
Rename the bands of an image.

Returns the renamed image.

this: imageImageThe Image instance.
var_argsListThe new names for the bands. Must match the number of bands in the Image.


// A Sentinel-2 surface reflectance image.
var img = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20210109T185751_20210109T185931_T10SEG')
              .select(['B11', 'B8', 'B3']);
print('Original selected S2 image band names', img.bandNames());

print('Rename bands using a list (JavaScript array or ee.List)',
      img.rename(['SWIR1', 'NIR', 'GREEN']).bandNames());

print('Rename bands using a series of string arguments',
      img.rename('swir1', 'nir', 'green').bandNames());

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# A Sentinel-2 surface reflectance image.
img = ee.Image(
).select(['B11', 'B8', 'B3'])
print('Original selected S2 image band names:', img.bandNames().getInfo())

print('Rename bands using a list (Python list or ee.List):',
      img.rename(['SWIR1', 'NIR', 'GREEN']).bandNames().getInfo())

print('Rename bands using a series of string arguments:',
      img.rename('swir1', 'nir', 'green').bandNames().getInfo())