Reklamlarınızı yalnızca belirli kitle segmentlerine veya seçtiğiniz belirli içeriklerde gösterilecek şekilde daraltmak isteyip istemediğinizi belirtmek için reklam gruplarınızda veya kampanyalarınızda hedefleme ayarını kullanın.
Hedefleme ayarını ayarlama
alanını bir target_restrictions
dizisiyle ayarlayarak çeşitli ölçüt türlerinizin hedefleme için nasıl kullanıldığıyla ilgili ayrıntıları ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Her TargetRestriction
, bir ölçüt türünün bid_only
seçeneğini kullanıp kullanmadığını kontrol etmenize olanak tanır.
değerini true
olarak ayarladığınızda hedefleme ayarı "Gözlem" olarak ayarlanır ve ölçütler trafiği kısıtlamak için kullanılmaz ancak listelerinizdeki farklı kullanıcılar için farklı teklifler vermenize olanak tanır. bid_only
değerini false
olarak ayarlamak, hedefleme ayarını "Hedefleme" olarak ayarlar ve reklam grubu trafiğini yalnızca hedeflenen listedeki kullanıcılarla sınırlamak için ölçütleri etkinleştirir.
En iyi uygulamalar
Varsayılan olarak bid_only
, false
olarak ayarlanır. Bu, hedefleme ayarının "Hedefleme" olarak ayarlanacağı anlamına gelir. Bir arama ağı veya Alışveriş kampanyasına kitle segmentleri ekliyorsanız hedefleme ayarını bid_only
yerine true
olarak değiştirerek "Gözlem" olarak ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Arama Ağı reklamları için kitle segmentleri içeren bir yinelenen kampanya oluşturuyorsanız bid_only
hedeflemesini false
olarak ayarlayın.
Üst kampanyada targeting_setting
ayarlanmışsa AdGroup
kampanyasında targeting_setting
ekleyemez veya güncelleyemezsiniz. targeting_setting
, üst öğe Campaign
'te ayarlanmışsa önce üst öğe Campaign
'te targeting_setting
'yi kaldırmanız gerekir. Benzer şekilde, Campaign
'de ayarlamak için önce AdGroup
'daki targeting_setting
'yi kaldırmanız gerekir.
Hedefleme ayarını alma
Hedeflemenizin istediğiniz şekilde ayarlandığını doğrulamak için bir arama sorgusunda ad_group
kaynağından ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
alanını isteyerek reklam gruplarında veya kampanyalarda targeting_setting
değerini kontrol edin.
Bu örnekte, bir reklam grubundaki targeting_setting
güncellenir. Böylece, bid_only
değerine sahip TargetRestriction
örnekleri için true
olur. Bu da reklam grubundaki reklamların yalnızca belirtilen kitle segmentindeki kullanıcılara gösterilmesini sağlar.
Öncelikle, sağlanan kimliğe sahip reklam grubundan tüm ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
öğelerini alın.
String searchQuery = "SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions " + "FROM ad_group " + "WHERE = " + adGroupId;
string query = $@" SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE = {adGroupId}";
$query = "SELECT,, " . "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions " . "FROM ad_group " . "WHERE = $adGroupId";
query = f""" SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE = {ad_group_id}"""
query = <<~QUERY SELECT,, ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group WHERE = #{ad_group_id} QUERY
my $query = "SELECT,, " . "ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions FROM ad_group " . "WHERE = $ad_group_id";
Ardından, hedef kısıtlamalarını sırayla inceleyin ve TargetingSetting
nesnelerini yeniden oluşturun. Kod, targeting_dimension
ve bid_only
değeri false
olan bir TargetRestriction
ile karşılaşırsa TargetRestriction
nesnesinin bid_only
alanını true
(veya "Observation") olarak günceller ve TargetingSetting
nesnemize ekler.
Aksi takdirde, TargetRestriction
nesnesini sunucuda döndürüldüğü şekilde TargetingSetting
nesnesine ekleyin. TargetingSetting
nesnesinin tamamını yeniden oluşturmanız ve Google Ads'e geri göndermeniz gerektiğini unutmayın. Google, TargetingSetting
'da eksik olan tüm target_restrictions
öğelerinin kaldırılması gerektiğini varsayar.
