).build(); // Issues a mutate request to add an ad group. try (AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupServiceClient()) { MutateAdGroupResult mutateAdGroupResult = adGroupServiceClient .mutateAdGroups(Long.toString(customerId), Collections.singletonList(operation)) .getResults(0); System.out.printf( "Added a hotel ad group with resource name: '%s'%n", mutateAdGroupResult.getResourceName()); return mutateAdGroupResult.getResourceName(); } }
private static string AddHotelAdGroup(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, string campaignResourceName) { // Get the AdGroupService. AdGroupServiceClient service = client.GetService(Services.V19.AdGroupService); // Create an ad group. AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup() { Name = "Earth to Mars Cruise #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(), // Sets the campaign. Campaign = campaignResourceName, // Optional: Sets the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. // This cannot be set to other types. Type = AdGroupType.HotelAds, CpcBidMicros = 10000000, Status = AdGroupStatus.Enabled }; // Create an ad group operation. AdGroupOperation adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation() { Create = adGroup }; // Issue a mutate request to add an ad group. MutateAdGroupsResponse response = service.MutateAdGroups(customerId.ToString(), new AdGroupOperation[] { adGroupOperation }); return response.Results[0].ResourceName; }
private static function addHotelAdGroup( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, string $campaignResourceName ) { // Creates an ad group. $adGroup = new AdGroup([ 'name' => 'Earth to Mars Cruise #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(), // Sets the campaign. 'campaign' => $campaignResourceName, // Sets the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. // This cannot be set to other types. 'type' => AdGroupType::HOTEL_ADS, 'cpc_bid_micros' => 10000000, 'status' => AdGroupStatus::ENABLED, ]); // Creates an ad group operation. $adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation(); $adGroupOperation->setCreate($adGroup); // Issues a mutate request to add an ad group. $adGroupServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupServiceClient(); $response = $adGroupServiceClient->mutateAdGroups( MutateAdGroupsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupOperation]) ); /** @var AdGroup $addedAdGroup */ $addedAdGroup = $response->getResults()[0]; printf( "Added a hotel ad group with resource name '%s'.%s", $addedAdGroup->getResourceName(), PHP_EOL ); return $addedAdGroup->getResourceName(); }
def add_hotel_ad_group(client, customer_id, campaign_resource_name): ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService") # Create ad group. ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation") ad_group = ad_group_operation.create = f"Earth to Mars cruise {uuid.uuid4()}" ad_group.status = client.enums.AdGroupStatusEnum.ENABLED ad_group.campaign = campaign_resource_name # Sets the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. This cannot be set to other types. ad_group.type_ = client.enums.AdGroupTypeEnum.HOTEL_ADS ad_group.cpc_bid_micros = 10000000 # Add the ad group. ad_group_response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation] ) ad_group_resource_name = ad_group_response.results[0].resource_name print( "Added a hotel ad group with resource name '{ad_group_resource_name}'." ) return ad_group_resource_name
def add_hotel_ad_group(client, customer_id, campaign_resource) # Create an ad group. ad_group_operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group do |ag| = generate_random_name_field("Earth to Mars Cruise") # Set the campaign. ag.campaign = campaign_resource # Optional: Set the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. # This cannot be set to other types. ag.type = :HOTEL_ADS ag.cpc_bid_micros = 10_000_000 ag.status = :ENABLED end # Issue a mutate request to add the ad group. ad_group_service = client.service.ad_group response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id: customer_id, operations: [ad_group_operation] ) # Fetch the new ad group's resource name. ad_group_resource = response.results.first.resource_name puts "Added hotel ad group with resource name '#{ad_group_resource}'." ad_group_resource end
sub add_hotel_ad_group { my ($api_client, $customer_id, $campaign_resource_name) = @_; # Create an ad group. my $ad_group = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroup->new({ name => "Earth to Mars Cruise #" . uniqid(), # Set the campaign. campaign => $campaign_resource_name, # Set the ad group type to HOTEL_ADS. # This cannot be set to other types. type => HOTEL_ADS, cpcBidMicros => 1000000, status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::AdGroupStatusEnum::ENABLED }); # Create an ad group operation. my $ad_group_operation = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AdGroupService::AdGroupOperation-> new({create => $ad_group}); # Add the ad group. my $ad_group_resource_name = $api_client->AdGroupService()->mutate({ customerId => $customer_id, operations => [$ad_group_operation]})->{results}[0]{resourceName}; printf "Added a hotel ad group with resource name: '%s'.\n", $ad_group_resource_name; return $ad_group_resource_name; }
Ustawianie stawki w węźle jednostki grupy informacji o produktach
Jak opisano w artykule Tworzenie grup stron z informacjami o hotelach, reklamy hoteli nie będą się wyświetlać, dopóki nie utworzysz prawidłowego drzewa grup stron z co najmniej 1 węzłem jednostki. Ponadto węzły są obiektami klasy ListingGroupInfo
, która zawiera pole ListingGroupType
wskazujące, czy węzły są jednostką czy podziałem. Ustawienie wartości ListingGroupInfo
na listing_group
w AdGroupCriterion
powoduje połączenie obiektu ListingGroupInfo
z AdGroup
. Stawki w węzłach jednostek możesz ustawić, ustawiając pole percent_cpc_bid_micros
lub pole cpc_bid_micros
w węźle AdGroupCriterion
. Próba wykonania tej operacji na węzłach podrzędnych zakończy się niepowodzeniem.
