
public class FitnessStatusCodes extends CommonStatusCodes

Fitness specific status codes, for use in Status.getStatusCode()

Constant Summary

int ACCESS_BLOCKED Status code denoting that access is blocked due to violation of the Fit platform user data policy, //, or out of compliance with Google Fit APIs terms of services, //
int AGGREGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Status code denotes that a read request specified an un-supported data type as input for aggregation.
int API_EXCEPTION Status code denotes that an API call failed.
int APP_MISMATCH Status code denotes that the app tried to insert data from the wrong app.
int APP_NOT_FIT_ENABLED Status code denotes that an app was not found in the list of connected apps in Google Fit.
int CONFLICTING_DATA_TYPE Status code denotes that the app attempted to insert a conflicting DataType, that is, there is an existing DataType with the same name and different fields.
int DATASET_TIMESTAMP_INCONSISTENT_WITH_UPDATE_TIME_RANGE Status code denotes that app attempted to update data with new dataSet's timestamp outside of update request time range.
int DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND Status code denotes that there is no local datasource available to subscribe.
int DATA_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_API Status code denotes that the data type provided isn't supported by this API call.
int DATA_TYPE_NOT_FOUND Status code denotes that the requested data type was not found.
int DISABLED_BLUETOOTH Status code denotes that Bluetooth is currently disabled.
int EQUIVALENT_SESSION_ENDED Status code denotes that a session could not be started because an equivalent session has already ended.
int INCONSISTENT_DATA_TYPE Status code denotes that the app attempted to insert a DataType whose name does not match the app's package name.
int INCONSISTENT_PACKAGE_NAME Status code denotes that app attempted to insert data for a DataSource that does not match the app's package name.
int INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE Status code denoting that the given API doesn't support the supplied activity type.
int INVALID_DATA_POINT Status code denotes that the app attempted to add invalid data.
int INVALID_PERMISSION Status code denotes that access to a requested data type was denied because the app has not been granted install/runtime permission.
int INVALID_SESSION_TIMESTAMPS Status code denotes that the app attempted to add a session with start time later than end time.
int INVALID_TIMESTAMP Status code denotes that the timestamp in the query is bad.
int MISSING_BLE_PERMISSION This constant is deprecated. Operations that require Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN will throw a SecurityException if it's not granted.
int NEEDS_OAUTH_PERMISSIONS Status code denotes that the request is missing desired OAuth permissions.
int REQUIRES_APP_WHITELISTING Status code denotes that access to a requested data type was denied because the app has not been whitelisted by Google for access to that type.
int SUCCESS_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED The subscribe request succeeded, but the subscription already existed, so it was a no-op.
int SUCCESS_LISTENER_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_FITNESS_DATA_UPDATES The PendingIntent sent by the client, to unregister itself from listening to changes to fitness store, was not found in registered listeners listening to fitness store updates.
int SUCCESS_NO_CLAIMED_DEVICE The unclaim request succeeded, but no matching claimed device was found.
int SUCCESS_NO_DATA_SOURCES The subscribe request succeeded, but no data sources are currently available that match it.
int TRANSIENT_ERROR Status code denotes that there was a transient error accessing Google Fit services.
int UNKNOWN_AUTH_ERROR Status code denotes that an unknown error occurred while trying to obtain an OAuth token.
int UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT Status code denotes that the account is not supported.
int UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM Status code denotes that the operation is not supported by Google Fit.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Constructor Summary

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int ACCESS_BLOCKED

Status code denoting that access is blocked due to violation of the Fit platform user data policy, //, or out of compliance with Google Fit APIs terms of services, //

Constant Value: 5026

public static final int AGGREGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED

Status code denotes that a read request specified an un-supported data type as input for aggregation.

Constant Value: 5012

public static final int API_EXCEPTION

Status code denotes that an API call failed.

Constant Value: 5011

public static final int APP_MISMATCH

Status code denotes that the app tried to insert data from the wrong app.

Constant Value: 5004

public static final int APP_NOT_FIT_ENABLED

Status code denotes that an app was not found in the list of connected apps in Google Fit. Signifies that either access to the app was already revoked, or the app is not registered on the developer's console.

