
Rename elements in a dictionary.

Dictionary.rename(from, to, overwrite)Dictionary
this: dictionaryDictionary
fromListA list of keys to be renamed.
toListA list of the new names for the keys listed in the 'from' parameter. Must have the same length as the 'from' list.
overwriteBoolean, default: falseAllow overwriting existing properties with the same name.


// A dictionary (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
var dict = ee.Dictionary({
  B1: 182,
  B2: 219,
  B3: 443

// Define from-to key name lists for selected keys.
var from = ['B2', 'B3'];
var to = ['Band_2', 'Band_3'];
print('Renamed keys', dict.rename(from, to));

print('Overwrite existing key names, e.g. B3 becomes B1',
      dict.rename({from: ['B3'], to: ['B1'], overwrite: true}));

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# A dictionary (e.g. results of ee.Image.reduceRegion of an S2 image).
dic = ee.Dictionary({
    'B1': 182,
    'B2': 219,
    'B3': 443

# Define from-to key name lists for selected keys.
frm = ['B2', 'B3']
to = ['Band_2', 'Band_3']
print('Renamed keys:', dic.rename(frm, to).getInfo())

dic_overwrite = dic.rename(**{'from': ['B3'], 'to': ['B1'], 'overwrite': True})
print('Overwrite existing key names, e.g. B3 becomes B1:',