Membuat Grup Listingan Hotel

Video: Tonton diskusi Listingan Grup dari workshop 2019

Grup iklan Hotel mendukung pemisahan hotel Anda menjadi banyak grup listingan hotel, di beberapa dimensi sehingga Anda dapat menyesuaikan bid untuk setiap grup. Pertimbangkan hierarki di bawah ini, yang pada tingkat pertama, hotel telah dibagi secara umum sebagai hotel bintang 5, hotel bintang 4, dan kelas hotel lainnya. Pada tingkat kedua, hotel di kelas hotel lainnya telah dibagi menjadi hotel "Amerika Serikat", hotel "Inggris Raya", dan hotel di wilayah lainnya.

Setiap node dalam hierarki adalah subdivisi atau unit, seperti yang ditentukan oleh ListingGroupType. Subdivisi memperkenalkan tingkat baru dalam hierarki, sedangkan unit adalah daun hierarki. Setiap subdivisi harus selalu dipartisi sepenuhnya, sehingga harus berisi node yang mewakili Lainnya. Dalam contoh, node root dan Hotel Class: (Other) adalah subdivisi. Struktur hierarki ini dengan subdivisi dan unit memungkinkan Anda menetapkan bid di tingkat unit dan juga memastikan bahwa setiap listingan hotel termasuk dalam satu dan hanya satu node unit dalam hierarki.

Node adalah objek dari class ListingGroupInfo, yang berisi kolom ListingGroupType yang menunjukkan apakah node adalah unit atau subdivisi. Menyetel ListingGroupInfo ke listing_group dari AdGroupCriterion akan menautkannya ke AdGroup.

Menetapkan bid Persentase CPC

Anda diizinkan untuk menetapkan percent_cpc_bid_micros dari AdGroupCriterion hanya pada node unit. Mencoba melakukannya pada node subdivisi akan gagal dengan error.

Dimensi listingan

ListingGroupInfo juga memiliki case_value yang merupakan ListingDimensionInfo yang berisi salah satu dari beberapa jenis dimensi. ListingGroupInfo mewakili nilai yang terkait dengan hotel Anda, seperti ID hotel, negara hotel, atau kelas hotel. Deskripsi lengkap jenis ListingDimensionInfo yang tersedia tersedia di dokumentasi referensi.

Setiap turunan langsung dari subdivisi harus memiliki case_value dari subjenis ListingDimensionInfo yang sama. Hanya node root yang tidak memiliki case_value.

Ingat bahwa setiap subdivisi harus berisi case_value "kosong" dari jenis yang benar, yang mewakili "semua nilai lainnya".

Untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya, lihat cuplikan kode berikut yang menambahkan tingkat pertama hierarki grup listingan.

private static String addLevel1Nodes(
    long customerId,
    long adGroupId,
    String rootResourceName,
    List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations,
    long percentCpcBidMicroAmount) {
  // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels.
  ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredDimensionInfo =
  // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
  ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit =
  // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
  AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion =
      createAdGroupCriterion(customerId, adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount);
  // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.
  AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = generateCreateOperation(fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion);

  // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in
  // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want.
  // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star
  // hotels instead.

  // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by not specifying
  // any attributes on those object.
  ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsDimensionInfo =
  // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be
  // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
  ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivision =
          ListingGroupType.SUBDIVISION, rootResourceName, otherHotelsDimensionInfo);
  // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
  AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion =
          customerId, adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivision, percentCpcBidMicroAmount);
  operation = generateCreateOperation(otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion);

  return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.getResourceName();
private string AddLevel1Nodes(long customerId, long adGroupId, string rootResourceName,
    List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> operations, long percentCpcBidMicroAmount)
    // Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels.
    ListingDimensionInfo fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo
        HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo
            Value = 5

    // Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
    ListingGroupInfo fiveStarredUnit = CreateListingGroupInfo(ListingGroupType.Unit,
        rootResourceName, fiveStarredListingDimensionInfo);

    // Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
    AdGroupCriterion fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId,
        adGroupId, fiveStarredUnit, percentCpcBidMicroAmount);

    // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations.
    operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation
        Create = fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion

    // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.

    // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code
    // in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo().
    // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create a UNIT
    // node of 4-star hotels.

    // Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not*
    // specifying any attributes on those object.
    ListingDimensionInfo otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo
        HotelClass = new HotelClassInfo()

    // Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will
    // be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
    ListingGroupInfo otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo = CreateListingGroupInfo
        (ListingGroupType.Subdivision, rootResourceName, otherHotelsListingDimensionInfo);

    // Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
    AdGroupCriterion otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = CreateAdGroupCriterion(customerId,
        adGroupId, otherHotelsSubdivisionListingGroupInfo, percentCpcBidMicroAmount);

    // Create an operation and add it to the list of operations.
    operations.Add(new AdGroupCriterionOperation
        Create = otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion

    // Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.

    return otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion.ResourceName;
private static function addLevel1Nodes(
    int $customerId,
    int $adGroupId,
    string $rootResourceName,
    array &$operations,
    int $percentCpcBidMicroAmount
) {
    // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels.
    $fiveStarredDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([
        'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo(['value' => 5])
    // Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
    $fiveStarredUnit = self::createListingGroupInfo(
    // Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
    $fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion(
    // Decrements the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.
    $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($fiveStarredAdGroupCriterion);
    $operations[] = $operation;

    // You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the above code in
    // this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo() to the value you want.
    // For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT node of 4-star
    // hotels instead.

    // Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not* specifying
    // any attributes on those object.
    $othersHotelsDimensionInfo = new ListingDimensionInfo([
        'hotel_class' => new HotelClassInfo()
    // Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which will be
    // used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
    $otherHotelsSubDivision = self::createListingGroupInfo(
    // Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
    $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion = self::createAdGroupCriterion(
    $operation = self::generateCreateOperation($otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion);
    $operations[] = $operation;

    return $otherHotelsAdGroupCriterion->getResourceName();
def add_level1_nodes(
    """Creates child nodes on level 1, partitioned by the hotel class info.

        client: The Google Ads API client.
        customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID.
        ad_group_id: The ad group ID to which the hotel listing group will be
        root_resource_name: The string resource name of the listing group's root
        operations: A list of AdGroupCriterionOperations.
        percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount: The CPC bid micro amount to be set on
            created ad group criteria.

        The string resource name of the "other hotel classes" node, which serves
        as the parent node for the next level of the listing tree.
    global next_temp_id

    # Create listing dimension info for 5-star class hotels.
    five_starred_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type(
    five_starred_listing_dimension_info.hotel_class.value = 5

    # Create a listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
    five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info(

    # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
    five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion(

    # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations.
    five_starred_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type(

    # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.
    next_temp_id -= 1

    # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the
    # above code in this method and modifying the hotel class value.
    # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will instead create
    # a UNIT node of 4-star hotels.

    # Create hotel class info and dimension info without any specifying
    # attributes. This node will then represent hotel classes other than those
    # already covered by UNIT nodes at this level.
    other_hotels_listing_dimension_info = client.get_type(
    # Set "hotel_class" as the oneof field on the ListingDimensionInfo object
    # without specifying the optional hotel_class field.

    # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node,
    # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
    other_hotels_subdivision_listing_group_info = create_listing_group_info(

    # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
    other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion(

    # Create an operation and add it to the list of operations.
    other_hotels_ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type(

    # Decrement the temp ID for the next ad group criterion.
    next_temp_id -= 1

    return other_hotels_ad_group_criterion.resource_name
def add_level1_nodes(
  # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels.
  five_starred_dimension_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d|
    d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info do |c|
      c.value = 5

  # Creates listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
  five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info(

  # Creates an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
  five_starred_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion(

  operations << generate_create_operation(

  # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the
  # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo()
  # to the value you want.
  # For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code will create a UNIT
  # node of 4-star hotels instead.

  # Creates hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes
  # by *not* specifying any attributes on those object.
  other_hotels_dimention_info = client.resource.listing_dimension_info do |d|
    d.hotel_class = client.resource.hotel_class_info

  # Creates listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node,
  # which will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
  other_hotels_subdivision = create_listing_group_info(

  # Creates an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
  other_hotels_ad_group_criterion = create_ad_group_criterion(

  operations << generate_create_operation(

sub add_level_1_nodes {
  my ($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $root_resource_name, $operations,
    = @_;

  # Create hotel class info and dimension info for 5-star hotels.
  my $five_starred_dimension_info =
      hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new({
          value => 5

  # Create listing group info for 5-star hotels as a UNIT node.
  my $five_starred_unit = create_listing_group_info(UNIT, $root_resource_name,

  # Create an ad group criterion for 5-star hotels.
  my $five_starred_ad_group_criterion =
    create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id, $five_starred_unit,

  my $operation = generate_create_operation($five_starred_ad_group_criterion);
  push @$operations, $operation;

  # You can also create more UNIT nodes for other hotel classes by copying the
  # above code in this method and modifying the value passed to HotelClassInfo
  # to the value you want. For instance, passing 4 instead of 5 in the above code
  #  will create a UNIT node of 4-star hotels instead.

  # Create hotel class info and dimension info for other hotel classes by *not*
  # specifying any attributes on those object.
  my $others_hotels_dimension_info =
      hotelClass => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::HotelClassInfo->new()}

  # Create listing group info for other hotel classes as a SUBDIVISION node, which
  # will be used as a parent node for children nodes of the next level.
  my $other_hotels_subdivision =
    create_listing_group_info(SUBDIVISION, $root_resource_name,

  # Create an ad group criterion for other hotel classes.
  my $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion =
    create_ad_group_criterion($customer_id, $ad_group_id,
    $other_hotels_subdivision, $percent_cpc_bid_micro_amount);

  $operation = generate_create_operation($other_hotels_ad_group_criterion);
  push @$operations, $operation;

  return $other_hotels_ad_group_criterion->{resourceName};

Dimensi yang tersedia untuk ListingDimensionInfo

Jenis ListingDimensionInfo berikut tersedia untuk Iklan Hotel:

ID Sementara

Kriteria grup iklan tidak diberi ID hingga permintaan mutasi yang membuatnya diproses oleh server. Namun, ListingGroupInfo tidak valid hingga selesai, jadi setiap kali Anda membuat subdivisi, Anda juga harus membuat setidaknya salah satu turunannya dalam operasi yang sama.

Agar dapat menetapkan parent_ad_group_criterion dari ListingGroupInfo untuk node turunan, Anda dapat menggunakan ID kriteria sementara. Ini adalah ID unik lokal (bukan unik global) yang hanya berlaku dalam konteks satu permintaan mutasi. Setiap bilangan bulat negatif (misalnya, -1) dapat digunakan sebagai ID sementara.

Saat permintaan diproses, setiap AdGroupCriterion akan diberi ID global positif seperti biasa.