
Returns a string representing the type of the given object.

valueObject, default: nullThe object to get the type of.


print(ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(1));  // The string "Integer"
print(ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.Number(1)));  // The string "Integer"
print(ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.String('a string')));  // The string "String"
print(ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.List([1, 'a string'])));  // The string "List"

// ee.Algorithms.ObjectType can be used to get the type of properties
// of ee.Image or ee.Feature objects.
var feature = ee.Feature(
  null,  // No need for geometry in this example.
    'int': 42,
    'int8': ee.Number(-3).int8(),

// The string "Integer"
print('int:', ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(feature.get('int')));
// The string "Long"
print('int8:', ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(feature.get('int8')));

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
print(ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.Number(1)).getInfo())  # The string "Integer"
    ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.String('a string')).getInfo()
)  # The string "String"
    ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(ee.List([1, 'a string'])).getInfo()
)  # The string "List"

# ee.Algorithms.ObjectType can be used to get the type of properties
# of ee.Image or ee.Feature objects.
feature = ee.Feature(
    None,  # No need for geometry in this example.
        'int': 42,
        'int8': ee.Number(-3).int8(),

# The string "Integer"
print('int:', ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(feature.get('int')).getInfo())
# The string "Long"
print('int8:', ee.Algorithms.ObjectType(feature.get('int8')).getInfo())