Grup listingan digunakan di
kampanye retail Performa Maksimal untuk menentukan produk yang akan disertakan atau dikecualikan
di setiap grup aset. Dengan demikian, grup listingan diterapkan di tingkat AssetGroup
menggunakan objek AssetGroupListingGroupFilter
. Hal ini mirip dengan jenis kampanye retail lainnya yang menerapkan grup produk di tingkat AdGroup
Semua grup aset di kampanye retail Performa Maksimal memerlukan hierarki partisi produk yang valid yang terdiri dari objek AssetGroupListingGroupFilter
. Anda dapat menggunakan
hierarki node tunggal yang menyertakan semua produk di akun Merchant Center untuk
memenuhi persyaratan ini.
Hal ini disebut sebagai grup produk di UI. Anda dapat mengelompokkan menggunakan beberapa dimensi, sehingga Anda dapat menyertakan atau mengecualikan produk.
Pertimbangkan hierarki di bawah, yang pada tingkat pertama, produk telah dibagi menurut kondisi menjadi Baru, Bekas, dan kondisi produk lainnya. Pada tingkat kedua, produk dalam kondisi produk lainnya telah dibagi menurut merek sebagai produk "CoolBrand", "CheapBrand", dan merek lainnya.
Setiap node dalam hierarki adalah subdivisi atau unit, seperti yang ditentukan oleh
. Subdivisi
memperkenalkan tingkat baru dalam hierarki, sedangkan unit adalah daun hierarki. Setiap subdivisi harus selalu dipartisi sepenuhnya, sehingga harus berisi node yang mewakili Lainnya. Dalam contoh ini, node root dan Kondisi Produk:
(Lainnya) adalah subdivisi. Struktur hierarki ini dengan subdivisi dan
unit memungkinkan Anda menetapkan bid di tingkat unit dan juga memastikan bahwa setiap
produk termasuk dalam satu dan hanya satu node unit dalam hierarki.
Node adalah objek dari class ListingGroupInfo
, yang berisi kolom ListingGroupType
yang menunjukkan apakah node adalah unit atau subdivisi. Menyetel ListingGroupInfo
ke listing_group
dari AdGroupCriterion
akan menautkannya ke
Anda memerlukan minimal satu node unit agar hierarki valid. Unit tersebut dapat berupa node root, yang kemudian menjadi divisi "Semua Produk". Iklan tidak akan ditayangkan hingga Anda membuat hierarki grup listingan yang valid.
Grup listingan Performa Maksimal
Grup listingan di kampanye Performa Maksimal berfungsi paling baik saat menargetkan grup produk, sehingga sebaiknya Anda memilihnya daripada menargetkan setiap produk berdasarkan ID item. Anda dapat menggunakan dimensi yang berbeda seperti label kustom atau merek di feed produk untuk mengelompokkan produk.
Contoh kode
/** * Runs the example. * * @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client. * @param customerId the client customer ID. * @param assetGroupId the asset group id for the Performance Max campaign. * @param replaceExistingTree option to remove existing product tree from the passed in asset * group. * @throws GoogleAdsException if an API request failed with one or more service errors. */ private void runExample( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long assetGroupId, boolean replaceExistingTree) throws Exception { String assetGroupResourceName = ResourceNames.assetGroup(customerId, assetGroupId); List<MutateOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); if (replaceExistingTree) { List<AssetGroupListingGroupFilter> existingListingGroupFilters = getAllExistingListingGroupFilterAssetsInAssetGroup( googleAdsClient, customerId, assetGroupResourceName); if (!existingListingGroupFilters.isEmpty()) { // A special factory object that ensures the creation of remove operations in the // correct order (child listing group filters must be removed before their parents). AssetGroupListingGroupFilterRemoveOperationFactory removeOperationFactory = new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterRemoveOperationFactory(existingListingGroupFilters); operations.addAll(removeOperationFactory.removeAll()); } } // Uses a factory to create all the MutateOperations that manipulate a specific // AssetGroup for a specific customer. The operations returned by the factory's methods // are used to construct a new tree of filters. These filters can have parent-child // relationships, and also include a special root that includes all children. // // When creating these filters, temporary IDs are used to create the hierarchy between // each of the nodes in the tree, beginning with the root listing group filter. // // The factory created below is specific to a customerId and assetGroupId. AssetGroupListingGroupFilterCreateOperationFactory createOperationFactory = new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterCreateOperationFactory( customerId, assetGroupId, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT); // Creates the operation to add the root node of the tree. operations.add(createOperationFactory.createRoot()); // Creates an operation to add a leaf node for new products. ListingGroupFilterDimension newProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductCondition( ProductCondition.newBuilder() .setCondition(ListingGroupFilterProductCondition.NEW) .build()) .build(); operations.add( createOperationFactory.createUnit( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, createOperationFactory.nextId(), newProductDimension)); // Creates an operation to add a leaf node for used products. ListingGroupFilterDimension usedProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductCondition( ProductCondition.newBuilder() .setCondition(ListingGroupFilterProductCondition.USED) .build()) .build(); operations.add( createOperationFactory.createUnit( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, createOperationFactory.nextId(), usedProductDimension)); // This represents the ID of the "other" category in the ProductCondition subdivision. This ID // is saved because the node with this ID will be further partitioned, and this ID will serve as // the parent ID for subsequent child nodes of the "other" category. long otherSubdivisionId = createOperationFactory.nextId(); // Creates an operation to add a subdivision node for other products in the ProductCondition // subdivision. ListingGroupFilterDimension otherProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductCondition(ProductCondition.newBuilder().build()) .build(); operations.add( // Calls createSubdivision because this listing group will have children. createOperationFactory.createSubdivision( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, otherSubdivisionId, otherProductDimension)); // Creates an operation to add a leaf node for products with the brand "CoolBrand". ListingGroupFilterDimension coolBrandProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductBrand(ProductBrand.newBuilder().setValue("CoolBrand").build()) .build(); operations.add( createOperationFactory.createUnit( otherSubdivisionId, createOperationFactory.nextId(), coolBrandProductDimension)); // Creates an operation to add a leaf node for products with the brand "CheapBrand". ListingGroupFilterDimension cheapBrandProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductBrand(ProductBrand.newBuilder().setValue("CheapBrand").build()) .build(); operations.add( createOperationFactory.createUnit( otherSubdivisionId, createOperationFactory.nextId(), cheapBrandProductDimension)); // Creates an operation to add a leaf node for other products in the ProductBrand subdivision. ListingGroupFilterDimension otherBrandProductDimension = ListingGroupFilterDimension.newBuilder() .setProductBrand(ProductBrand.newBuilder().build()) .build(); operations.add( createOperationFactory.createUnit( otherSubdivisionId, createOperationFactory.nextId(), otherBrandProductDimension)); try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) { MutateGoogleAdsRequest request = MutateGoogleAdsRequest.newBuilder() .setCustomerId(Long.toString(customerId)) .addAllMutateOperations(operations) .build(); MutateGoogleAdsResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.mutate(request); printResponseDetails(request, response); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param> /// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param> /// <param name="assetGroupId">The asset group id for the Performance Max campaign.</param> /// <param name="replaceExistingTree">Option to remove existing product tree /// from the passed in asset group.</param> public void Run( GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long assetGroupId, bool replaceExistingTree) { GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient = client.GetService(Services.V19.GoogleAdsService); string assetGroupResourceName = ResourceNames.AssetGroup(customerId, assetGroupId); // We use a factory to create all the MutateOperations that manipulate a specific // AssetGroup for a specific customer. The operations returned by the factory's methods // are used to optionally remove all AssetGroupListingGroupFilters from the tree, and // then to construct a new tree of filters. These filters can have a parent-child // relationship, and also include a special root that includes all children. // // When creating these filters, we use temporary IDs to create the hierarchy between // the root listing group filter, and the subdivisions and leave nodes beneath that. // // The factory specific to a customerId and assetGroupId is created below. AssetGroupListingGroupFilterCreateOperationFactory createOperationFactory = new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterCreateOperationFactory( customerId, assetGroupId, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT ); MutateGoogleAdsRequest request = new MutateGoogleAdsRequest { CustomerId = customerId.ToString() }; if (replaceExistingTree) { List<AssetGroupListingGroupFilter> existingListingGroupFilters = GetAllExistingListingGroupFilterAssetsInAssetGroup( client, customerId, assetGroupResourceName ); if (existingListingGroupFilters.Count > 0) { // A special factory object that ensures the creation of remove operations in the // correct order (child listing group filters must be removed before their parents). AssetGroupListingGroupFilterRemoveOperationFactory removeOperationFactory = new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterRemoveOperationFactory( existingListingGroupFilters ); request.MutateOperations.AddRange(removeOperationFactory.RemoveAll()); } } request.MutateOperations.Add(createOperationFactory.CreateRoot()); request.MutateOperations.Add( createOperationFactory.CreateUnit( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, createOperationFactory.NextId(), new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { ProductCondition = new ListingGroupFilterDimension.Types.ProductCondition() { Condition = ListingGroupFilterProductCondition.New } } ) ); request.MutateOperations.Add( createOperationFactory.CreateUnit( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, createOperationFactory.NextId(), new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { ProductCondition = new ListingGroupFilterDimension.Types.ProductCondition() { Condition = ListingGroupFilterProductCondition.Used } } ) ); // We save this ID because create child nodes underneath it. long subdivisionIdConditionOther = createOperationFactory.NextId(); request.MutateOperations.Add( // We're calling CreateSubdivision because this listing group will have children. createOperationFactory.CreateSubdivision( TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, subdivisionIdConditionOther, new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { // All sibling nodes must have the same dimension type. We use an empty // ProductCondition to indicate that this is an "Other" partition. ProductCondition = new ListingGroupFilterDimension.Types.ProductCondition() } ) ); request.MutateOperations.Add( createOperationFactory.CreateUnit( subdivisionIdConditionOther, createOperationFactory.NextId(), new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { ProductBrand = new ProductBrand() { Value = "CoolBrand" } } ) ); request.MutateOperations.Add( createOperationFactory.CreateUnit( subdivisionIdConditionOther, createOperationFactory.NextId(), new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { ProductBrand = new ProductBrand() { Value = "CheapBrand" } } ) ); request.MutateOperations.Add( createOperationFactory.CreateUnit( subdivisionIdConditionOther, createOperationFactory.NextId(), new ListingGroupFilterDimension() { ProductBrand = new ProductBrand() } ) ); MutateGoogleAdsResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.Mutate(request); PrintResponseDetails(request, response); }
