
public class WorkoutExercises extends Object

Constants representing different exercises, such as weightlifting exercises, strength training exercises, and cardiovascular exercises. These activities usually involve repetition of the same movement for a certain duration or repetition count. Several exercises are usually performed together as part of a single session.

Exercises can be entered using the DataType.TYPE_WORKOUT_EXERCISE data type. Here's an example of creating a data point to represent 10 repetitions of bicep curls with a weight of 20kg:

     DataSource exerciseSource = new DataSource.Builder()

    DataPoint curls =
             .setTimestamp(now.getMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
             .setField(FIELD_EXERCISE, WorkoutExercises.CURLS)
             .setField(FIELD_REPETITIONS, 10)
             .setField(FIELD_RESISTANCE, 20.0f)

When adding several exercise data points as part of a larger activity, consider also adding a session for that activity to group these data points together using the SessionsClient. Several activity types may correlate with exercise sets, including:

Constant Summary

String ARNOLD_PRESS Constant representing an Arnold press.
String BACK_EXTENSION Constant representing a back extension.
String BENCH_PRESS Constant representing a bench press.
String BICEP_CURL Constant representing a bicep curl.
String BURPEE Constant representing a burpee.
String CALF_PRESS Constant representing a calf press.
String CALF_RAISE Constant representing a calf raise.
String CHEST_DIP Constant representing a chest dip.
String CHINUP Constant representing a chin-up.
String CLEAN Constant representing a clean.
String CLEAN_JERK Constant representing a clean and jerk.
String CLOSE_GRIP_BENCH_PRESS Constant representing a close-grip bench press.
String CLOSE_GRIP_PUSHUP Constant representing a close-grip pushup.
String CRUNCH Constant representing a crunch.
String DEADLIFT Constant representing a deadlift.
String DECLINE_BENCH_PRESS Constant representing a decline bench press.
String DIP Constant representing a dip.
String FLY Constant representing a fly.
String FRONT_RAISE Constant representing a front raise.
String GOOD_MORNING Constant representing a good-morning.
String HANG_CLEAN Constant representing a hang clean.
String HANG_POWER_CLEAN Constant representing a hang power clean.
String HIGH_KNEE_RUN Constant representing a high-knee run.
String HIGH_ROW Constant representing a high row.
String HIP_BRIDGE This constant is deprecated. This constant has been replaced with HIP_THRUST. Please use that one instead. This constant will be removed in a future release.
String HIP_EXTENSION Constant representing a hip extension.
String HIP_RAISE Constant representing a hip raise.
String HIP_THRUST Constant representing a hip thrust (also called a hip bridge).
String INCLINE_BENCH_PRESS Constant representing an incline bench press.
String JM_PRESS Constant representing a JM press.
String JUMPING_JACK Constant representing a jumping jack.
String LATERAL_RAISE Constant representing a lateral raise.
String LEG_CURL Constant representing a leg curl.
String LEG_EXTENSION Constant representing a leg extension.
String LEG_PRESS Constant representing a leg press.
String LEG_RAISE Constant representing a leg raise.
String LUNGE Constant representing a lunge.
String MILITARY_PRESS Constant representing a Military press.
String PIKE_PRESS Constant representing a pike press.
String PIKE_PUSHUP Constant representing a pike pushup.
String PLANK Constant representing a plank.
String POWER_CLEAN Constant representing a power clean.
String PULLDOWN Constant representing a pulldown.
String PULLOVER Constant representing a pullover.
String PULLUP Constant representing a pull-up.
String PUSHUP Constant representing a push-up, or press-up.
String RDL_DEADLIFT Constant describing an RDL, or Romanian deadlift.
String REAR_LATERAL_RAISE Constant representing a rear lateral raise.
String REAR_LUNGE Constant representing a rear lunge.
String RLD_DEADLIFT This constant is deprecated. The variable name is misspelled. Please use RDL_DEADLIFT instead. The underlying String value is the same, and this constant will be removed in an upcoming release.
String ROW Constant representing a row.
String RUSSIAN_TWIST Constant representing a Russian twist.
String SEATED_CALF_RAISE Constant representing a seated calf raise.
String SHOULDER_PRESS Constant representing a shoulder press, or "overhead press".
String SHRUG Constant representing a shrug.
String SIDE_LUNGE Constant representing a side lunge.
String SIDE_PLANK Constant representing a side plank.
String SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT Constant representing a single leg deadlift.
String SINGLE_LEG_HIP_BRIDGE Constant representing a single leg hip bridge.
String SITUP Constant representing a sit-up.
String SQUAT Constant representing a squat.
String STANDING_CALF_RAISE Constant representing a standing calf raise.
String STEP_UP Constant representing a step up.
String STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT Constant representing a straight leg deadlift.
String SWING Constant representing a swing.
String THRUSTER Constant representing a thruster.
String TRICEPS_DIP Constant representing a triceps dip.
String TRICEPS_EXTENSION Constant representing a triceps extension.
String TWISTING_CRUNCH Constant representing a twisting crunch.
String TWISTING_SITUP Constant representing a twisting sit-up.
String UPRIGHT_ROW Constant representing an upright row.
String V_UPS Constant representing a v-up.
String WALL_SIT Constant representing a wall sit.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void