Podczas ustawiania stawek na poziomie grupy informacji o produkcie pamiętaj o tych kwestiach:
- Nie możesz ustawić wartości stawki w grupie ofert hoteli „Wszystkie hotele” (głównej).
- Nie możesz ustawić kwoty stawki w poddziale.
- Google zaleca nieustalanie stawek w węzłach „Inne”, które są węzłami jednostek. Stawki w węzłach „Inne” (jednostki) mogą mieć niezamierzony wpływ na inne stawki reklam w hotelach.
Poniższy kod pokazuje, jak ustawić stawkę w węźle jednostki grupy listy.
private static String addLevel1Nodes( long customerId, long adGroupId, String rootResourceName, List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations, long percentCpcBidMicroAmount) { // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredDimensionInfo = ListingDimensionInfo.newBuilder() .setHotelClass(HotelClassInfo.newBuilder().setValue(5).build()) .build(); // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit = ListingGroupInfo.newBuilder() .setType(ListingGroupType.UNIT) .setParentAdGroupCriterion(rootResourceName) .setCaseValue(fiveStarredDimensionInfo) .build(); // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = createAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = generateCreateOperation(fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion); operations.add(operation); // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want. // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star // hotels instead. // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by not specifying // any attributes on those object. ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsDimensionInfo = ListingDimensionInfo.newBuilder() .setHotelClass(HotelClassInfo.newBuilder().build()) .build(); // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivision = createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType.SUBDIVISION, rootResourceName, otherHotelsDimensionInfo); // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = createAdGroupCriterion( customerId, adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivision, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); operation = generateCreateOperation(otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion); operations.add(operation); return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.getResourceName(); }
private string AddLevel1Nodes(long customerId, long adGroupId, string rootResourceName, List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations, long percentCpcBidMicroAmount) { // Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels. ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo { HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo { Value = 5 } }; // Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit = CreateListingGroupInfo(ListingGroupType.Unit, rootResourceName, fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo); // Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation { Create = fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion }); // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. nextTempId--; // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code // in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo(). // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create a UNIT // node of 4-star hotels. // Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* // specifying any attributes on those object. ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo { HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo() }; // Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will // be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo = CreateListingGroupInfo (ListingGroupType.Subdivision, rootResourceName, otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo); // Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo, percentCpcBidMicroAmount); // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation { Create = otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion }); // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. nextTempId--; return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.ResourceName; }
private static function addLevel1Nodes( int $customerId, int $adGroupId, string $rootResourceName, array &$operations, int $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ) { // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. $fiveStarredDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([ 'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo(['value' => 5]) ]); // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. $fiveStarredUnit = self::createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType::UNIT, $rootResourceName, $fiveStarredDimensionInfo ); // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. $fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion( $customerId, $adGroupId, $fiveStarredUnit, $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ); // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. self::$nextTempId--; $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion); $operations[] = $operation; // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want. // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star // hotels instead. // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* specifying // any attributes on those object. $othersHotelsDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([ 'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo() ]); // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. $otherHotelsSubDivision = self::createListingGroupInfo( ListingGroupType::SUBDIVISION, $rootResourceName, $othersHotelsDimensionInfo ); // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion( $customerId, $adGroupId, $otherHotelsSubDivision, $percentCpcBidMicroAmount ); $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion); $operations[] = $operation; self::$nextTempId--; return $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion->getResourceName(); }
