
public interface MediationInterstitialAdCallback implements MediationAdCallback

Interstitial ad callbacks for a mediation adapter to communicate back to the Google Mobile Ads SDK. Mediation adapters must send these callbacks so that they can be forwarded to the publisher.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
onAdFailedToShow(String errorDescription)
This method is deprecated. Use onAdFailedToShow(AdError) instead.
abstract void
onAdFailedToShow(AdError adError)
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the interstitial ad failed to show.
abstract void
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the ad has caused the user to leave the application (for example, opened a browser).

Inherited Method Summary
abstract void
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the ad closed.
abstract void
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the ad opened.
abstract void
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the ad has been clicked.
abstract void
Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that an impression occurred on the ad.

Public Methods

public abstract void onAdFailedToShow (String errorDescription)

This method is deprecated.
Use onAdFailedToShow(AdError) instead.

Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the interstitial ad failed to show.

errorDescription An error message that describes the failure reason.

public abstract void onAdFailedToShow (AdError adError)

Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the interstitial ad failed to show.

adError AdError detailing the cause of the failure.

public abstract void onAdLeftApplication ()

Notifies the Google Mobile Ads SDK that the ad has caused the user to leave the application (for example, opened a browser).