Gửi yêu cầu thay đổi

Giờ đây, khi đã biết cách tạo các thao tác thay đổi cho các thực thể riêng lẻ cần thiết để tạo một chiến dịch Thông minh mới, chúng ta có thể kết hợp các thao tác này thành một yêu cầu duy nhất để tạo tất cả các thao tác đó cùng một lúc.

Sau đây là các lợi ích của việc sử dụng một yêu cầu thay đổi duy nhất:

  • Giảm độ phức tạp vì các thực thể này không được chia sẻ và phụ thuộc nhiều vào nhau.
  • Ngăn các thực thể không có chủ sở hữu tồn tại nếu một trong các thao tác không thành công vì bất kỳ lý do gì.

Xin lưu ý rằng khi sử dụng tên tài nguyên tạm thời để tạo thực thể trong một yêu cầu như thế này, điều quan trọng là bạn phải sắp xếp các thao tác sao cho các thực thể có phần phụ thuộc được tạo trước.

 * Sends a mutate request with a group of mutate operations.
 * <p>The {@link GoogleAdsServiceClient} allows batching together a list of operations. These are
 * executed sequentially, and later operations my refer to previous operations via temporary IDs.
 * For more detail on this, please refer to
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/batch-processing/temporary-ids.
private void sendMutateRequest(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, List<MutateOperation> operations) {
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    MutateGoogleAdsResponse outerResponse = client.mutate(String.valueOf(customerId), operations);
    for (MutateOperationResponse innerResponse :
        outerResponse.getMutateOperationResponsesList()) {
      OneofDescriptor oneofDescriptor =
              .filter(o -> o.getName().equals("response"))
      Message createdEntity =
      String resourceName =
          "Created a(n) %s with resource name: '%s'.%n",
          createdEntity.getClass().getSimpleName(), resourceName);
// The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later provide to
// the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the entities in a single
// request. Since the entities for a Smart campaign are closely tied to one-another
// it's considered a best practice to create them in a single Mutate request; the
// entities will either all complete successfully or fail entirely, leaving no
// orphaned entities. See:
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
MutateOperation campaignBudgetOperation =
    CreateCampaignBudgetOperation(customerId, suggestedBudgetAmount);
MutateOperation smartCampaignOperation =
MutateOperation smartCampaignSettingOperation =
    CreateSmartCampaignSettingOperation(customerId, businessProfileLocation,
IEnumerable<MutateOperation> campaignCriterionOperations =
    CreateCampaignCriterionOperations(customerId, keywordThemeInfos,
MutateOperation adGroupOperation = CreateAdGroupOperation(customerId);
MutateOperation adGroupAdOperation = CreateAdGroupAdOperation(customerId,

// Send the operations in a single mutate request.
MutateGoogleAdsRequest mutateGoogleAdsRequest = new MutateGoogleAdsRequest
    CustomerId = customerId.ToString()
// It's important to create these entities in this order because they depend on
// each other, for example the SmartCampaignSetting and ad group depend on the
// campaign, and the ad group ad depends on the ad group.

MutateGoogleAdsResponse response =

    // The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later provide to the
    // GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the entities in a single request.
    // Since the entities for a Smart campaign are closely tied to one-another it's considered
    // a best practice to create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete
    // successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities.
    // See: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview.
    $campaignBudgetOperation = self::createCampaignBudgetOperation(
    $smartCampaignOperation = self::createSmartCampaignOperation($customerId);
    $smartCampaignSettingOperation = self::createSmartCampaignSettingOperation(
    $campaignCriterionOperations = self::createCampaignCriterionOperations(
    $adGroupOperation = self::createAdGroupOperation($customerId);
    $adGroupAdOperation = self::createAdGroupAdOperation($customerId, $adSuggestions);

    // Issues a single mutate request to add the entities.
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->mutate(MutateGoogleAdsRequest::build(
        // It's important to create these entities in this order because they depend on
        // each other, for example the SmartCampaignSetting and ad group depend on the
        // campaign, and the ad group ad depends on the ad group.

# The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
# provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
# entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Smart campaign
# are closely tied to one-another it's considered a best practice to
# create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete successfully
# or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
campaign_budget_operation = create_campaign_budget_operation(
    client, customer_id, suggested_budget_amount
smart_campaign_operation = create_smart_campaign_operation(
    client, customer_id
smart_campaign_setting_operation = create_smart_campaign_setting_operation(
    client, customer_id, business_profile_location, business_name
campaign_criterion_operations = create_campaign_criterion_operations(
    client, customer_id, keyword_theme_infos, suggestion_info
ad_group_operation = create_ad_group_operation(client, customer_id)
ad_group_ad_operation = create_ad_group_ad_operation(
    client, customer_id, ad_suggestions

googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

# Send the operations into a single Mutate request.
response = googleads_service.mutate(
        # It's important to create these entities in this order because
        # they depend on each other, for example the SmartCampaignSetting
        # and ad group depend on the campaign, and the ad group ad depends
        # on the ad group.
        # Expand the list of campaign criterion operations into the list of
        # other mutate operations

# The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
# provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
# entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Smart campaign
# are closely tied to one-another it's considered a best practice to
# create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete successfully
# or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
mutate_operations = []

# It's important to create these operations in this order because
# they depend on each other, for example the SmartCampaignSetting
# and ad group depend on the campaign, and the ad group ad depends
# on the ad group.
mutate_operations << create_campaign_budget_operation(

mutate_operations << create_smart_campaign_operation(

mutate_operations << create_smart_campaign_setting_operation(

mutate_operations += create_campaign_criterion_operations(

mutate_operations << create_ad_group_operation(client, customer_id)

mutate_operations << create_ad_group_ad_operation(

# Sends the operations into a single Mutate request.
response = client.service.google_ads.mutate(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  mutate_operations: mutate_operations,

# The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later provide to the
# GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the entities in a single
# request. Since the entities for a Smart campaign are closely tied to one-another
# it's considered a best practice to create them in a single Mutate request; the
# entities will either all complete successfully or fail entirely, leaving no
# orphaned entities. See:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
my $campaign_budget_operation =
  _create_campaign_budget_operation($customer_id, $suggested_budget_amount);
my $smart_campaign_operation = _create_smart_campaign_operation($customer_id);
my $smart_campaign_setting_operation =
  $business_profile_location, $business_name);
my $campaign_criterion_operations =
  _create_campaign_criterion_operations($customer_id, $keyword_theme_infos,
my $ad_group_operation = _create_ad_group_operation($customer_id);
my $ad_group_ad_operation =
  _create_ad_group_ad_operation($customer_id, $ad_suggestions);

# It's important to create these entities in this order because they depend on
# each other. For example, the SmartCampaignSetting and ad group depend on the
# campaign and the ad group ad depends on the ad group.
my $mutate_operations = [
  $campaign_budget_operation, $smart_campaign_operation,
  # Expand the list of campaign criterion operations into the list of
  # other mutate operations.
  $ad_group_operation, $ad_group_ad_operation

# Send the operations in a single mutate request.
my $mutate_google_ads_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->mutate({
  customerId       => $customer_id,
  mutateOperations => $mutate_operations