for (TargetRestriction targetRestriction : targetRestrictions) { TargetingDimension targetingDimension = targetRestriction.getTargetingDimension(); boolean bidOnly = targetRestriction.getBidOnly(); System.out.printf( "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to '%b'.%n", targetingDimension, bidOnly); // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change. if (!targetingDimension.equals(TargetingDimension.AUDIENCE)) { targetingSettingBuilder.addTargetRestrictions(targetRestriction); } else if (!bidOnly) { shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the targeting // setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE target restriction to // "Observation". For more details about the targeting setting, visit // targetingSettingBuilder.addTargetRestrictions( TargetRestriction.newBuilder() .setTargetingDimensionValue(TargetingDimension.AUDIENCE_VALUE) .setBidOnly(true)); } }
foreach (TargetRestriction targetRestriction in targetRestrictions) { TargetingDimension targetingDimension = targetRestriction.TargetingDimension; bool bidOnly = targetRestriction.BidOnly; Console.WriteLine("\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension " + $"'{targetingDimension}' and bid only set to '{bidOnly}'."); // Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the // targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should // not change. if (targetingDimension != TargetingDimension.Audience) { targetingSetting.TargetRestrictions.Add(targetRestriction); } else if (!bidOnly) { shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE // target restriction to "Observation". For more details about the // targeting setting, visit // targetingSetting.TargetRestrictions.Add(new TargetRestriction { TargetingDimension = TargetingDimension.Audience, BidOnly = true }); } }
foreach ( $adGroup->getTargetingSetting()->getTargetRestrictions() as $targetRestriction ) { // Prints the results. $targetingDimension = $targetRestriction->getTargetingDimension(); $bidOnly = $targetRestriction->getBidOnly(); printf( "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid only set to " . "'%s'.%s", TargetingDimension::name($targetingDimension), $bidOnly ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL ); // Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the targeting // dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should not change. if ($targetingDimension !== TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE) { $targetRestrictions[] = $targetRestriction; } elseif (!$bidOnly) { $shouldUpdateTargetingSetting = true; // Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the // targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE // target restriction to "Observation". // For more details about the targeting setting, visit // $targetRestrictions[] = new TargetRestriction([ 'targeting_dimension' => TargetingDimension::AUDIENCE, 'bid_only' => true ]); } }
for target_restriction in target_restrictions: targeting_dimension = target_restriction.targeting_dimension bid_only = target_restriction.bid_only print( "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension " f"'{}' " f"and bid only set to '{bid_only}'." ) # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as # is if the targeting dimension has a value other than audience # because those should not change. if targeting_dimension != targeting_dimension_enum.AUDIENCE: targeting_setting.target_restrictions.append(target_restriction) elif not bid_only: should_update_targeting_setting = True # Add an audience target restriction with bid_only set to # true to the targeting setting object. This has the effect # of setting the audience target restriction to # "Observation". For more details about the targeting # setting, visit # new_target_restriction = targeting_setting.target_restrictions.add() new_target_restriction.targeting_dimension = ( targeting_dimension_enum.AUDIENCE ) new_target_restriction.bid_only = True
ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions.each do |r| # Prints the results. targeting_dimension = r.targeting_dimension bid_only = r.bid_only puts "- Targeting restriction with targeting dimension " \ "#{targeting_dimension} and bid only set to #{bid_only}." # Adds the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those should # not change. if targeting_dimension != :AUDIENCE target_restrictions << r elsif !bid_only should_update_targeting_setting = true # Adds an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the AUDIENCE # target restriction to "Observation". # For more details about the targeting setting, visit # target_restrictions << client.resource.target_restriction do |tr| tr.targeting_dimension = :AUDIENCE tr.bid_only = true end end end
foreach my $target_restriction (@target_restrictions) { my $targeting_dimension = $target_restriction->{targetingDimension}; printf "\tTargeting restriction with targeting dimension '%s' and bid " . "only set to '%s'.\n", $targeting_dimension, $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; # Add the target restriction to the TargetingSetting object as is if the # targeting dimension has a value other than AUDIENCE because those # should not change. if ($targeting_dimension ne AUDIENCE) { $target_restriction->{bidOnly} = $target_restriction->{bidOnly} ? "true" : "false"; push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $target_restriction; } elsif (!$target_restriction->{bidOnly}) { $should_update_target_setting = 1; # Add an AUDIENCE target restriction with bid_only set to true to the # targeting setting object. This has the effect of setting the # AUDIENCE target restriction to "Observation". For more details about # the targeting setting, visit # my $new_restriction = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::TargetRestriction->new({ targetingDimension => AUDIENCE, bidOnly => "true" }); push @{$targeting_setting->{targetRestrictions}}, $new_restriction; } }
Son olarak, kod güncellenmesi gereken bir hedef kısıtlamasıyla karşılaşırsa reklam grubunu yeni hedefleme ayarlarıyla günceller.
