
Returns numeric values of a dictionary as an array. If no keys are specified, all values are returned in the natural ordering of the dictionary's keys. The default 'axis' is 0.

Dictionary.toArray(keys, axis)Array
this: dictionaryDictionary
keysList, default: null
axisInteger, default: 0


// A dictionary (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
var dict = ee.Dictionary({
  B1: 182,
  B2: 219,
  B3: 443

print('Values for selected keys converted to ee.Array',
      dict.toArray(['B1', 'B2']));
print('Values for all keys converted to ee.Array',

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# A dictionary (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
dic = ee.Dictionary({
    'B1': 182,
    'B2': 219,
    'B3': 443

print('Values for selected keys converted to ee.Array:',
      dic.toArray(['B1', 'B2']).getInfo())
print('Values for all keys converted to ee.Array:',