
There are a variety of widgets you can use to build your UIs. These widgets include buttons, checkboxes, sliders, textboxes and selection menus. Widgets can only be printed or added to a panel once. The following sections illustrate the basic functionality, look, and feel of the widgets. See the Style section for more information on styling your widgets. The following examples simply print() the widgets to the console. For details on adding widgets to panels, see the Panels and Layouts page.


Labels are simply areas in which text is displayed. For example, the following code prints a label:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var label = ui.Label('Cool label!');

Which looks something like:


Break up long labels by inserting a new line character (\n) and setting the whiteSpace style property argument to 'pre':

print(ui.Label('Here is a:\nnew line', {whiteSpace: 'pre'}));


A button is an interactive UI widget that can be clicked. You can specify a function to be called (the "callback" function) when a user clicks the button. (For more information on event handling with callback functions, see the Events page). The following example prints the map's current center when the button is clicked:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var button = ui.Button({
  label: 'Get Map Center',
  onClick: function() {

Which looks something like:



A checkbox is a widget that lets a user check (or uncheck) a box. When the checkbox's state changes, callbacks registered to the widget are passed a boolean value indicating whether the checkbox is now checked. For example:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var checkbox = ui.Checkbox('Show SRTM layer', true);

checkbox.onChange(function(checked) {
  // Shows or hides the first map layer based on the checkbox's value.


The printed checkbox should look something like:


Note that checking the box turns on a layer displayed on the map. As with other UI components, the Map of the Code Editor can be manipulated programmatically. Learn more about the Map object on the Panels and Layouts page.


A slider is a widget that lets a user adjust a slider to get a number within the slider range. Configure the range using either the constructor or by setting properties of the slider. The following example uses the slider to set the opacity of the first layer on the Map:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var slider = ui.Slider();

slider.setValue(0.9);  // Set a default value.
slider.onChange(function(value) {

Map.addLayer(ee.Image(255), {palette: 'blue'});

The slider should look something like:


Note that the slider value is shown to the right of the slider.


The DateSlider widget is like the Slider widget, but handles dates explicitly. A DateSlider configured to select a day from June 2018 looks like:


The DateSlider is useful for filtering collections, as shown in the following example, which builds an annual composite based on the DateRange set in the DateSlider:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Use a DateSlider to create annual composites of this collection.
var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1');
// Use the start of the collection and now to bound the slider.
var start = ee.Image(collection.first()).date().get('year').format();
var now = Date.now();
var end = ee.Date(now).format();

// Run this function on a change of the dateSlider.
var showMosaic = function(range) {
  var mosaic = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleComposite({
    collection: collection.filterDate(range.start(), range.end())
  // Asynchronously compute the name of the composite.  Display it.
  range.start().get('year').evaluate(function(name) {
    var visParams = {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 100};
    var layer = ui.Map.Layer(mosaic, visParams, name + ' composite');
    Map.layers().set(0, layer);

// Asynchronously compute the date range and show the slider.
var dateRange = ee.DateRange(start, end).evaluate(function(range) {
  var dateSlider = ui.DateSlider({
    start: range['dates'][0],
    end: range['dates'][1],
    value: null,
    period: 365,
    onChange: showMosaic,
    style: {width: '180px'}

// Initialize the map location at southern Africa.
Map.setCenter(23.861, -27.144, 6);


A textbox is a place to collect user-entered text. For example:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var textbox = ui.Textbox({
  placeholder: 'Enter text here...',
  onChange: function(text) {
    print('So what you are saying is ' + text + '?');

The textbox should look something like:


Note that the callback only gets fired when the user has finished entering text (and pressed return), or the user clicks away from the textbox.


