Let's start with the calculation needed to create a band that shows pixels where the Hansen et al. data show both loss and gain.
The Hansen et al. dataset has a band whose pixels are 1 where loss occurred and
0 otherwise (loss
) and a band that is 1 where gain has occurred and a 0
otherwise (gain
). To create a band where pixels in both the
and the gain
bands have a 1, you can use the
logical method on images. The and()
method is called like
and returns an image in which pixels are 1 where
both image1 and image2 are 1, and 0 elsewhere:
// Load the data and select the bands of interest. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossImage = gfc2014.select(['loss']); var gainImage = gfc2014.select(['gain']); // Use the and() method to create the lossAndGain image. var gainAndLoss = gainImage.and(lossImage); // Show the loss and gain image. Map.addLayer(gainAndLoss.updateMask(gainAndLoss), {palette: 'FF00FF'}, 'Gain and Loss');
The result, zoomed into Arkansas with satellite view, should look something like Figure 1.

Combining this example with the result from the previous section, it's now possible to recreate the figure from the beginning of the tutorial:
// Displaying forest, loss, gain, and pixels where both loss and gain occur. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossImage = gfc2014.select(['loss']); var gainImage = gfc2014.select(['gain']); var treeCover = gfc2014.select(['treecover2000']); // Use the and() method to create the lossAndGain image. var gainAndLoss = gainImage.and(lossImage); // Add the tree cover layer in green. Map.addLayer(treeCover.updateMask(treeCover), {palette: ['000000', '00FF00'], max: 100}, 'Forest Cover'); // Add the loss layer in red. Map.addLayer(lossImage.updateMask(lossImage), {palette: ['FF0000']}, 'Loss'); // Add the gain layer in blue. Map.addLayer(gainImage.updateMask(gainImage), {palette: ['0000FF']}, 'Gain'); // Show the loss and gain image. Map.addLayer(gainAndLoss.updateMask(gainAndLoss), {palette: 'FF00FF'}, 'Gain and Loss');
Quantifying Forest Change in a Region of Interest
Now that you're more familiar with the bands in the Hansen et al. dataset, we can
use concepts learned so far to compute statistics about forest gain and loss in a region
of interest. For this we'll need to use vector data (points, lines, and polygons). A
vector dataset is represented as a FeatureCollection
in Earth Engine.
(Learn more about feature collections and how to
import vector data.)
In this section, we'll compare the total amount of forest loss that happened within the Congo Republic in the year 2012 to the amount of forest loss that happened within the country's protected areas at the same time.
As you learned in the Earth Engine API
tutorial, the key method for calculating statistics in an image region is
. (Learn more about reducing
image regions.) For example, suppose we want to calculate the number of pixels estimated
to represent forest loss during the study period. For that purpose, consider the following
// Load country features from Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB) dataset. var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017'); // Subset the Congo Republic feature from countries. var congo = countries.filter(ee.Filter.eq('country_na', 'Rep of the Congo')); // Get the forest loss image. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossImage = gfc2014.select(['loss']); // Sum the values of forest loss pixels in the Congo Republic. var stats = lossImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry: congo, scale: 30 }); print(stats);
This example uses the ee.Reducer.sum()
reducer to sum the values of the
pixels in lossImage
within the congo
feature. Because
consists of pixels that have a value of 1 or 0 (for loss or not
loss, respectively), the sum of these values is equivalent to the number of pixels of loss
in the region.
Unfortunately, running the script as it is results in an error like:
The default maximum number of pixels in
is 10 million. This
error message indicates that the Congo Republic covers about 383 million Landsat
pixels. Luckily, reduceRegion()
takes many parameters, one of which (maxPixels
) lets you control how many
pixels are used in the computation. Specifying this parameter allows the computation to
// Load country features from Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB) dataset. var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017'); // Subset the Congo Republic feature from countries. var congo = countries.filter(ee.Filter.eq('country_na', 'Rep of the Congo')); // Get the forest loss image. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossImage = gfc2014.select(['loss']); // Sum the values of forest loss pixels in the Congo Republic. var stats = lossImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry: congo, scale: 30, maxPixels: 1e9 }); print(stats);
By expanding the object printed to the console, observe that the result is
4897933 pixels of forest lost. You can clean up the printout in the console a bit by
labeling the output and getting the result of interest from the dictionary returned
by reduceRegion()
print('pixels representing loss: ', stats.get('loss'));
Calculating Pixel Areas
You're almost ready to answer the question of how much area was lost in the Congo Republic,
and how much of that was in protected areas. The remaining part is to convert pixels
into actual area. This conversion is important because we don't necessarily know the
size of the pixels input to reduceRegion()
. To help compute areas, Earth
Engine has the ee.Image.pixelArea()
method which generates an image in
which the value of each pixel is the pixel's area in square meters. Multiplying the
loss image with this area image and then summing over the result gives us a measure
of area:
// Load country features from Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB) dataset. var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017'); // Subset the Congo Republic feature from countries. var congo = countries.filter(ee.Filter.eq('country_na', 'Rep of the Congo')); // Get the forest loss image. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossImage = gfc2014.select(['loss']); var areaImage = lossImage.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()); // Sum the values of forest loss pixels in the Congo Republic. var stats = areaImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry: congo, scale: 30, maxPixels: 1e9 }); print('pixels representing loss: ', stats.get('loss'), 'square meters');
Now the result is 4,372,575,052 square meters lost over the study period.
You are now ready to answer the question at the start of this section - how much forest area was lost in the Congo Republic in 2012, and how much of that was in protected areas?
// Load country features from Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB) dataset. var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017'); // Subset the Congo Republic feature from countries. var congo = ee.Feature( countries .filter(ee.Filter.eq('country_na', 'Rep of the Congo')) .first() ); // Subset protected areas to the bounds of the congo feature // and other criteria. Clip to the intersection with congo. var protectedAreas = ee.FeatureCollection('WCMC/WDPA/current/polygons') .filter(ee.Filter.and( ee.Filter.bounds(congo.geometry()), ee.Filter.neq('IUCN_CAT', 'VI'), ee.Filter.neq('STATUS', 'proposed'), ee.Filter.lt('STATUS_YR', 2010) )) .map(function(feat){ return congo.intersection(feat); }); // Get the loss image. var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015'); var lossIn2012 = gfc2014.select(['lossyear']).eq(12); var areaImage = lossIn2012.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()); // Calculate the area of loss pixels in the Congo Republic. var stats = areaImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry: congo.geometry(), scale: 30, maxPixels: 1e9 }); print( 'Area lost in the Congo Republic:', stats.get('lossyear'), 'square meters' ); // Calculate the area of loss pixels in the protected areas. var stats = areaImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry: protectedAreas.geometry(), scale: 30, maxPixels: 1e9 }); print( 'Area lost in protected areas:', stats.get('lossyear'), 'square meters' );
The output indicates that of the 348,036,295 square meters of forest lost in the Congo Republic in 2012, 11,880,976 of those were in protected areas, as represented in the World Database on Protected Areas table.
The only changes between this script and the one just prior are the addition of the
protected area information and changing the script from looking at overall loss to looking
at loss in 2012. This required two changes. First, there's a new lossIn2012
image which has a 1 where loss was recorded in 2012, 0 otherwise. Second, because the
name of the band is different (lossyear
instead of loss
) the
property name had to change in the print statement.
In the next section, we will explore some advanced methods for computing and charting forest loss for every year, instead of just one year as we did in this section.