(Python only)

Computes a tile by performing an arbitrary computation on image data.

Returns: The pixels as raw image data.

paramsObjectAn object containing parameters with the following possible values:
expression - The expression to compute.
fileFormat - The resulting file format. Defaults to png. See ImageFileFormat for the available formats. There are additional formats that convert the downloaded object to a Python data object. These include: NUMPY_NDARRAY, which converts to a structured NumPy array.
grid - Parameters describing the pixel grid in which to fetch data. Defaults to the native pixel grid of the data.
bandIds - If present, specifies a specific set of bands from which to get pixels.
visualizationOptions - If present, a set of visualization options to apply to produce an 8-bit RGB visualization of the data, rather than returning the raw data.
workloadTag - User supplied tag to track this computation.


See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Region of interest.
coords = [
region = ee.Geometry.Point(coords)

# Sentinel-2 median composite.
image = (ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
              .filterDate('2020-04-01', '2020-09-01')

# Make a projection to discover the scale in degrees.
proj = ee.Projection('EPSG:4326').atScale(10).getInfo()

# Get scales out of the transform.
scale_x = proj['transform'][0]
scale_y = -proj['transform'][4]

# Make a request object.
request = {
    'expression': image,
    'fileFormat': 'PNG',
    'bandIds': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
    'grid': {
        'dimensions': {
            'width': 640,
            'height': 640
        'affineTransform': {
            'scaleX': scale_x,
            'shearX': 0,
            'translateX': coords[0],
            'shearY': 0,
            'scaleY': scale_y,
            'translateY': coords[1]
        'crsCode': proj['crs'],
    'visualizationOptions': {'ranges': [{'min': 0, 'max': 3000}]},

image_png =
# Do something with the image...