
Returns the specified unit of this date.

Date.get(unit, timeZone)Long
this: dateDate
unitStringOne of 'year', 'month' (returns 1-12), 'week' (1-53), 'day' (1-31), 'hour' (0-23), 'minute' (0-59), or 'second' (0-59).
timeZoneString, default: nullThe time zone (e.g., 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.


var date = ee.Date('2021-4-30T07:15:31');

print('Year', date.get('year'));
print('Month', date.get('month'));
print('Week', date.get('week'));
print('Day', date.get('day'));
print('Hour', date.get('hour'));
print('Minute', date.get('minute'));
print('Second', date.get('second'));

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
date = ee.Date('2021-4-30T07:15:31')

display('Year:', date.get('year'))
display('Month:', date.get('month'))
display('Week:', date.get('week'))
display('Day:', date.get('day'))
display('Hour:', date.get('hour'))
display('Minute:', date.get('minute'))
display('Second:', date.get('second'))