private void updateTargetingSetting( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long adGroupId, TargetingSetting targetingSetting) { // Creates the ad group service client. try (AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupServiceClient()) { // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting. AdGroup adGroup = AdGroup.newBuilder() .setResourceName(ResourceNames.adGroup(customerId, adGroupId)) .setTargetingSetting(targetingSetting) .build(); // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility to // derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the // ad group you want to change. AdGroupOperation operation = AdGroupOperation.newBuilder() .setUpdate(adGroup) .setUpdateMask(FieldMasks.allSetFieldsOf(adGroup)) .build(); // Sends the operation in a mutate request. MutateAdGroupsResponse response = adGroupServiceClient.mutateAdGroups( Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation)); // Prints the resource name of the updated object. System.out.printf( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE " + "target restriction to 'Observation'.%n", response.getResults(0).getResourceName()); } }
private void UpdateTargetingSetting(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long adGroupId, TargetingSetting targetingSetting) { // Get the AdGroupService client. AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient = client.GetService(Services.V19.AdGroupService); // Create an ad group object with the updated targeting setting. AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup { ResourceName = ResourceNames.AdGroup(customerId, adGroupId), TargetingSetting = targetingSetting }; // Construct an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks utility // to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which attributes of the // ad group you want to change. AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation { Update = adGroup, UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(adGroup) }; // Send the operation in a mutate request. MutateAdGroupsResponse response = adGroupServiceClient.MutateAdGroups(customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation }); // Print the resource name of the updated object. Console.WriteLine("Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " + $"'{response.Results.First().ResourceName}'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction " + "to 'Observation'."); }
private static function updateTargetingSetting( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId, int $adGroupId, TargetingSetting $targetingSetting ) { // Creates an ad group object with the proper resource name and updated targeting setting. $adGroup = new AdGroup([ 'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAdGroup($customerId, $adGroupId), 'targeting_setting' => $targetingSetting ]); // Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified resource name, // using the FieldMasks utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads // API which attributes of the ad group you want to change. $adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation(); $adGroupOperation->setUpdate($adGroup); $adGroupOperation->setUpdateMask(FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($adGroup)); // Issues a mutate request to update the ad group. $adGroupServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupServiceClient(); $response = $adGroupServiceClient->mutateAdGroups( MutateAdGroupsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupOperation]) ); // Prints the resource name of the updated ad group. printf( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name '%s'; set the AUDIENCE " . "target restriction to 'Observation'.%s", $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName(), PHP_EOL ); }
def update_targeting_setting( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, targeting_setting ): """Updates the given TargetingSetting of an ad group. Args: client: The Google Ads client. customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID. ad_group_id: The ad group ID for which to update the audience targeting restriction. targeting_setting: The updated targeting setting. """ # Get the AdGroupService client. ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService") # Construct an operation that will update the ad group. ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation") # Populate the ad group object with the updated targeting setting. ad_group = ad_group_operation.update ad_group.resource_name = ad_group_service.ad_group_path( customer_id, ad_group_id ) ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions.extend( targeting_setting.target_restrictions ) # Use the field_mask utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the # Google Ads API which attributes of the ad group you want to change. client.copy_from( ad_group_operation.update_mask, protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, ad_group._pb), ) # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the # updated object. mutate_ad_groups_response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation] ) print( "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " f"'{mutate_ad_groups_response.results[0].resource_name}'; set the " "audience target restriction to 'Observation'." )
def update_targeting_setting( client, customer_id, ad_group_id, targeting_setting) # Constructs an operation that will update the ad group with the specified # resource name. ad_group_resource_name = client.path.ad_group(customer_id, ad_group_id) operation = client.operation.update_resource.ad_group(ad_group_resource_name) do |ag| ag.targeting_setting = targeting_setting end # Issues a mutate request to update the ad group. response = client.service.ad_group.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id: customer_id, operations: [operation], ) # Prints the resource name of the updated ad group. puts "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resource name " \ "#{response.results.first.resource_name}; set the AUDIENCE target " \ "restriction to 'Observation'." end
sub update_targeting_setting { my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id, $targeting_setting) = @_; # Construct an ad group object with the updated targeting setting. my $ad_group = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroup->new({ resourceName => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::ad_group( $customer_id, $ad_group_id ), targetingSetting => $targeting_setting }); # Create an operation that will update the ad group, using the FieldMasks # utility to derive the update mask. This mask tells the Google Ads API which # attributes of the ad group you want to change. my $ad_group_operation = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AdGroupService::AdGroupOperation-> new({ update => $ad_group, updateMask => all_set_fields_of($ad_group)}); # Send the operation in a mutate request and print the resource name of the # updated resource. my $ad_groups_response = $api_client->AdGroupService()->mutate({ customerId => $customer_id, operations => [$ad_group_operation]}); printf "Updated targeting setting of ad group with resourceName " . "'%s'; set the AUDIENCE target restriction to 'Observation'.\n", $ad_groups_response->{results}[0]{resourceName}; }
Kampanyalar için bid_only
alanını ayarlama süreci neredeyse aynıdır.