
A fixed-size thumbnail image generated asynchronously from an ee.Image.

ui.Thumbnail(image, params, onClick, style)ui.Thumbnail
imageImage, optionalThe ee.Image from which to generate the thumbnail. Defaults to an empty ee.Image.
paramsObject, optionalFor an explanation of the possible parameters, see ui.Thumbnail.setParams(). Defaults to an empty object.
onClickFunction, optionalA callback fired when the thumbnail is clicked.
styleObject, optionalAn object of allowed CSS styles with their values to be set for this label. Defaults to an empty object.


// The goal is to create a series of thumbnail images for an elevation dataset
// with different backgrounds. The background layers and image visualization
// are previewed in the Code Editor map before creating the thumbnails.

// Define a black background.
var blackBg = ee.Image.rgb(0, 0, 0)
  .visualize({min: 0, max: 255});
Map.addLayer(blackBg, {}, 'Black background');

// Define a water / land background.
var waterLandBg = ee.Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1').select('bedrock').gt(0.0)
  .visualize({palette: ['cadetblue', 'lightgray']});
Map.addLayer(waterLandBg, {}, 'Water / land background');

// A map display of a digital elevation model (DEM).
var image = ee.Image('AU/GA/DEM_1SEC/v10/DEM-S').select('elevation')
     min: -10.0,
     max: 1300.0,
     palette: [
       '3ae237', 'b5e22e', 'd6e21f', 'fff705', 'ffd611', 'ffb613', 'ff8b13',
       'ff6e08', 'ff500d', 'ff0000', 'de0101', 'c21301', '0602ff', '235cb1',
       '307ef3', '269db1', '30c8e2', '32d3ef', '3be285', '3ff38f', '86e26f'
Map.addLayer(image, {}, 'Elevation');

// Set the center of the map.
var lon = 133.95;
var lat = -24.69;
Map.setCenter(lon, lat, 4);

// Set the basic parameters for the thumbnail.
// Half-width of the thumbnail in degrees in EPSG:3857.
var delta = 22;
// Width and Height of the Thumbail image.
var pixels = 256;

var areaOfInterest = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(
  [lon - delta, lat - delta, lon + delta, lat + delta], null, false);

var parameters = {
  dimensions: [pixels, pixels],
  region: areaOfInterest,
  crs: 'EPSG:3857',
  format: 'png'};

// Create a thumbnail with no background fill.
// Masked pixels will be transparent.
print(ui.Thumbnail({image: image, params: parameters}));

// Use a black background to replace masked image pixels.
var imageWithBlackBg = blackBg.blend(image);
  image: imageWithBlackBg, params: parameters}));

// Use the water / land background to replace masked image pixels.
var imageWithWaterLandBg = waterLandBg.blend(image);
  image: imageWithWaterLandBg, params: parameters}));