
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the input.

this: inputNumberThe input value.


// Input angle in radians.
print('Hyperbolic cosine of -5', ee.Number(-5).cosh());  // 74.209948524
print('Hyperbolic cosine of -1', ee.Number(-1).cosh());  // 1.543080634
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 0', ee.Number(0).cosh());  // 1
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 1', ee.Number(1).cosh());  // 1.543080634
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 5', ee.Number(5).cosh());  // 74.209948524

// Convert degrees to radians.
var degrees = 45;
var radians = degrees * (Math.PI/180);
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 45 degrees',
      ee.Number(radians).cosh());  // 1.324609089

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
import math

# Input angle in radians.
print('Hyperbolic cosine of -5:',
      ee.Number(-5).cosh().getInfo())  # 74.209948524
print('Hyperbolic cosine of -1:', ee.Number(-1).cosh().getInfo())  # 1.543080634
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 0:', ee.Number(0).cosh().getInfo())  # 1
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 1:', ee.Number(1).cosh().getInfo())  # 1.543080634
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 5:', ee.Number(5).cosh().getInfo())  # 74.209948524

# Convert degrees to radians.
degrees = 45
radians = degrees * (math.pi/180)
print('Hyperbolic cosine of 45 degrees:',
      ee.Number(radians).cosh().getInfo())  # 1.324609089