public static final String ARNOLD_PRESS

Constant representing an Arnold press. This is a shoulder press that involves rotating the arms from a pronated to a supinated position.

Constant Value: "press.shoulder.arnold"

public static final String BACK_EXTENSION

Constant representing a back extension. This is a lower back exercise in which the body is bent at the waist, typically over a hyperextension bench, exercise ball or other equipment.

Constant Value: "back_extension"

public static final String BENCH_PRESS

Constant representing a bench press. This is an exercise in which the weight is pressed upwards from a lying position on a bench.

Constant Value: "press.bench"

public static final String BICEP_CURL

Constant representing a bicep curl. This is an exercise in which weight is pulled using the biceps muscle in a "curling" movement of the elbow.

Constant Value: "curl.bicep"

public static final String BURPEE

Constant representing a burpee. This is a cardio exercie which requires squatting down, kicking the feet back and extending the body, bringing the feet back in, then jumping straight up.

Constant Value: "burpee"

public static final String CALF_PRESS

Constant representing a calf press. This is a variation of the leg press in which the weight is pressed solely through movement of the ankle, thus activating the calf muscles. Like the leg press, a calf press is usually performed with the assistance of a machine and the upper body is usually kept at a fixed position.

Constant Value: "calf_press"

public static final String CALF_RAISE

Constant representing a calf raise. This is an exercise in which the body is pressed up solely through movement of the ankles, thus activating the calf muscles.

Constant Value: "calf_raise"

public static final String CHEST_DIP

Constant representing a chest dip. This is a variation of the dip in which the chest and legs are bent and hands are wider apart to focus on the chest muscles.

Constant Value: "dip.chest"

public static final String CHINUP

Constant representing a chin-up. This is an exercise similar to the pull-up in which the hands grip the bar in an underhand fashion (the palm of the hands facing the body).

Constant Value: "chinup"

public static final String CLEAN

Constant representing a clean. The lifter moves a barbell from the floor to a racked position across the deltoids. The bar is dropped at the end of the exercise.

Constant Value: "clean"

public static final String CLEAN_JERK

Constant representing a clean and jerk. The clean and jerk involves first lifting a barbell from the floor to the deltoids (clean), and then raising the barbell above the head, finishing with straight arms and legs (jerk).

Constant Value: "clean.jerk"

public static final String CLOSE_GRIP_BENCH_PRESS

Constant representing a close-grip bench press. This is a variation of the bench press in which the hands are brought closer together to focus on the triceps muscles.

Constant Value: "press.bench.close_grip"

public static final String CLOSE_GRIP_PUSHUP

Constant representing a close-grip pushup. This is a variation of the push-up where the hands are brought closer together to focus on the triceps muscles.

