Tạo chỉ số dự đoán

Chỉ số dự báo cung cấp các chỉ số cho chiến dịch đề xuất hoặc hiện có, bao gồm:

  • Số lượt hiển thị
  • Tỷ lệ nhấp chuột
  • Giá mỗi nhấp chuột trung bình
  • Lượt nhấp
  • Chi phí

Thử nghiệm các cấu hình chiến dịch khác nhau để tối ưu hoá từng chỉ số này. Dữ liệu như điểm chất lượng trước đây và tỷ lệ nhấp có thể được sử dụng trong thông tin dự đoán để mô phỏng hiệu suất dự kiến, chẳng hạn như tỷ lệ chuyển đổi.

Các chỉ số dự báo thường được sử dụng sau các chỉ số trong quá khứ. Các chỉ số trước đây giúp giảm kích thước danh sách từ khoá lớn xuống một kích thước dễ quản lý hơn. Các chỉ số dự đoán cung cấp thông tin ước tính chính xác hơn về hiệu suất của chiến dịch trong tương lai. Bắt đầu với các chỉ số trước đây của từ khoá. Sau khi bạn có thể quản lý danh sách, hãy sử dụng các chỉ số dự báo để tối ưu hoá hiệu suất của chiến dịch.

Tạo chỉ số

Để tạo chỉ số dự báo, hãy hoàn tất các bước sau:

  1. Tạo chiến dịch mà bạn muốn dự báo CampaignToForecast.
  2. Gọi KeywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics bằng CampaignToForecast đó và mọi tham số khác, chẳng hạn như forecast_period.

Tạo chiến dịch để dự báo

Dưới đây là một số mẹo khi tạo chiến dịch để dự đoán:

  • Tạo nhóm quảng cáo dựa trên các chủ đề như mức độ liên quan của mẫu quảng cáo, danh mục sản phẩm hoặc chi phí mỗi lượt nhấp.
  • Thêm các từ khoá phủ định phổ biến. Ví dụ: nếu bạn không tuyển dụng, hãy loại trừ từ khoá "việc làm".
  • Sử dụng một tài khoản có liên quan đến chiến dịch. Không dự đoán từ một tài khoản không liên quan. Google xem xét các yếu tố như điểm chất lượng và nội dung mẫu quảng cáo trong thông tin dự đoán.
  • Nếu một chiến dịch không liên quan đến phần còn lại của tài khoản, hãy sử dụng một tài khoản mới và sạch để dự đoán.
  • Lặp lại các dự báo với nhiều khoảng thời gian để có được bức tranh toàn cảnh.

Tạo chỉ số dự đoán

Ví dụ về mã tiếp theo sẽ đưa ra một yêu cầu đến KeywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics. Sau đó, hàm này sẽ lặp lại qua từng kết quả và hiển thị từng chỉ số dự báo.

Phản hồi cũng có thể trả về mã nhận dạng tạm thời trong tài nguyên, ví dụ: customers/CUSTOMER_ID/keywordPlanCampaigns/-1.

private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, Long customerId) {
  CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = createCampaignToForecast(googleAdsClient);
  GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest request =
                  // Sets the forecast start date to tomorrow.
                  .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                  // Sets the forecast end date to 30 days from today.
                  .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(30).toString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
  try (KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient()) {
    GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsResponse response =
    KeywordForecastMetrics metrics = response.getCampaignForecastMetrics();
        "Estimated daily clicks: %s%n", metrics.hasClicks() ? metrics.getClicks() : null);
        "Estimated daily impressions: %s%n",
        metrics.hasImpressions() ? metrics.getImpressions() : null);
        "Estimated average CPC (micros): %s%n",
        metrics.hasAverageCpcMicros() ? metrics.getAverageCpcMicros() : null);

 * Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out various
 * configurations and keywords to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once
 * you've found the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google Ads
 * account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see:
 * <p>https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575
 * @param googleAdsClient
 * @return
private CampaignToForecast createCampaignToForecast(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient) {
  CampaignToForecast.Builder campaignToForecastBuilder =

  // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets for the list of
  // geo target IDs.
          // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA.

  // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages for
  // the list of language criteria IDs. Language constant 1000 is for English.

  // Create forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category, or
  // cost per click.
  ForecastAdGroup.Builder forecastAdGroupBuilder = ForecastAdGroup.newBuilder();
                  .setText("mars cruise")

                  .setText("cheap cruise")

                  .setText("jupiter cruise")

      KeywordInfo.newBuilder().setText("moon walk").setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.BROAD));

  return campaignToForecastBuilder.build();
public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
    CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = CreateCampaignToForecast();

    KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient keywordPlanIdeaService =

    GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest request = new GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest()
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        Campaign = campaignToForecast,
        ForecastPeriod = new DateRange()
            // Set the forecast start date to tomorrow.
            StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
            // Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today.
            EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),

        GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsResponse response =

        KeywordForecastMetrics metrics = response.CampaignForecastMetrics;

        Console.WriteLine($"Estimated daily clicks: {metrics.Clicks}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"Estimated daily impressions: {metrics.Impressions}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"Estimated average cpc (micros): {metrics.AverageCpcMicros}.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");

/// <summary>
/// Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out
/// various configuration and keywords to find the best optimization for your
/// future campaigns. Once you've found the best campaign configuration,
/// create a serving campaign in your Google Ads account with similar values
/// and keywords. For more details, see:
/// https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575
/// </summary>
private CampaignToForecast CreateCampaignToForecast()
    CampaignToForecast campaignToForecast = new CampaignToForecast()
        KeywordPlanNetwork = KeywordPlanNetwork.GoogleSearch,
        BiddingStrategy = new CampaignToForecast.Types.CampaignBiddingStrategy()
            ManualCpcBiddingStrategy = new ManualCpcBiddingStrategy()
                MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_000_000

    // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
    // for the list of geo target IDs.
    campaignToForecast.GeoModifiers.Add(new CriterionBidModifier()
        // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA.
        GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(2840)

    // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages
    // for the list of language criteria IDs.
    // Language constant 1000 is for English.

    // Create forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category,
    // or cost per click.
    ForecastAdGroup forecastAdGroup = new ForecastAdGroup();

    forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword()
        MaxCpcBidMicros = 2_500_000,
        Keyword = new KeywordInfo()
            Text = "mars cruise",
            MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad

    forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword()
        MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_500_000,
        Keyword = new KeywordInfo()
            Text = "cheap cruise",
            MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Phrase

    forecastAdGroup.BiddableKeywords.Add(new BiddableKeyword()
        MaxCpcBidMicros = 1_990_000,
        Keyword = new KeywordInfo()
            Text = "jupiter cruise",
            MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad

    forecastAdGroup.NegativeKeywords.Add(new KeywordInfo()
        Text = "moon walk",
        MatchType = KeywordMatchType.Broad


    return campaignToForecast;
public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId
): void {
    $campaignToForecast = self::createCampaignToForecast();
    $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient();
    // Generates keyword forecast metrics based on the specified parameters.
    $response = $keywordPlanIdeaServiceClient->generateKeywordForecastMetrics(
        new GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest([
            'customer_id' => $customerId,
            'campaign' => $campaignToForecast,
            'forecast_period' => new DateRange([
                // Sets the forecast start date to tomorrow.
                'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')),
                // Sets the forecast end date to 30 days from today.
                'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+30 days'))

    $metrics = $response->getCampaignForecastMetrics();
        "Estimated daily clicks: %s%s",
        $metrics->hasClicks() ? sprintf("%.2f", $metrics->getClicks()) : "'none'",
        "Estimated daily impressions: %s%s",
        $metrics->hasImpressions() ? sprintf("%.2f", $metrics->getImpressions()) : "'none'",
        "Estimated average CPC (micros): %s%s",
            ? sprintf("%d", $metrics->getAverageCpcMicros()) : "'none'",

 * Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out various
 * configurations and keywords to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once
 * you've found the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google Ads
 * account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see:
 * https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575
 * @return CampaignToForecast the created campaign to forecast
private static function createCampaignToForecast(): CampaignToForecast
    // Creates a campaign to forecast.
    $campaignToForecast = new CampaignToForecast([
        'keyword_plan_network' => KeywordPlanNetwork::GOOGLE_SEARCH,
        'bidding_strategy' => new CampaignBiddingStrategy([
            'manual_cpc_bidding_strategy' => new ManualCpcBiddingStrategy([
                'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_000_000
        // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets for the
        // list of geo target IDs.
        'geo_modifiers' => [
            new CriterionBidModifier([
                // Geo target constant 2840 is for USA.
                'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(2840)
        // See
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages
        // for the list of language criteria IDs. Language constant 1000 is for English.
        'language_constants' => [ResourceNames::forLanguageConstant(1000)],

    // Creates forecast ad group based on themes such as creative relevance, product category,
    // or cost per click.
    $forecastAdGroup = new ForecastAdGroup([
        'biddable_keywords' => [
            new BiddableKeyword([
                'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 2_500_000,
                'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([
                    'text' => 'mars cruise',
                    'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD
            new BiddableKeyword([
                'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_500_000,
                'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([
                    'text' => 'cheap cruise',
                    'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::PHRASE
            new BiddableKeyword([
                'max_cpc_bid_micros' => 1_990_000,
                'keyword' => new KeywordInfo([
                    'text' => 'jupiter cruise',
                    'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD
        'negative_keywords' => [
            new KeywordInfo([
                'text' => 'moon walk',
                'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::BROAD

    return $campaignToForecast;
def main(client, customer_id):
    """The main method that creates all necessary entities for the example.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
    campaign_to_forecast = create_campaign_to_forecast(client)
    generate_forecast_metrics(client, customer_id, campaign_to_forecast)

def create_campaign_to_forecast(client):
    """Creates the campaign to forecast.

    A campaign to forecast lets you try out various configurations and keywords
    to find the best optimization for your future campaigns. Once you've found
    the best campaign configuration, create a serving campaign in your Google
    Ads account with similar values and keywords. For more details, see:

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.

        An CampaignToForecast instance.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    # Create a campaign to forecast.
    campaign_to_forecast = client.get_type("CampaignToForecast")
    campaign_to_forecast.keyword_plan_network = (

    # Set the bidding strategy.
    campaign_to_forecast.bidding_strategy.manual_cpc_bidding_strategy.max_cpc_bid_micros = (

    # For the list of geo target IDs, see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
    criterion_bid_modifier = client.get_type("CriterionBidModifier")
    # Geo target constant 2840 is for USA.
    criterion_bid_modifier.geo_target_constant = (

    # For the list of language criteria IDs, see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages
    # Language criteria 1000 is for English.

    # Create forecast ad groups based on themes such as creative relevance,
    # product category, or cost per click.
    forecast_ad_group = client.get_type("ForecastAdGroup")

    # Create and configure three BiddableKeyword instances.
    biddable_keyword_1 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword")
    biddable_keyword_1.max_cpc_bid_micros = 2500000
    biddable_keyword_1.keyword.text = "mars cruise"
    biddable_keyword_1.keyword.match_type = (

    biddable_keyword_2 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword")
    biddable_keyword_2.max_cpc_bid_micros = 1500000
    biddable_keyword_2.keyword.text = "cheap cruise"
    biddable_keyword_2.keyword.match_type = (

    biddable_keyword_3 = client.get_type("BiddableKeyword")
    biddable_keyword_3.max_cpc_bid_micros = 1990000
    biddable_keyword_3.keyword.text = "cheap cruise"
    biddable_keyword_3.keyword.match_type = (

    # Add the biddable keywords to the forecast ad group.
        [biddable_keyword_1, biddable_keyword_2, biddable_keyword_3]