The select widget represents a drop-down menu of choices from which the user can choose one. The following example illustrates a drop-down menu to allow a user to select a location:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var places = {
  MTV: [-122.0849, 37.3887],
  PEK: [116.4056, 39.9097],
  ZRH: [8.536, 47.376]

var select = ui.Select({
  items: Object.keys(places),
  onChange: function(key) {
    Map.setCenter(places[key][0], places[key][1]);

// Set a place holder.
select.setPlaceholder('Choose a location...');


The select widget should look something like:



The charts in the ui.Chart package behave similarly to charts in the Chart package. Specifically, a ui.Chart is a thin shell around an instance of the Google Visualization API's ChartWrapper. For more information on manipulating ChartWrapper objects, see this reference. For more information on the chart helper functions in Earth Engine, see the Charts docs.


The thumbnail widget can be used to preview ee.Image and ee.ImageCollection objects. When given an ee.Image, the widget will display a static image; when provided an ee.ImageCollection, it will display an animation with one frame per image in the input. As with ee.Image.getThumbURL() and ee.ImageCollection.getVideoThumbURL(), you can specify parameters to control the format and dimensions of the resulting thumbnail:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Create a box around an area in the Brazilian Amazon.
var box = ee.Geometry.Polygon([[
  [-62.9564, 2.5596], [-62.9550, 2.4313], [-62.8294, 2.4327], [-62.8294, 2.5596]

// Visualize the image in RGB.
var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2/LE07_233058_20011113')
                .select(['SR_B[1-3]'])  // blue, green, red reflectance
                .multiply(0.0000275).add(-0.2)  // apply scaling factors
                  bands: ['SR_B3', 'SR_B2', 'SR_B1'],
                  min: 0,
                  max: 0.12,
                  gamma: 1.3

// Print a thumbnail to the console.
  image: image,
  params: {dimensions: '256x256', region: box, format: 'png'},
  style: {height: '300px', width: '300px'}

The thumbnail should look something like:



A ui.Map is a map widget. (In fact, the default Code Editor Map is an instance of this class). Like other widgets, you can print a map to the console. Manipulate the content of the map by clearing, getting or setting individual layers. The following example prints a map to the console that shows the bounds of the Code Editor Map:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Make a little map.
var map = ui.Map();

// Make the little map display an inset of the big map.
var createInset = function() {
  var bounds = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(Map.getBounds());

// Run it once to initialize.

// Get a new inset map whenever you click on the big map.

// Display the inset map in the console.

The inset map should look something like:


In this example, the user needs to click the big map to get the inset to draw in the little map.

You can also manipulate layers on the map by calling layers() on the map instance. The layers() returns a ui.data.ActiveList, an array-like object. When it is changed, the layers on the map change, too. Learn more in the ui.Map.Layer section.


A layer is not a styleable widget like a ui.Button. It is just a data representation of the layer on the map. The following example demonstrates updating a map by creating a layer and updating the layer's properties based on user input:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var consoleMap = ui.Map({
  lon: -2.0174,
  lat: 48.6474,
  zoom: 13

// Create a Layer from this Sentinel-2 image
var image = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2/20150821T111616_20160314T094808_T30UWU');
var visParams = {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 2048, gamma: 1};
var layer = ui.Map.Layer(image, visParams);

// Update the map by updating the layers list.
var layers = consoleMap.layers();

// Make a textbox to accept a gamma value.
// Update the layer when the gamma value is entered.
var gammaBox = ui.Textbox({
  value: 1,
  onChange: function(value) {
    // visParams is NOT an ActiveDictionary, so set it again.
    visParams.gamma = value;

print(ui.Label('Enter a gamma value:'));


If you want to display (e.g. in an app) a relatively expensive-to-compute layer, it may behoove you to export your data to a Cloud Storage bucket for performance reasons. These static, visualization-only layers can make your apps and scripts more responsive. You can create a static display layer for this purpose using Export.map.toCloudStorage(). To use a tile set previously exported by Export.map.toCloudStorage(), construct a new ui.Map.Layer from a specified Cloud Storage bucket and path:

  bucket: 'earthenginepartners-hansen',
  path: 'tiles/gfc_v1.4/loss_year',
  maxZoom: 12,
  suffix: '.png'

When running a script that loads a Cloud Storage layer, you may see the warning message:

Cloud layer warning


There is a set of geometry drawing tools that is added by default to the Map in the Code Editor. You can change the behavior of these tools in the default Map by calling Map.drawingTools(). For example to hide the drawing tools:

Code Editor (JavaScript)


Newly created maps do not get drawing tools by default, but can be enabled by calling the drawingTools() method on the map:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var map = ui.Map();
// Prints true since drawingTools() adds drawing tools to the map.
// Replace the default Map with the newly created map.

