Las facturas mensuales de una cuenta de Google Ads se pueden recuperar con InvoiceService
Requisitos previos
- Tener habilitada la facturación mensual para la cuenta de Google Ads Consulta las guías sobre las configuraciones de facturación y los presupuestos de la cuenta para aprender a administrar la facturación con la API de Google Ads.
- Si se establece,
debe especificar el ID de cliente de una cuenta de administrador que administre la cuenta de Google Ads para la que recuperas las facturas. Esto se etiqueta como el administrador de pagos en la IU de Google Ads.
Cómo recuperar facturas
Para recuperar facturas, debes solicitar el método InvoiceService.ListInvoices
y configurar todos los campos obligatorios en ListInvoicesRequest
: customer_id
, billing_setup
, issue_year
y issue_month
A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo:
// Issues the request. ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.listInvoices( String.valueOf(customerId), ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), String.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getYear()), MonthOfYear.valueOf(oneMonthAgo.getMonth().toString()));
ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.ListInvoices(customerId.ToString(), ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId), // Year must be 2019 or later. lastMonthDateTime.Year.ToString("yyyy"), lastMonth);
// Issues the request. $response = $googleAdsClient->getInvoiceServiceClient()->listInvoices( ListInvoicesRequest::build( $customerId, ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId), // The year needs to be 2019 or later. date('Y', $lastMonth), MonthOfYear::value(strtoupper(date('F', $lastMonth))) ) );
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.get_service("InvoiceService").list_invoices( customer_id=customer_id, billing_setup=client.get_service("GoogleAdsService").billing_setup_path( customer_id, billing_setup_id ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later, per the docs: # issue_year=str(last_month.year), issue_month=last_month.strftime("%B").upper(), )
# Issues a request to list invoices. response = client.service.invoice.list_invoices( customer_id: customer_id, billing_setup: client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issue_year: last_month.year.to_s, # '%^B' option returns the uppercased full month name (e.g. 'JANUARY'). issue_month: last_month.strftime("%^B").to_sym, )
# Issue the request. my $response = $api_client->InvoiceService()->list({ customerId => $customer_id, billingSetup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::billing_setup( ($customer_id, $billing_setup_id) ), # The year needs to be 2019 or later. issueYear => strftime("%Y", @last_month), issueMonth => uc(strftime("%B", @last_month))});
La respuesta es un objeto ListInvoicesResponse
que contiene la lista de Invoices
coincidentes, cada una de las cuales contiene un gran conjunto de campos, como los siguientes:
- IDs:
. - Hora:
. - Importes:
. - PDF:
. Consulta Cómo descargar un PDF de factura para obtener instrucciones. - Historial:
También contiene otros campos específicos cuando corresponde:
- Ajustes:
. - Costos regulatorios:
- Cargos de exportación:
Cómo obtener detalles del presupuesto
Un Invoice
proporciona información detallada sobre los presupuestos de la cuenta relacionados como una lista de objetos AccountBudgetSummary
en el campo account_budget_summaries
- IDs:
. - Hora:
. - Importes:
Cómo obtener detalles de la cuenta
Un Invoice
proporciona información sobre las cuentas relacionadas como una lista de objetos AccountSummary
en el campo account_summaries
. Incluye detalles sobre correcciones y ajustes de facturación, cargos de exportación y costos regulatorios.