Constant Value: "pushup.close_grip"

public static final String CRUNCH

Constant representing a crunch. An exercise in which the shoulders are lifted off the ground by contracting the abdominal muscles.

Constant Value: "crunch"

public static final String DEADLIFT

Constant representing a deadlift. This is an exercie in which weight is pulled up by extending the hips and knee.

Constant Value: "deadlift"

public static final String DECLINE_BENCH_PRESS

Constant representing a decline bench press. This is a variation of the bench press in which the bench is inclined downwards at an angle so that the head is lower than the waist.

Constant Value: "press.bench.decline"

public static final String DIP

Constant representing a dip. This is an exercise in which the body is hanging and supported by both arms holding on to parallel bars or other supporting structures. The body weight is lifted by pressing on the arms.

Constant Value: "dip"

public static final String FLY

Constant representing a fly. This is a chest exercise in which the arms move through an arc with the elbows at a constant angle.

Constant Value: "fly"

public static final String FRONT_RAISE

Constant representing a front raise. This is a shoulder exercise in which arms are lifted in an arc in front of the body, with the elbow angle kept constant.

Constant Value: "raise.front"

public static final String GOOD_MORNING

Constant representing a good-morning. This exercise resembles bowing to greet someone, and works the lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

Constant Value: "good_morning"

public static final String HANG_CLEAN

Constant representing a hang clean. A clean in which the lift begins and ends with the bar at mid-thigh level, and involves entering a full squat.

Constant Value: "clean.hang"

public static final String HANG_POWER_CLEAN

Constant representing a hang power clean. A clean in which the lift begins and ends with the bar at mid-thigh level, and involves entering a partial squat.

Constant Value: "clean.hang_power"

public static final String HIGH_KNEE_RUN

Constant representing a high-knee run. This is a cardio exercise which requires running by bringing the knees high so that the hip makes at least a right angle.

Constant Value: "run.high_knee"

public static final String HIGH_ROW

Constant representing a high row. This is a variation of the row where the weight is pulled from a high position, activating different muscles of the back.

Constant Value: "row.high"

public static final String HIP_BRIDGE

This constant is deprecated.
This constant has been replaced with HIP_THRUST. Please use that one instead. This constant will be removed in a future release.

Constant Value: "hip_thrust"

public static final String HIP_EXTENSION

Constant representing a hip extension. This is an exercise in which weight is pulled by extending the hip. One common way to perform it is by pulling a cable with a straight leg, by moving the leg back so that the foot is behind the straight body, and the hip is fully extended.

Constant Value: "hip_extension"

public static final String HIP_RAISE

Constant representing a hip raise. This is an exercise in which the hip is raised off the ground by contracting the abdominal muscles. The legs are kept in a fixed position.

Constant Value: "hip_raise"

public static final String HIP_THRUST

Constant representing a hip thrust (also called a hip bridge). This is an exercise in which the hips are raised off the ground by pressing on the legs, until the thighs and upper body form a straight angle (or a "bridge"). Although sometimes called a "hip raise", this exercise is different from the one defined by the HIP_RAISE constant.

Constant Value: "hip_thrust"

public static final String INCLINE_BENCH_PRESS

Constant representing an incline bench press. This is a variation of the bench press in which the bench is inclined upwards at an angle so that the head is higher than the waist.

Constant Value: "press.bench.incline"

public static final String JM_PRESS

Constant representing a JM press. This is a triceps exercise in which weight is pressed up from the chest mainly through an extension of the elbow, thus focusing on the triceps.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String JUMPING_JACK

Constant representing a jumping jack. This is a cardio exercise which requires jumping between a position with arms to the side and legs together to a second position with arms straight above the head and legs wide apart.

Constant Value: "jumping_jack"

public static final String LATERAL_RAISE

Constant representing a lateral raise. This is a shoulder exercise in which arms are lifted laterally in an arc, with the elbow angle kept constant.

Constant Value: "raise.lateral"

public static final String LEG_CURL

Constant representing a leg curl. This is an exercise in which weight is pulled up with the legs by "curling" the knees.

Constant Value: "leg_curl"

public static final String LEG_EXTENSION

Constant representing a leg extension. This is an exercise in which weight is pushed up by extending the knees. It is usually performed in a seated position so that only the thighs are ketp in a fixed position and only the lower leg moves.

Constant Value: "leg_extension"

public static final String LEG_PRESS

Constant representing a leg press. This is an exercise in which weight is pushed up with the legs from a position with knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Unlike the squat, the press is usually performed with the assistance of a machine and the upper body in a fixed position.

Constant Value: "leg_press"

public static final String LEG_RAISE

Constant representing a leg raise. This is an exercise in which legs are raised up from a lying position while keeping knees and rest of the body straight.

Constant Value: "leg_raise"

public static final String LUNGE

Constant representing a lunge. This is an exercise in which weight is pressed up from a position in which one leg is in front of the body with knee bent and foot flat on the ground, and the other leg is behind the body. The body is pressed up so that both knees are straightened.

Constant Value: "lunge"

public static final String MILITARY_PRESS

Constant representing a Military press. This is a shoulder press that involves strict form and no pre-movement momentum.

Constant Value: "press.shoulder.military"

public static final String PIKE_PRESS

Constant representing a pike press. This is a shoulder-activating exercise where the body weight is pressed upwards from a V body position.

Constant Value: "press.pike"

public static final String PIKE_PUSHUP

Constant representing a pike pushup. This is a variation of the push-up targeting the shoulders.

Constant Value: "pushup.pike"

public static final String PLANK

Constant representing a plank. This is an isometric exercise in which the body weight is supported by the arms and feet, and the upper body and legs are kept straightened and rigid, facing down, in a "plank" position.

Constant Value: "plank"

public static final String POWER_CLEAN

Constant representing a power clean. A clean with a "power" receiving position which only enters a partial squat. The lift begins from the floor.

Constant Value: "clean.power"

public static final String PULLDOWN

Constant representing a pulldown. This is a back exercise in which weight is pulled down from above the body, usually performed by pulling down on a cable.

Constant Value: "pulldown"

public static final String PULLOVER

Constant representing a pullover. This is a chest exercise in which the weight is pulled over the head with elbows slightly bent.

Constant Value: "pullover"

public static final String PULLUP

Constant representing a pull-up. This is an exercise in which the body is suspended and the weight is pulled up by pulling on a bar. The hands grip the bar in an overhand fashion (the back of the hands facing the body).

Constant Value: "pullup"

public static final String PUSHUP

Constant representing a push-up, or press-up. The push-up is an exercise in which the body is lifted from a prone position by pressing with the arms.

Constant Value: "pushup"

public static final String RDL_DEADLIFT

Constant describing an RDL, or Romanian deadlift. This is a variation of the deadlift performed with a straight back.

Constant Value: "deadlift.rdl"

public static final String REAR_LATERAL_RAISE

Constant representing a rear lateral raise. This is a variation of the lateral raise in which the movement arc starts with both hands close together in front of the chest, and ends with arms raised laterally. The upper body is usually bent forwards at a 90 degree angle, but the exercise can also be performed with cables or levers.

Constant Value: "raise.lateral.rear"

public static final String REAR_LUNGE

Constant representing a rear lunge. A variation of the lunge where from a standing position one leg reaches backwards to perform the lunge.

Constant Value: "lunge.rear"

public static final String RLD_DEADLIFT

This constant is deprecated.
The variable name is misspelled. Please use RDL_DEADLIFT instead. The underlying String value is the same, and this constant will be removed in an upcoming release.

Constant Value: "deadlift.rdl"

public static final String ROW

Constant representing a row. This is a back exercise in which weights and arms are pulled back towards the body.

Constant Value: "row"

public static final String RUSSIAN_TWIST

Constant representing a Russian twist. The Russian Twist involves a repeated twisting motion of the abdomen.

Constant Value: "russian_twist"

public static final String SEATED_CALF_RAISE

Constant representing a seated calf raise. This is a variation of the calf raise performed in a sitting position which focuses on the soleus muscle.

