
Constructs a new Dictionary.

dictComputedObject|Object, optionalAn object to convert to a dictionary. This constructor accepts the following types: 1) Another dictionary. 2) A list of key/value pairs. 3) A null or no argument (producing an empty dictionary)


// A dictionary input (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
var dict = {
  B1: 182,
  B2: 219,
  B3: 443
print('ee.Dictionary from dictionary input', ee.Dictionary(dict));

// A list of key/value pairs (from previous dictionary).
var list = [
  'B1', 182,
  'B2', 219,
  'B3', 443
print('ee.Dictionary from list input', ee.Dictionary(list));

// To create an ee.Dictionary from two corresponding lists of keys and values,
// use the ee.Dictionary.fromLists constructor.
var keys = ['B1', 'B2', 'B3'];
var values = [182, 219, 443];
print('Dictionary from lists of keys and values',
      ee.Dictionary.fromLists(keys, values));

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# A dictionary input (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
dic = {
    'B1': 182,
    'B2': 219,
    'B3': 443
print('ee.Dictionary from dictionary input:', ee.Dictionary(dic).getInfo())

# A list of key/value pairs (from previous dictionary).
lst = [
    'B1', 182,
    'B2', 219,
    'B3', 443
print('ee.Dictionary from list input', ee.Dictionary(lst).getInfo())