
public final class Cast extends Object

Main entry point for the Cast APIs. This class provides APIs and interfaces to access Google Cast devices.

To use the service, construct a GoogleApiClient.Builder and pass API to GoogleApiClient.Builder.addApi(Api ). Once you have your GoogleApiClient, call GoogleApiClient.connect() and wait for the GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks#onConnected method to be called.

Device discovery on Android is performed using the Android MediaRouter APIs that debuted in Jellybean MR2 (API level 18). The MediaRouter APIs are implemented in the Android v7 Support Library. These APIs provide a simple mechanism for discovering media destinations, such as Chromecasts, bluetooth speakers, Android-powered smart TVs, and other media playback devices; and for routing media content to and controlling playback on those endpoints. These endpoints are referred to as “media routes.”

  1. The first step to using these APIs is to acquire the MediaRouter singleton. It is important for the application to hold on to the reference to this singleton for as long as the application will be using the MediaRouter APIs; otherwise it may get garbage collected at an inopportune time.
  2. Next, an appropriate route selector must be constructed. The purpose of the route selector is to filter the routes down to only those that the application is interested in such as Cast devices. It is also possible to filter the routes further by supported receiver application, in the (typical) case where the sender application expects to use a specific one.
  3. Third, a MediaRouter callback is constructed. This callback has methods that will be called by the MediaRouter whenever a route becomes available or unavailable or a route is selected by the user.

Nested Class Summary

interface Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult The result of a call to one of the Cast.CastApi.launchApplication(GoogleApiClient, String) or Cast.CastApi.joinApplication(GoogleApiClient) methods. 
interface Cast.CastApi This interface is deprecated. See Migrate Android Sender App from Cast SDK v2 to v3.  
class Cast.CastOptions API configuration parameters for Cast
class Cast.Listener The list of Cast callbacks. 
interface MessageReceivedCallback The interface to process received messages from a CastDevice

Constant Summary

int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_NO A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is not the currently active video input.
int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_UNKNOWN A constant indicating that it is not known (and/or not possible to know) whether the Google Cast device is the currently active video input.
int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_YES A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is the currently active video input.
String EXTRA_APP_NO_LONGER_RUNNING A boolean extra for the connection hint bundle passed to GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks#onConnected that indicates that the connection was re-established, but the receiver application that was in use at the time of the connection loss is no longer running on the receiver.
int MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH The maximum raw message length (in bytes) that is supported by a Cast channel.
int MAX_NAMESPACE_LENGTH The maximum length (in characters) of a namespace name.
int STANDBY_STATE_NO A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is not currently in standby.
int STANDBY_STATE_UNKNOWN A constant indicating that it is not known (and/or not possible to know) whether the Google Cast device is currently in standby.
int STANDBY_STATE_YES A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is currently in standby.

Field Summary

public static final Api<Cast.CastOptions> API Token to pass to GoogleApiClient.Builder.addApi(Api ) to enable the Cast features.
public static final Cast.CastApi CastApi An implementation of the CastApi interface.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void


public static final int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_NO

A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is not the currently active video input.

Constant Value: 0

public static final int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_UNKNOWN

A constant indicating that it is not known (and/or not possible to know) whether the Google Cast device is the currently active video input. Active input state can only be reported when the Google Cast device is connected to a TV or AVR with CEC support.

Constant Value: -1

public static final int ACTIVE_INPUT_STATE_YES

A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is the currently active video input.

Constant Value: 1

public static final String EXTRA_APP_NO_LONGER_RUNNING

A boolean extra for the connection hint bundle passed to GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks#onConnected that indicates that the connection was re-established, but the receiver application that was in use at the time of the connection loss is no longer running on the receiver.

Constant Value: ""

public static final int MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH

The maximum raw message length (in bytes) that is supported by a Cast channel.

Constant Value: 65536

public static final int MAX_NAMESPACE_LENGTH

The maximum length (in characters) of a namespace name.

Constant Value: 128

public static final int STANDBY_STATE_NO

A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is not currently in standby.

Constant Value: 0

public static final int STANDBY_STATE_UNKNOWN

A constant indicating that it is not known (and/or not possible to know) whether the Google Cast device is currently in standby. Standby state can only be reported when the Google Cast device is connected to a TV or AVR with CEC support.

Constant Value: -1

public static final int STANDBY_STATE_YES

A constant indicating that the Google Cast device is currently in standby.

Constant Value: 1


public static final Api<Cast.CastOptions> API

Token to pass to GoogleApiClient.Builder.addApi(Api ) to enable the Cast features.

public static final Cast.CastApi CastApi

An implementation of the CastApi interface. The interface is used to interact with a cast device.