    # Create and configure a negative keyword, then add it to the forecast ad
    # group.
    negative_keyword = client.get_type("KeywordInfo")
    negative_keyword.text = "moon walk"
    negative_keyword.match_type = client.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.BROAD


    return campaign_to_forecast

def generate_forecast_metrics(client, customer_id, campaign_to_forecast):
    """Generates forecast metrics and prints the results.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        campaign_to_forecast: a CampaignToForecast to generate metrics for.
    keyword_plan_idea_service = client.get_service("KeywordPlanIdeaService")
    request = client.get_type("GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.campaign = campaign_to_forecast
    # Set the forecast range. Repeat forecasts with different horizons to get a
    # holistic picture.
    # Set the forecast start date to tomorrow.
    tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
    request.forecast_period.start_date = tomorrow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    # Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today.
    thirty_days_from_now = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=30)
    request.forecast_period.end_date = thirty_days_from_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    response = keyword_plan_idea_service.generate_keyword_forecast_metrics(

    metrics = response.campaign_forecast_metrics
    print(f"Estimated daily clicks: {metrics.clicks}")
    print(f"Estimated daily impressions: {metrics.impressions}")
    print(f"Estimated daily average CPC: {metrics.average_cpc_micros}")
This example is not yet available in Ruby; you can take a look at the other languages.
sub generate_forecast_metrics {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  my $campaign_to_forecast = create_campaign_to_forecast();

  my $keyword_forecast_metrics_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      campaign   => $campaign_to_forecast,
      # Set the forecast range. Repeat forecasts with different horizons
      # to get a holistic picture.
      forecastPeriod => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::DateRange->new({
          # Set the forecast start date to tomorrow.
          startDate => strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)),
          # Set the forecast end date to 30 days from today.
          endDate => strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30))})

  my $metrics = $keyword_forecast_metrics_response->{campaignForecastMetrics};

  printf "Estimated daily clicks: %s.\n",
    defined $metrics->{clicks} ? $metrics->{clicks} : "undef";
  printf "Estimated daily impressions: %s.\n",
    defined $metrics->{impressions} ? $metrics->{impressions} : "undef";
  printf "Estimated average cpc (micros): %s.\n\n",
    defined $metrics->{averageCpcMicros}
    ? $metrics->{averageCpcMicros}
    : "undef";

  return 1;

# Creates the campaign to forecast. A campaign to forecast lets you try out
# various configuration and keywords to find the best optimization for your
# future campaigns. Once you've found the best campaign configuration,
# create a serving campaign in your Google Ads account with similar values
# and keywords. For more details, see:
# https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575
sub create_campaign_to_forecast {
  my ($api_client) = @_;

  # Create a campaign to forecast.
  my $campaign_to_forecast =
    ->new({keywordPlanNetwork => 'GOOGLE_SEARCH'});

  # Set the bidding strategy.
  $campaign_to_forecast->{biddingStrategy}->{manualCpcBiddingStrategy} =
    ->new({maxCpcBidMicros => 1000000});

  # See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
  # for the list of geo target IDs.
  $campaign_to_forecast->{geoModifiers} = [
        # Geo target constant 2840 is for USA.
        geoTargetConstant =>

  # See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#languages
  # for the list of language criteria IDs.
  $campaign_to_forecast->{languageConstants} = [
    # Language criteria 1000 is for English.

  # Create forecast ad groups based on themes such as creative relevance,
  # product category, or cost per click.
  $campaign_to_forecast->{adGroups} = [
        biddableKeywords => [
              maxCpcBidMicros => 2500000,
              keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({
                  text      => "mars cruise",
                  matchType => 'BROAD'
              maxCpcBidMicros => 1500000,
              keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({
                  text      => "cheap cruise",
                  matchType => 'PHRASE'
              maxCpcBidMicros => 1990000,
              keyword => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordInfo->new({
                  text      => "jupiter cruise",
                  matchType => 'EXACT'
        negativeKeywords => [
              text      => "moon walk",
              matchType => 'BROAD'

  return $campaign_to_forecast;


Liên kết đến giao diện người dùng

KeywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics có chức năng tương tự trong Công cụ lập kế hoạch từ khoá của giao diện người dùng Google Ads.