如需在 ImageCollection
中合成图片,请使用 imageCollection.reduce()
(如需详细了解 reducer,请参阅“Reducer”部分)。例如,如需根据集合创建中位数值图片,请执行以下操作:
// Load a Landsat 8 collection for a single path-row. var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA') .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 44)) .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 34)) .filterDate('2014-01-01', '2015-01-01'); // Compute a median image and display. var median = collection.median(); Map.setCenter(-122.3578, 37.7726, 12); Map.addLayer(median, {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 0.3}, 'Median');
import ee import geemap.core as geemap
# Load a Landsat 8 collection for a single path-row. collection = ( ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA') .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 44)) .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 34)) .filterDate('2014-01-01', '2015-01-01') ) # Compute a median image and display. median = collection.median() m = geemap.Map() m.set_center(-122.3578, 37.7726, 12) m.add_layer(median, {'bands': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], 'max': 0.3}, 'Median') m
// Reduce the collection with a median reducer. var median = collection.reduce(ee.Reducer.median()); // Display the median image. Map.addLayer(median, {bands: ['B4_median', 'B3_median', 'B2_median'], max: 0.3}, 'Also median');
import ee import geemap.core as geemap
# Reduce the collection with a median reducer. median = collection.reduce(ee.Reducer.median()) # Display the median image. m.add_layer( median, {'bands': ['B4_median', 'B3_median', 'B2_median'], 'max': 0.3}, 'Also median', ) m
请注意,由于使用的是 reduce()
而非便捷方法,因此频段名称不同。具体而言,我们已将 reducer 的名称附加到乐队名称中。
您还可以使用 reduce()
进行更复杂的缩减。例如,如需计算集合中的长期线性趋势,请使用线性回归归约器之一。以下代码计算 MODIS 增强型植被指数 (EVI) 的线性趋势:
// This function adds a band representing the image timestamp. var addTime = function(image) { return image.addBands(image.metadata('system:time_start') // Convert milliseconds from epoch to years to aid in // interpretation of the following trend calculation. .divide(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)); }; // Load a MODIS collection, filter to several years of 16 day mosaics, // and map the time band function over it. var collection = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD13A1') .filterDate('2004-01-01', '2010-10-31') .map(addTime); // Select the bands to model with the independent variable first. var trend = collection.select(['system:time_start', 'EVI']) // Compute the linear trend over time. .reduce(ee.Reducer.linearFit()); // Display the trend with increasing slopes in green, decreasing in red. Map.setCenter(-96.943, 39.436, 5); Map.addLayer( trend, {min: 0, max: [-100, 100, 10000], bands: ['scale', 'scale', 'offset']}, 'EVI trend');
import ee import geemap.core as geemap
# This function adds a band representing the image timestamp. def add_time(image): return image.addBands( image.metadata('system:time_start') # Convert milliseconds from epoch to years to aid in # interpretation of the following trend calculation. .divide(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) ) # Load a MODIS collection, filter to several years of 16 day mosaics, # and map the time band function over it. collection = ( ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD13A1') .filterDate('2004-01-01', '2010-10-31') .map(add_time) ) # Select the bands to model with the independent variable first. trend = collection.select(['system:time_start', 'EVI']).reduce( # Compute the linear trend over time. ee.Reducer.linearFit() ) # Display the trend with increasing slopes in green, decreasing in red. m.set_center(-96.943, 39.436, 5) m = geemap.Map() m.add_layer( trend, { 'min': 0, 'max': [-100, 100, 10000], 'bands': ['scale', 'scale', 'offset'], }, 'EVI trend', ) m
请注意,此示例中求和的输出是一个双带状图像,其中一个带状用于表示线性回归的斜率 (scale
),另一个带状用于表示截距 (offset
)。请浏览 API 文档,查看可用于将 ImageCollection
化简为单个 Image
而是采用 WGS-84 的默认投影,分辨率为 1 度像素。系统会使用请求的任何输出投影来计算采用默认投影的复合项。请求的发生方式包括在代码编辑器中显示复合项(了解代码编辑器如何设置比例和投影),或在汇总(例如 ReduceRegion
或 Export