/** * Runs the example. * * @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client * @param int $customerId the customer ID * @param int $assetGroupId the asset group ID * @param bool $replaceExistingTree true if it should replace the existing listing group * tree on the asset group */ public static function runExample( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, int $assetGroupId, bool $replaceExistingTree ) { // We create all the mutate operations that manipulate a specific asset group for a specific // customer. The operations are used to optionally remove all asset group listing group // filters from the tree, and then to construct a new tree of filters. These filters can // have a parent-child relationship, and also include a special root that includes all // children. // // When creating these filters, we use temporary IDs to create the hierarchy between // the root listing group filter, and the subdivisions and leave nodes beneath that. $mutateOperations = []; if ($replaceExistingTree === true) { $existingListingGroupFilters = self::getAllExistingListingGroupFilterAssetsInAssetGroup( $googleAdsClient, $customerId, ResourceNames::forAssetGroup($customerId, $assetGroupId) ); if (count($existingListingGroupFilters) > 0) { $mutateOperations = array_merge( $mutateOperations, // Ensures the creation of remove operations in the correct order (child listing // group filters must be removed before their parents). self::createMutateOperationsForRemovingListingGroupFiltersTree( $existingListingGroupFilters ) ); } } $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForRoot( $customerId, $assetGroupId, self::LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID ); // The temporary ID to be used for creating subdivisions and units. static $tempId = self::LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID - 1; $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForUnit( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $tempId--, self::LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, new ListingGroupFilterDimension([ 'product_condition' => new ProductCondition([ 'condition' => ListingGroupFilterProductCondition::PBNEW ]) ]) ); $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForUnit( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $tempId--, self::LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, new ListingGroupFilterDimension([ 'product_condition' => new ProductCondition([ 'condition' => ListingGroupFilterProductCondition::USED ]) ]) ); // We save this ID to create child nodes underneath it. $conditionOtherSubdivisionId = $tempId--; // We're calling createMutateOperationForSubdivision() because this listing group will // have children. $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForSubdivision( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $conditionOtherSubdivisionId, self::LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, new ListingGroupFilterDimension([ // All sibling nodes must have the same dimension type. We use an empty // ProductCondition to indicate that this is an "Other" partition. 'product_condition' => new ProductCondition() ]) ); $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForUnit( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $tempId--, $conditionOtherSubdivisionId, new ListingGroupFilterDimension( ['product_brand' => new ProductBrand(['value' => 'CoolBrand'])] ) ); $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForUnit( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $tempId--, $conditionOtherSubdivisionId, new ListingGroupFilterDimension([ 'product_brand' => new ProductBrand(['value' => 'CheapBrand']) ]) ); $mutateOperations[] = self::createMutateOperationForUnit( $customerId, $assetGroupId, $tempId--, $conditionOtherSubdivisionId, // All other product brands. new ListingGroupFilterDimension(['product_brand' => new ProductBrand()]) ); // Issues a mutate request to create everything and prints its information. $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient(); $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->mutate( MutateGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $mutateOperations) ); self::printResponseDetails($mutateOperations, $response); }
def main(client, customer_id, asset_group_id, replace_existing_tree): """The main method that creates all necessary entities for the example. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. asset_group_id: the asset group id for the Performance Max campaign. replace_existing_tree: option to remove existing product tree from the passed in asset group. """ googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService") asset_group_resource_name = googleads_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, asset_group_id ) operations = [] if replace_existing_tree: # Retrieve a list of existing AssetGroupListingGroupFilters existing_listing_group_filters = ( get_all_existing_listing_group_filter_assets_in_asset_group( client, customer_id, asset_group_resource_name ) ) # If present, create MutateOperations to remove each # AssetGroupListingGroupFilter and add them to the list of operations. if existing_listing_group_filters: remove_operation_factory = ( AssetGroupListingGroupFilterRemoveOperationFactory( client, existing_listing_group_filters ) ) operations.extend(remove_operation_factory.remove_all()) create_operation_factory = ( AssetGroupListingGroupFilterCreateOperationFactory( client, customer_id, asset_group_id, _TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, ) ) operations.append(create_operation_factory.create_root()) new_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") new_dimension.product_condition.condition = ( client.enums.ListingGroupFilterProductConditionEnum.NEW ) operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_unit( _TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, create_operation_factory.next_id(), new_dimension, ) ) used_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") used_dimension.product_condition.condition = ( client.enums.ListingGroupFilterProductConditionEnum.USED ) operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_unit( _TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, create_operation_factory.next_id(), used_dimension, ) ) # We save this ID because create child nodes underneath it. subdivision_id_condition_other = create_operation_factory.next_id() # All sibling nodes must have the same dimension type. We use an empty # product_condition to indicate that this is an "Other" partition. other_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") # This triggers the presence of the product_condition field without # specifying any field values. This is important in order to tell the API # that this is an "other" node. other_dimension.product_condition._pb.SetInParent() # We're calling create_subdivision because this listing group will have # children. operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_subdivision( _TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, subdivision_id_condition_other, other_dimension, ) ) cool_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") cool_dimension.product_brand.value = "CoolBrand" operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_unit( subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id(), cool_dimension, ) ) cheap_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") cheap_dimension.product_brand.value = "CheapBrand" operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_unit( subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id(), cheap_dimension, ) ) empty_dimension = client.get_type("ListingGroupFilterDimension") # This triggers the presence of the product_brand field without specifying # any field values. This is important in order to tell the API # that this is an "other" node. empty_dimension.product_brand._pb.SetInParent() operations.append( create_operation_factory.create_unit( subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id(), empty_dimension, ) ) response = googleads_service.mutate( customer_id=customer_id, mutate_operations=operations ) print_response_details(operations, response)
def add_performance_max_product_listing_group_tree( customer_id, asset_group_id, replace_existing_tree) # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters client = asset_group_resource_name = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, asset_group_id, ) # We use a factory to create all the MutateOperations that manipulate a # specific AssetGroup for a specific customer. The operations returned by the # factory's methods are used to optionally remove all # AssetGroupListingGroupFilters from the tree, and then to construct a new # tree of filters. These filters can have a parent-child relationship, and # also include a special root that includes all children. # # When creating these filters, we use temporary IDs to create the hierarchy # between the root listing group filter, and the subdivisions and leave nodes # beneath that. # # The factory specific to a customerId and assetGroupId is created below. create_operation_factory = customer_id, asset_group_id, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, ) operations = [] if replace_existing_tree existing_listing_group_filters = get_existing_listing_group_filters_in_asset_group( client, customer_id, asset_group_resource_name, ) if existing_listing_group_filters.length > 0 # A special factory object that ensures the creation of remove operations # in the correct order (child listing group filters must be removed # before their parents). remove_operation_factory = existing_listing_group_filters ) operations += remove_operation_factory.remove_all(client) end end operations << create_operation_factory.create_root(client) operations << create_operation_factory.create_unit( client, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, create_operation_factory.next_id, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_condition = client.resource.product_condition do |condition| condition.condition = :NEW end end, ) operations << create_operation_factory.create_unit( client, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, create_operation_factory.next_id, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_condition = client.resource.product_condition do |condition| condition.condition = :USED end end, ) # We save this ID because we create child nodes underneath it. subdivision_id_condition_other = create_operation_factory.next_id operations << create_operation_factory.create_subdivision( client, TEMPORARY_ID_LISTING_GROUP_ROOT, subdivision_id_condition_other, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_condition = client.resource.product_condition do |condition| # All sibling nodes must have the same dimension type. We use an empty # ProductCondition to indicate that this is an "Other" partition. end end, ) operations << create_operation_factory.create_unit( client, subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_brand = client.resource.product_brand do |brand| brand.value = 'CoolBrand' end end, ) operations << create_operation_factory.create_unit( client, subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_brand = client.resource.product_brand do |brand| brand.value = 'CheapBrand' end end, ) operations << create_operation_factory.create_unit( client, subdivision_id_condition_other, create_operation_factory.next_id, client.resource.listing_group_filter_dimension do |dimension| dimension.product_brand = client.resource.product_brand do |brand| end end, ) response = client.service.google_ads.mutate( customer_id: customer_id, mutate_operations: operations, ) print_response_details(operations, response) end
