
Copies metadata properties from one element to another.

FeatureCollection.copyProperties(source, properties, exclude)Element
this: destinationElement, default: nullThe object whose properties to override.
sourceElement, default: nullThe object from which to copy the properties.
propertiesList, default: nullThe properties to copy. If omitted, all ordinary (i.e. non-system) properties are copied.
excludeList, default: nullThe list of properties to exclude when copying all properties. Must not be specified if properties is.


// Import a Landsat 8 surface reflectance image to sample.
var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2/LC08_038032_20170722')
                // Select the optical bands.

// Get the image geometry to define the geographical bounds of the sample.
var imageBounds = image.geometry();

// Sample the image at a set of random points; a feature collection is returned.
var pointSampleFc = image.sample(
    {region: imageBounds, scale: 30, numPixels: 5, geometries: true});

// Copy image properties to the FeatureCollection; three options follow.
print('All non-system image properties copied to the FeatureCollection',

print('Selected image properties copied to the FeatureCollection',
        source: image,
        properties: ['system:time_start', 'SPACECRAFT_ID']

print('All but selected image properties copied to the FeatureCollection',
        source: image,

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Import a Landsat 8 surface reflectance image to sample.
image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2/LC08_038032_20170722').select(
    # Select the optical bands.

# Get the image geometry to define the geographical bounds of the sample.
image_bounds = image.geometry()

# Sample the image at a set of random points; a feature collection is returned.
point_sample_fc = image.sample(
    **{'region': image_bounds, 'scale': 30, 'numPixels': 5, 'geometries': True})

# Copy image properties to the FeatureCollection; three options follow.
print('All non-system image properties copied to the FeatureCollection:',

print('Selected image properties copied to the FeatureCollection:',
          'source': image,
          'properties': ['system:time_start', 'SPACECRAFT_ID']

print('All but selected image properties copied to the FeatureCollection:',
          'source': image,
          'exclude': ['TIRS_SSM_MODEL', 'TIRS_SSM_POSITION_STATUS']