Información sobre los importes
Todos los importes proporcionados en los objetos AccountBudgetSummary
, AccountSummary
y Invoice
se atribuyen durante sus períodos de servicio y se evalúan según estas reglas:
AccountBudgetSummary |
Regla de evaluación |
served_amount_micros |
billed_amount_micros |
overdelivery_amount_micros |
invalid_activity_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
AccountSummary |
Regla de evaluación |
billing_correction_subtotal_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
billing_correction_tax_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
billing_correction_total_amount_micros |
coupon_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
excess_credit_adjustment_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
Invoice |
Regla de evaluación |
adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros |
export_charge_subtotal_amount_micros |
adjustments_tax_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros |
export_charge_tax_amount_micros |
adjustments_total_amount_micros |
regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros |
export_charge_total_amount_micros |
subtotal_amount_micros |
tax_amount_micros |
total_amount_micros |
Este es un ejemplo de cómo se pueden iterar las facturas recuperadas:
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. for (Invoice invoice : response.getInvoicesList()) { System.out.printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" + " Type: %s\n" + " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" + " Due date: %s\n" + " Currency code: %s\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" + " PDF URL: '%s'\n" + " Account budgets: ", invoice.getResourceName(), invoice.getId(), invoice.getType(), invoice.getBillingSetup(), invoice.getPaymentsAccountId(), invoice.getPaymentsProfileId(), invoice.getIssueDate(), invoice.getDueDate(), invoice.getCurrencyCode(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getStartDate(), invoice.getServiceDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getReplacedInvoicesList(), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(invoice.getTotalAmountMicros()), invoice.getCorrectedInvoice(), invoice.getPdfUrl()); for (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary : invoice.getAccountBudgetSummariesList()) { System.out.printf( " - Account budget '%s':\n" + " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" + " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" + " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" + " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" + " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudget(), accountBudgetSummary.getAccountBudgetName(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomer(), accountBudgetSummary.getCustomerDescriptiveName(), accountBudgetSummary.getPurchaseOrderNumber(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getStartDate(), accountBudgetSummary.getBillableActivityDateRange().getEndDate(), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getSubtotalAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTaxAmountMicros()), convertMicrosToCurrency(accountBudgetSummary.getTotalAmountMicros())); } }
// information. foreach (Invoice invoice in response.Invoices) { Console.WriteLine( "- Found the invoice '{0}':\n" + " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{1}'\n" + " Type: {2}\n" + " Billing setup ID: '{3}'\n" + " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{4}'\n" + " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{5}'\n" + " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {6}\n" + " Due date: {7}\n" + " Currency code: {8}\n" + " Service date range (inclusive): from {9} to {10}\n" + " Adjustments: subtotal '{11}', tax '{12}', total '{13}'\n" + " Regulatory costs: subtotal '{14}', tax '{15}', total '{16}'\n" + " Replaced invoices: '{17}'\n" + " Amounts: subtotal '{18}', tax '{19}', total '{20}'\n" + " Corrected invoice: '{21}'\n" + " PDF URL: '{22}'\n" + " Account budgets:\n", invoice.ResourceName, invoice.Id, invoice.Type.ToString(), invoice.BillingSetup, invoice.PaymentsAccountId, invoice.PaymentsProfileId, invoice.IssueDate, invoice.DueDate, invoice.CurrencyCode, invoice.ServiceDateRange.StartDate, invoice.ServiceDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.AdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.RegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros), invoice.ReplacedInvoices.Count > 0 ? string.Join("', '", invoice.ReplacedInvoices) : "none", FormatMicros(invoice.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(invoice.TotalAmountMicros), string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.CorrectedInvoice) ? invoice.CorrectedInvoice : "none", invoice.PdfUrl); foreach (AccountBudgetSummary accountBudgetSummary in invoice.AccountBudgetSummaries) { Console.WriteLine( "\t- Account budget '{0}':\n" + "\t Name (also known as Account Budget): '{1}'\n" + "\t Customer (also known as Account ID): '{2}'\n" + "\t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{3}'\n" + "\t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{4}'\n" + "\t Billing activity date range (inclusive): from {5} to {6}\n" + "\t Amounts: subtotal '{7}', tax '{8}', total '{9}'\n", accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudget, accountBudgetSummary.AccountBudgetName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.Customer, accountBudgetSummary.CustomerDescriptiveName ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.PurchaseOrderNumber ?? "none", accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.StartDate, accountBudgetSummary.BillableActivityDateRange.EndDate, FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.SubtotalAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TaxAmountMicros), FormatMicros(accountBudgetSummary.TotalAmountMicros)); } }
// Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. foreach ($response->getInvoices() as $invoice) { /** @var Invoice $invoice */ printf( "- Found the invoice '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Type: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Billing setup ID: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s" . PHP_EOL . " Due date: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Currency code: %s" . PHP_EOL . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Replaced invoices: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL . " Corrected invoice: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " PDF URL: '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Account budgets:" . PHP_EOL, $invoice->getResourceName(), $invoice->getId(), InvoiceType::name($invoice->getType()), $invoice->getBillingSetup(), $invoice->getPaymentsAccountId(), $invoice->getPaymentsProfileId(), $invoice->getIssueDate(), $invoice->getDueDate(), $invoice->getCurrencyCode(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getStartDate(), $invoice->getServiceDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getAdjustmentsTotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getRegulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getReplacedInvoices() ? implode( "', '", iterator_to_array($invoice->getReplacedInvoices()->getIterator()) ) : 'none', Helper::microToBase($invoice->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($invoice->getTotalAmountMicros()), $invoice->getCorrectedInvoice() ?: 'none', $invoice->getPdfUrl() ); foreach ($invoice->getAccountBudgetSummaries() as $accountBudgetSummary) { /** @var AccountBudgetSummary $accountBudgetSummary */ printf( " - Account budget '%s':" . PHP_EOL . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'" . PHP_EOL . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s" . PHP_EOL . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'" . PHP_EOL, $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudget(), $accountBudgetSummary->getAccountBudgetName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomer(), $accountBudgetSummary->getCustomerDescriptiveName() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getPurchaseOrderNumber() ?: 'none', $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getStartDate(), $accountBudgetSummary->getBillableActivityDateRange()->getEndDate(), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getSubtotalAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTaxAmountMicros()), Helper::microToBase($accountBudgetSummary->getTotalAmountMicros()) ); } }
for invoice in response.invoices: print( f""" - Found the invoice {invoice.resource_name} ID (also known as Invoice Number): '{}' Type: {invoice.type_} Billing setup ID: '{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): {invoice.issue_date} Due date: {invoice.due_date} Currency code: {invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from {invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to {invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)} Regulatory costs: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)} Replaced invoices: {invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") if invoice.replaced_invoices else "none"} Amounts: subtotal {_micros_to_currency(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)} tax {_micros_to_currency(invoice.tax_amount_micros)} total {_micros_to_currency(invoice.total_amount_micros)} Corrected invoice: {invoice.corrected_invoice or "none"} PDF URL: {invoice.pdf_url} Account budgets: """ ) for account_budget_summary in invoice.account_budget_summaries: print( f""" - Account budget '{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': Name (also known as Account Budget): '{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' Customer (also known as Account ID): '{account_budget_summary.customer}' Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' Billing activity date range (inclusive): from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} Amounts: subtotal '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' total '{_micros_to_currency(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' """ )
# Iterates over all invoices retrieved and prints their information. response.invoices.each do |invoice| puts <<~OUTPUT - Found the invoice '#{invoice.resource_name}' ID (also known as Invoice Number): '#{}' Type: #{invoice.type} Billing Setup ID: '#{invoice.billing_setup}' Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '#{invoice.payments_account_id}' Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '#{invoice.payments_profile_id}' Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): #{invoice.issue_date} Due date: #{invoice.due_date} Currency code: #{invoice.currency_code} Service date range (inclusive): from #{invoice.service_date_range.start_date} to #{invoice.service_date_range.end_date} Adjustments: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.adjustments_total_amount_micros)}' Regulatory costs: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.regulatory_costs_total_amount_micros)}' Replaced invoices: '#{invoice.replaced_invoices ? invoice.replaced_invoices.join(", ") : 'none'}' Amounts: subtotal '#{micro_to_base(invoice.subtotal_amount_micros)}' tax '#{micro_to_base(invoice.tax_amount_micros)}' total '#{micro_to_base(invoice.total_amount_micros)}' Corrected invoice: '#{invoice.corrected_invoices ? invoice.corrected_invoices : 'none'}' PDF URL: '#{invoice.pdf_url}' Account budgets: OUTPUT invoice.account_budget_summaries.each do |account_budget_summary| puts <<~OUTPUT \tAccount budget '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget}': \t Name (also known as Account Budget): '#{account_budget_summary.account_budget_name}' \t Customer (also known as Account ID): '#{account_budget_summary.customer}' \t Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '#{account_budget_summary.customer_descriptive_name}' \t Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '#{account_budget_summary.purchase_order_number}' \t Billing activity date range (inclusive): \t from #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.start_date} \t to #{account_budget_summary.billable_activity_date_range.end_date} \t Amounts: \t subtotal '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.subtotal_amount_micros)}' \t tax '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.tax_amount_micros)}' \t total '#{micro_to_base(account_budget_summary.total_amount_micros)}' OUTPUT end end
# Iterate over all invoices retrieved and print their information. foreach my $invoice (@$response) { printf "- Found the invoice '%s':\n" . " ID (also known as Invoice Number): '%s'\n" . " Type: %s\n" . " Billing setup ID: '%s'\n" . " Payments account ID (also known as Billing Account Number): '%s'\n" . " Payments profile ID (also known as Billing ID): '%s'\n" . " Issue date (also known as Invoice Date): %s\n" . " Due date: %s\n" . " Currency code: %s\n" . " Service date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Adjustments: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Regulatory costs: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Replaced invoices: '%s'\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n" . " Corrected invoice: '%s'\n" . " PDF URL: '%s'\n" . " Account budgets:\n", $invoice->{resourceName}, $invoice->{id}, $invoice->{type}, $invoice->{billingSetup}, $invoice->{paymentsAccountId}, $invoice->{paymentsProfileId}, $invoice->{issueDate}, $invoice->{dueDate}, $invoice->{currencyCode}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{startDate}, $invoice->{serviceDateRange}{endDate}, micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{adjustmentsTotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsSubtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTaxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{regulatoryCostsTotalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{replacedInvoices} ? join(',', @{$invoice->{replacedInvoices}}) : "none", micro_to_base($invoice->{subtotalAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{taxAmountMicros}), micro_to_base($invoice->{totalAmountMicros}), $invoice->{correctedInvoice} ? $invoice->{correctedInvoice} : "none", $invoice->{pdfUrl}; foreach my $account_budget_summary (@{$invoice->{accountBudgetSummaries}}) { printf " - Account budget '%s':\n" . " Name (also known as Account Budget): '%s'\n" . " Customer (also known as Account ID): '%s'\n" . " Customer descriptive name (also known as Account): '%s'\n" . " Purchase order number (also known as Purchase Order): '%s'\n" . " Billing activity date range (inclusive): from %s to %s\n" . " Amounts: subtotal '%.2f', tax '%.2f', total '%.2f'\n", $account_budget_summary->{accountBudget}, $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} ? $account_budget_summary->{accountBudgetName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{customer}, $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} ? $account_budget_summary->{customerDescriptiveName} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} ? $account_budget_summary->{purchaseOrderNumber} : "none", $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{startDate}, $account_budget_summary->{billableActivityDateRange}{endDate}, $account_budget_summary->{subtotalAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{taxAmountMicros}, $account_budget_summary->{totalAmountMicros}; } }
Descarga de un PDF de factura
Cualquier factura se puede descargar como archivo PDF. Una vez que hayas
recuperado el Invoice
, necesitarás
enviar una solicitud HTTP para la URL que se almacena en su
campo pdf_url
. Esta solicitud se debe autenticar con la misma Cuenta de Google que se usó para recuperar la factura. Es decir, debes especificar un token de acceso de OAuth generado con la Cuenta de Google en el encabezado de la solicitud Authorization: Bearer
curl --request GET \ --header "Authorization: Beareraccess token " \Invoice.pdf_url >filename.pdf
El resultado es un contenido de factura en formato PDF almacenado en el archivo filename.pdf.
Códigos de error comunes
Situación | Código de error |
Falta la configuración de facturación, el año o el mes del problema, o bien estos campos están vacíos. | RequestError.REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING
No se puede analizar la configuración de facturación, el año o el mes del problema. | FieldError.INVALID_VALUE
La solicitud es para facturas emitidas antes del 1 de enero de 2019. | InvoiceError.YEAR_MONTH_TOO_OLD
La solicitud es para un cliente que no recibe facturas. | InvoiceError.NOT_INVOICED_CUSTOMER
El usuario no tiene permiso para ver las facturas de la configuración de facturación. | AuthorizationError.ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED