
public class RemoteMediaClient extends Object
implements Cast.MessageReceivedCallback

Class for controlling a media player application running on a receiver.

Some operations, like loading of media or adjusting volume, can be tracked. The corresponding methods return a PendingResult for this purpose. In case of error, such as having lost the connection to the service, the PendingResult will provide a status of CastStatusCodes.FAILED.

Any media session created by calling load(MediaInfo) or queueLoad(MediaQueueItem[], int, int, long, JSONObject) will be associated with a queue on the receiver application. If the media session is created by calling load(MediaInfo), then the media queue is a non-repeatable queue with a single item, and other queuing related operations such as queueInsertItems(MediaQueueItem[], int, JSONObject) and queueUpdateItems(MediaQueueItem[], JSONObject) can still be applied on top of it.

Nested Class Summary

class RemoteMediaClient.Callback The callback for tracking player status changes. 
interface RemoteMediaClient.Listener This interface is deprecated. Use RemoteMediaClient.Callback instead.  
interface RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult The result of a media command. 
interface RemoteMediaClient.ParseAdsInfoCallback The callback interface for parsing ads information from the custom data inside the MediaStatus
interface RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener The listener interface for getting updates on the progress of the currently playing media. 

Constant Summary

int RESUME_STATE_PAUSE A resume state indicating that the player should be paused, regardless of its current state.
int RESUME_STATE_PLAY A resume state indicating that the player should be playing, regardless of its current state.
int RESUME_STATE_UNCHANGED A resume state indicating that the player state should be left unchanged.
int STATUS_FAILED A status indicating that a request failed.
int STATUS_REPLACED A status indicating that the request's progress is no longer being tracked because another request of the same type has been made before the first request completed.
int STATUS_SUCCEEDED A status indicating that a request completed successfully.

Field Summary

public static final String NAMESPACE Returns the namespace used by the RemoteMediaClient to send media commands.

Public Method Summary

addListener(RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)
This method is deprecated. Use registerCallback(Callback) instead.
addProgressListener(RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener listener, long periodMs)
Adds the RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener to the progress updates.
Returns the approximate ad break clip position as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.
Returns the approximate end position (in milliseconds) of the live seekable range as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.
Returns the approximate start position (in milliseconds) of the live seekable range as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.
Returns the approximate stream position as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.
Returns the current item in the queue, or null if the queue is empty.
Returns the current idle reason.
Returns the currently loading item in the queue, or null if no item is being loaded.
Returns the current media information, or null if there isn't a media session.
Returns the associated MediaQueue.
Returns the current media status, or null if there isn't a media session.
Returns the media control namespace.
Returns the current player state.
Returns the currently preloaded item in the queue, or null if no item has been preloaded.
Convenience method for getting the stream duration.
Returns true if there is a media session, that is, media being loaded on the remote receiver.
Returns true if the current media is buffering.
Returns true if the currently loaded media is a live stream, otherwise returns false.
Returns true if the next item is being loaded.
Returns true if the current media is paused.
Returns true if the current media is playing.
Returns true if an ad is playing.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition)
This method is deprecated. Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition, long[] activeTrackIds, JSONObject customData)
This method is deprecated. Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo)
This method is deprecated. Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo, MediaLoadOptions mediaLoadOptions)
Loads a new media item with specified options.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)
This method is deprecated. Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.
load(MediaLoadRequestData loadRequestData)
Loads a new media item and/or a queue with specified options.
load(MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay)
This method is deprecated. Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.
onMessageReceived(CastDevice castDevice, String namespace, String message)
Pauses playback of the current media item.
pause(JSONObject customData)
Pauses playback of the current media item.
Begins (or resumes) playback of the current media item.
play(JSONObject customData)
Begins (or resumes) playback of the current media item.
queueAppendItem(MediaQueueItem item, JSONObject customData)
Appends a new media item to the end of the queue.
queueInsertAndPlayItem(MediaQueueItem item, int insertBeforeItemId, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)
A convenience method that inserts a single item into the queue and starts playing it at the specified position.
queueInsertAndPlayItem(MediaQueueItem item, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)
A convenience method that inserts a single item into the queue and starts playing it.
queueInsertItems(MediaQueueItem[] itemsToInsert, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)
Inserts a list of new media items into the queue.
queueJumpToItem(int itemId, JSONObject customData)
Plays the item with itemId in the queue.
queueJumpToItem(int itemId, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)
Plays the item with itemId in the queue.
queueLoad(MediaQueueItem[] items, int startIndex, int repeatMode, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)
Loads and optionally starts playback of a new queue of media items.
queueLoad(MediaQueueItem[] items, int startIndex, int repeatMode, JSONObject customData)
Loads and optionally starts playback of a new queue of media items.
queueMoveItemToNewIndex(int itemId, int newIndex, JSONObject customData)
Moves the item with itemId to a new position in the queue.
queueNext(JSONObject customData)
Jumps to the next item in the queue.
queuePrev(JSONObject customData)
Jumps to the previous item in the queue.
queueRemoveItem(int itemId, JSONObject customData)
Removes the item with itemId from the queue.
queueRemoveItems(int[] itemIdsToRemove, JSONObject customData)
Removes a list of items from the queue.
queueReorderItems(int[] itemIdsToReorder, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)
Reorders a list of media items in the queue.
queueSetRepeatMode(int repeatMode, JSONObject customData)
Sets the repeat mode of the queue.
queueUpdateItems(MediaQueueItem[] itemsToUpdate, JSONObject customData)
Updates properties of a subset of the existing items in the media queue.
registerCallback(RemoteMediaClient.Callback callback)
Registers the RemoteMediaClient.Callback to get status updates.
removeListener(RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)
This method is deprecated. Use unregisterCallback(Callback) instead.
Requests updated media status information from the receiver.
seek(long position)
This method is deprecated. Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.
seek(MediaSeekOptions seekOptions)
Seeks to a new position as specified in seekOptions.
seek(long position, int resumeState, JSONObject customData)
This method is deprecated. Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.
seek(long position, int resumeState)
This method is deprecated. Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.
setActiveMediaTracks(long[] trackIds)
Sets the active media tracks.
setPlaybackRate(double playbackRate, JSONObject customData)
Sets the playback rate for the current media item and can pass along custom data.
setPlaybackRate(double playbackRate)
Sets the playback rate for the current media item.
setStreamMute(boolean muted)
Toggles the stream muting.
setStreamMute(boolean muted, JSONObject customData)
Toggles the stream muting.
setStreamVolume(double volume, JSONObject customData)
Sets the stream volume.
setStreamVolume(double volume)
Sets the stream volume of the current media item.
setTextTrackStyle(TextTrackStyle trackStyle)
Sets the text track style.
Skips the playing ad.
stop(JSONObject customData)
Stops playback of the current media item.
Stops playback of the current media item.
Toggles remote media playback.
unregisterCallback(RemoteMediaClient.Callback callback)
Unregisters the RemoteMediaClient.Callback to stop receiving status updates.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void
abstract void
onMessageReceived(CastDevice arg0, String arg1, String arg2)


public static final int RESUME_STATE_PAUSE

A resume state indicating that the player should be paused, regardless of its current state.

Constant Value: 2

public static final int RESUME_STATE_PLAY

A resume state indicating that the player should be playing, regardless of its current state.

Constant Value: 1

public static final int RESUME_STATE_UNCHANGED

A resume state indicating that the player state should be left unchanged.

Constant Value: 0

public static final int STATUS_FAILED

A status indicating that a request failed. Equivalent to CastStatusCodes.FAILED.

Constant Value: 2100

public static final int STATUS_REPLACED

A status indicating that the request's progress is no longer being tracked because another request of the same type has been made before the first request completed. This applies to requests such as volume change, where a new request invalidates the results of a previous one. Equivalent to CastStatusCodes.REPLACED.

Constant Value: 2103

public static final int STATUS_SUCCEEDED

A status indicating that a request completed successfully. Equivalent to CastStatusCodes.SUCCESS.

Constant Value: 0


public static final String NAMESPACE

Returns the namespace used by the RemoteMediaClient to send media commands.

Public Methods

public void addListener (RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Use registerCallback(Callback) instead.

Adds the RemoteMediaClient.Listener to get status updates.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean addProgressListener (RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener listener, long periodMs)

Adds the RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener to the progress updates. A registered listener can not be registered again with a different period. You must remove the existing listener first by calling removeProgressListener(ProgressListener).

listener The RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener.
periodMs Amount of time in milliseconds between subsequent updates.
  • true if listener is added. Returns false if listener was added before.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public long getApproximateAdBreakClipPositionMs ()

Returns the approximate ad break clip position as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update. If an ad break clip is not currently playing, a default value of 0 will be returned.

  • The approximate ad break clip position, in milliseconds.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public long getApproximateLiveSeekableRangeEnd ()

Returns the approximate end position (in milliseconds) of the live seekable range as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update. For live streams, this is also the live head.

Returns 0 if the channel is not connected or if no media is currently loaded. Returns 0 if the stream is not live stream or there is no seekable range.

public long getApproximateLiveSeekableRangeStart ()

Returns the approximate start position (in milliseconds) of the live seekable range as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.

Returns 0 if the channel is not connected or if no media is currently loaded. Returns 0 if the stream is not live stream or there is no seekable range.

public long getApproximateStreamPosition ()

Returns the approximate stream position as calculated from the last received stream information and the elapsed wall-time since that update.

  • The approximate stream position, in milliseconds.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public MediaQueueItem getCurrentItem ()

Returns the current item in the queue, or null if the queue is empty.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public int getIdleReason ()

Returns the current idle reason.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public MediaQueueItem getLoadingItem ()

Returns the currently loading item in the queue, or null if no item is being loaded.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public MediaInfo getMediaInfo ()

Returns the current media information, or null if there isn't a media session.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public MediaQueue getMediaQueue ()

Returns the associated MediaQueue. To access the list containing only the previous, current, and next MediaQueueItem, see MediaStatus.getQueueItems().

public MediaStatus getMediaStatus ()

Returns the current media status, or null if there isn't a media session.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public String getNamespace ()

Returns the media control namespace.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public int getPlayerState ()

public MediaQueueItem getPreloadedItem ()

Returns the currently preloaded item in the queue, or null if no item has been preloaded.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public long getStreamDuration ()

Convenience method for getting the stream duration.

  • The stream duration, in milliseconds.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean hasMediaSession ()

Returns true if there is a media session, that is, media being loaded on the remote receiver. Otherwise returns false.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isBuffering ()

Returns true if the current media is buffering.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isLiveStream ()

Returns true if the currently loaded media is a live stream, otherwise returns false.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isLoadingNextItem ()

Returns true if the next item is being loaded.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isPaused ()

Returns true if the current media is paused.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isPlaying ()

Returns true if the current media is playing.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public boolean isPlayingAd ()

Returns true if an ad is playing.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition)

This method is deprecated.
Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new media item. The media item starts playback at playPosition.

mediaInfo An object describing the media item to load. Must not be null.
autoplay Whether playback should start immediately.
playPosition The initial playback position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition, long[] activeTrackIds, JSONObject customData)

This method is deprecated.
Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new media item. The media item starts playback at playPosition. This method optionally sends custom data as a JSONObject with the load request. Also, it optionally sends an array of track IDs that should be active. If the array is not provided, the default tracks will be used.

mediaInfo An object describing the media item to load. Must not be null.
autoplay Whether playback should start immediately.
playPosition The initial playback position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
activeTrackIds The list of track IDs to use when loading the media, may be null.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo)

This method is deprecated.
Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.

Loads and automatically starts playback of a new media item.

mediaInfo An object describing the media item to load. Must not be null
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo, MediaLoadOptions mediaLoadOptions)

Loads a new media item with specified options.

It is recommended to use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead, which is an advanced load command supporting loading a single item or a queue with additional options.

mediaInfo The media item to load.
mediaLoadOptions The load options. See MediaLoadOptions for what options that can be specified.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)

This method is deprecated.
Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new media item. The media item starts playback at playPosition. This method optionally sends custom data as a JSONObject with the load request.

mediaInfo An object describing the media item to load. Must not be null.
autoplay Whether playback should start immediately.
playPosition The initial playback position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaLoadRequestData loadRequestData)

Loads a new media item and/or a queue with specified options.

For details, review MediaLoadRequestData.

loadRequestData the data specifying how the media should be loaded.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If both mediaInfo and queueData are null.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> load (MediaInfo mediaInfo, boolean autoplay)

This method is deprecated.
Use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead.

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new media item.

mediaInfo An object describing the media item to load. Must not be null.
autoplay Whether playback should start immediately.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void onMessageReceived (CastDevice castDevice, String namespace, String message)

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> pause ()

Pauses playback of the current media item.

  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> pause (JSONObject customData)

Pauses playback of the current media item.

customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> play ()

Begins (or resumes) playback of the current media item.

  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> play (JSONObject customData)

Begins (or resumes) playback of the current media item.

customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueAppendItem (MediaQueueItem item, JSONObject customData)

Appends a new media item to the end of the queue.

item The item to append. Must not be null.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueInsertAndPlayItem (MediaQueueItem item, int insertBeforeItemId, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)

A convenience method that inserts a single item into the queue and starts playing it at the specified position.

item The item to insert. Must not be null.
insertBeforeItemId ID of the item that will be located immediately after the inserted item. If the value is MediaQueueItem.INVALID_ITEM_ID, or no item with this ID can be found, the inserted item will be appended to the end of the queue.
playPosition The initial playback position for the item when it is first played, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream. This value is ignored when the same item is played again, for example, when the queue repeats, or this item is later jumped to. In those cases the item's startTime is used.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If playPosition is negative.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueInsertAndPlayItem (MediaQueueItem item, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)

A convenience method that inserts a single item into the queue and starts playing it.

item The item to insert. Must not be null.
insertBeforeItemId ID of the item that will be located immediately after the inserted item. If the value is MediaQueueItem.INVALID_ITEM_ID, or no item with this ID can be found, the inserted item will be appended to the end of the queue.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueInsertItems (MediaQueueItem[] itemsToInsert, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)

Inserts a list of new media items into the queue.

itemsToInsert List of items to insert into the queue, in the order that they should be played. The itemId field of the items should be unassigned or the request will fail with an INVALID_PARAMS error. Must not be null or empty.
insertBeforeItemId ID of the item that will be located immediately after the inserted list. If the value is MediaQueueItem.INVALID_ITEM_ID or invalid, the inserted list will be appended to the end of the queue.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If itemsToInsert is null or empty.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueJumpToItem (int itemId, JSONObject customData)

Plays the item with itemId in the queue.

If itemId is not found in the queue, this method will report success without sending a request to the receiver.

itemId The ID of the item to which to jump.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueJumpToItem (int itemId, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)

Plays the item with itemId in the queue. The media item starts playback at playPosition.

If itemId is not found in the queue, this method will report success without sending a request to the receiver.

itemId The ID of the item to which to jump.
playPosition The initial playback position for the item when it is first played, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream. This value is ignored when the same item is played again, for example, when the queue repeats, or this item is later jumped to. In those cases the item's startTime is used.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If playPosition is negative.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueLoad (MediaQueueItem[] items, int startIndex, int repeatMode, long playPosition, JSONObject customData)

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new queue of media items. The media item at startIndex starts playback at playPosition.

It is recommended to use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead, which is an advanced load command supporting loading a single item or a queue with additional options.

items Array of items to load, in the order that they should be played. Must not be null or empty.
startIndex The array index of the item in the items array that should be played first (that is, it will become the currentItem). If repeatMode is MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_OFF playback will end when the last item in the array is played.

This may be useful for continuation scenarios where the user was already using the sender application and in the middle decides to cast. This lets the sender application avoid mapping between the local and remote queue positions and/or avoid issuing an extra request to update the queue.

This value must be less than the length of items.
repeatMode The repeat playback mode for the queue. One of MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_OFF, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_SINGLE or MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL_AND_SHUFFLE.
playPosition The initial playback position for the item at startIndex when it is first played, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream. This value is ignored if the same item is played again, for example, when the queue repeats, or this item is later jumped to. In those cases the item's startTime is used.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If items is null or empty, startIndex is out of range, or playPosition is negative.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueLoad (MediaQueueItem[] items, int startIndex, int repeatMode, JSONObject customData)

Loads and optionally starts playback of a new queue of media items.

It is recommended to use load(MediaLoadRequestData) instead, which is an advanced load command supporting loading a single item or a queue with additional options.

items Array of items to load, in the order that they should be played. Must not be null or empty.
startIndex The array index of the item in the items array that should be played first (that is, it will become the currentItem). If repeatMode is MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_OFF playback will end when the last item in the array is played.

This may be useful for continuation scenarios where the user was already using the sender application and in the middle decides to cast. This lets the sender application avoid mapping between the local and remote queue positions and/or avoid issuing an extra request to update the queue.

This value must be less than the length of items.
repeatMode The repeat playback mode for the queue. One of MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_OFF, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_SINGLE or MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL_AND_SHUFFLE.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If items is null or empty, or startIndex is out of range.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueMoveItemToNewIndex (int itemId, int newIndex, JSONObject customData)

Moves the item with itemId to a new position in the queue.

If itemId is not found in the queue, either because it wasn't there originally or it was removed by another sender before calling this method, this method will silently return without sending a request to the receiver.

itemId The ID of the item to be moved.
newIndex The new index of the item. If the value is negative, an error CastStatusCodes.INVALID_REQUEST will be returned. If the value is out of bounds, or becomes out of bounds because the queue was shortened by another sender while this request is in progress, the item will be moved to the end of the queue.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueNext (JSONObject customData)

Jumps to the next item in the queue.

customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queuePrev (JSONObject customData)

Jumps to the previous item in the queue.

customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueRemoveItem (int itemId, JSONObject customData)

Removes the item with itemId from the queue.

If itemId is not found in the queue, this method will silently return without sending a request to the receiver. A itemId may not be in the queue because it wasn't originally in the queue, or it was removed by another sender.

itemId The ID of the item to be removed.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueRemoveItems (int[] itemIdsToRemove, JSONObject customData)

Removes a list of items from the queue. If the remaining queue is empty, the media session will be terminated.

itemIdsToRemove The list of media item IDs to remove. Must not be null or empty.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueReorderItems (int[] itemIdsToReorder, int insertBeforeItemId, JSONObject customData)

Reorders a list of media items in the queue.

itemIdsToReorder The list of media item IDs to reorder, in the new order. Any other items currently in the queue will maintain their existing order. The list will be inserted just before the item specified by insertBeforeItemId, or at the end of the queue if insertBeforeItemId is MediaQueueItem.INVALID_ITEM_ID.

For example:

If insertBeforeItemId is not specified
Existing queue: "A","D","G","H","B","E"
itemIds: "D","H","B"
New Order: "A","G","E","D","H","B"

If insertBeforeItemId is "A"
Existing queue: "A","D","G","H","B"
itemIds: "D","H","B"
New Order: "D","H","B","A","G","E"

If insertBeforeItemId is "G"
Existing queue: "A","D","G","H","B"
itemIds: "D","H","B"
New Order: "A","D","H","B","G","E"

Items that do not exist will be ignored Must not be null or empty.

insertBeforeItemId ID of the item that will be located immediately after the reordered list. If set to MediaQueueItem.INVALID_ITEM_ID, the reordered list will be appended at the end of the queue.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueSetRepeatMode (int repeatMode, JSONObject customData)

Sets the repeat mode of the queue.

repeatMode The repeat playback mode for the queue. One of MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_OFF, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL, MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_SINGLE or MediaStatus.REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT_ALL_AND_SHUFFLE.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> queueUpdateItems (MediaQueueItem[] itemsToUpdate, JSONObject customData)

Updates properties of a subset of the existing items in the media queue.

itemsToUpdate List of queue items to be updated. The items will retain the existing order and will be fully replaced with the ones provided, including the media information. Any other items currently in the queue will remain unchanged. The tracks information can not change once the item is loaded (if the item is the currentItem). Items that do not exist will be ignored.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request. May be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void registerCallback (RemoteMediaClient.Callback callback)

Registers the RemoteMediaClient.Callback to get status updates.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void removeListener (RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Use unregisterCallback(Callback) instead.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void removeProgressListener (RemoteMediaClient.ProgressListener listener)

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> requestStatus ()

Requests updated media status information from the receiver. RemoteMediaClient.Listener callback will be triggered, when the updated media status has been received. This will also update the internal state of the RemoteMediaClient object with the current state of the receiver, including the current session ID. This method should be called when joining an application that supports the media control namespace.

  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> seek (long position)

This method is deprecated.
Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.

Seeks to a new position within the current media item.

position The new position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
  • a PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> seek (MediaSeekOptions seekOptions)

Seeks to a new position as specified in seekOptions.

seekOptions The options describing the seek request. Check the documentation of MediaSeekOptions for details.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> seek (long position, int resumeState, JSONObject customData)

This method is deprecated.
Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.

Seeks to a new position within the current media item.

position The new position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
resumeState The action to take after the seek operation has finished.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> seek (long position, int resumeState)

This method is deprecated.
Use seek(MediaSeekOptions) instead.

Seeks to a new position within the current media item.

position The new position, in milliseconds from the beginning of the stream.
resumeState The action to take after the seek operation has finished. One of RESUME_STATE_UNCHANGED, RESUME_STATE_PAUSE, and RESUME_STATE_PLAY.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setActiveMediaTracks (long[] trackIds)

Sets the active media tracks.

trackIds The media track IDs. If an empty array, the current set of active trackIds will be removed.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If trackIds is null.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void setParseAdsInfoCallback (RemoteMediaClient.ParseAdsInfoCallback callback)

Sets a RemoteMediaClient.ParseAdsInfoCallback. This callback will be invoked by this call before any RemoteMediaClient.Listener instances are invoked. This gives sender app a chance to parse information about Ads from the custom data field inside the current MediaStatus. The returned values of the callback methods will be used by the framework to render Ads on various framework provided UIs.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setPlaybackRate (double playbackRate, JSONObject customData)

Sets the playback rate for the current media item and can pass along custom data.

playbackRate A value that is between MediaLoadOptions.PLAYBACK_RATE_MIN and MediaLoadOptions.PLAYBACK_RATE_MAX. The normal rate is 1.0.
customData custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
IllegalArgumentException If playbackRate is out of range.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setPlaybackRate (double playbackRate)

Sets the playback rate for the current media item.

playbackRate A value that is between MediaLoadOptions.PLAYBACK_RATE_MIN and MediaLoadOptions.PLAYBACK_RATE_MAX as the multiplier of the normal rate. The normal rate is 1.0.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If playbackRate is out of range.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setStreamMute (boolean muted)

Toggles the stream muting.

muted true if the stream should be muted. false if the stream should be unmuted.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setStreamMute (boolean muted, JSONObject customData)

Toggles the stream muting.

muted true if the stream should be muted. false if the stream should be unmuted.
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setStreamVolume (double volume, JSONObject customData)

Sets the stream volume. If volume is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0], then the value will be clipped.

volume The new volume, in the range [0.0 - 1.0].
customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If the volume is infinity or NaN.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setStreamVolume (double volume)

Sets the stream volume of the current media item. When the stream volume has been updated, RemoteMediaClient.Listener.onStatusUpdated() will be called.

volume The new volume, in the range [0.0 - 1.0].
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If the volume is infinity or NaN.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> setTextTrackStyle (TextTrackStyle trackStyle)

Sets the text track style.

trackStyle The track style. Must not be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalArgumentException If the trackStyle is null.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> skipAd ()

Skips the playing ad.

  • a PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> stop (JSONObject customData)

Stops playback of the current media item.

customData Custom application-specific data to pass along with the request, may be null.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public PendingResult<RemoteMediaClient.MediaChannelResult> stop ()

Stops playback of the current media item.

  • A PendingResult which can be used to track the progress of the request.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void togglePlayback ()

Toggles remote media playback.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public void unregisterCallback (RemoteMediaClient.Callback callback)

Unregisters the RemoteMediaClient.Callback to stop receiving status updates.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.