Setelah mengumpulkan setelan penargetan dan kombinasi produk untuk
Anda dapat membuat kurva anggaran versus potensi jangkauan menggunakan
di ReachPlanService
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Menyimpan kurva
Anda hanya dapat menyimpan kurva satu per satu untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna. Kurva cache secara massal dilarang. Jika Anda memang perlu membuat kurva secara massal, hubungi perwakilan Google Anda terlebih dahulu.
Perubahan untuk YouTube Select
YouTube Select (YTS) di Layanan Paket Jangkauan kini mendukung penargetan tingkat grup channel, dibandingkan dengan Run of Network sebelumnya, untuk semua lokasi YTS yang memenuhi syarat di Harga Reservasi Instan. Dengan Reservasi Instan, ada dua error baru yang dapat terjadi di versi v15 dan yang lebih baru saat meminta perkiraan untuk YTS:
Contoh kode
Kurva mencakup tayangan dan jangkauan pengguna dalam jumlah absolut, serta ukuran alam semesta yang sesuai dengan populasi sensus dan ukuran audiens YouTube untuk demografi dan negara yang diminta.
private void getReachCurve( ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanServiceClient, GenerateReachForecastRequest request) { GenerateReachForecastResponse response = reachPlanServiceClient.generateReachForecast(request); System.out.println("Reach curve output:"); System.out.println( "Currency, Cost Micros, On-Target Reach, On-Target Imprs, Total Reach, Total Imprs," + " Products"); for (ReachForecast point : response.getReachCurve().getReachForecastsList()) { System.out.printf( "%s, \"", Joiner.on(", ") .join( request.getCurrencyCode(), String.valueOf(point.getCostMicros()), String.valueOf(point.getForecast().getOnTargetReach()), String.valueOf(point.getForecast().getOnTargetImpressions()), String.valueOf(point.getForecast().getTotalReach()), String.valueOf(point.getForecast().getTotalImpressions()))); for (PlannedProductReachForecast product : point.getPlannedProductReachForecastsList()) { System.out.printf("[Product: %s, ", product.getPlannableProductCode()); System.out.printf("Budget Micros: %s]", product.getCostMicros()); } System.out.printf("\"%n"); } }
public void GetReachCurve(ReachPlanServiceClient reachPlanService, GenerateReachForecastRequest request) { GenerateReachForecastResponse response = reachPlanService.GenerateReachForecast( request); Console.WriteLine("Reach curve output:"); Console.WriteLine( "Currency, Cost Micros, On-Target Reach, On-Target Impressions, Total Reach," + " Total Impressions, Products"); foreach (ReachForecast point in response.ReachCurve.ReachForecasts) { Console.Write($"{request.CurrencyCode}, "); Console.Write($"{point.CostMicros}, "); Console.Write($"{point.Forecast.OnTargetReach}, "); Console.Write($"{point.Forecast.OnTargetImpressions}, "); Console.Write($"{point.Forecast.TotalReach}, "); Console.Write($"{point.Forecast.TotalImpressions}, "); Console.Write("\"["); foreach (PlannedProductReachForecast productReachForecast in point.PlannedProductReachForecasts) { Console.Write($"(Product: {productReachForecast.PlannableProductCode}, "); Console.Write($"Budget Micros: {productReachForecast.CostMicros}), "); } Console.WriteLine("]\""); } }
private static function getReachCurve( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, array $productMix, string $locationId, string $currencyCode ) { // Valid durations are between 1 and 90 days. $duration = new CampaignDuration(['duration_in_days' => 28]); $targeting = new Targeting([ 'plannable_location_id' => $locationId, 'age_range' => ReachPlanAgeRange::AGE_RANGE_18_65_UP, 'genders' => [ new GenderInfo(['type' => GenderType::FEMALE]), new GenderInfo(['type' => GenderType::MALE]) ], 'devices' => [ new DeviceInfo(['type' => Device::DESKTOP]), new DeviceInfo(['type' => Device::MOBILE]), new DeviceInfo(['type' => Device::TABLET]) ] ]); // See the docs for defaults and valid ranges: // $response = $googleAdsClient->getReachPlanServiceClient()->generateReachForecast( GenerateReachForecastRequest::build($customerId, $duration, $productMix) ->setCurrencyCode($currencyCode) ->setTargeting($targeting) ); printf( "Reach curve output:%sCurrency, Cost Micros, On-Target Reach, On-Target Imprs," . " Total Reach, Total Imprs, Products%s", PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL ); foreach ($response->getReachCurve()->getReachForecasts() as $point) { $products = ''; /** @var ReachForecast $point */ foreach ($point->getPlannedProductReachForecasts() as $plannedProductReachForecast) { /** @var PlannedProductReachForecast $plannedProductReachForecast */ $products .= sprintf( '(Product: %s, Budget Micros: %s)', $plannedProductReachForecast->getPlannableProductCode(), $plannedProductReachForecast->getCostMicros() ); } printf( "%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s%s", $currencyCode, $point->getCostMicros(), $point->getForecast()->getOnTargetReach(), $point->getForecast()->getOnTargetImpressions(), $point->getForecast()->getTotalReach(), $point->getForecast()->getTotalImpressions(), $products, PHP_EOL ); } }
