
Returns an array with the given coordinates.

ee.Array(values, pixelType)Array
valuesObjectAn existing array to cast, or a number/list of numbers/nested list of numbers of any depth to create an array from. For nested lists, all inner arrays at the same depth must have the same length and numbers may only be present at the deepest level.
pixelTypePixelType, default: nullThe type of each number in the values argument. If the pixel type is not provided, it will be inferred from the numbers in 'values'. If there aren't any numbers in 'values', this type must be provided.


// Requires an explicit PixelType if no data.
print(ee.Array([], ee.PixelType.int8()));  // Empty []
print(ee.Array([[]], ee.PixelType.uint8()));  // Empty [[]]
print(ee.Array([[], []], ee.PixelType.float()));  // Empty [[], []]

// 1-D Arrays
print(ee.Array([0]));  // [0]
print(ee.Array([0, 1]));  // [0, 1]
// 2-D Arrays
print(ee.Array([[1]]));  // [[1]]
print(ee.Array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]));  // [[0,1],[2,3]]

// Arrays from ee.Number.
print(ee.Array([ee.Number(123).toUint8()]));  // [123]

// Lists are useful ways to construct larger Arrays.
print(ee.Array(ee.List.sequence(0, 10, 2)));  // // [0,2,4,6,8,10]

// Arrays can be used to make Arrays.
var array1D = ee.Array([1, 2, 3]);
// This is a cast.
print(ee.Array(array1D));  // [1,2,3]

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Requires an explicit PixelType if no data.
print(ee.Array([], ee.PixelType.int8()).getInfo())  # Empty []
print(ee.Array([[]], ee.PixelType.uint8()).getInfo())  # Empty [[]]
print(ee.Array([[], []], ee.PixelType.float()).getInfo())  # Empty [[], []]

# 1-D Arrays
print(ee.Array([0]).getInfo())  # [0]
print(ee.Array([0, 1]).getInfo())  # [0, 1]
# 2-D Arrays
print(ee.Array([[1]]).getInfo())  # [[1]]
print(ee.Array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]).getInfo())  # [[0,1],[2,3]]

# Arrays from ee.Number.
print(ee.Array([ee.Number(123).toUint8()]).getInfo())  # [123]

# Lists are useful ways to construct larger Arrays.
print(ee.Array(ee.List.sequence(0, 10, 2)).getInfo())  # [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

# Arrays can be used to make Arrays.
array_one = ee.Array([1, 2, 3])
# This is a cast.
print(ee.Array(array_one).getInfo())  # [1, 2, 3]