Constant Value: "calf_raise.seated"

public static final String SHOULDER_PRESS

Constant representing a shoulder press, or "overhead press". This is an exercise in which the weight is pressed straight upwards from the shoulders.

Constant Value: "press.shoulder"

public static final String SHRUG

Constant representing a shrug. This is a trapezius-activating exercise in which weight is pulled up by only contracting the trapezius muscle, in a "shrug" movement. The starting position is similar to that of the upright row.

Constant Value: "shrug"

public static final String SIDE_LUNGE

Constant representing a side lunge. A variation of the lunge in which legs are spread to either side of the body. The exercise is performed by bending one of the knees while the other remains straightened, then pressing up.

Constant Value: "lunge.side"

public static final String SIDE_PLANK

Constant representing a side plank. This is a variation of the plank in which only one arm and foot support the body weight, and the body faces sideways.

Constant Value: "plank.side"

public static final String SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT

Constant representing a single leg deadlift. This is a variation of the deadlift in which one leg is kept at a straight angle with the upper body, and moves upwards and back at an arc as the deadlift is performed.

Constant Value: "deadlift.single_leg"

public static final String SINGLE_LEG_HIP_BRIDGE

Constant representing a single leg hip bridge. This is a variation of the hip bridge where the full weight is pressed up with a single leg, while the other is usually kept straighted and off the ground.

Constant Value: "bridge.hip.single_leg"

public static final String SITUP

Constant representing a sit-up. An exercise in which the entire back is lifted off the ground by contracting the abdominal muscles.

Constant Value: "situp"

public static final String SQUAT

Constant representing a squat. This is an exercise in which the body weight is pushed up with the legs from a position with knees bent at a 90 degree angle.

Constant Value: "squat"

public static final String STANDING_CALF_RAISE

Constant representing a standing calf raise. This is a variation of the calf raise performed in a standing position which focuses on the gastrocnemius muscle.

Constant Value: "calf_raise.standing"

public static final String STEP_UP

Constant representing a step up. This is an exercise in which the body weight is pushed up by stepping up into a higher platform with one leg.

Constant Value: "step_up"

public static final String STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT

Constant representing a straight leg deadlift. This is a variation of the dedalift in which the knee is kept at a stright angle, and the weight is pulled solely by extending the hip.

Constant Value: "deadlift.straight_leg"

public static final String SWING

Constant representing a swing. A kettlebell or other weight is swung between the legs, working the abs, glutes, hamstrings, hips, lats, shoulders and pecs.

Constant Value: "swing"

public static final String THRUSTER

Constant representing a thruster. This is an exercise which involves pressing weight up with the legs from a bent-knee position and pressing the weight up by extending the arms.

Constant Value: "thruster"

public static final String TRICEPS_DIP

Constant representing a triceps dip. This is a variation of the dip in which chest and legs are kept straight and hands close together to focus on the triceps muscle.

Constant Value: "dip.triceps"

public static final String TRICEPS_EXTENSION

Constant representing a triceps extension. This is an exercise in which weight is pressed overhead by extending the elbows.

Constant Value: "triceps_extension"

public static final String TWISTING_CRUNCH

Constant representing a twisting crunch. This is a variation of the crunch in which the waist is rotated to the side during the exercise.

Constant Value: "crunch.twisting"

public static final String TWISTING_SITUP

Constant representing a twisting sit-up. This is a variation of the sit-up in which the waist is rotated to the side during the exercise.

Constant Value: "situp.twisting"

public static final String UPRIGHT_ROW

Constant representing an upright row. This is a deltoid exercise in which weight is pulled up towards the neck, from a lower position close to the waist, with body straight.

Constant Value: "row.upright"

public static final String V_UPS

Constant representing a v-up. This is an exercie in which both the entire back and the legs are lifted off the ground simultaneously, forming a "V" with the body.

Constant Value: "vups"

public static final String WALL_SIT

Constant representing a wall sit. This is an isometric exercise in which knees and hips are kept at right angles with the back against a wall.

Constant Value: "wall_sit"