Constant Value: 5010

public static final int CONFLICTING_DATA_TYPE

Status code denotes that the app attempted to insert a conflicting DataType, that is, there is an existing DataType with the same name and different fields.

Constant Value: 5001


Status code denotes that app attempted to update data with new dataSet's timestamp outside of update request time range.

Constant Value: 5019

public static final int DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND

Status code denotes that there is no local datasource available to subscribe.

Constant Value: 5018

public static final int DATA_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_API

Status code denotes that the data type provided isn't supported by this API call.

Constant Value: 5023

public static final int DATA_TYPE_NOT_FOUND

Status code denotes that the requested data type was not found.

Constant Value: 5003

public static final int DISABLED_BLUETOOTH

Status code denotes that Bluetooth is currently disabled.

Constant Value: 5014

public static final int EQUIVALENT_SESSION_ENDED

Status code denotes that a session could not be started because an equivalent session has already ended.

Constant Value: 5009

public static final int INCONSISTENT_DATA_TYPE

Status code denotes that the app attempted to insert a DataType whose name does not match the app's package name.

Constant Value: 5002

public static final int INCONSISTENT_PACKAGE_NAME

Status code denotes that app attempted to insert data for a DataSource that does not match the app's package name.

Constant Value: 5015

public static final int INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE

Status code denoting that the given API doesn't support the supplied activity type.

Constant Value: 5027

public static final int INVALID_DATA_POINT

Status code denotes that the app attempted to add invalid data.

Constant Value: 5021

public static final int INVALID_PERMISSION

Status code denotes that access to a requested data type was denied because the app has not been granted install/runtime permission.

Constant Value: 5025

public static final int INVALID_SESSION_TIMESTAMPS

Status code denotes that the app attempted to add a session with start time later than end time.

Constant Value: 5020

public static final int INVALID_TIMESTAMP

Status code denotes that the timestamp in the query is bad. This may be due to a bad time specified in the request or bad system time.

Constant Value: 5022

public static final int MISSING_BLE_PERMISSION

This constant is deprecated.
Operations that require Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN will throw a SecurityException if it's not granted.

Status code denotes that the app is missing the required Bluetooth permissions.

Constant Value: 5006

public static final int NEEDS_OAUTH_PERMISSIONS

Status code denotes that the request is missing desired OAuth permissions.

If an app does not have the required OAuth access for a specific API request, the request will fail with this status code. When this occurs, apps can use the pending intent inside the status object to request the necessary access before retrying the request.

Sample usage when access is missing for a request:

     PendingResult<Result> pendingResult = FitnessApi.readData(fitnessRequest);
     Result result = pendingResult.await(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
     Status = result.getStatus();

     if (!status.isSuccess()) {
          if (status.getStatusCode() == FitnessStatusCodes.NEEDS_OAUTH_PERMISSIONS) {
Constant Value: 5000

public static final int REQUIRES_APP_WHITELISTING

Status code denotes that access to a requested data type was denied because the app has not been whitelisted by Google for access to that type.

Constant Value: 5024

public static final int SUCCESS_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED

The subscribe request succeeded, but the subscription already existed, so it was a no-op.

Constant Value: -5001


The PendingIntent sent by the client, to unregister itself from listening to changes to fitness store, was not found in registered listeners listening to fitness store updates.

Constant Value: -5003

public static final int SUCCESS_NO_CLAIMED_DEVICE

The unclaim request succeeded, but no matching claimed device was found. No changes were made.

Constant Value: -5002

public static final int SUCCESS_NO_DATA_SOURCES

The subscribe request succeeded, but no data sources are currently available that match it. Recording of data will start when data sources become available.

Constant Value: -5000

public static final int TRANSIENT_ERROR

Status code denotes that there was a transient error accessing Google Fit services. Clients may retry.

Constant Value: 5008

public static final int UNKNOWN_AUTH_ERROR

Status code denotes that an unknown error occurred while trying to obtain an OAuth token.

Constant Value: 5005

public static final int UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT

Status code denotes that the account is not supported.

Constant Value: 5013

public static final int UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM

Status code denotes that the operation is not supported by Google Fit.

Constant Value: 5007

Public Constructors

public FitnessStatusCodes ()