def request_reach_curve( client, customer_id, product_mix, location_id, currency_code ): """Creates a sample request for a given product mix. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: The customer ID for the reach forecast. product_mix: The product mix for the reach forecast. location_id: The location ID to plan for. currency_code: Three-character ISO 4217 currency code. """ # See the docs for defaults and valid ranges: # request = client.get_type("GenerateReachForecastRequest") request.customer_id = customer_id # Valid durations are between 1 and 90 days. request.campaign_duration.duration_in_days = 28 request.currency_code = currency_code request.cookie_frequency_cap = 0 request.min_effective_frequency = 1 request.planned_products = product_mix request.targeting.plannable_location_id = location_id request.targeting.age_range = ( client.enums.ReachPlanAgeRangeEnum.AGE_RANGE_18_65_UP ) # Add gender targeting to the request. for gender_type in [ client.enums.GenderTypeEnum.FEMALE, client.enums.GenderTypeEnum.MALE, ]: gender = client.get_type("GenderInfo") gender.type_ = gender_type request.targeting.genders.append(gender) # Add device targeting to the request. for device_type in [ client.enums.DeviceEnum.DESKTOP, client.enums.DeviceEnum.MOBILE, client.enums.DeviceEnum.TABLET, ]: device = client.get_type("DeviceInfo") device.type_ = device_type request.targeting.devices.append(device) reach_plan_service = client.get_service("ReachPlanService") response = reach_plan_service.generate_reach_forecast(request=request) print( "Currency, Cost, On-Target Reach, On-Target Imprs, Total Reach," " Total Imprs, Products" ) for point in response.reach_curve.reach_forecasts: product_splits = [] for p in point.planned_product_reach_forecasts: product_splits.append( {p.plannable_product_code: p.cost_micros / ONE_MILLION} ) print( [ currency_code, point.cost_micros / ONE_MILLION, point.forecast.on_target_reach, point.forecast.on_target_impressions, point.forecast.total_reach, point.forecast.total_impressions, product_splits, ] )
def get_reach_curve( client, reach_plan_service, customer_id, product_mix, location_id, currency_code) duration = client.resource.campaign_duration do |d| # Valid durations are between 1 and 90 days. d.duration_in_days = 28 end targeting = client.resource.targeting do |t| t.plannable_location_id = location_id t.age_range = :AGE_RANGE_18_65_UP t.genders << client.resource.gender_info do |gender| gender.type = :FEMALE end t.genders << client.resource.gender_info do |gender| gender.type = :MALE end t.devices << client.resource.device_info do |device| device.type = :DESKTOP end t.devices << client.resource.device_info do |device| device.type = :MOBILE end t.devices << client.resource.device_info do |device| device.type = :TABLET end end # See the docs for defaults and valid ranges: # response = reach_plan_service.generate_reach_forecast( customer_id: customer_id, campaign_duration: duration, planned_products: product_mix, currency_code: currency_code, targeting: targeting, ) puts "Reach curve output:" puts "Currency, Cost Micros, On-Target Reach, On-Target Imprs, " \ "Total Reach, Total Imprs, Products" response.reach_curve.reach_forecasts.each do |point| products = "" point.planned_product_reach_forecasts.each do |product| products += "(Product: #{product.plannable_product_code}, "\ "Cost Micros: #{product.cost_micros})" end puts "#{currency_code}, #{point.cost_micros}, " \ "#{point.forecast.on_target_reach}, " \ "#{point.forecast.on_target_impressions}, " \ "#{point.forecast.total_reach}, " \ "#{point.forecast.total_impressions}, " \ "#{products}" end end
sub pull_reach_curve { my ($reach_plan_service, $reach_request) = @_; my $response = $reach_plan_service->generate_reach_forecast($reach_request); print "Reach curve output:\n"; print "Currency,\tCost Micros,\tOn-Target Reach,\tOn-Target Imprs,\t" . "Total Reach,\tTotal Imprs,\tProducts\n"; foreach my $point (@{$response->{reachCurve}{reachForecasts}}) { printf "%s,\t%d,\t%d,\t%d,\t%d,\t%d,\t'[", $reach_request->{currencyCode}, $point->{costMicros}, $point->{forecast}{onTargetReach}, $point->{forecast}{onTargetImpressions}, $point->{forecast}{totalReach}, $point->{forecast}{totalImpressions}; foreach my $productReachForecast (@{$point->{plannedProductReachForecasts}}) { printf "(Product: %s, Budget Micros: %d), ", $productReachForecast->{plannableProductCode}, $productReachForecast->{costMicros}; } print "]'\n"; } }