sub add_performance_max_product_listing_group_tree { my ($api_client, $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $replace_existing_tree) = @_; # We create all the mutate operations that manipulate a specific asset group for # a specific customer. The operations are used to optionally remove all asset # group listing group filters from the tree, and then to construct a new tree # of filters. These filters can have a parent-child relationship, and also include # a special root that includes all children. # # When creating these filters, we use temporary IDs to create the hierarchy between # the root listing group filter, and the subdivisions and leave nodes beneath that. my $mutate_operations = []; if (defined $replace_existing_tree) { my $existing_listing_group_filters = get_all_existing_listing_group_filter_assets_in_asset_group( $api_client, $customer_id, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, $asset_group_id )); if (scalar @$existing_listing_group_filters > 0) { push @$mutate_operations, # Ensure the creation of remove operations in the correct order (child # listing group filters must be removed before their parents). @{ create_mutate_operations_for_removing_listing_group_filters_tree( $existing_listing_group_filters)}; } } push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_root($customer_id, $asset_group_id, LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID); # The temporary ID to be used for creating subdivisions and units. my $temp_id = LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID - 1; push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_unit( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $temp_id--, LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ productCondition => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductCondition->new({ condition => NEW })})); push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_unit( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $temp_id--, LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ productCondition => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductCondition->new({ condition => USED })})); # We save this ID to create child nodes underneath it. my $condition_other_subdivision_id = $temp_id--; # We're calling create_mutate_operation_for_subdivision() because this listing # group will have children. push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_subdivision( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $condition_other_subdivision_id, LISTING_GROUP_ROOT_TEMPORARY_ID, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ # All sibling nodes must have the same dimension type. We use an empty # ProductCondition to indicate that this is an "Other" partition. productCondition => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductCondition->new({})})); push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_unit( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $temp_id--, $condition_other_subdivision_id, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ productBrand => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductBrand->new({ value => "CoolBrand" })})); push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_unit( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $temp_id--, $condition_other_subdivision_id, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ productBrand => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductBrand->new({ value => "CheapBrand" })})); push @$mutate_operations, create_mutate_operation_for_unit( $customer_id, $asset_group_id, $temp_id--, $condition_other_subdivision_id, # All other product brands. Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ListingGroupFilterDimension->new({ productBrand => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::ProductBrand->new({})})); # Issue a mutate request to create everything and print its information. my $response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->mutate({ customerId => $customer_id, mutateOperations => $mutate_operations }); print_response_details($mutate_operations, $response); return 1; }
Dimensi yang tersedia untuk ListingDimensionInfo
Ada beberapa dimensi listingan yang dapat menjadi bagian dari grup listingan
Performa Maksimal. Jenis ListingDimensionInfo
berikut dapat digunakan dengan
kampanye retail Performa Maksimal:
Setiap resource menyertakan daftar pelokalan yang didukung di kolom
Untuk memahami data yang ditampilkan oleh resource, coba
contoh Mendapatkan Konstanta Kategori Produk.
Node unit Lainnya dapat dibuat dengan meneruskan objek kosong
jenis ListingDimensionInfo
ke ListingGroupInfo
ID Sementara
Kriteria grup aset tidak diberi ID hingga permintaan mutasi yang membuatnya diproses oleh server. Namun, ListingGroupInfo
tidak valid hingga
selesai, jadi setiap kali membuat subdivisi, Anda juga harus membuat
setidaknya satu turunan dan node Lainnya dalam permintaan yang sama.
Untuk menetapkan parent_criterion_id
bagi node turunan yang dibuat
dalam permintaan induk yang sama, Anda dapat menggunakan ID kriteria sementara. ID ini hanya berlaku dalam konteks satu permintaan mutasi. Semua bilangan bulat negatif dapat
digunakan sebagai ID sementara.