def add_level1_nodes( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, root_resource_name, operations, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ): """Creates child nodes on level 1, partitioned by the hotel class info. Args: client: The Google Ads API client. customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID. ad_group_id: The ad group ID to which the hotel listing group will be added. root_resource_name: The string resource name of the listing group's root node. operations: A list of AdGroupCriterionOperations. percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount: The CPC bid micro amount to be set on created ad group criteria. Returns: The string resource name of the "other hotel classes" node, which serves as the parent node for the next level of the listing tree. """ global next_temp_id # Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels. five_starred_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type( "ListingDimensionInfo" ) five_starred_listing_dimension_info.hotel_class.value = 5 # Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info( client, client.enums.ListingGroupTypeEnum.UNIT, root_resource_name, five_starred_listing_dimension_info, ) # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, five_starred_unit, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type( "AdGroupCriterionOperation" ) client.copy_from( five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation.create, five_starred_ad_group_criterion, ) operations.append(five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation) # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. next_temp_id -= 1 # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the hotel class value. # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create # a UNIT node of 4-star hotels. # Create hotel class info and dimension info without any specifying # attributes. This node will then represent hotel classes other than those # already covered by UNIT nodes at this level. other_hotels_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type( "ListingDimensionInfo" ) # Set "hotel_class" as the oneof field on the ListingDimensionInfo object # without specifying the optional hotel_class field. client.copy_from( other_hotels_listing_dimension_info.hotel_class, client.get_type("HotelClassInfo"), ) # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. other_hotels_subdivision_listing_group_info = create_listing_group_info( client, client.enums.ListingGroupTypeEnum.SUBDIVISION, root_resource_name, other_hotels_listing_dimension_info, ) # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, other_hotels_subdivision_listing_group_info, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type( "AdGroupCriterionOperation" ) client.copy_from( other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation.create, other_hotels_ad_group_criterion, ) operations.append(other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation) # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion. next_temp_id -= 1 return other_hotels_ad_group_criterion.resource_name
def add_level1_nodes( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, root_resource_name, operations, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount) # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. five_starred_dimension_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d| d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info do |c| c.value = 5 end end # Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info( client, :UNIT, root_resource_name, five_starred_dimension_info, ) # Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, five_starred_unit, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) operations << generate_create_operation( client, five_starred_ad_group_criterion, ) # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() # to the value you want. # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT # node of 4-star hotels instead. # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes # by *not* specifying any attributes on those object. other_hotels_dimention_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d| d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info end # Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. other_hotels_subdivision = create_listing_group_info( client, :SUBDIVISION, root_resource_name, other_hotels_dimention_info, ) # Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, other_hotels_subdivision, percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) operations << generate_create_operation( client, other_hotels_ad_group_criterion, ) other_hotels_ad_group_criterion.resource_name end
sub add_level_1_nodes { my ($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $root_resource_name, $operations, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount) = @_; # Create hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels. my $five_starred_dimension_info = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ListingDimensionInfo->new({ hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new({ value => 5 })}); # Create listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node. my $five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info(UNIT, $root_resource_name, $five_starred_dimension_info); # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels. my $five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $five_starred_unit, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount); my $operation = generate_create_operation($five_starred_ad_group_criterion); push @$operations, $operation; # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo # to the value you want. For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code # will create a UNIT node of 4-star hotels instead. # Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* # specifying any attributes on those object. my $others_hotels_dimension_info = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ListingDimensionInfo->new({ hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new()} ); # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which # will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level. my $other_hotels_subdivision = create_listing_group_info(SUBDIVISION, $root_resource_name, $others_hotels_dimension_info); # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes. my $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $other_hotels_subdivision, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount); $operation = generate_create_operation($other_hotels_ad_group_criterion); push @$operations, $operation; return $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion->{resourceName}; }