Image Collections

An image collection refers to a set of Earth Engine images. For example, the collection of all Landsat 8 images is an ee.ImageCollection. Like the SRTM image you have been working with, image collections also have an ID. As with single images, you can discover the ID of an image collection by searching the Earth Engine data catalog from the Code Editor and looking at the details page of the dataset. For example, search for 'landsat 8 toa' and click on the first result, which should correspond to the USGS Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance dataset. Either import that dataset using the Import button and rename it to l8, or copy the ID into the image collection constructor:

var l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA');

Filtering image collections

It's worth noting that this collection represents every Landsat 8 scene collected, all over the Earth. Often it is useful to extract a single image, or subset of images, on which to test algorithms. The way to limit the collection by time or space is by filtering it. For example, to filter the collection to images that cover a particular location, first define your area of interest with a point (or line or polygon) using the geometry drawing tools. Pan to your area of interest, hover on the Geometry Imports (if you already have one or more geometries defined) and click +new layer (if you don't have any imports, go to the next step). Get the point drawing tool () and make a point in your area of interest. Name the import point. Now, filter the l8 collection to get only the images that intersect the point, then add a second filter to limit the collection to only the images that were acquired in 2015:

var spatialFiltered = l8.filterBounds(point);
print('spatialFiltered', spatialFiltered);

var temporalFiltered = spatialFiltered.filterDate('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31');
print('temporalFiltered', temporalFiltered);

Here, filterBounds() and filterDate() are shortcut methods for the more general filter() method on image collections, which takes an ee.Filter() as its argument. Explore the Docs tab of the Code Editor to learn more about these methods. The argument to filterBounds() is the point you digitized and the arguments to filterDate() are two dates, expressed as strings.

Note that you can print() the filtered collections. You can't print more than 5000 things at once, so you couldn't, for example, print the entire l8 collection. After executing the print() method, you can inspect the printed collections in the console. Note that when you expand the ImageCollection using the zippy (), then expand the list of features, you will see a list of images, each of which also can be expanded and inspected. This is one way to discover the ID of an individual image. Another, more programmatic way to get individual images for analysis is to sort the collection in order to get the most recent, oldest, or optimal image relative to some metadata property. For example, by inspecting the image objects in the printed image collections, you may have observed a metadata property called CLOUD_COVER. You can use that property to get the least cloudy image in 2015 in your area of interest:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// This will sort from least to most cloudy.
var sorted = temporalFiltered.sort('CLOUD_COVER');

// Get the first (least cloudy) image.
var scene = sorted.first();

You're now ready to display the image!

Digression: Displaying RGB images

When a multi-band image is added to a map, Earth Engine chooses the first three bands of the image and displays them as red, green, and blue by default, stretching them according to the data type, as described previously. Usually, this won't do. For example, if you add the Landsat image (scene in the previous example) to the map, the result is unsatisfactory:

Map.centerObject(scene, 9);
Map.addLayer(scene, {}, 'default RGB');

Note that first, the map is centered on the image at zoom scale 9. Then the image is displayed with an empty object ({}) for the visParams parameter (see the Map.addLayer() docs for details). As a result, the image is displayed with the default visualization: first three bands map to R, G, B, respectively, and stretched to [0, 1] since the bands are float data type. This means that the coastal aerosol band ('B1') is rendered in red, the blue band ('B2') is rendered in green, and the green band ('B3') is rendered in blue. To render the image as a true-color composite, you need to tell Earth Engine to use the Landsat 8 bands 'B4', 'B3', and 'B2' for R, G, and B, respectively. Specify which bands to use with the bands property of the visParams object. Learn more about Landsat bands at this reference.

You also need to provide min and max values suitable for displaying reflectance from typical Earth surface targets. Although lists can be used to specify different values for each band, here it's sufficient to specify 0.3 as max and use the default value of zero for the min parameter. Combining the visualization parameters into one object and displaying:

var visParams = {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 0.3};
Map.addLayer(scene, visParams, 'true-color composite');

The result should look something like Figure 5. Note that this code assigns the object of visualization parameters to a variable for possible future use. As you'll soon discover, that object will be useful when you visualize image collections!

Figure 5. Landsat 8 TOA reflectance image as a true-color composite, stretched to [0, 0.3].

Try playing with visualizing different bands. Another favorite combination is 'B5', 'B4', and 'B3' which is called a false-color composite. Some other interesting false-color composites are described here.

Since Earth Engine is designed to do large-scale analyses, you are not limited to working with just one scene. Now it's time to display a whole collection as an RGB composite!

Displaying image collections

Adding an image collection to a map is similar to adding an image to a map. For example, using 2016 images in the l8 collection and the visParams object defined previously,

var l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA');
var landsat2016 = l8.filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31');
Map.addLayer(landsat2016, visParams, 'l8 collection');

Note that now you can zoom out and see a continuous mosaic where Landsat imagery is collected (i.e. over land). Also note that when you use the Inspector tab and click on the image, you'll see a list of pixel values (or a chart) in the Pixels section and a list of image objects in the Objects section of the inspector.

If you zoomed out enough, you probably noticed some clouds in the mosaic. When you add an ImageCollection to the map, it is displayed as a recent-value composite, meaning that only the most recent pixels are displayed (like calling mosaic() on the collection). That is why you can see discontinuities between paths which were acquired at different times. It's also why many areas may appear cloudy. In the next page, learn how to change the way the images are composited to get rid of those pesky clouds!