
Convert a number to a string using printf-style formatting.

this: numberNumberThe number to convert to a string.
patternString, default: "%s"A printf-style format string. For example, '%.2f' produces numbers formatted like '3.14', and '%05d' produces numbers formatted like '00042'. The format string must satisfy the following criteria:
  1. Zero or more prefix characters.
  2. Exactly one '%'.
  3. Zero or more modifier characters in the set [#-+ 0,(.\d].
  4. Exactly one conversion character in the set [sdoxXeEfgGaA].
  5. Zero or more suffix characters.
For more about format strings, see


Code Editor (JavaScript)

print('Zero-fill to length of 3',
      ee.Number(1).format('%03d'));  // 001

print('Include 1 decimal place in 1.2347',
      ee.Number(1.23476).format('%.1f'));  // 1.2

print('Include 3 decimal places in 1.2347',
      ee.Number(1.23476).format('%.3f'));  // 1.235 (rounds up)

print('Scientific notation with 3 decimal places shown',
      ee.Number(123476).format('%.3e'));  // 1.235e+05 (rounds up)

print('Integer with 2 decimal places of precision',
      ee.Number(123476).format('%.2f'));  // 123476.00

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

print('Zero-fill to length of 3:',
      ee.Number(1).format('%03d').getInfo())  # 001

print('Include 1 decimal place in 1.2347:',
      ee.Number(1.23476).format('%.1f').getInfo())  # 1.2

print('Include 3 decimal places in 1.2347:',
      ee.Number(1.23476).format('%.3f').getInfo())  # 1.235 (rounds up)

print('Scientific notation with 3 decimal places shown:',
      ee.Number(123476).format('%.3e').getInfo())  # 1.235e+05 (rounds up)

print('Integer with 2 decimal places of precision:',
      ee.Number(123476).format('%.2f').getInfo())  # 123476.00