
On an element-wise basis, computes the arc sine in radians of the input.

this: inputArrayThe input array.


Code Editor (JavaScript)

print(ee.Array([-1]).asin());  // [-π/2]
print(ee.Array([0]).asin());  // [0]
print(ee.Array([1]).asin());  // [π/2]

var start = -1;
var end = 1;
var points = ee.Array(ee.List.sequence(start, end, null, 50));
var values = points.asin();

// Plot asin() defined above.
var chart = ui.Chart.array.values(values, 0, points)
      viewWindow: {min: start, max: end},
      hAxis: {
        title: 'x',
        viewWindowMode: 'maximized',
        ticks: [
          {v: start, f: start},
          {v: 0, f: 0},
          {v: end, f: end}]
      vAxis: {
        title: 'asin(x)',
        ticks: [
          {v: -Math.PI / 2, f: '-π/2'},
          {v: 0, f: 0},
          {v: Math.PI / 2, f: 'π/2'}]
      lineWidth: 1,
      pointSize: 0,

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

import math
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd

display(ee.Array([-1]).asin())  # [-π/2]
display(ee.Array([0]).asin())  # [0]
display(ee.Array([1]).asin())  # [π/2]

start = -1
end = 1
points = ee.Array(ee.List.sequence(start, end, None, 50))
values = points.asin()

df = pd.DataFrame({'x': points.getInfo(), 'asin(x)': values.getInfo()})

# Plot asin() defined above.
    x=alt.X('x', axis=alt.Axis(values=[start, 0, end])),
    y=alt.Y('asin(x)', axis=alt.Axis(values=[-math.pi / 2, 0, math.pi / 2]))