The geometry layers drawn by the drawing tools are put into an ui.data.ActiveList which you can access by calling Map.drawingTools().layers(). The geometry layers list responds to events like other active lists, for example the list of layers on the Map returned by Map.layers(). The following example shows how you can set the visibility of the geometry layers drawn by the tools (which are shown by default):

Code Editor (JavaScript)

Map.drawingTools().layers().forEach(function(layer) {

To add a layer programmatically to the drawing tools, you can either call the addLayer method on the drawing tools or add a layer directly to the layer list:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var geometries = [ee.Geometry.Point([0,0]), ee.Geometry.Rectangle([[0,0], [1,1]])];
Map.drawingTools().addLayer(geometries, 'my_geometry1', 'red');

var layer = ui.Map.GeometryLayer(geometries, 'my_geometry2', 'blue');

The state of the drawing tools is also carried over when you publish an App. If you have the drawing tools shown or hidden, they will also be shown or hidden in your App. The geometries in your imports will also be carried over in your App.


A GeometryLayer is a collection of geometries that acts as a single Geometry, GeometryCollection, or FeatureCollection that is added to the imports section at the top of your script and can be referenced in code.

GeometryLayers drawn by the drawing tools have a default behavior that you can override by providing new callback functions. For example, suppose you want interactive changes to the geometries to trigger an event. To implement a particular behavior, you can set the onEdit(), onErase(), or onDraw() method(s) on the tools in order to respond to user actions. The following example shows how to trigger a computation and update a label with the computation result when the user adds/edits/erases a geometry:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Load elevation data.
var srtm = ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003');
Map.addLayer(srtm, {min: 0, max: 5000}, 'SRTM');

// Make a label to display mean elevation at drawn points.
var label = new ui.Label('Draw points to calculate mean elevation');
var inspector = new ui.Panel([label]);
// Don't make imports that correspond to the drawn points.
// Limit the draw modes to points.
// Add an empty layer to hold the drawn points.
// Set the geometry type to be point.
// Enter drawing mode.

// This function gets called when the geometry layer changes.
// Use debounce to call the function at most every 100 milliseconds.
var getAverageElevation = ui.util.debounce(function() {
  var points = Map.drawingTools().layers().get(0).toGeometry();
  var elevation = srtm.reduceRegion({
    reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
    geometry: points,
    scale: 30
  // Asynchronously evaluate the mean elevation.
}, 100);

// Set the callback function on changes of the geometry layer.

// Set the label to the result of the mean reduction.
function showElevation(elevation) {
  var elevationLabel = ui.Label('Mean elevation: ' + elevation);

Note that setLinked() is used to toggle the connection between the geometry drawing tools and the Imports section of the Code Editor. In this example, the geometry tools are unlinked to prevent imports from being created. toGeometry is used to convert the layer to an ee.Geometry. If the imported layer represents a Feature or FeatureCollection, you can retrieve the underlying EE object using getEeObject(). Also note the use of ui.util.debounce to prevent each movement of a geometry from triggering the callback function. Specifically, the function will not fire until 100 milliseconds have elapsed since the last event. This helps ensure that the function only runs when the user has completed the edit action.

A geometry layer in the imports is associated with a Geometry or GeometryCollection, so it can only contain geometries with the same geodesic state because the GeoJSON format only allows a single geodesic state for the collection of geometries (see Geodesic vs. Planar Geometries page for more info). Converting the geometry layer to a FeatureCollection by pressing the gear icon next to the layer name will allow you to add geodesic and planar geometries to the same layer. However, converting it back to a Geometry will produce an error. To avoid that, either convert to a FeatureCollection or delete geometries until there is only one geodesic state in the layer.


Like a layer, a linker is not a styleable widget. It is a behind-the-scenes utility that can be used to synchronize the movement of multiple ui.Map instances:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Add two maps to the screen.
var left = ui.Map();
var right = ui.Map();

// Link the "change-bounds" event for the maps.
// When the user drags one map, the other will be moved in sync.
ui.Map.Linker([left, right], 'change-bounds');


A ui.SplitPanel is useful for comparing things side-by-side. The advantage of a ui.SplitPanel over two ordinary panels is that a handle can be used to achieve a wipe transition between the panels in a ui.SplitPanel. The following example uses a ui.SplitPanel to display the spectral differences of burn scars:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Load an image of the Santa Rosa, California 2017 fires.
var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA/LC08_045033_20171011');

// Add a color-SWIR composite to the default Map.
Map.setCenter(-122.6624, 38.5011, 12);
Map.addLayer(image, {bands: ['B7', 'B5', 'B3'], max: 0.3}, 'color-SWIR');

// Make another map and add a color-NIR composite to it.
var linkedMap = ui.Map();
linkedMap.addLayer(image, {bands: ['B5', 'B4', 'B3'], max: 0.3}, 'color-NIR');
// Add a thermal image to the map.
linkedMap.addLayer(image, {
  bands: ['B11'],
  min: 290,
  max: 305,
  palette: ['gray', 'white', 'yellow', 'red']
}, 'Thermal');

// Link the default Map to the other map.
var linker = ui.Map.Linker([ui.root.widgets().get(0), linkedMap]);

// Make an inset map and add it to the linked map.
var inset = ui.Map();
inset.style().set({position: 'bottom-right', width: '300px', height: '250px'});
inset.setControlVisibility({all: false, mapTypeControl: true});

// Register a function to the linked map to update the inset map.
linkedMap.onChangeBounds(function() {
  var bounds = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(Map.getBounds());
  inset.layers().set(0, bounds);

// Create a SplitPanel which holds the linked maps side-by-side.
var splitPanel = ui.SplitPanel({
  firstPanel: linker.get(0),
  secondPanel: linker.get(1),
  orientation: 'horizontal',
  wipe: true,
  style: {stretch: 'both'}

// Set the SplitPanel as the only thing in root.

Note that the wipe parameter is set to true, in the ui.SplitPanel constructor in order to let the user swipe the handle back and forth between the two visualizations.

Styling Widgets

The style of a widget is controlled by the widget's dictionary of style properties. You can get access to the dictionary by calling style() on the widget. The object returned by style() is an instance of ui.data.ActiveDictionary. That means that setting properties of the style dictionary automatically updates the way the widget is displayed. The allowable keys for each widget's style dictionary are detailed in the widget's reference docs for the style() call.

The styles of the widget can be set with the constructor, by calling style().set() or by calling style() with a dictionary argument. For example:

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var redLabel = ui.Label('Big, Red Label');

redLabel.style().set('color', 'red');
redLabel.style().set('fontWeight', 'bold');
  fontSize: '32px',
  padding: '10px'


Note that in this example, the label is styled first by calling style().set() with key and value arguments, then by calling style().set() with a dictionary argument. The second call does not override the first; it adds and replaces individual style properties rather than replacing the entire style dictionary.

For more information on the styling options for widgets, see this Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) reference for the styles listed in the style() docs for each widget. Note that the styles allowable for Earth Engine widgets differ from CSS styles in several places, notably fontSize and fontWeight for font-style and font-weight, respectively.

The styles dictionary also contains keys that control the position of the widget. See the Panels and Layouts page for more information on how to use positional properties.